Friday, May 30, 2008

Free For All Friday

A number of comments regarding Weatherby Lake Living have been posted. Just a personal comment. I have sent emails to both Debbie Leafblad and Pat Medill in the past three weeks regarding the members of the Editorial Board of the publication. Pat has not responded to my emails and Debbie has deferred to Pat. I simply asked if they could/would disclose who is on the Editorial Board. I also asked Debbie, if she didn't know who is on the Board, who at MET Media Group could tell me. She has not responded to that request. Not sure why this is a mystery.

Pat Medill

Debbie Leafblad

MET Media Group

Thursday, May 29, 2008

SPIROGYRA (No, not the jazz ensemble)

From the WLIC President:

To all:

In doing some research on the green colored algae that we have had several reports on, I have been informed of the following by our Lake Chemist:

It is called SPIROGYRA and is NOT part of the "blue green" algae family. This is good from an ecology standpoint. Our last year's algae was a red looking, blue green algae which can be troublesome to water quality.

Fortunately the Spirogyra tends to be relatively harmless and should dissipate with warm weather. Do to climate, there seems to be a larger amount in our geographic area than usual. What we are seeing at Weatherby Lake is algae that actually is growing under the water surface. When it is going through photosynthesis the oxygen bubbles cause it to rise to the surface. The algae may change color and have more yellow in it before it is gone.

Hopefully this information is helpful.

Joe Ennett

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back on the Block

Traveling and out of town for the past three weeks makes for bad blogging, but I am back. Lots of happenings on the local scene including but not limited to: Dusenberry ethics lapse, DFA on the WSJ, Platte County considers Fire Protection consolidation, Consulting opportunities for the City of WL, Medill refuses to disclose editorial board of Weatherby Lake Living, Fishing Club Freezer, City continues spending spree @ Community Center, Bubba makes a comeback...and more.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Free For All Friday

Better late than never, back to WL after a week on the road. Interesting comments on the BOA meeting, sorry I was not there.

A few thoughts on the comments of the meeting. The expired water contract isn't really news, it has been expired for some time, and periodic updates have been given at BOA meetings. Like everything else, KC MO is wit, Peret Property, Barry Road. No big impact here, fact is they (KC) need our business as a customer...don't think they would consider closing the spigot.

Based on the comments about the Clean Water compliance hard to tell what the issue is. In the past it has been pretty much a cut and paste situation. The City continues to make steady progress on storm water. I rather doubt we are in danger of paying a fine of $10,000 a day.

The apparent concern about the City audit is puzzling. The audit has been conducted in the current format for some time. It has not prevented the City from completing two bond issues and obtaining a number of grants. The City has been compliant in posting financials semi-annually as required by law. I'd have to dig further, but the innuendo is reminiscent of the WLIC audits of audits. The new audit firm represents the 3rd firm in 6 years, a healthy turnover, in my opinion, to have a fresh set of eyes on the City finances.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Public Hearing and BOA Meeting Tonight

The City is required to have a public hearing if there is proposed increase in the cost of utilities, that starts at 6:30 tonight, the BOA begins at 7PM, on the newly scheduled date. Agenda follows:

A Regular Board Meeting of the Weatherby Lake Board of Aldermen will be held at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at City Hall, 7200 NW Eastside Dr., Weatherby Lake, Missouri
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Mayor’s Communications to the Board
Barry Rd-update
Water contract
Waste collection contract
Temporary summer employment
Proposed office hours
Committee & Liaison Discussion
Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes for the April 15, 2008 regular board meeting
Approval of Bill Payments made/to be made=$140,265.51
General Fund $39,755.74
Road & Street Fund $ 3,825.88
Water & Sewer Fund $66,259.20
Road Improvement Fund $30,424.69
􀂙 Public Works
Written report submitted
Ponzer-Youngquist agreement relative to sanitary sewer proposal
ACE Pipe Cleaning, Inc. proposal
Bill NO. 1032 Ordinance NO. 1031, an ordinance approving the contract with ACE Pipe Cleaning, Inc. for the purposes of inspecting and cleaning sanitary sewer lines
􀂙 Finance
Written report submitted
Current CD balances April 2008 (update on Bank Midwest CD)
Audit update
􀂙 Police
Road sign installation on Westside Dr
Hiring part-time officer
􀂙 Court
Written report submitted
􀂙 Community Center
Written report submitted
Approve reduction of rental fee for Women’s Club/Irish- American Club-motion
Community Center update-Hoy/White
􀂙 Computer Administrator
Written report submitted
􀂙 Parks
Written report submitted
􀂙 Planning Commission
􀂙 Historical
Written report submitted
Ordinances and Consideration of Ordinances
Bill NO. 1030 Ordinance NO. 1029, an ordinance approving the contract extension with J& M Displays, Inc. for the Fourth of July fireworks displays
Bill NO. 1031 Ordinance NO. 1030, an ordinance repealing Section 600.230 of the Weatherby Lake Municipal Code.
Open Floor to Visitors (Limited to a total of fifteen (15) minutes)
Old Business
Clean up day
New Business
Closed Session
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, SUBJECT TO A MOTION DULY MADE AND ADOPTED, THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN may also hold a closed meeting for the purpose of dealing with matters relating to one or more of the following:
• Legal actions, Cause of Action, Litigation or privileged communications between the City’s Representatives and it’s attorneys: 610.021(1)
• Lease, Purchase or Sale of Real Estate: 610.021(2)
• Hiring, Firing, Disciplining or Promoting Employees: 610.021(3)
• Preparing for Negotiations with Employee Groups: 610.021(9)
• Bidding Specifications: 610.021(11)
• Proprietary Technology Materials: 610.021(15)
Posted 5-02-08
Gwen Cenac
City Clerk

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Power Rule-Gene Roberts

After my detour of last week (as described in a previous post) I do intend to complete the Power Rule feature for the three public officials yet to be posted (Roberts, Finn, York). Today, Mr. Roberts.

The last two Power Rule posts, Hoy and White, were based upon campaign literature sent or handed out by the then candidates and covered the past year. Gene was elected, two years ago and unopposed. I do not recall Gene sending or handing out any campaign literature. He did participate in the candidates forum. I do not have notes from that session, although I did attend.

As a memory jogger, Gene was the Mayor Pro Tem this past year. This was Gene's second tour as West Ward alderman, having served some years previously. You may have attended a Board meeting or had an interaction with Gene that merits your comment on his performance from your point of view. Comments?

Friday, May 2, 2008

New Feature-Free For All Friday

Thanks to one inspired blogamaniac for the name of this new feature, Free For All Friday. Many of you post comments, usually responding to a topic, but sometimes not. If you haven't, look at some of the comments, always interesting. The idea for FFAF is to post whatever is on your mind. Hopefully related to Weatherby Lake. Anyway, have at it


The reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated! A series of events including problems with my DSL, work demands and worst of all a case of blogalethargy have prevented updates until now. I'm baaack. Thanks for your many comments, both on the site, in person and/or phone. I will respond to those that require so (including Brian) hopefully in the next day or so.

Quite a series of storms last night. The second set around 2AM woke me up, it was pouring. Too dark to assess impact yet, but I feel sure we have another wave of "chocolate" to view in the lake as day breaks. My "Chocolate" posting last week evoked some fairly emotional responses, your concerns about the future of our lake is evident. Have you talked with you alderman and/or mayor about it? Have you called a WLIC board member or President Joe Ennett? Have you asked them what the game plan is to deal with the current and coming storm water problems? Most importantly, have you asked them how you can help? Don't wait and assume somebody else will handle it...this is your lake, your property, your lifestyle. For those who mobilized because of the closing of the Community Center...imagine closing the lake? Far fetched? Tell me what you think?