Absent WithOutLetting the aldermen know.
For all those familiar with military service, AbsentWithOutLeave (AWOL) is basically abandoning your post without permission...I have a personal story about being AWOL...but I digress.
I mentioned Mayor Botbyl was not present for the BOA meeting this month, Alderman Stevenson as Mayor Pro Tem presided over the meeting. Apparently Hizzoner continues to be away, but did not let Aldermen Finn, Richmond and Clark know about his extended absence. Presumably he let Stevenson know, I would think. Botbyl did let City staff know. Why not the alderman? You would have to ask him but it seems to fit the pattern of lack of communication with the Board. A bit irritating wouldn't you say?
How does this play into the renewed City interest in enforcing codes? We'll have to wait until the next BOA.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Muddy Waters
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
14 Sept
After addressing the continuing fluff issue of noise abatement from aircraft at MCI, the BOA was blistered during public comments regarding the lack of enforcement of erosion control in the City. Bob Campbell, Jim and Carol Getty, made comments about a property on Westside Drive. The house being built is directly across from the Getty's at 7709 Westside Drive. If you have driven on Westside Drive at all this past year you are well familiar with the house, modern appearing, relatively steep slope and a mess when it comes to runoff. The mud from the property has flown across the street on to the Getty property as well as into the access area...and according to the Getty's, siltation into the lake. Additionally Mr Campbell made remarks in regards to the lack of siltation control measure in WestRidge as well. (He had made similar remarks earlier this year at a BOA meeting). Campbell asked the Police Chief how many citations had been issued this year, his first response was "2".
The conversation bounced from the Board, to the Chief, to Dept of Public Works and back to Campbell and the Getty's. The frustration of the citizens has was apparent. Add to this the concerns voiced by the City Attorney of what a "nuisance" is, based on recent decisions by the State Legislature, inserted another element for indecision (this came up regarding the overgrown weeds on the Duncan property).
Some perspective. I have attended many BOA meetings since the development of Sonoma/WestRidge began. There has been over time commentary to the Board, and by the Board on siltation issues, lack of portapotties, construction equipment blocking roads, etc. Mr Campbell's question, how many citations/tickets have been issued is a good one. My guess is, not many, until now. I understand this has picked up this past week after the BOA meeting...interesting, huh?
Some questions. Who has the responsibility to insure City Codes are enforced? The supervisor of Public Works and Public safety and chief administrative officer of the City is the Mayor. Why has he not made Code enforcement a priority? Where does WLIC leadership stand regarding protecting the lake from siltation? We know they are active on the E coli problems, If they are supportive of the "Getty" situation, it is has not been made public.
Another point of interest...the uptick of enforcement has begun as the Mayor is AWOL from City Hall. Subject of the next post.
14 Sept
After addressing the continuing fluff issue of noise abatement from aircraft at MCI, the BOA was blistered during public comments regarding the lack of enforcement of erosion control in the City. Bob Campbell, Jim and Carol Getty, made comments about a property on Westside Drive. The house being built is directly across from the Getty's at 7709 Westside Drive. If you have driven on Westside Drive at all this past year you are well familiar with the house, modern appearing, relatively steep slope and a mess when it comes to runoff. The mud from the property has flown across the street on to the Getty property as well as into the access area...and according to the Getty's, siltation into the lake. Additionally Mr Campbell made remarks in regards to the lack of siltation control measure in WestRidge as well. (He had made similar remarks earlier this year at a BOA meeting). Campbell asked the Police Chief how many citations had been issued this year, his first response was "2".
The conversation bounced from the Board, to the Chief, to Dept of Public Works and back to Campbell and the Getty's. The frustration of the citizens has was apparent. Add to this the concerns voiced by the City Attorney of what a "nuisance" is, based on recent decisions by the State Legislature, inserted another element for indecision (this came up regarding the overgrown weeds on the Duncan property).
Some perspective. I have attended many BOA meetings since the development of Sonoma/WestRidge began. There has been over time commentary to the Board, and by the Board on siltation issues, lack of portapotties, construction equipment blocking roads, etc. Mr Campbell's question, how many citations/tickets have been issued is a good one. My guess is, not many, until now. I understand this has picked up this past week after the BOA meeting...interesting, huh?
Some questions. Who has the responsibility to insure City Codes are enforced? The supervisor of Public Works and Public safety and chief administrative officer of the City is the Mayor. Why has he not made Code enforcement a priority? Where does WLIC leadership stand regarding protecting the lake from siltation? We know they are active on the E coli problems, If they are supportive of the "Getty" situation, it is has not been made public.
Another point of interest...the uptick of enforcement has begun as the Mayor is AWOL from City Hall. Subject of the next post.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Airport Noise Angst
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 13
The Mayor was not present for the meeting (no reason announced) so Mayor Pro Tem Stevenson pinch hit in the Chair seat. 8 citizens appeared for the free entertainment.
One of the topics discussed by the Board was the ongoing concern regarding overflights/noise created by air traffic over the lake. Alderman Richmond mentioned what seems to be rather ineffective calls to a gentleman named Bob Johnson at the airfield, apparently the all hands on deck appeal got nowhere. The urban legend of agreements, formal and informal, between airport officials/FFA and WL (at some point in the past) continues, with notions of "the box" and flight path restrictions almost always brought up. And so, the rather pointless back and forth continues. It is almost as if there is nothing else to focus on.
But WL officials got hammered by a few citizens on an important issue not on the evening agenda. That will be the subject of the next post.
September 13
The Mayor was not present for the meeting (no reason announced) so Mayor Pro Tem Stevenson pinch hit in the Chair seat. 8 citizens appeared for the free entertainment.
One of the topics discussed by the Board was the ongoing concern regarding overflights/noise created by air traffic over the lake. Alderman Richmond mentioned what seems to be rather ineffective calls to a gentleman named Bob Johnson at the airfield, apparently the all hands on deck appeal got nowhere. The urban legend of agreements, formal and informal, between airport officials/FFA and WL (at some point in the past) continues, with notions of "the box" and flight path restrictions almost always brought up. And so, the rather pointless back and forth continues. It is almost as if there is nothing else to focus on.
But WL officials got hammered by a few citizens on an important issue not on the evening agenda. That will be the subject of the next post.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Horsing Around
After over a decade of serving on the BZA (Board of Zoning Adjustment) I sat on the other side of the bench in observing a BZA hearing from the cheap seats as part of the public. The hearing was held last week to consider the request by a prospective buyer of the "Duncan property" (corner of Barry and Potomac...often referred to as the Horse Farm) to house horses on the property. A little background.
The property actually resides partially in KCMO, and it was mentioned at the hearing, the property was annexed many years ago into the city...but without privileges for the WLIC. The Duncan's kept horses on the property, up to 4, during the time there were there. Mr Duncan has passed away, Mrs Duncan lives in a nursing home and their son, who lives in Wyoming, is in charge of the estate. Based on testimony at the hearing, horses have not been kept on the property for over two years. Thus the problem. The City Code was updated in the mid-80's in regards to animals, allowing for only cats and dogs. The Duncan's horses were "grandfathered" based on their status prior to the Code update. The City Code also has a "Cessation" clause, basically stating a non-conforming use, once abandoned, must go through the request for a variance if an owner so desires. Still with me? So the Restrepo family desired to buy the property and house horses there. They are not currently residents of WL and board horses off Mace Road.
The hearing was well attended, around 30 people. The Restrepo's and their attorney outlined their plans for the property. Most of the adjacent property owners, with one exception, were in favor of the variance. Underlying a few of their comments were concerns about the property being subdivided, the son of the owner's Mr Jones, mentioned in his written comments, the subdividing as "Plan B" if the property was not able to be sold to house horses. Opposing comments, from former WLIC Prez Joe Ennett, current Prez Rick Neece, and Director Beth Moraitis, all cited potential contamination of the lake if runoff from the property containing E Coli from horse feces flowed into the lake. Similar problems with runoff from property east of the Lake (Owens) was mentioned.
After all the comments and testimony the BZA voted 4-0 to deny the request for a variance, the chair, Linda Winter, did not vote. The Restrepo's are left with either appealing the hearing findings in court, modifying their application and request another hearing, or abandoning their quest for the property. Time will tell.
The property actually resides partially in KCMO, and it was mentioned at the hearing, the property was annexed many years ago into the city...but without privileges for the WLIC. The Duncan's kept horses on the property, up to 4, during the time there were there. Mr Duncan has passed away, Mrs Duncan lives in a nursing home and their son, who lives in Wyoming, is in charge of the estate. Based on testimony at the hearing, horses have not been kept on the property for over two years. Thus the problem. The City Code was updated in the mid-80's in regards to animals, allowing for only cats and dogs. The Duncan's horses were "grandfathered" based on their status prior to the Code update. The City Code also has a "Cessation" clause, basically stating a non-conforming use, once abandoned, must go through the request for a variance if an owner so desires. Still with me? So the Restrepo family desired to buy the property and house horses there. They are not currently residents of WL and board horses off Mace Road.
The hearing was well attended, around 30 people. The Restrepo's and their attorney outlined their plans for the property. Most of the adjacent property owners, with one exception, were in favor of the variance. Underlying a few of their comments were concerns about the property being subdivided, the son of the owner's Mr Jones, mentioned in his written comments, the subdividing as "Plan B" if the property was not able to be sold to house horses. Opposing comments, from former WLIC Prez Joe Ennett, current Prez Rick Neece, and Director Beth Moraitis, all cited potential contamination of the lake if runoff from the property containing E Coli from horse feces flowed into the lake. Similar problems with runoff from property east of the Lake (Owens) was mentioned.
After all the comments and testimony the BZA voted 4-0 to deny the request for a variance, the chair, Linda Winter, did not vote. The Restrepo's are left with either appealing the hearing findings in court, modifying their application and request another hearing, or abandoning their quest for the property. Time will tell.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
The Sounds of Silence
Today is the 15th anniversary of what we refer to as "911". One of those events that usually initiates a conversation or thought..."I was...". I do recall vividly where I was and what I was doing. I was on a business teleconference in my office here in WL, a colleague in Indy and another in Pennsylvania were on the phone discussing whatever, the topic was quickly forgotten. Someone in the Pennsylvania office had been on the net when the initial news broke about the attack in NY. Business was quickly set aside, we were all struggling to make sense of the initial news and agreed to end the call. I went to the nearest TV, and the rest, as they say, is history.
One of the almost immediate consequences was the shutting down of the entire air travel system. If you didn't live here at the time it is hard to imagine. Erie silence. No airplanes landing, none taking off. Nothing. For me, the silence was not hallowed but scary. It emphasized our vulnerability. It focused the attack, it disrupted what was normal. In the succeeding days, as I walked from the house to my office and back, I often stopped to listen...all there was, was the sound of silence.
At a few of the last Board of Aldermen meetings there have been comments/discussions regarding airplane noise, flights of planes "out of the box", and the demand by some to do something about it. Alderman Richmond and Mayor Botbyl are both interested in gaining momentum in the community to keep flights from any incursion into WL airspace (neither btw lived here during 911). Jerry Bos, when he was mayor, formed an Airport Noise Committee, with much fanfare. There was an initial wave of enthusiasm, followed by settling in, followed by malaise, followed by eventual disbandment.
One of the reasons we moved to WL in 1999 was proximity to KCI. Business required me to travel about 50% of the time, I grew weary of the trek from Brookside and even more weary of the trip, usually later in the evening back home. I once calculated the time saved by living here versus Brookside, it was substantial. I traded the noise of the city, police and ambulance sirens for the most part, for the sounds of being close to the airport. Funny how the brain accommodates noise so that airplanes are hardly noticed? Okay, we do get flights over WL on occasion. Some I assume out of issues related to weather or other flight path concerns...some maybe not.
But to me, the sounds, when I notice them, are the sounds of commerce. They are the sounds of friends and relatives coming and going, it is the sound of normal. Some folks are apparently annoyed enough to complain to the Mayor and Alderman to take action...whatever that might be.
I am okay with the occasional fly-over, the noise doesn't bother me. My fervernt hope is to never hear the Sounds of Silence and everything it may mean again.
One of the almost immediate consequences was the shutting down of the entire air travel system. If you didn't live here at the time it is hard to imagine. Erie silence. No airplanes landing, none taking off. Nothing. For me, the silence was not hallowed but scary. It emphasized our vulnerability. It focused the attack, it disrupted what was normal. In the succeeding days, as I walked from the house to my office and back, I often stopped to listen...all there was, was the sound of silence.
At a few of the last Board of Aldermen meetings there have been comments/discussions regarding airplane noise, flights of planes "out of the box", and the demand by some to do something about it. Alderman Richmond and Mayor Botbyl are both interested in gaining momentum in the community to keep flights from any incursion into WL airspace (neither btw lived here during 911). Jerry Bos, when he was mayor, formed an Airport Noise Committee, with much fanfare. There was an initial wave of enthusiasm, followed by settling in, followed by malaise, followed by eventual disbandment.
One of the reasons we moved to WL in 1999 was proximity to KCI. Business required me to travel about 50% of the time, I grew weary of the trek from Brookside and even more weary of the trip, usually later in the evening back home. I once calculated the time saved by living here versus Brookside, it was substantial. I traded the noise of the city, police and ambulance sirens for the most part, for the sounds of being close to the airport. Funny how the brain accommodates noise so that airplanes are hardly noticed? Okay, we do get flights over WL on occasion. Some I assume out of issues related to weather or other flight path concerns...some maybe not.
But to me, the sounds, when I notice them, are the sounds of commerce. They are the sounds of friends and relatives coming and going, it is the sound of normal. Some folks are apparently annoyed enough to complain to the Mayor and Alderman to take action...whatever that might be.
I am okay with the occasional fly-over, the noise doesn't bother me. My fervernt hope is to never hear the Sounds of Silence and everything it may mean again.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
OOgle GOOgle
Just a reminder, @ City Hall tonight, 630PM, Google will be present to update those interested in the soon to be launched construction phase of Fiber. The monthly BOA meeting will follow.
The Empire Strikes Back
Last comment on previous post...two alternates (Hoy/Eckerle), two nominations to the regular seats, two failure to confirm. Why? Failure of the Mayor and some BOA members (Richmond/Stevenson) to be aware of or investigate previous history of the City. It is all there to discover...but one has to perform due diligence...which tends not to be the case in this administration.
Open comments are never captured in the BOA minutes other than mentioning that an individual made a comment. I raised my hand to comment on the agenda item (appointees) which was held before comments. A summary of my comments, in regards to my not being reappointed to the BZA.
I thanked the City for the opportunity to serve the community the past 13 years as an alderman and member of the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning adjustment. I had made my interest in being reappointed to the Mayor and Chair of the BZA, Linda Winters known prior to the meeting as well as board members. The Mayor never responded to my request other than to say thank you for your service...Winters told me to tell the mayor I wanted to serve.
But you know the reason...thus the analogy I used to describe the situation from the fairy tale regarding the emperor...the townspeople saw the emperor had no clothes but chose not to say anything. In my case, Botbyl's actions, or lack, were pure political pay back. I think it is fair to say I have been critical of the Mayor on occasion. I voted NO, on a request by his pal and colleague Alderman Stevenson when Stevenson approached the BZA for a variance...I was not the only NO vote BTW. Thus followed the Stevenson replat mess with the Finn/Clark NO vote and the ensuing controversy, threat by Stevenson to sue Finn/Clark. Nice, huh?
Clark and Finn were up for reelection in April, Botbyl actively supported candidates running against them...citing "fresh ideas". More like packing the Board with sycophants. The voters were smarter than that and both challengers lost. End of story...or is it?
So, Botbyl was able to remove a thorn in his side, me. Best move for the community, I will let you decide. But wait...is the thorn really gone? Temporarily maybe. Alderman Richmond's seat is up next April, the seat that physically sits next to the Mayor. Wouldn't he love to have me sit next to him for the remaining year of his term. I know you don't want to think about next April's elections now...but hold that thought...I am coming.
Open comments are never captured in the BOA minutes other than mentioning that an individual made a comment. I raised my hand to comment on the agenda item (appointees) which was held before comments. A summary of my comments, in regards to my not being reappointed to the BZA.
I thanked the City for the opportunity to serve the community the past 13 years as an alderman and member of the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning adjustment. I had made my interest in being reappointed to the Mayor and Chair of the BZA, Linda Winters known prior to the meeting as well as board members. The Mayor never responded to my request other than to say thank you for your service...Winters told me to tell the mayor I wanted to serve.
But you know the reason...thus the analogy I used to describe the situation from the fairy tale regarding the emperor...the townspeople saw the emperor had no clothes but chose not to say anything. In my case, Botbyl's actions, or lack, were pure political pay back. I think it is fair to say I have been critical of the Mayor on occasion. I voted NO, on a request by his pal and colleague Alderman Stevenson when Stevenson approached the BZA for a variance...I was not the only NO vote BTW. Thus followed the Stevenson replat mess with the Finn/Clark NO vote and the ensuing controversy, threat by Stevenson to sue Finn/Clark. Nice, huh?
Clark and Finn were up for reelection in April, Botbyl actively supported candidates running against them...citing "fresh ideas". More like packing the Board with sycophants. The voters were smarter than that and both challengers lost. End of story...or is it?
So, Botbyl was able to remove a thorn in his side, me. Best move for the community, I will let you decide. But wait...is the thorn really gone? Temporarily maybe. Alderman Richmond's seat is up next April, the seat that physically sits next to the Mayor. Wouldn't he love to have me sit next to him for the remaining year of his term. I know you don't want to think about next April's elections now...but hold that thought...I am coming.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Roberts Does Not Rule
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA, May Meeting
Typically, Boards and Commissions appointments are fairly routine at WL. First, there aren't that many slots to fill at any given time and Second, there isn't this overwhelming clamor from citizens to be part of the process (it is really more like pulling teeth to find good candidates...my apologies to any dentists/hygienists in the group) May is a normal time to do the appointments, terms tend to expire and be filled just after the election in April.
The process is the Mayor nominates, the Council confirms (or you could call it the old advise and consent process). Alderman Clark had made it clear to Mayor Botbyl as earl as February he would like to get the nominee well in advance before considering the vote. The idea being sometimes a nominee could relatively unknown to an alderman. In this case Botbyl sent a list of nominees on Monday prior to the meeting...irritating Clark.
The BZA had a number of openings. One member had left the city, yours truly was non renominated for another term (more on that later) and alternate Hoy had resigned...the Mayor recommended McGovern and alternate Eckerle be named members and Unshield to be an alternate. All good right?
Alderman Clark pointed out there are 3 alternate positions that would be open, according to the city code. Botbyl, deer in the headlights look, was unaware of the City Code language...odd
Motion by Clark to vote individually on each prospective member (this has been done in the past). After a motion, discussion, another motion (not in order) and amended motion and confusing looks on a number of faces...the process proceeded A motion was made to go into close session, apparently to discuss an issue of one the candidates but tied on the table. Motion to consider Eckerle, to move up from the alternate spot failed to gain a second and denied. A truly frustrated Mayor was left with an opening the BZA...
Next...why the Mayor had no clothes...on.
Typically, Boards and Commissions appointments are fairly routine at WL. First, there aren't that many slots to fill at any given time and Second, there isn't this overwhelming clamor from citizens to be part of the process (it is really more like pulling teeth to find good candidates...my apologies to any dentists/hygienists in the group) May is a normal time to do the appointments, terms tend to expire and be filled just after the election in April.
The process is the Mayor nominates, the Council confirms (or you could call it the old advise and consent process). Alderman Clark had made it clear to Mayor Botbyl as earl as February he would like to get the nominee well in advance before considering the vote. The idea being sometimes a nominee could relatively unknown to an alderman. In this case Botbyl sent a list of nominees on Monday prior to the meeting...irritating Clark.
The BZA had a number of openings. One member had left the city, yours truly was non renominated for another term (more on that later) and alternate Hoy had resigned...the Mayor recommended McGovern and alternate Eckerle be named members and Unshield to be an alternate. All good right?
Alderman Clark pointed out there are 3 alternate positions that would be open, according to the city code. Botbyl, deer in the headlights look, was unaware of the City Code language...odd
Motion by Clark to vote individually on each prospective member (this has been done in the past). After a motion, discussion, another motion (not in order) and amended motion and confusing looks on a number of faces...the process proceeded A motion was made to go into close session, apparently to discuss an issue of one the candidates but tied on the table. Motion to consider Eckerle, to move up from the alternate spot failed to gain a second and denied. A truly frustrated Mayor was left with an opening the BZA...
Next...why the Mayor had no clothes...on.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Eye Candy
Not...How long are these signs going to interrupt the beauty of the Lake? Might be a topic for the next BOA meeting coming up. Even more galling is the fact KCMO is taking the liberty of trying to make you feel better for improving the sewer system by "Investing in KC"...with your money. Oh well.
Been a bit remiss since last BOA, I will post a few catch up item from last month in the next two days. Highlights include: skeletons in closets, burying the knife and nakedness...yep, all at the last meeting...in full view. You had to have been there>
Been a bit remiss since last BOA, I will post a few catch up item from last month in the next two days. Highlights include: skeletons in closets, burying the knife and nakedness...yep, all at the last meeting...in full view. You had to have been there>
Sunday, May 15, 2016
William Dick Fickle, 72, of Weatherby Lake, Missouri passed away on May 12, 2016 at his home. He was born October 29, 1943 in Kansas City, MO. He loved his family, his State and his Country. The joy of his life was his family, and we were blessed to have this amazing man in our lives. A 6th generation Platte County resident, Dick served as Prosecuting Attorney, and later in the Missouri State Legislature. He had a private law practice until his retirement in 2012. Dick was active with many civic organizations, including the Native Sons of Kansas City and Royal Order of Jesters. His service to community, youth organizations, Masonic and Philanthropic organizations were an important part of his life. Of the many titles and honors that Dick received over the years, he embraced "Daddy" and "Granddaddy" the most. His most lasting legacy will be his dedication to his children and grandchildren. Dick is survived by his daughter, Tara Bennett and son-in-law Bob Bennett of Parkville, son, William Dick Fickle, Jr. of Blue Springs, and grandchildren Caroline, Ryan and Patrick Bennett of Parkville. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions to the Shriner's Hospitals for Children
, 5100 Ararat Drive, KCMO 64129 or at shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/donate Visitation will be Tuesday, May 17, 2016 from 5-7 pm at Terrace Park Funeral Home, 801 NW 108th St., KCMO. Funeral will be 2:00 pm, Wednesday, May 18 at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, 415 W. 13th St., KCMO. Online condolences may be left at TerraceParkFuneral.com Terrace Park Funeral Home & Cemetery. www.TerraceParkFuneral.com (816) 734-5500
Friday, May 13, 2016
William "Dick" Fickle
Our next door neighbor and friend, Dick Fickle, died at home sometime yesterday. A 911 call went out last evening when he was found unresponsive. Dick was well known in Platte County and had a law practice which he closed in the last two years. Always with a smile, always with a story he was "old school". Our condolences to his family, he will be missed.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Google This
Email received from the G people
Fiberhood construction update |
Hi there, Congratulations! Signups have closed in Weatherby Lake. Your fiberhood met its sign-up goal and has qualified for Google Fiber. We know your burning question is probably: "When are you going to install Fiber in my home?" The truth is, we still have a lot of work to do before we can bring you service. Our current plan is to complete our construction in your area and be ready to schedule your installation appointment by the end of the year. During the coming months, we’d like to reach out to keep you informed on where we are in the construction process. To receive these updates, make sure you're subscribed to receive "News about Google Fiber in my area." But first we thought we’d give you an overview of the journey we take to bring Fiber to you. There are several major steps to bring you Fiber and they don’t always happen in a particular order: At the BOA meeting last night it was revealed the original construction plans included fiber optics to be carried on the utility poles along East and West side drives. George shared the plans have changed based on the fact that the pole route was "to expensive" for Google and they now plan to bury the cable throughout the city. |
Monday, May 9, 2016
If you saw the construction crews on Barry Rd in the past weeks...it was not Google prepping for the WL launch of Google (that line actually was laid long ago on Barry, running right past WL). No, it was the continuing work of the Park Hill School District to connect the school buildings with fiber optics (your tax dollars at work). Google does have a pay up date, I think by the end of this month, for those who have elected to subscribe to Fiber. Once the money is in the till, planning and implementation moves forward. Should be interesting.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
High at WL
Water that is. See the pics from C Point post deluge (photos provided by a loyal reader). A number of folks who have been around WL have commented they have not seen as much rain as we have experienced the past week. Add a half an inch yesterday (Friday).
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Farmer John was able to wade to his water station to measure what you already know...lots of water.
Tuesday: 1.89"
Wednesday: 3.09
Needless to say, the lake is brimming and lots of "extra" stuff has made its way into the lake, compliments of our upstream neighbors.
Monday, April 25, 2016
South Pole
To be precise, South East. I am sure you noticed the light pole supine on the SE corner of Barry and Amity...as well as a bit of glass/plastic on the roadway. This is at least the second time that side of the street, in that vicinity has had a car meets pole incident. You might say the car won in both cases? Not sure about that. The idea of a round about came up during the candidates forum, not much enthusiasm about that, but the intersection does remain a bit of a hazard. I don't know about you but I ride the brake coming West on Barry as I come down the hill approaching Amity. Just don't trust the the scenario.
I'm taking a few days off, but never fear, will be back. Just check or sign up on email.
I'm taking a few days off, but never fear, will be back. Just check or sign up on email.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
I'm Mad at Prince
Pardon the Interruption
Okay, so he is now in the great Purple Rain in the sky...I wanted to have my own tribute song fest to him on my Apple Music...then I came to the realization that his music, at least streaming, is not available in any meaningful way (with the exception of Tidal). What the hell? I did purchase some of his CDs way back so I do have some of his best early work. But, nothing like I could dial up with many artists on Apple Music. Boo, right? Well, Prince from the very beginning was very smart, and very protective of his work and artistic rights. Interestingly it wasn't about the money so much as artistic control...which he had and takes to the grave. I can appreciate that. Supposedly a treasure trove of unpublished music is in his "Vault", co-owned by Warner Bros and him (estate). Wouldn't that be interesting to get at?
So yeah, all you refugees from the 70's/80's music scene you will have to get into your archives or pay up. Just like he wanted you to do.
My favorite, Little Red Corvette. Hmmm, the stories that come with that song.
I'm not really mad at Prince.
Okay, so he is now in the great Purple Rain in the sky...I wanted to have my own tribute song fest to him on my Apple Music...then I came to the realization that his music, at least streaming, is not available in any meaningful way (with the exception of Tidal). What the hell? I did purchase some of his CDs way back so I do have some of his best early work. But, nothing like I could dial up with many artists on Apple Music. Boo, right? Well, Prince from the very beginning was very smart, and very protective of his work and artistic rights. Interestingly it wasn't about the money so much as artistic control...which he had and takes to the grave. I can appreciate that. Supposedly a treasure trove of unpublished music is in his "Vault", co-owned by Warner Bros and him (estate). Wouldn't that be interesting to get at?
So yeah, all you refugees from the 70's/80's music scene you will have to get into your archives or pay up. Just like he wanted you to do.
My favorite, Little Red Corvette. Hmmm, the stories that come with that song.
I'm not really mad at Prince.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Thanks for the inquiries, didn't take long, Blue is staying on WL and moving to the East Side. Close call, money down prevented an interloper from Waukomis to kidnap the boat. With the sale we abdicate forever the opportunity to wrestle the crown of "biggest fleet" from Don Coleman, although putting stickers on all our stuff still takes a couple of days.
Smile, it is Friday and the Royals keep on rolling.
Smile, it is Friday and the Royals keep on rolling.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
One of a Kind on WL
For Sale:
The belle of the ball at Weatherby Lake.
Our beautiful "Blue" 1958 Fiberglass Fleetform classic 14 Ft. runabout is going up for sale.
It is in excellent condition with a bright white new bottom paint and it is clean as a whistle, speaking of whistle it has its wonderful original signature airhorns
Johnson 9.9 outboard, love that it starts right up and runs like a charm.
New prop
Duel shift mechanism changed to single shift last year for ease of use, both available
Canvas boat cover for boating season and complete winter cover for winter
Heavy duty trailer included
We've always kept it on our boat lift which we can sell for cheap if you are interested.
Call Lisa or Mike Moratz at 816-728-7282 or 719-2556
Asking $3800
The belle of the ball at Weatherby Lake.
Our beautiful "Blue" 1958 Fiberglass Fleetform classic 14 Ft. runabout is going up for sale.
It is in excellent condition with a bright white new bottom paint and it is clean as a whistle, speaking of whistle it has its wonderful original signature airhorns
Johnson 9.9 outboard, love that it starts right up and runs like a charm.
New prop
Duel shift mechanism changed to single shift last year for ease of use, both available
Canvas boat cover for boating season and complete winter cover for winter
Heavy duty trailer included
We've always kept it on our boat lift which we can sell for cheap if you are interested.
Call Lisa or Mike Moratz at 816-728-7282 or 719-2556
Asking $3800
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
My Water Tower Runneth Over
See previous post...Water Water
This afternoon (Tuesday) a citizen noted water in/around the water tower, bottom line it is overflowing. Soooo, we have run the tower dry(a week ago Sunday) overflowed the tower(today)...in military lingo that is a "bracket", fire for effect?
Police/Roads/Water/Sewer are the biggies right? Time to TCB, Take Care of Business.
This afternoon (Tuesday) a citizen noted water in/around the water tower, bottom line it is overflowing. Soooo, we have run the tower dry(a week ago Sunday) overflowed the tower(today)...in military lingo that is a "bracket", fire for effect?
Police/Roads/Water/Sewer are the biggies right? Time to TCB, Take Care of Business.
Related articles
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Water, Water, Everywhere...
And not a drop to drink...and more.
You might have noticed a lack of water pressure a week ago Sunday, or you may have seen the advisory posted on Nixle (you can sign up to receive their advisories). It became a non-event as water pressure was restored within an hour. The back story is interesting.
The cause of the water outage was an empty water tower. How did that happen? A valve did not open which caused the tower to empty and not refill as it should. Despite Mayor Botbyl's claims of upgraded software for the tower as one of his achievements, there was a failure. The failure could have gone well beyond inconvenience...what if by coincidence and bad luck a home caught fire during the outage. Catastrophe.
Who came to the rescue? Oddly enough Alan York. He happened to notice the lack of water pressure and immediately called George (Public Works Director). Unable to reach George after multiple calls, Alan called the WL Police, who then put out the Nixle advisory. George eventually responded to the phone calls and made his way in to WL to open the valve. (Neither George nor any of his staff live at WL, so they have to travel in to attend to business). Emergency averted.
It does raise the question of emergency preparedness in the City. Nobody within the City could deal with the valve...Alderman Clark pointed this out at the last BOA meeting and requested to be trained as a backup, which is being done. Clark actually lives a couple of football fields from the tower.
It does bring into question the preparedness of the City to deal with emergencies. Is there a plan, is leadership aware and what happens in worst case scenarios? My guess is there is work to be done.
You might have noticed a lack of water pressure a week ago Sunday, or you may have seen the advisory posted on Nixle (you can sign up to receive their advisories). It became a non-event as water pressure was restored within an hour. The back story is interesting.
The cause of the water outage was an empty water tower. How did that happen? A valve did not open which caused the tower to empty and not refill as it should. Despite Mayor Botbyl's claims of upgraded software for the tower as one of his achievements, there was a failure. The failure could have gone well beyond inconvenience...what if by coincidence and bad luck a home caught fire during the outage. Catastrophe.
Who came to the rescue? Oddly enough Alan York. He happened to notice the lack of water pressure and immediately called George (Public Works Director). Unable to reach George after multiple calls, Alan called the WL Police, who then put out the Nixle advisory. George eventually responded to the phone calls and made his way in to WL to open the valve. (Neither George nor any of his staff live at WL, so they have to travel in to attend to business). Emergency averted.
It does raise the question of emergency preparedness in the City. Nobody within the City could deal with the valve...Alderman Clark pointed this out at the last BOA meeting and requested to be trained as a backup, which is being done. Clark actually lives a couple of football fields from the tower.
It does bring into question the preparedness of the City to deal with emergencies. Is there a plan, is leadership aware and what happens in worst case scenarios? My guess is there is work to be done.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Yesterday (Saturday), with fabulous weather cooperating, the Derchers and Fullmers hosted a "Block Party" from 4 to 7 PM. Bring a dish/dessert and celebrate what hopefully will be a long spring/summer/fall. Entertainment provided by Bruce's band, Match 5, with a healthy dose of kids/grandkids to play in Wayland Park. Fun.
As you know, without traditional blocks, and not having sidewalks to connect homes WL can be a challenge connecting with neighbors. Maybe the concept of "neighborhood parties" needs to be dusted off and revived? (the Venita neighborhood has had a long standing tradition, I am sure there are others). The parks in WL offer the perfect place for a neighborhood party, don't you think? Spontaneous, free form, why not give it a try?
Kudos to Bruce, Margie, Pam, Jim and all those who pitched in.
Terminal Velocity
Quote from KCMO councilman Quinton Lucas after a visit to Southwest @ Love Field:
But Lucas said he was impressed with the improvements that Love Field got for $500 million, and he wants to ensure that Kansas City’s airport modernization does not result in big ticket price increases or deter airlines from expanding their business in Kansas City. On the other hand, Lucas acknowledged Southwest’s point that Kansas City might lose flights if it does not undergo a major modernization.
The current proposal for a new KCI is at $1 billion.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/business/development/article72133067.html#storylink=cpy
But Lucas said he was impressed with the improvements that Love Field got for $500 million, and he wants to ensure that Kansas City’s airport modernization does not result in big ticket price increases or deter airlines from expanding their business in Kansas City. On the other hand, Lucas acknowledged Southwest’s point that Kansas City might lose flights if it does not undergo a major modernization.
The current proposal for a new KCI is at $1 billion.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/business/development/article72133067.html#storylink=cpy
Saturday, April 16, 2016
I vote for Me
The Unofficial Official Minutes of the WL BOA, 13 April
(as recounted from those in attendance)
One of the first duties of the newly seated City Council is to elect a President of the Board also known as Mayor Pro Tem. Duties include acting in the absence of the Mayor which could include presiding over a BOA if the Mayor cannot attend and/or such things as signing checks, again if the Mayor is not present/available. (fyi, I was President of the Board twice and indeed had to fill in for Mayor Mike Henderson during an illness)
The process is the nominations are opened and the Board members can nominate a fellow member. Clark nominated Richmond, Richmond nominated Stevenson. Nominations closed, and discussion was opened. Apparently Richmond was not interested in the nomination and withdrew his nomination. Stevenson was the only name on the table. Discussion was closed and a request for the nomination of Stevenson to be voted on. Richmond, Yes...no second coming from either Finn or Clark. Stevenson then seconded his own nomination (Gee, is that "legal"? No, Stevenson's brother in law was not in the audience, so the legal question never came up...and yes, Mr Stevenson can vote for himself).
Richmond could not escape knowing the acrimony from the Stevenson camp demonstrated during the election campaign towards Finn and Clark. Accepting the nomination might have been a way to reduce tension on the board...and really, for the most part, being President of the Board is not a big deal. What was Richmond thinking? Actions speak louder than words.
(as recounted from those in attendance)
One of the first duties of the newly seated City Council is to elect a President of the Board also known as Mayor Pro Tem. Duties include acting in the absence of the Mayor which could include presiding over a BOA if the Mayor cannot attend and/or such things as signing checks, again if the Mayor is not present/available. (fyi, I was President of the Board twice and indeed had to fill in for Mayor Mike Henderson during an illness)
The process is the nominations are opened and the Board members can nominate a fellow member. Clark nominated Richmond, Richmond nominated Stevenson. Nominations closed, and discussion was opened. Apparently Richmond was not interested in the nomination and withdrew his nomination. Stevenson was the only name on the table. Discussion was closed and a request for the nomination of Stevenson to be voted on. Richmond, Yes...no second coming from either Finn or Clark. Stevenson then seconded his own nomination (Gee, is that "legal"? No, Stevenson's brother in law was not in the audience, so the legal question never came up...and yes, Mr Stevenson can vote for himself).
Richmond could not escape knowing the acrimony from the Stevenson camp demonstrated during the election campaign towards Finn and Clark. Accepting the nomination might have been a way to reduce tension on the board...and really, for the most part, being President of the Board is not a big deal. What was Richmond thinking? Actions speak louder than words.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Ask Your Elected Officials
A new feature of the blog.
The Entrance Advisory Group (EAG) was established in 2009 (yes 7 years ago) with addressing the issue of replacement of the entrance monuments removed as part of the Barry Road project. It expanded into a more ambitious project to replace all the existing city monuments. It wasn't without a little controversy...the projected cost and the destruction of vintage but serviceable monuments. Nonetheless, Jerry Boss was the driving force for establishment of the EAG, primarily as a vehicle to allow deductible donations to fund the project, it was clear the city did not have the funds outside of the $50,000 provided by KCMO as part of the Barry Road construction. From the very beginning it was made clear by Bos and Jim Miller, the chair of the EAG, no public funds would be used to build the monuments. If the city provided work on the project, it would bill back to the EAG funds, a separate account in the city budget. This was done for the monuments at East Side and City Hall. Apparently that was the last time any labor was billed to EAG. This came to light because of (3) city workers laying a pad at the Potomac entrance last week. Are you (the tax payer) paying for a free ride for the EAG? Why hasn't the work from the other monuments been billed to the City. Why haven't other projects (water meters, crack sealing, road patch) been addressed instead of monuments? I don't know but I do know who could give you the answers.
Ask your elected officials.
Mayor Patrick Botbyl - 816 326-8268
The Entrance Advisory Group (EAG) was established in 2009 (yes 7 years ago) with addressing the issue of replacement of the entrance monuments removed as part of the Barry Road project. It expanded into a more ambitious project to replace all the existing city monuments. It wasn't without a little controversy...the projected cost and the destruction of vintage but serviceable monuments. Nonetheless, Jerry Boss was the driving force for establishment of the EAG, primarily as a vehicle to allow deductible donations to fund the project, it was clear the city did not have the funds outside of the $50,000 provided by KCMO as part of the Barry Road construction. From the very beginning it was made clear by Bos and Jim Miller, the chair of the EAG, no public funds would be used to build the monuments. If the city provided work on the project, it would bill back to the EAG funds, a separate account in the city budget. This was done for the monuments at East Side and City Hall. Apparently that was the last time any labor was billed to EAG. This came to light because of (3) city workers laying a pad at the Potomac entrance last week. Are you (the tax payer) paying for a free ride for the EAG? Why hasn't the work from the other monuments been billed to the City. Why haven't other projects (water meters, crack sealing, road patch) been addressed instead of monuments? I don't know but I do know who could give you the answers.
Ask your elected officials.
Mayor Patrick Botbyl - 816 326-8268
Tanya Finn | 816.587.9957 |
Brian Stevenson | 816.746.8563 |
Doug Richmond | 402.540.0078 |
Steve Clark | 816.741.0048 |
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Fear of Not Flying
on line today
American Airlines said that long lines at Transportation Security Administration checkpoints last month caused 1,000 passengers to miss its flights at Chicago O'Hare International Airport. The TSA has cut nationwide checkpoint staffing 10% over the past three years, wrongly predicting a surge in PreCheck program enrollment.
American Airlines said that long lines at Transportation Security Administration checkpoints last month caused 1,000 passengers to miss its flights at Chicago O'Hare International Airport. The TSA has cut nationwide checkpoint staffing 10% over the past three years, wrongly predicting a surge in PreCheck program enrollment.
No Show
Had good intentions of making the BOA last night, but a family outing ran long and just coudn't make the meeting. I will attempt to gain highlights from those who attended and post manana,
In the meantime, an article from today's WSJ, "Air-Travel Survey Reveals American Fliers Habits".
Source:Ipsos Public Affairs. Some highlights:
In the meantime, an article from today's WSJ, "Air-Travel Survey Reveals American Fliers Habits".
Source:Ipsos Public Affairs. Some highlights:
- Travelers value price and airline schedule in deciding whether to travel by air
- Time spent in travel, safety perceptions, operations reliability and convenience of the airport also counted strongly
- Quality of in-flight amenities and amenities at the airport rated much lower
- Before flight, the most important factors for travelers were speed of getting through security and the efficiency of the boarding process.
Why do travelers love KCI? Convenience. I flew to Baltimore last week, landed at the very end of the terminal with a very long walk to baggage (here in KC it is a short stroll) then to a designated area to catch Uber (another long walk) before I could get on my way. Amenities needed, just a stop to use the bathroom. No shopping, no food, just let me be on my way. On the trip out, a very congested security line, which I bypassed with my TSAPre pass. Without that I would not dare think of arriving as late as I usually do. Convenience? Adios, amigo.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
BOA Tonight
Agenda items include:
Agenda items include:
- Mayor's Google update
- Swearing in of the new Board (Finn/Clark/Botbyl)
- Election of Mayor Pro Tem
- Changes to building code
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Free Entertainment
Tomorrow night is the monthly BOA (Board of Aldermen) meeting. The good news it will be free of the fringe element of the last election (you know who you are) and back to the ho-hum...or maybe.
Making nice is tough to do, so we shall see. So, absent new, fresh ideas,the Council will have to move on.
I will try to make the meeting to give you a first hand account of the action...or not.
You know, Parkville broadcasts their meetings for all to see. Possibly that is something for us to consider? At one time we had a budding film historian in the community, but apparently he decided not to continue...to bad?
In any event, come join me.
Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.
Otto von Bismarck
Making nice is tough to do, so we shall see. So, absent new, fresh ideas,the Council will have to move on.
I will try to make the meeting to give you a first hand account of the action...or not.
You know, Parkville broadcasts their meetings for all to see. Possibly that is something for us to consider? At one time we had a budding film historian in the community, but apparently he decided not to continue...to bad?
In any event, come join me.
Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.
Otto von Bismarck
Monday, April 11, 2016
Done Deal
A series of meetings are being held in KCMO this week in regards to the airport redo. Except it appears highly unlikely that a redo is in the making. A new, single terminal plan, at a cost of a billion dollars or more is all but assured. But not before the voters have a say...if you live in KCMO. Look for the same approach by Sly and his pals on the council as they did with the earnings tax, encourage KCMO residents to vote yes, imply that many users are from outside KCMO and there will be no financing by "general taxpayer dollars".
I fly minimum twice a month, sometimes much more. I fly through/to new airports as well as old (yes Newark and LaGuardia are 3rd world...actually that isn't fair to the third world, we recently were in backwater Cabo and they have a nice new airport). My goal in flying is to get to KCI with minimum time prior to departure...land at my destination, escape quickly for my next stop. Number 1 need, access to a bathroom. No, I don't need a $4 water, golf shirt, pizza, or a rock hard scone. Maybe the occasional traveler does.
One thing you might need is TSA Pre. That 5 minute wait to go through security will be just a memory unless you pay up to be Pre.
I fly minimum twice a month, sometimes much more. I fly through/to new airports as well as old (yes Newark and LaGuardia are 3rd world...actually that isn't fair to the third world, we recently were in backwater Cabo and they have a nice new airport). My goal in flying is to get to KCI with minimum time prior to departure...land at my destination, escape quickly for my next stop. Number 1 need, access to a bathroom. No, I don't need a $4 water, golf shirt, pizza, or a rock hard scone. Maybe the occasional traveler does.
One thing you might need is TSA Pre. That 5 minute wait to go through security will be just a memory unless you pay up to be Pre.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Looking For Pot
The new Board will be seated this week (okay, it is the old Board with two re-elected members) and need to get back to the business of governing and managing the City. The Mayor needs to come to the realization his aldermanic candidates (Red and De) didn't cut the mustard and the voters have spoken. What needs to be done?
Do you walk/run the City streets? Do you ride a bike on the City streets? Do you drive a car on City streets? If you walk/run (no, sidewalks simply are not feasible Red) on the streets it becomes apparent how many of the streets need to be replaced/repaired/crack sealed. The slower you go over the streets the more visible the needs are. Yes we have road money stashed at Platte County, Is it enough. Ask your Mayor/Alderman. Is there a written plan in place. Ask your Mayor/Alderman. Yes, it is nice to see West Ridge and all the new housing. No, the roads are not in good shape up there and deteriorating at a rapid rate. It wasn't all that long ago there was extensive patching there, at...$?.
Question for you, the reader. What if the County Road Tax was not renewed? How would that impact WL? Is that even possible?
The new Board will be seated this week (okay, it is the old Board with two re-elected members) and need to get back to the business of governing and managing the City. The Mayor needs to come to the realization his aldermanic candidates (Red and De) didn't cut the mustard and the voters have spoken. What needs to be done?
Do you walk/run the City streets? Do you ride a bike on the City streets? Do you drive a car on City streets? If you walk/run (no, sidewalks simply are not feasible Red) on the streets it becomes apparent how many of the streets need to be replaced/repaired/crack sealed. The slower you go over the streets the more visible the needs are. Yes we have road money stashed at Platte County, Is it enough. Ask your Mayor/Alderman. Is there a written plan in place. Ask your Mayor/Alderman. Yes, it is nice to see West Ridge and all the new housing. No, the roads are not in good shape up there and deteriorating at a rapid rate. It wasn't all that long ago there was extensive patching there, at...$?.
Question for you, the reader. What if the County Road Tax was not renewed? How would that impact WL? Is that even possible?
Saturday, April 9, 2016
"Lead Me, Follow Me, or Get Out of My Way"
General George S. Patton
We received a letter from WLIC, dated April 5, 2016, "Your LOMA Determination Document". This is the final product of the time and effort by the WLIC Board and others to fight, mitigate and resolve the potentially disastrous determination of the flood plain at Weatherby Lake. The letterhead of the document says, "Together, we make a difference". What an understatement. This isn't something that just impacts lake front property, in my opinion. Anything that potentially impacts the value of lake front property impacts the entire community. Why this happened in the first place is a different post, another time.
As much as I would like to move forward, one observation. Mayor Botbyl, in his campaign material, mentioned the City was "monitoring" the situation. That resulted in nothing. Period. They knew of the problem for months, did not advise citizens of anything. WLIC on the other hand, took a leadership role, and TCB...took care of business. We should be very grateful.
So thank you Rick and the Board of the WLIC. Thanks to Don and others (I am sure there are) who gave an assist.
"If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking"
George S. Patton
Friday, April 8, 2016
A Sly Tax
If you are a Weatherbean who pays KCMO earnings tax you knew the deck was stacked against you. Why wouldn't the residents of KCMO vote to continue to lay some of their tax burden on your back? The results were in before it started. You get taxed but have no say so, a great example of a tax without representation. Just like our cousins on the other side of the state, St Louis. In the meantime, KCMO merrily provides huge tax breaks in the form of TIFs, eroding the property tax base, in some cases for years (Sly didn't mention that in his tax campaign).
But, not so fast.
While Sly celebrated the state legislature is seeking a number of avenues to impede or stop the earnings tax. So for now chalk up a victory for Sly, but he may not get the last laugh. One last thought, if the citizens of KCMO were voting only to tax themselves rather than the 40% plus of those outside the city...would it pass. They may get to find out.
But, not so fast.
While Sly celebrated the state legislature is seeking a number of avenues to impede or stop the earnings tax. So for now chalk up a victory for Sly, but he may not get the last laugh. One last thought, if the citizens of KCMO were voting only to tax themselves rather than the 40% plus of those outside the city...would it pass. They may get to find out.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
On The Bright Side
The WL voter turnout was low based on the contested contests (in my opinion) but the turnout countywide was dismal. Exhibit A:
WL- 39.9% of registered voters went to the polls.
Platte County- 16.7%
Parkville- 21.5%
Riverside- 20,7%
Waukomis- 17%
Do people really get the government they deserve?
WL- 39.9% of registered voters went to the polls.
Platte County- 16.7%
Parkville- 21.5%
Riverside- 20,7%
Waukomis- 17%
Do people really get the government they deserve?
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Status Quo
The next BOA meeting will have the same cast of characters as WL voters returned all the incumbents to the Board and Mayor positions. Unofficial results from the Board of Elections:
Botbyl - 339
York - 263
Finn - 162
Surma - 137
Clark - 168
McLaughlin - 130
The minority of registered WL voters ruled the day, with 41% of the eligible 1,466 voters going to the polls. The winners, like Botbyl, effectively had around 23% of the voters...same held true for the aldermen races. It was a bruising campaign towards the end for all the candidates, it will be interesting to see how it plays out in the coming months.
Botbyl - 339
York - 263
Finn - 162
Surma - 137
Clark - 168
McLaughlin - 130
The minority of registered WL voters ruled the day, with 41% of the eligible 1,466 voters going to the polls. The winners, like Botbyl, effectively had around 23% of the voters...same held true for the aldermen races. It was a bruising campaign towards the end for all the candidates, it will be interesting to see how it plays out in the coming months.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Election Protection
Hopefully you are voting today...of course you are, after all only the most informed, sophisticated Wetherbeans read the blog (okay, there are a few exceptions).
As you walk through the door to the CC you will see many familiar faces assisting voters, some supporting the elections for years as election workers. Stop, give them a smile and a word of thanks. The vote in WL is quick, efficient and hassle free. Great, isn't it?
As you walk through the door to the CC you will see many familiar faces assisting voters, some supporting the elections for years as election workers. Stop, give them a smile and a word of thanks. The vote in WL is quick, efficient and hassle free. Great, isn't it?
Monday, April 4, 2016
Our Choices Tomorrow
You may have your mind made up regarding tomorrow's choices for the WL races...in which case you might want to skip this post today. Or you can read on and confirm that choice. Or you can take one last shot at being an undecided as you drive to the Community Center to vote. (An aside, remember when we used to vote at City Hall?..yipes, especially during contested elections it could be a challenge to navigate and park.)
Alan York has served the community twice as Mayor, both times stuck with cleaning up messes. The first time was serving as Mayor, elected by his fellow aldermen, after the resignation of Pauli Kendrick. The City budget was left hanging and Alan got the job done. Two and a half years later, he beat Mike Henderson handily and again had to get the City back on track. One of his hallmarks was communication with the aldermen. There were no surprises at Board meetings, information was disseminated clearly. There was clear direction to the Public Safety and Public Works Departments. Alan was available, accessible, present. He has been an alderman, on the Planning Commission in addition to being Mayor. His background in Finance gives the City another pair of trained eyes we currently do not have. A long time Platte County resident, Alan continues to have contacts throughout the county, something we have lost over the last two mayors. It is time to re-engage beyond our city limits, there is too much development, too much activity beyond our city limits to ignore. If you know Alan at all you know how passionate he is when it comes to preserving our lake...after all we are Weatherby Lake. Development inside and outside our City will continue to be a challenge, and City government has a role up to the waters edge. I know Alan is committed to working with the WLIC to continue their role in protecting the watershed was well. It doesn't happen very often but here is an election where the challenger is truly an upgrade for the office, an upgrade for the City.
Aldermen East and West
Both Tanya Finn and Steve Clark represent years of service to the City, both as aldermen and volunteers outside their roles of aldermen. As Jerry Bos says, "good men(women) are hard to find". Voters on both sides of the lake can return two stalwarts who take their elected roles seriously, which means they do not "mail it in". Both aren't afraid to ask questions of the Mayor when information is absent or unclear (and there has been plenty of that). If you compare, really compare, the opponents to Finn and Clark, whether it is at the Forum or information published, it is no contest, in my opinion. Regardless of who wins the mayoral race, both incumbent aldermen should be re-elected to continue the good work they have done.
So there you have it, my votes tomorrow, and hopefully yours. York/Clark/Finn.
And that is As I See It.
Alan York has served the community twice as Mayor, both times stuck with cleaning up messes. The first time was serving as Mayor, elected by his fellow aldermen, after the resignation of Pauli Kendrick. The City budget was left hanging and Alan got the job done. Two and a half years later, he beat Mike Henderson handily and again had to get the City back on track. One of his hallmarks was communication with the aldermen. There were no surprises at Board meetings, information was disseminated clearly. There was clear direction to the Public Safety and Public Works Departments. Alan was available, accessible, present. He has been an alderman, on the Planning Commission in addition to being Mayor. His background in Finance gives the City another pair of trained eyes we currently do not have. A long time Platte County resident, Alan continues to have contacts throughout the county, something we have lost over the last two mayors. It is time to re-engage beyond our city limits, there is too much development, too much activity beyond our city limits to ignore. If you know Alan at all you know how passionate he is when it comes to preserving our lake...after all we are Weatherby Lake. Development inside and outside our City will continue to be a challenge, and City government has a role up to the waters edge. I know Alan is committed to working with the WLIC to continue their role in protecting the watershed was well. It doesn't happen very often but here is an election where the challenger is truly an upgrade for the office, an upgrade for the City.
Aldermen East and West
Both Tanya Finn and Steve Clark represent years of service to the City, both as aldermen and volunteers outside their roles of aldermen. As Jerry Bos says, "good men(women) are hard to find". Voters on both sides of the lake can return two stalwarts who take their elected roles seriously, which means they do not "mail it in". Both aren't afraid to ask questions of the Mayor when information is absent or unclear (and there has been plenty of that). If you compare, really compare, the opponents to Finn and Clark, whether it is at the Forum or information published, it is no contest, in my opinion. Regardless of who wins the mayoral race, both incumbent aldermen should be re-elected to continue the good work they have done.
So there you have it, my votes tomorrow, and hopefully yours. York/Clark/Finn.
And that is As I See It.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
"Good men are hard to find"
quote from email exchange between Jerry Bos and Steve Clark
Steve was kind enough to share emails from Jerry in regards to the upcoming election. I am sure Steve would share the entire email endorsement by Jerry if you asked, I will give you some direct quotes from the correspondence:
From Jerry Bos:
"I want to put in a good word for you...I found you to be a good representative for the Westside and a person who was honest and easy to work with. There were a few times when we did not agree but I always found you to be honest, above board...you were a good steward of the City's resources not wanting to spend money in a foolish way...You were a good sounding board for me...The City needs honest, hardworking and unbiased leaders. You are able to be everyones Alderman, not just a select group."
I think Jerry captured the essence of Steve and the larger issue of this election. We need a mayor who respects and values opinions different than his own. We need an alderman who is honest, sticks to his/her principles and is everyone's Alderman.
Steve was kind enough to share emails from Jerry in regards to the upcoming election. I am sure Steve would share the entire email endorsement by Jerry if you asked, I will give you some direct quotes from the correspondence:
From Jerry Bos:
"I want to put in a good word for you...I found you to be a good representative for the Westside and a person who was honest and easy to work with. There were a few times when we did not agree but I always found you to be honest, above board...you were a good steward of the City's resources not wanting to spend money in a foolish way...You were a good sounding board for me...The City needs honest, hardworking and unbiased leaders. You are able to be everyones Alderman, not just a select group."
I think Jerry captured the essence of Steve and the larger issue of this election. We need a mayor who respects and values opinions different than his own. We need an alderman who is honest, sticks to his/her principles and is everyone's Alderman.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
KC Star Election Guide, March 30
Current WL Mayor Botbyl
Question: What would you like to see change?
Answer: "I believe that things are going well at this point within our city and would not want to make any changes.."
Pardon the interruption but is that a vision statement you would expect from a mayor? Would you accept status quo from a city that has no written plans for roads, sewer, water. In this past year the water bill fiasco, and lack of response to the FEMA problem both lead back to the mayor. Does the city have a succession plan for two critical positions, Chief of Police and Director of Public Works? (think about that one for a moment...Gary and George won't be here forever). As I have pointed out, as have others, the City web site, one of the primary means of information of the city continues to be not fully functional and out of date. No changes. I don't think we can afford to float along any more.
Answer continued:
"except to see new energy and skills to the Board of Aldermen"
Allow me to translate for you if you have not been following city politics. I have mentioned the acrimony between East Ward Alderman Stevenson and Aldermen Finn and Clark. The issue is Stevenson's pursuit of property at WL and Finn and Clark's votes in regards to the Planning Commission's recommendation on Stevenson's request. Botbyl has taken a position of supporting Stevenson. In a pure act of political payback two candidates have been promoted to oust Clark and Finn. Additionally Clark and Finn have been active challengers to the Mayor on a number of other issues. Solution? Opt for "new energy" on the Board. An example of this is Surma's comments in the Star about "improprieties". This was in response to the question of change. What? This parrots the squawking of Stevenson and his crew (refer to his email to Don Coleman).
So you have a mayor who is disengaged from the Board of Aldermen, except to be involved in a property issue of one of the aldermen, honestly has no vision for the future of our City and would love to have a rubber stamp board to make the 3 hours he spends in City Hall a bit easier.
Is that what you want?
Current WL Mayor Botbyl
Question: What would you like to see change?
Answer: "I believe that things are going well at this point within our city and would not want to make any changes.."
Pardon the interruption but is that a vision statement you would expect from a mayor? Would you accept status quo from a city that has no written plans for roads, sewer, water. In this past year the water bill fiasco, and lack of response to the FEMA problem both lead back to the mayor. Does the city have a succession plan for two critical positions, Chief of Police and Director of Public Works? (think about that one for a moment...Gary and George won't be here forever). As I have pointed out, as have others, the City web site, one of the primary means of information of the city continues to be not fully functional and out of date. No changes. I don't think we can afford to float along any more.
Answer continued:
"except to see new energy and skills to the Board of Aldermen"
Allow me to translate for you if you have not been following city politics. I have mentioned the acrimony between East Ward Alderman Stevenson and Aldermen Finn and Clark. The issue is Stevenson's pursuit of property at WL and Finn and Clark's votes in regards to the Planning Commission's recommendation on Stevenson's request. Botbyl has taken a position of supporting Stevenson. In a pure act of political payback two candidates have been promoted to oust Clark and Finn. Additionally Clark and Finn have been active challengers to the Mayor on a number of other issues. Solution? Opt for "new energy" on the Board. An example of this is Surma's comments in the Star about "improprieties". This was in response to the question of change. What? This parrots the squawking of Stevenson and his crew (refer to his email to Don Coleman).
So you have a mayor who is disengaged from the Board of Aldermen, except to be involved in a property issue of one of the aldermen, honestly has no vision for the future of our City and would love to have a rubber stamp board to make the 3 hours he spends in City Hall a bit easier.
Is that what you want?
Friday, April 1, 2016
The Check Is In The Mail (This is NOT an April Fool's Joke)
Get a load of this one. A Weatherby Lake citizen made a generous donation by check to the City with two conditions. First, the money was to be used for specific technology in the Police Department (this equipment would probably not be a budget item next year or beyond). Secondly, the donation would have to be anonymous. He dropped the note in the mail, with the check. Shortly thereafter he received the check back in the mail in a letter signed by the Mayor...thanks but no thanks. No phone call from the mayor, nothing. You would think a little discussion about the situation with the aldermen would be in order. No. This is symptomatic of Mr Botbyl during his term of office. Lack of communication with the Board, unilateral decisions which really aren't his to make...in my opinion. April Fools?
Well it is April, I will let you decide who the Fool is.
Well it is April, I will let you decide who the Fool is.
Parkville Announces Annexation Bid for WL
KC Star Today's Edition, Page 3
"Parkville City Attorney William Mosby held a press conference last evening after a special session of the Parville City Council to give the details of a proposal of annexation of neighboring Weatherby Lake. The declaration of annexation took Weatherby Lake by surprise. City officials from Weatherby Lake were not available for comment, but blogger Mike Moratz did offer his comments. "A few years ago there were rumors about something like this, Parkville always lusted after the lake. Maybe this will mean better roads for the City" Mosby indicated part of the proposal includes the expansion of the National Golf Club over much of what now is Weatherby Lake. He did not indicate if this included the use of golf carts on City Streets. Annexation is due to be complete with a vote by both entities this coming November."
I can't imagine the citizens of WL not putting up a big stink, possibly opening up the spigot on U Cove. Remains to be seen. Have no fear, I am on it.
You really didn't believe this? April Fools of course!!!!!
"Parkville City Attorney William Mosby held a press conference last evening after a special session of the Parville City Council to give the details of a proposal of annexation of neighboring Weatherby Lake. The declaration of annexation took Weatherby Lake by surprise. City officials from Weatherby Lake were not available for comment, but blogger Mike Moratz did offer his comments. "A few years ago there were rumors about something like this, Parkville always lusted after the lake. Maybe this will mean better roads for the City" Mosby indicated part of the proposal includes the expansion of the National Golf Club over much of what now is Weatherby Lake. He did not indicate if this included the use of golf carts on City Streets. Annexation is due to be complete with a vote by both entities this coming November."
I can't imagine the citizens of WL not putting up a big stink, possibly opening up the spigot on U Cove. Remains to be seen. Have no fear, I am on it.
You really didn't believe this? April Fools of course!!!!!
Thursday, March 31, 2016
The Boss is Back!
Tanya Finn just mentioned to me former Mayor Jerry Bos (yes that is how he spells his name) has formally endorsed Tanya in her re-election bid for the East Ward. That might jerk some heads on the East side?. Tanya asked me if I wanted a copy of the document for proof...nah. Now if you are in the Botbyl/Stevenson/Surma camp and don't believe it, give Tanya a call. She is happy to share a copy with you.
Being Present
"80% of success is showing up"
Woody Allen
Question from the Candidates Forum
How much time will you spend in the office? (referring to City Hall)
Botbyl-8:30 to Noon on Friday and by appointment.
York-I am self employed, I will be in the office almost every day.
The Mayor is the chief administrative officer of the City and direct reports include the Chief of Police, Public Works Director and City Clerk. While Gary, George and Gwen do good work, no organization thrives on autopilot. Could the water bill problems been averted with a little more oversight and quality control? Perhaps. Is 3.5 hours a week enough to be present. Pat almost sounded defiant when he gave his answer to the question, maybe a little defensive.
BTW, the Mayor makes a whopping $600 a month, aldermen $100. If you divide that by hours spent on City business we are talking real 3rd world wages.
Look I know it is tough to work full time, take care of home stuff and be an elected official. I decided not to run for re-election as alderman because I started a new job with extensive travel. Something had to give, and I knew I could not give my best shot for the City. Showing up was just not good enough.
Woody Allen
Question from the Candidates Forum
How much time will you spend in the office? (referring to City Hall)
Botbyl-8:30 to Noon on Friday and by appointment.
York-I am self employed, I will be in the office almost every day.
The Mayor is the chief administrative officer of the City and direct reports include the Chief of Police, Public Works Director and City Clerk. While Gary, George and Gwen do good work, no organization thrives on autopilot. Could the water bill problems been averted with a little more oversight and quality control? Perhaps. Is 3.5 hours a week enough to be present. Pat almost sounded defiant when he gave his answer to the question, maybe a little defensive.
BTW, the Mayor makes a whopping $600 a month, aldermen $100. If you divide that by hours spent on City business we are talking real 3rd world wages.
Look I know it is tough to work full time, take care of home stuff and be an elected official. I decided not to run for re-election as alderman because I started a new job with extensive travel. Something had to give, and I knew I could not give my best shot for the City. Showing up was just not good enough.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
The Star-Reader Beware
KC Star March 30 Election Guide
You will see an entire page in the Guide allotted to the Weatherby Lake election next week. I thought the comments attributed to Alan York seemed a bit odd, so I called Mr York to confirm. Yipes! What he submitted to the Star and what was published are quite different (I imagine other candidates experienced the same issues...if you are a candidate and want me to publish your entire response to questions I will post what you sent, unedited)
Why are you running?
The current Mayor is not providing sound mid-west oriented leadership for our Lake Community. I have been approached by many unhappy residents asking me to put my name on the ballot.
You will see an entire page in the Guide allotted to the Weatherby Lake election next week. I thought the comments attributed to Alan York seemed a bit odd, so I called Mr York to confirm. Yipes! What he submitted to the Star and what was published are quite different (I imagine other candidates experienced the same issues...if you are a candidate and want me to publish your entire response to questions I will post what you sent, unedited)
Why are you running?
The current Mayor is not providing sound mid-west oriented leadership for our Lake Community. I have been approached by many unhappy residents asking me to put my name on the ballot.
What do you like about how things are going now?
The current Mayor has divided the Board of Aldermen. He refuses to
listen to members of the Board of Aldermen and the public If they have
ideas and input that does not agree with him. The City totally dropped
the ball concerning the new flood plain maps from FEMA - costing the
community over $20,000. He failed to provide leadership during the
implementation of the new radio read water meters, causing our citizens
to receive 2 incorrect bi-monthly water bills.
What would you like to change?
will be a full-time Mayor - the current Mayor is only available on some
Fridays. I will lead the monthly Board of Aldermen meetings in a
professional and respectful manner. I will update the City's long-term
plan. Using my MBA in Finance and strong knowledge of the City's
budget, I will produce budgets that reflect the wants and needs of our
Probably the most interesting edit was York's answer to the second question. Nothing? and then nothing. As you can see there is "something".
Where There is Smoke...There are Mirrors
Recent Candidates Forum
Question (to Botbyl and York)
What are your best accomplishments?
Allow me to extend infrastructure to IT infrastructure...
How can you keep up with the operation of City Government? WWW is one option...as long as it has fresh and accurate information.
I have mentioned during Public Comments at Board meetings the need for maintenance of the City's web site as it is the only practical opportunity to gain information about the City. Mayor Botbyl early on in his administration pledged to do so. After two years how is he doing? Currently on the City website:
Question (to Botbyl and York)
What are your best accomplishments?
- Botbyl - Long Range Planning, we have completed infrastructure projects we have set
- York - MBA in Finance, understanding city finances, working well with the aldermen, communicating, being available
Allow me to extend infrastructure to IT infrastructure...
How can you keep up with the operation of City Government? WWW is one option...as long as it has fresh and accurate information.
I have mentioned during Public Comments at Board meetings the need for maintenance of the City's web site as it is the only practical opportunity to gain information about the City. Mayor Botbyl early on in his administration pledged to do so. After two years how is he doing? Currently on the City website:
- Holidays listed-2015
- Airport Information Committee, disbanded years ago, still listed
- Entrance Advisory Group (EAG) financials and minutes not updated since 2013
- Park Board Directors terms expiring in 2015
- Planning Commission terms expiring in 2015
- Historical Committee terms expiring 2015
Long Range Planning. The only formal LRP documents are posted on the city web site. As you can see the documents are either out of date or not updated. I pointed this out to the Mayor and Board during Public Comments at this months meeting. No response and still posted as of 3/29/
- 5 Year Sewer Plan July 2010
- 5 Year Water Plan February 2010
- 5 Year Road Plan September 2011
What might count as Long Range is the EAG...Look under Documents, then Entrance Committee. The project took official launch in February 2009 and still is not finished, much to the chagrin of folks in the West Ward Gulag. 7 years. And we thought the Barry Road project took a long time.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
"Continued Responsible Leadership"
Headline from the Botbyl campaign information
You manage things, you lead people, that is a quote from the late Admiral Grace Hopper. The Mayor of a class IV city in Missouri has to do both to be successful. If you have read Botbyl's flyer you would probably say he has done both, right? You be the judge.
Curious how the flyer has 14 "I/My" and 0 "we". You would think his accomplishments happened at the snap of his fingers. Fact of the matter is, the Board has the ultimate power in the City, leaving the mayor to vote when there are procedural tie votes. I think it is fair to say Mr Botbyl cannot be mistaken for the Great Communicator. I have observed information discussed at BOA meetings that was not in the aldermen's meeting packets. Frustrating, because I have been there.
He says he has saved you (taxpayers) $650,881.25. You might ask exactly how his math brought him to this conclusion? While you are at it, you might ask Pat when this retiring of debt began, it certainly wasn't with Botbyl.
His administration had one audit. Did he initiate any improvements or processes from his predecessor? No.
It goes on and on, a litany of "significant accomplishments". Almost funny, "Continued our crack sealing and road repair throughout the city". Who was the Mayor when the machine was purchased and the program started? York. Who was the Mayor that initiated the "Radio Read Water Meters"? York (Bos halted the program once he took office). "Managed the new housing boom" What? I think the President of the KC Fed (WL citizen Esther George) gets a little credit here. The City issues the permits, inspects the buildings. Ironically one of the biggest problems in West Ridge has been the lax performance when it comes to builders policing trash/erosion control/parking. Who was the biggest voice on the Board complaining about lack of enforcement? Not the Mayor. East Ward Alderman Finn (as you know, West Ridge is on the West) brought up the issue many times to what seemed to be a tone deaf administration.
"Open Issues"
There are no I or My in this section, no, he refers to "the city" in regards to the FEMA disaster and "City Hall" referring to the Water Billing Error. You might recall the letter to citizens informing them of the FEMA snafu was signed "The City Staff". Pat assures you "the city continues to monitor" while the WLIC has taken the bull by the horns. When the letter was sent pointing out the water meter problem, it was signed " The Water Department". Who is the chief administrative officer of the City. Who should be leading the City? Who is responsible? Yes, you are right. The Mayor is responsible.
You manage things, you lead people, that is a quote from the late Admiral Grace Hopper. The Mayor of a class IV city in Missouri has to do both to be successful. If you have read Botbyl's flyer you would probably say he has done both, right? You be the judge.
Curious how the flyer has 14 "I/My" and 0 "we". You would think his accomplishments happened at the snap of his fingers. Fact of the matter is, the Board has the ultimate power in the City, leaving the mayor to vote when there are procedural tie votes. I think it is fair to say Mr Botbyl cannot be mistaken for the Great Communicator. I have observed information discussed at BOA meetings that was not in the aldermen's meeting packets. Frustrating, because I have been there.
He says he has saved you (taxpayers) $650,881.25. You might ask exactly how his math brought him to this conclusion? While you are at it, you might ask Pat when this retiring of debt began, it certainly wasn't with Botbyl.
His administration had one audit. Did he initiate any improvements or processes from his predecessor? No.
It goes on and on, a litany of "significant accomplishments". Almost funny, "Continued our crack sealing and road repair throughout the city". Who was the Mayor when the machine was purchased and the program started? York. Who was the Mayor that initiated the "Radio Read Water Meters"? York (Bos halted the program once he took office). "Managed the new housing boom" What? I think the President of the KC Fed (WL citizen Esther George) gets a little credit here. The City issues the permits, inspects the buildings. Ironically one of the biggest problems in West Ridge has been the lax performance when it comes to builders policing trash/erosion control/parking. Who was the biggest voice on the Board complaining about lack of enforcement? Not the Mayor. East Ward Alderman Finn (as you know, West Ridge is on the West) brought up the issue many times to what seemed to be a tone deaf administration.
"Open Issues"
There are no I or My in this section, no, he refers to "the city" in regards to the FEMA disaster and "City Hall" referring to the Water Billing Error. You might recall the letter to citizens informing them of the FEMA snafu was signed "The City Staff". Pat assures you "the city continues to monitor" while the WLIC has taken the bull by the horns. When the letter was sent pointing out the water meter problem, it was signed " The Water Department". Who is the chief administrative officer of the City. Who should be leading the City? Who is responsible? Yes, you are right. The Mayor is responsible.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Brian's Song...and Dance
Apologies to Brian Piccolo.
You may not have been on a cc list of an email sent by Brian to Don Coleman sent on Wednesday, March 16th, apparently in response to an email sent by Don endorsing Tanya Finn. I imagine Don's endorsement of Finn did not sit well with Brian as this is in opposition to his hand picked candidate, De Surma. So we have a sitting alderman (Stevenson) actively campaigning against his fellow alderman (Finn) all because of his issues with gaining access to what he wanted to do with his property, which in the end, he has achieved.
Rather than recount the entire email (18 paragraphs, plus a lengthy summary) I recommend you contact Brian, I am sure he would be happy to provide you copy, In the meantime, some quotes and observations:
"I frankly AGREE with what you say about Ms Finn in general" (no emphasis added by me, I assume Don had positive things to say about Finn)
"As well frankly, we have to stand accountable for putting the City in Chaos and at financial risk" (It is up for discussion exactly who is causing the Chaos and financial risk)
"The way it works here in WL and in other places, the Planning Commission (PC) is charged with "doing the real work". (I think he is trying to insinuate the Board of Aldermen, BOA, are a rubber stamp to Boards and Commissions, my opinion nothing could be further from the truth. All members of boards and commissions are appointed volunteers, aldermen are elected. I expect alderman to do the "heavy lifting" as well because they are the final authority. Aldermen can and should either attend the commission meetings or read the transcripts. I did both as an alderman. I was a long standing member of the Planning Commission, I always expected the aldermen to do the "heavy lifting" as well.
As long as Brian has been on the BOA apparently he still does not understand how things work. He is confused by a vote that brings an item to table versus a vote on the issue itself...they are different.
"Don, as you may remember, in the audience that evening of the BOA was former Mayor York. He jumped up out of his seat in joy, indicating that he absolutely agreed with the No Votes. Interesting I think." (As far as I know, York did not attend the meeting. I understand Mr York has asked for a retraction and apology from Brian, which has not happened as far as I know...strange, to not only remember someone who wasn't there and jumping for joy?)
Towards the end Brian mentions "Mayor Boss" (does he really not know it was Bos?) "Mayor Boss brought our city back together after a difficult time under Mayor York" This is a clear indication of how Brian either does not understand or does not know the history of WL. If he did he would know the years leading up to York's election, caused enormous problems which were addressed by York and set the table for Jerry. Jerry's Audit committee confirmed this. Ask Brian.
You may not have been on a cc list of an email sent by Brian to Don Coleman sent on Wednesday, March 16th, apparently in response to an email sent by Don endorsing Tanya Finn. I imagine Don's endorsement of Finn did not sit well with Brian as this is in opposition to his hand picked candidate, De Surma. So we have a sitting alderman (Stevenson) actively campaigning against his fellow alderman (Finn) all because of his issues with gaining access to what he wanted to do with his property, which in the end, he has achieved.
Rather than recount the entire email (18 paragraphs, plus a lengthy summary) I recommend you contact Brian, I am sure he would be happy to provide you copy, In the meantime, some quotes and observations:
"I frankly AGREE with what you say about Ms Finn in general" (no emphasis added by me, I assume Don had positive things to say about Finn)
"As well frankly, we have to stand accountable for putting the City in Chaos and at financial risk" (It is up for discussion exactly who is causing the Chaos and financial risk)
"The way it works here in WL and in other places, the Planning Commission (PC) is charged with "doing the real work". (I think he is trying to insinuate the Board of Aldermen, BOA, are a rubber stamp to Boards and Commissions, my opinion nothing could be further from the truth. All members of boards and commissions are appointed volunteers, aldermen are elected. I expect alderman to do the "heavy lifting" as well because they are the final authority. Aldermen can and should either attend the commission meetings or read the transcripts. I did both as an alderman. I was a long standing member of the Planning Commission, I always expected the aldermen to do the "heavy lifting" as well.
As long as Brian has been on the BOA apparently he still does not understand how things work. He is confused by a vote that brings an item to table versus a vote on the issue itself...they are different.
"Don, as you may remember, in the audience that evening of the BOA was former Mayor York. He jumped up out of his seat in joy, indicating that he absolutely agreed with the No Votes. Interesting I think." (As far as I know, York did not attend the meeting. I understand Mr York has asked for a retraction and apology from Brian, which has not happened as far as I know...strange, to not only remember someone who wasn't there and jumping for joy?)
Towards the end Brian mentions "Mayor Boss" (does he really not know it was Bos?) "Mayor Boss brought our city back together after a difficult time under Mayor York" This is a clear indication of how Brian either does not understand or does not know the history of WL. If he did he would know the years leading up to York's election, caused enormous problems which were addressed by York and set the table for Jerry. Jerry's Audit committee confirmed this. Ask Brian.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Welcome to the Blog
My stats have jumped the last two days, I assume some of you are newcomers to the blog. A little about me. I have served on the Board of Aldermen at Weatherby Lake, elected by my peers as President of the Board twice. I have served as a member of the Planning Commission and currently serve on the Board of Zoning Adjustment. I have attended many of the monthly Board of Aldermen meetings over the past fourteen years. Additionally I have attended meetings of the Northland Mayors Council, the South Platte Ambulance District, the Platte County Commissioners meetings. I have completed the Missouri Municipal League New Officials Course. The point of all of this is not to impress, far from it. The observations and comments I make on the blog are a reflection of my experiences here at Weatherby Lake. The archives of the blog go back a bit so indulge if you must. You will find this nowhere else. And of course, for me, it is all on the record. Most people comment anonymously, it is what it is. Anyway, enjoy.
Finn vs Stevenson on the East Ward
And you thought this was a battle of Finn vs Surma? Nope. Check out the code words in the Surma campaign material. "honest representation" and "compliance with legal requirements". You might wonder what that is all about? Political payback or worse from Mr Stevenson for the many misdeeds of Ms Finn, beginning with his election loss to her in 2008. He was attempting to join his sister who was already the other East Ward alderman at that time. Add the Planning Commission vote on his property (Finn voted NO) there is no wonder he is gunning for revenge in the form of a surrogate (Ms Surma) Had she not used all the veiled language aimed at Finn I might have bought the fact she was just an interested citizen wanting to contribute to community. The most vocal critic of Finn/Clark has been Stevenson's brother in law, who just happens to live across the Park from Surma. Add the additional sin by Ms Finn of not favoring golf carts on city streets, avidly pursued by the Whites. Delightful? Do not cross the Stevenson cabal, it can get ugly. Maybe these are the "new and fresh" ideas Ms Surma mentioned she would bring to the Board.
On a positive note, Ms Finn has been a tireless worker on your behalf, both at the City and WLIC. This has been going on for a long time, well before my move to WL in 1999. There would be no 4th of July Fireworks without her. You would still be dragging your recycling to a center somewhere instead of the curbside recycling she championed to bring to the City. She has attended the New Officials seminar in Jeff City...unlike others who chose not to take the time. Is Tanya Dedicated? Is she Dependable (she was quite sick last BOA meeting but attended anyway)? Devoted? My response is without a doubt. I would highly recommend voting for the re-election of Tanya Finn. Sorry, a vote for Ms Surma is a vote for Stevenson and he is already on the Board. Until next election that is enough.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Litigation Lake
You may, or may not be familiar with the label pasted on WL in years past for a number of reasons. One well deserved reason, in my opinion, was the fierce pursuit of those who might contaminate the watershed...the WLIC had some high profile cases and/or threats of suits to protect the lake. Another round of legal situations, again involving WLIC, was caused by a former citizen, aptly nick named Perry Mason. He caused quite a bit of havoc whether it be representing himself or hiring counsel as a disruptive force in the community. He was, again, in my opinion, a very disruptive element in the community. Many in WL had a big sigh of relief when Perry headed of into the sunset (actually I think he headed east). In any event it was a fairly ugly chapter in the community.
Fast forward to the present time. There is an interesting situation involving an alderman, his pursuit of WL property, a Board of Zoning Adjustment hearing, a Planning Commission hearing, a Board vote, the threat of litigation to the alderman, a reconsideration of the original vote by the Board, and a property dispute, currently in the courts involving the property.
CASE 15AE-CV02435
Throw in the brother in law of the alderman lecturing the two aldermen, during a Board meeting (Finn/Clark) who voted against the original recommendation of the Planning Commission, citing the Constitution (although a number of sources claim the brother in law is not an eligible voter). If you attended the Forum you will recall two questions that seemed odd..."Do you swear to uphold the ordinances?" and "How many ordinances will you break"...fairly ridiculous questions, spawned, I would assume by the aggrieved alderman's crew. Perry Mason, alive and well. Benefit for the community=zero. Personal gain? You make the call.
BTW. No laws were broken posting this blog...nor were any laws broken by said aldermen. Opinions were given and decisions were made. The illegal insinuations are just that, insinuations. Voters beware.
Fast forward to the present time. There is an interesting situation involving an alderman, his pursuit of WL property, a Board of Zoning Adjustment hearing, a Planning Commission hearing, a Board vote, the threat of litigation to the alderman, a reconsideration of the original vote by the Board, and a property dispute, currently in the courts involving the property.
CASE 15AE-CV02435
Throw in the brother in law of the alderman lecturing the two aldermen, during a Board meeting (Finn/Clark) who voted against the original recommendation of the Planning Commission, citing the Constitution (although a number of sources claim the brother in law is not an eligible voter). If you attended the Forum you will recall two questions that seemed odd..."Do you swear to uphold the ordinances?" and "How many ordinances will you break"...fairly ridiculous questions, spawned, I would assume by the aggrieved alderman's crew. Perry Mason, alive and well. Benefit for the community=zero. Personal gain? You make the call.
BTW. No laws were broken posting this blog...nor were any laws broken by said aldermen. Opinions were given and decisions were made. The illegal insinuations are just that, insinuations. Voters beware.
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