Thursday, April 26, 2018

Shred It

City of Weatherby Lake Electronic Recycling and Pharmaceutical Take-Back Event
Saturday, April 28th
8AM to Noon
Community Center Parking Lot
Documents/statements/receipts/canceled checks
CD/DVD/VCR Players
small kitchen appliances

Unused/expired RX & over the counter meds
no illicit drugs/marijuana/heroin/methamphetamine
no needles

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Road Rage

Hopefully not...but...FYI, 
Milling and Paving on Potomac Ave and Pleasant Ford Rd, may start as early as tomorrow (Monday) morning...keep a sharp eye out and be pavement is coming.

George called many residents on the affected streets to give them a heads up, but if you are not on those streets be forewarned.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

2018 Budget Review

Steve continues to review policies and procedures as he shapes up his administration.  Steve and the BOA will meet next week Wednesday (25th) to take another look at this year's budget.  Prudent idea to insure City spending is on track and identify any problem areas going forward.  This is a public meeting, citizens are invited to attend.

  • Wednesday, April 25th
  • 5PM
  • City Hall

Monday, April 16, 2018

Getting With The Program

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
April 11th

The first change the Mayor/Steve has announced/implemented is his approach to the Aldermen and their integration into the operation of the City. 

This has been tried before, but certainly not in the recent past.  The concept is to assign each alderman an area within the City to act as a kind of liason, or as Steve puts it, "collateral duties".

He announced the following assignments for Aldermen:

  • Hoy-Public Works
  • Richmond-Police
  • Footer-Administration Staff, Financial, Communication
  • Finn-Community Engagement
While the Mayor is Chief Administrative Officer and City Staff reports to him, this gives the Aldermen an opportunity to be more fully involved (and aware) of activities in each area.  Some examples of activities include Finn as the City representative to the WLIC and Footer investigating upgrades to the City website and other means of communications to citizens of WL.  This is an evolving concept that will develop over time.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Tie One On

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
April 11th

I am on assignment, so a new cub reporter and Anonymous filled in for me providing highlights of Wednesday's BOA monthly meeting.

Steve Clark, pictured with tie, took the reins of the City from Pat Botbyl.  The meeting began with the Mayor's Comments (Botbyl) and the outgoing Board seated (Clark as an Alderman).  Pat thanked many for their support during his terms as Mayor...noticeably absent was any mention of the Aldermen (this was not surprising because of their endorsement of Clark).  The City Clerk, Gwen Cenac, gave official comments regarding Pat's service and presented a bouquet of flowers to his wife, Bernie, for her service to the community and support of the Mayor.

The election results were then noted as certified by Gwen and the new officials were sworn in, Don Hoy, West Side Alderman, Tanya Finn, re-elected East Side Alderman, and Steve Clark, Mayor.

First order of business, election of the Mayor Pro Tem.  Doug Richmond was nominated and elected by his peers for the one year term of Mayor Pro Tem, President of the Board.

Police Chief Davis announced the appointment of officer Donnie Hachman to the position of Deputy Chief of Police. Donnie's wife Cathy assisted in the pinning of her husbands new rank.

Steve (he prefers to be called that rather than Mr Mayor), announced a new approach regarding his interaction with the Aldermen.  More about that in my next post.

All in all, a smooth transition from Botbyl to Clark.  My sense is there is certainly an air of confidence and cooperation among the elected officials, staff and citizens.  Honeymoon? Every administration gets one.  Look for changes and upgrades in how the City is run. 

Good luck Mr Mayor!...I mean Steve.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A New Day

Tonight's BOA meeting marks the beginning of the Clark administration and a new era for the City.  The citizens voted Clark in, the sitting aldermen endorsed to put that positive mojo in action for the City...something I am confident will happen.

So congratulations to the Board and MayorWe have a great little City which can always be a little bit let's do it!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Sore Loser, Part II

It could be another case of lost or broken cell phone...but...

Long shot write-in candidate for the East Side, Bill McGovern, has not contacted Tanya Finn to congratulate her on her victory last week.  A little mystifying in that there really wasn't any heavy campaigning against him by Finn given the couple of weeks between filing by McGovern and the election.

On the other hand, Finn hasn't received any calls from any of the previous three election losers, so nothing new I guess.

All I can say is...bad form.

Saturday, April 7, 2018


Situation Normal, All Fouled Up...okay, I was first introduced to this term in the Army and there were variations of the word Fouled, but then you get the idea.

First of all, hats off to our elections officials at the Community Center.  They never get recognized and need a little love too.  My observation is I walk in, approach one of the individuals at the desk, show my ID, verify my address, sign my name, get my ballot, mark my ballot, deposit my ballot and leave, almost always efficiently, in and out.  (if you ever voted at City Hall prior to the CC you might have had a different experience.)

( a quick aside...the point of verifying address is to confirm eligibility to vote in that jurisdiction...if an individual knowingly lies about the address, it is a Felony)

A situation developed on Tuesday at the CC that warrants a mention.  An official from the County Board of Elections noticed there was no sample ballot indicating the write in candidacy for Bill McGovern.  She hand made samples and placed them on the tables where the voting posts were.  This was a mistake.  It was noticed and reported to the Board of Elections in Platte City.  An official called the supervisory judges at the CC requesting said samples to be removed, because as they were placed it could be considered electioneering. The samples were repositioned appropriately, no foul, no harm.

602 WL residents swung through the CC on Tuesday...not bad.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Mayor Elect Clark et al

Received a question in regards to the swearing in of Aldermen and Mayor...

If the Platte County Board of Elections certifies the results and communicates to the City Clerk prior to next Wednesday's regularly scheduled meeting (April 11th, 7PM) the current Mayor and Aldermen will convene the meeting followed by the oath pronouncements and then the beginning of the BOA meeting with the newly installed Mayor and Aldermen.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Winners & Losers

There are no Participation Ribbons for elections, either you win or you lose.  Tradition has it that the loser calls the winner to congratulate him/her and wish them good luck.

As of 3PM today Pat Botbyl has yet to make the call to Mayor Elect Clark.  I understand he (Botbyl) may have gone out of town (Chicago) but it stretches the imagination to wonder why he couldn't take 15 seconds to say "Hi, this is Pat Botbyl, congratulations on your victory and good luck, bye"

Now I know things happen, Chicago might have cell phone disruptions, he may have forgotten his phone at WL or maybe even his mobile fell into a toilet at O'Hare.  So I am cutting him some slack.  My guess is Mayor Elect Clark isn't holding a vigil on his phone in expectation of a call.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Cold Winds Were Blowing...

If you voted yesterday you know what I mean as you approached the Community Center...raw wind, cold, just plain nasty.  I spent a little time in the Clark tent, I have to hand it to all the candidates, it was miserable out there.

Speaking of miserable, Pat Botbyl had not a great day politically.  By 8:52 last night the count was in, Clark 353, Botbyl 274.  From my perspective it was a royal butt kicking, Botbyl was a two time incumbent with the political high ground, but it was not to be.  Clark ran a good campaign, had a coalition of people working on his behalf.  56% of the voters didn't buy Botbyl's look at me, I'm so pretty bragging about all his accomplishments.  He alienated the Board of Aldermen beginning his second term and things went downhill from there.  Not taking anything away from the Clark campaign but Pat has to look in the mirror this morning and realize it was his to lose...and lose he did.

The last minute McGovern campaign on the East was a flop, with Tanya getting over 73% of the vote.  Some feel the Botbyl/McGovern alliance actually subtracted votes for Botbyl...remember Finn is a popular figure on the East Side and has vanquished other challengers.  The challenge to Finn might have energized her base and pulled in votes for Clark as well.  I think the McGovern write-in backfired for Botbyl...oh well.

The West side race is fascinating.  Hoy wins 179 to 175 for Carlson.  Razor thin.  I don't know if a recount is in order but I am sure Carlson is disappointed.  The Hoy name, of course, is recognizable by many on the West side, Britt is a relative newcomer in West Ridge.  I hope Britt considers future opportunities at WL, he would be a great addition.  Mr Hoy finds himself on the Board without his benefactor Botbyl or colleague McGovern.  I know he tried to campaign on being "neutral"...but if you were paying attention yesterday, he quite clearly was standing with Botbyl and McGovern at the CC.  I am hoping he puts aside all of that and works to make the next two years productive for WL.

Steve has plenty of issues to tackle, priorities to set.  I know he sees it as a team effort with Aldermen and City staff.  A preview of what is to come was demonstrated last night at the watch party.  Someone asked for a pic of Steve with his election sign.  He refused unless others on his "team" joined him.

The cold winds might have been blowing...but with them a breath of fresh air.

Monday, April 2, 2018

You Decide

All the talk is done, now it is up to you.

From my perspective the choice for Mayor is clear:

  • re-elect a Mayor who isn't interested in working with the Board of Aldermen 

  • Elect Steve Clark who I absolutely believe will work with his colleagues to move the City forward in a positive, collaborative way.  He has been an Alderman serving both the East Side and West SideSteve has demonstrated leadership as the President of the Board and you will always know what he is thinking, in other words a straight shooter. 
  • Alderman Clark has been endorsed by his fellow Aldermen and all former WL Mayors
Steve can't do it alone, he needs a strong board to pick up some of the load...
Current Aldermen Richmond (West) and Footer (East) will be at the core of the team.

As a West Side resident I think Britt Carlson will bring a fresh perspective to the Council and be a great fit on the Board.  His background as a practicing attorney should be helpful in a number of ways to his colleagues.

East Siders please vote for Tanya Finn.  She has been doing the "right thing" for a number of years and brings her long term perspective on where the City has been and needs to go.  Tanya brings experience and history to perfectly balance the Board.

Steve Clark for Mayor

Britt Carlson, West Side

Tanya Finn, East Side

and that is WeatherbyLakeAsISeeIt

Keeping Your Eye On The Ball

I know it is hard to think about baseball as we had our White Easter, but allow me to use a baseball saying to make a point.

Our son Matthew has played "ball" since 5th grade.  A common mistake hitters make is to take their eye off the ball, even a split second...thus a swing and a miss (my problem with golfing, always wanting to enjoy seeing the flight of the ball instead of keeping my eye on it.).

The same applies, potentially for the City of WL.  Unless you missed it, the bonanza of building in West Ridge is over and the revenue gone or greatly reduced.  My advice, keep your eye on the ball.  For the City, are you watching the Zona Rosa debt debacle and the county commissioners talking about using Road Tax revenues to bail out Zona?  If they raid the Road Tax bucket, how will we pay for roads in WL?  What if the commissioners decide to reduce the tax and up the ante for the Sheriff's department?  It's nice for the Mayor to promise to "keep your taxes low".  Do we have enough funds to cover necessary improvements for sewer in the future?  Serious discussions are required to keep our eye on the ball.

We need the best team in place to keep the City's eye on the ball.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

FEMA Extrema

Some of you might remember the FEMA debacle regarding the reclassification of WL lake front property being reclassified as being in a floodplain...result being the increased cost of having flood insurance...which is not cheap.

FEMA had sent a notification, apparently, to the City.  This happened towards the end of the Bos administration.  Depending on which version you want to believe, a) the City was never notified, b)Bos handed it off to Mike O'Neal, city disaster preparedness coordinator, or c)Bos blew it off.  Regardless of which version is correct, the reclassification went through without challenge from WL, and WL lake front property was deemed to be in a floodplain.

Don Coleman was the first to sound the alarm when his property insurance premium was adjusted for being in the floodplain.  Despite discussions (and emails) with the City, Botbyl as the City leader took no action to try to overturn the decision.  WLIC stepped into the breach along with Coleman and others to gain reconsideration of the floodplain decision and finally removal of the flood plain designation, a huge win for lake front residents.  A leadership opportunity missed by Botbyl.  Why, I don't know.  If you are a FOB, Friend of Botbyl, like first tier residents Augie and Brian, you must be wondering as well. 

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Bada Bing!

Tony Soprano would have been proud.  Politics can be rough and tough, and small town politics are not exempt.  My personal experience with payback New Jersey style came in the form of a letter from Mayor Botbyl "thanking" me for my service after a decade on the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA).  The Thank You meant "you're fired".  Although no reason was given for not appointing me to another term, the true reason was abundantly clear.  While a member of the BZA I had the audacity to vote against a request by then Alderman Stevenson for a variance to build a home that did not meet the building code for setbacks.  Bada Boom!  Bill McGovern was placed on the BZA as a replacement...turns out McGovern gave a glowing endorsement during public comments at the variance request the first time around (if you don't believe me you can get a transcript of the hearing).

So, when another request for variance by Stevenson made the BZA, McGovern voted aye and eventually Stevenson got what he wanted.  You might ask, gee, that is cozy, almost not ethical?  Nah, nothing personal, strictly business...or maybe in this case, nothing business, strictly personal?

Last Friday (23rd) McGovern filed for Alderman on the East Side as a write in candidate.  His campaign flyer cites "Member of Board of Zoning Adjustment".  His campaign slogan?  "You won't have to hire a lawyer to get me to do the "right thing"  Well said by the pal of Stevenson and Botbyl.  You don't have to go to NJ, or watch the Sopranos...just pay attention to what is going on in WL.  

Botbyl's DreamTeam

or the city's Nightmare...

Bill McGovern's East Side last minute add to Botbyl's hope of having two votes on the BOA...and a return to power once again...

Except that scenario leads to the current train wreck of City government.  Would you really want that?

To answer the Comment on my last post...

Simply connect the dots...




Come back at 4PM for more perspective.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Code Red

The Mayor, as one of his duties as the Chief Administrative Officer of the City, is responsible for the compliance with  City Codes, building, nuisance and all things that keep order in the City.  The Chief of Police and the Director of Public Works are the primary individuals who implement compliance.

There has been a consistent rumble from the Aldermen the past three years regarding problems, especially in West Ridge, with trash, lack of proper runoff mitigation, mud on the streets, lack of toilets, etc.  Alderman Finn brought these issues up during Aldermen Comments at BOA meetings numerous times.  Aldermen Richmond and Clark as well.

I know it can be uncomfortable to confront residents, residents to be or their agents.  Nobody wants to be the bad guy...but...enforcement of City Codes is there for a make our community safe and maintain standards that all should adhere.  Why would Botbyl be soft on code enforcement?  Good question.

Oh, and are you aware of the building fiasco that has been ongoing (2+years) in Blakewood?  How could that happen? (neighbors have been asking that question for some time).

I did witness an interesting situation during a BOA meeting in the summer of 2016.  A couple, residents on Westside Drive, appeared a second time before the BOA to complain about water and mud that was continuing to flow across the street on to their property after rain storms.  This was coming from a home under construction across the street.  Their next door neighbor attended as well to complain about the lack of action.  This shouldn't happen.

Alderman Clark finally took the initiative on lagging citations, working with a Police officer to identify and ticket offenders.  It is pretty simple really.  It just takes someone at the top to make it a priority.  And that someone should be the Mayor

Thursday, March 29, 2018

"Loud and angry"...

Draft minutes, Board of Aldermen meeting, November 8, 2017.

"Clark moved and seconded by Richmond to approve the minutes of October 17th and 23rd Budget work session.  Discussion followed with Alderman Clark submitting the amended minutes of the October 17th work session.  Mayor commented that Alderman Clark assessment that he was "loud and angry" was incorrect, and that he was being firm.  Vote was called to accept the October 17th minutes and accept the October 23rd minutes as presented.  Ayes Clark, Richmond, Footer and Finn.  Motion carried unanimously."

(I added red highlights.)

Amended minutes.
"Mayor Patrick Botbyl did not properly open the meeting nor was the clerk directed to call the roll.
Aldermen present:  Clark, Richmond, Footer and Finn.

The Mayor began the meeting by addressing the Board in a loud and angry manner for their lack of appreciation for his and staffs' efforts in compiling the annual budget in years past.  Negative comments to such were heard from Clark, Richmond and Finn."

Amended minutes obtained through a Freedom Of Information request.

No members of the public were present for the October 17th work session.  Just the Mayor, the BOA, City Clerk, City Treasurer, and Chief of Police.  I can tell you based on conversations with a few of the aldermen, "firm" is not a word they would use to characterize Botbyl's behavior.  In the end, it may have been one of the key events in convincing the aldermen Botbyl must go.

"Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not intimidation."
William Arthur Wood

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Secret Comittee

Responding to a Comment from yesterday's post regarding the selection of the Police Chief.
"Botbyl selected the new chief without consulting any Aldermen"

My response to that statement is that it depends...depends on how you define "selected".  Ultimately the Mayor submits a name for confirmation, and hire, of the new Chief of Police by the Board of Aldermen during closed session.  So technically, I guess you can say they (BOA) were involved.  However, if you define "selected" as the process running up to that session, I would tell you the Aldermen were very much left in the dark.

Right after last years City election, Clark, at the April BOA meeting, brought up the urgency of beginning the selection process to hire a new Chief. Gary had made it known he was retiring at the end of the year.  Botbyl made it very clear in response to Clark's comment that he was going to be in charge of he process and timetable.  Botbyl established a Selection Committee but did not make the names available to the BOA.  He refused Clark' suggestion to include an Alderman.  It wasn't until two meetings later that Botbyl grudgingly revealed the names of the Committee members, all from law enforcement.  Considering the fact this was probably the most important appointment in the last 40 plus years, you would have thought a citizen or two on this Committee would have been important let alone an Alderman?  A "nationwide" search was begun, we do know that a salary range was not included in the ad(s) that went out (odd?).

We do know that prior to the closed session hiring meeting, the Aldermen had no idea how many candidates had responded, or how the candidates were vetted, no resumes were provided to the Aldermen prior to the session.  We do not know if any officers on the WL force were considered.  The process was owned by Botbyl, Chief McMullin and the Committee.

Do you think Botbyl's hardball approach to the process and disdaining collaboration with the BOA was a problem?  Another example where leadership was absent...and in its place it was My Way or the Highway.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

"What we've got here...

is failure to communicate."  From the movie Cool Hand Luke

Cool Hand Luke Martin.jpg

Imagine you are an alderman and you find out about an incident regarding an escaped prisoner from a WL police officer in the Kansas City Star...not from the Mayor...who of course knew, as well as the Chief of Police.

Imagine you are an alderman and find out about an accident that involved a Public Works vehicle which included damage to a private residence...from a staff person, days later, not from the Mayor...who knew of course, as well as the Chief of Police

Both of these incidents were at the end of 2016, but diagnostic of  a problem facing the aldermen, lack of communication from the Mayor.  The attitude I perceived based on the Mayor's behavior...I'm are not.  Alderman Clark voiced his concerns, at BOA meetings, a number of times concerning this issue.  Comments obviously fell on deaf ears.  And there is more. 

My observations during BOA meetings are that Botbyl is often abrasive, aggressive and belligerent.  

So, imagine you are an alderman faced with the potential of Botbyl being elected to another term?  What would you do?  

Monday, March 26, 2018

"Why would we want to change mayors now?" Part II

Consider this, from Botbyl's "Continued Responsible Leadership" flyer, under "Major Objectives over my next term" :

  • "Conduct road evaluation of all streets"...Ask Pat how many streets have been paved in the last four years as Mayor?...if you walk/bike/drive our streets you don't have to be an engineer to know that we are facing a huge amount of paving...why have we waited and when he begins where will the $ come from?  Don't let him fool you by saying we had to wait for completion of the new sewage pump/lift stations.
  • "Begin and complete work to install new pump stations"  This project has been on the books for years and when/if it starts will have nothing to do with Botbyl or WL.  This is a KCMO does involve WLIC and the land swap for construction sites, the City of WL is basically on the sidelines.  Your Mayor will attend the ribbon cutting, if/when the project is completed.
  • "Install new alternate water line"  This refers to the potential hook up of our water system to Water District #6 as a back up (across from City Hall).  Another long discussed project dragging along, a direct responsibility of the Mayor.  Alderman Clark, frustrated by the lack of action, volunteered to contact the Water District himself, hoping to jump start the City into action.
  • "Power wash and paint touch up for water tower"  A regularly scheduled maintenance event.
  • "Participate in 2020 Census conducted by MARC and Platte County"  Yikes.

I wrote a post last year this time about "kicking the can down the road" when it comes to paving City we are, another year and the condition of the roads has deteriorated even more after the hard winter.  How are the roads in front of your house?

Why would you want to change mayors now?  Time for a change.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

"Why would we want to change mayor's now?"

A good question, really at the heart of the matter for this election.  This quote in an email from Pat Botbyl to "Dear Friends" and, as he says, is a question residents have been asking him.

Why change?  If you the resident want the status quo, ie, Botbyl for Mayor, you will get
  • Someone who is clearly self absorbed (did you see his 2017 Accomplishments?).
  • Is loath to give credit where credit is due, Aldermen or staff
  • During BOA meetings insists on interrupting/commenting during the Aldermen's Comments portion of the meetings.
  • Antagonistic and belligerent towards the elected Aldermen
  • Fails to exhibit leadership at a time it is sorely needed in the City.  
Maybe you do want a New Jersey style politician to lead this City, "My Way or the Highway"?  Botbyl fails to understand Weatherby Lake is a Class IV city in Missouri...often called a weak mayor form of government, it really does need the collaboration of the aldermen and mayor to be effective.  After Stevenson left the Board Botbyl lost control...and votes of the BOA, and became increasingly belligerent...not terribly smart from my perspective.

I do agree with Pat on one thing, believe it or not.  "Signs don't vote" referring to yard signs. 

One thing I encourage you not to do is, as Botbyl says "Let's get a big showing of Botbyl supporters"  at the Ice Breaker.  Let's keep politics out of social events.  Give it a rest and enjoy the beer.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Me, Myself and I

You may have received campaign materials from Mayor Pat Botbyl, either by mail, email or both (I must not be on his A list because I received neither).  Some loyal WLAISI readers provided both for my inspection.  A couple of observations, maybe you noticed this too.  Botbyl loves the word "I" but somehow the words "alderman" or "staff" are not part of his vocabulary when elaborating on his accomplishments.  He did make one mention of a "very professional staff of employees" one time in his long list of 2017 accomplishments.

Word Count-"Dear Friends and Neighbors" Botbyl Campaign Letter and Flyer

21- "I" words
8- "me,mine, my" words

A little over the top?  You be the judge.  He takes credit for all things Weatherby Lake, with the exception of the solar eclipse.  What is missing?  Not one mention of the Aldermen or Board of Aldermen.  Odd.  Why is that?  But wait, there is more.  Not only does he not mention the aldermen but he takes credit for an initiative, the elimination of long term bonds that was begun by former Mayor Jerry Boss...none of this could have taken place without the vote of the BOA...but how would you know this?  You wouldn't, unless you went to BOA meetings or read the minutes.  Same with the levy reductions...the Mayor doesn't vote for that (unless there is a tie) and in fact there never has been an opportunity for the Mayor to vote on this...

The Washington Post does fact checks on political statements, awarding "Pinocchios" from one to four based on stretching the truth to whoppers...Sorry Pat, I think the WaPo would give you 4 Pinocchios on this one.

 Obviously there is a disconnect between the Mayor and the BOA, allow me to give you my observations in upcoming posts.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Unanimous, Part II

In addition to all the current WL Aldermen, all of the former WL Mayors have endorsed Steve Clark as well.  (Bos/York/Kendrick/Maxwell/Mikulic) (Someone mentioned all living former Mayors...I opted too leave out "living" in that we are not in Chicago).

My take is these endorsements are not necessarily just a rebuttal of Botbyl's candidacy but more of  a positive sentiment of Clark's ability to lead the City.  These former Mayors account for a lot of history at Weatherby Lake and are familiar with Steve over the years.

Jerry Bos' endorsement is worth examining.  You might recall Botbyl was handpicked by Bos to take Jerry's place as Jerry headed for the sunset in FL.  Botbyl won the Mayoral race against York for his first term.  Two years ago, Bos endorsed Finn and Clark, surprising many because Surma on the East and Red McLaughlin on the West were clearly aligned with Botbyl, Bos' former chosen one.  Finn and Clark won the races for Alderman. Which leads us to last years Alderman races.


Okay, I know this is a bit tedious, especially if you are relatively new to WL.  The point is Botbyl steadily lost control of his agenda and the BOA after he was elected to a second term.

 Last years election saw Richmond in a close race re-elected on the West and newcomer Rick Footer, defeat Surma on the East.  The Board now is made up of Clark/Finn/Richmond/Footer.  The stage is now set for a series of events that leads to this Mayoral election.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


It is one thing to gain consensus from a governmental body, it is another for the Board of Aldermen to unanimously and publicly endorse a candidate for Mayor...even more rare for that candidate to be one of their own.

All three current Aldermen, Richmond, Finn and Footer have openly endorsed their colleague Steve Clark for Mayor.  Remarkable.  This in the face of an incumbent two term Mayor, Pat Botbyl.  There is nothing in recent WL history like it with the possible exception of the defeat of incumbent Mayor Mike Henderson in the mid 2000's.

I was asked recently by a citizen if it was risky for an alderman to openly endorse a rival candidate rather than the incumbent Mayor.  What if the Mayor wins?  I think that is the point.  The aldermen as a group have lost confidence in Botbyl and believe Steve Clark is a better alternative to lead the City the next two years.  My guess is the aldermen don't want to risk another two years of Botbyl.

Interesting don't you agree?

In coming posts I'll provide some of the reasons I think we have arrived at this point.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Botbyl vs Clark

Now and up to April 3rd I will post on various topics related to the Mayoral race.  Some of the issues have been addressed in the campaign materials provided by both candidates.  Other issues have not been mentioned, at least publicly.  I will endeavor to examine all of it.

So let's start with me.  I have always been transparent on where I stand and for those who are relatively new (or have forgotten) allow me to use this post for background.

I consider myself a "veteran observer" of WL City Hall.  I was appointed to the City Council as West Ward alderman in November 03, as a result of the resignation of Mayor Kendrick.  Alderman York, at the time, was elected Mayor by his fellow alderman, I took York's place on the board.  Mr York nominated me for Board.  I ran for re-election unopposed in 04 and served one term, elected by my peers as Mayor Pro-Tem twice.  I have served over a decade on both the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment.  Unlike almost all WL elected officials after they finish their terms, I have been a regular attendee at the monthly Board of  Aldermen (BOA) meetings over the past 12 years (and documented quite a bit on this blog).  After my term finished I have been a consistent observer at City Hall, probably to the chagrin of Mayor's Bos and Botbyl.  Clark and Tanya Finn have been long serving aldermen during these years...and the Three Amigas (3 WL women) are also regular attendees, siting in the gallery, back row.  The Mayor and the Council operate out of sight of the citizens of WL for the most part.  That isn't their choice, dear reader..that is yours/ours.  So I will do my best to fill in the gaps.

I first met Steve Clark the evening my appointment as Alderman was made official in November 03.  I did not always agree with his views on the Board (Sonoma Ridge) but I did respect the fact that he always spoke his mind, no hidden agendas, always a proponent of what he thought was best for the City.

I am voting for Steve as our next Mayor, I will elaborate on the reasons why in the coming posts.
Join me.

Monday, March 19, 2018

The Russians Are Coming?

And you think the Donald and Hillary have Russian problems?  I occasionally look at the "Stats" of the blog, haven't looked in awhile, especially country of origin for Pageviews.  Lo and hold, Comrade Vladimir (or his agents/bots/trolls) have viewed WLAISI recently...why, who knows?  Maybe all this election talk has stirred them up.  Or maybe something more sinister?  Disclaimer, I will never include a link for Russian brides on the blog...if one appears do not click!

The WL Mayoral Race.

Thursday, March 15, 2018


The blog just past the 10 year mark as of 10 March, time passes when you are having fun.  If you have the time and skip back to the beginning (just happened to be City Mayoral election time then) you will see some things have changed and others...well, not.  There have been some robust years of posting and meager years as well...a product of too much work and slight burn out.  In any event...

I'm not the kind of man
Who tends to socialize
I seem to lean on
Old familiar ways
And I ain't no fool for love songs
That whisper in my ears
Still crazy after all these years
Oh still crazy after all these years

Paul Simon

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

My Vote for Alderman, West Side

If you have read the blog you know I pretty much call it As I See It. This is the way I see the West Side race.  Until recently with the election of Richmond, then Footer, the Board of Aldermen (BOA) has been uniformly comprised of long term residents of the city.  Nothing wrong with that but it really doesn't represent the continuing change of demographics at WL.  I do value the historical perspectives of individuals like Steve Clark and Tanya Finn, there have been a number of times over the years when they have provided great feedback to the Mayor and other Board members...basically been there, done that.  What has been missing, to some extent, is another set of eyes/ears to question where we have been, and more importantly where we are going?

I believe Britt Carlson is the best choice for the West Side, for the City.  I like the fact he is a practicing attorney, I do think from time to time our City Attorney needs to be asked challenging questions, Britt would be a great person to do that.  I love the fact that he has a "passion" for the position.  My talk with him convinced me he is not an alderman that shows up once a month for BOA meetings then goes home.  I expect he will be an active participant in planning for the future of WL, something we are a bit behind, in my view.

On April 3rd, I am voting for Britt.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Britt Carlson

The other candidate running for West Side Alderman is Britt Carlson.  While the Hoy name might be familiar to residents who have been here at WL for a number of years, the name Britt Carlson might not ring a bell.  If you are on the WLIC Long Range Planning Committee you know him, or maybe you have met him during lake clean-upBritt and his wife Lori,  moved here in 2015 and are part of the changing demographic of new families to WL.  I was interested in finding out more about him and had a chance to talk with him this past weekend.

Britt is a practicing attorney with his own law practice.  He has worked as a city prosecutor (Gladstone) so is very familiar with the legal process from a city perspective.  (Note: more than a few candidates in the past have touted their background in business only to find out familiarity with Missouri statutes is very important, more important in many cases, than their business background).  Britt has both, operating his own business and interacting with cities in many different scenarios as an attorney.

This is all well and good, but what really stands out for me is the way he speaks about the opportunity to represent the West Side.  Britt says he has a "passion for city government".  He is visually animated as he talks about the role of alderman and how important the future of WL is to him and the community.  Indeed.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

West Side Story (If you are an East Sider you may tune in later for the Mayoral race).

One thing guaranteed, there will be a new alderman representing the West Ward at the April Board of Alderman meeting.  The current incumbent, Steve Clark, is taking a run for WL Mayor, so one of the two men on the ballot will represent the West Side.  The question is which one?

Don Hoy has thrown his hat in the ring, he and wife Mary have lived here for 18 years.  His campaign slogan is, "Ship a Hoy to City Hall".  If that sounds familiar, it is similar to Mary's slogan in her runs for West Ward Alderman.  That might be his claim to fame, Mary's husband.  Don's flyer describes himself as "An Independent voice ready to WORK FOR YOU".  His Weatherby Lake Living Newsletter article states, "A good Alderman will truly represent the citizens and I pledge to do just that".

His list of Governmental Experience on his flyer is a little difficult to decipher, most of the citations do not have a time frame of his experience/service. Not that it is a particular problem, just what does that mean as far as serving as an alderman?
It is good to see citizens step up and take a shot at elective office, it is rather thankless, but very important to keep our little piece of paradise running smoothly.  We will see if West Siders Ship a Hoy to City Hall.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Register to Vote-Last Call

See my post, First Things First...
additionally, places to register by close of business this coming Wednesday.

A voter may register in person at one of the following locations by close of business this coming Wednesday.
  • The office of their local election authority
  • At a drivers licensing office while applying for or renewing a driver's license
  • At a designated state agency while the applicant is obtaining services from the agency. Examples of state agencies providing registration applications to their clients include Division of Family Services, Military Recruitment, or WIC.
  • A library

Friday, March 2, 2018

Tanya Finn

  • 2012 Joe Sherman Award (WLIC)
  • Board of Directors, Platte County Board of Services
  • 1989 Northland Chamber of Commerce Excellence in Service to Education
Tanya is a familiar face at City meetings, often attending Court Proceedings, BZA and Planning Commission meetings.  I don't believe she has ever missed a Board of Alderman (BOA) meeting.

I have sat in the "cheap seats" (public section) of BOA meetings for the past 11 years, from my perspective, she has represented the East Side and the City well.

Tanya is married to Dick, a former WLIC president himself and has two adult sons, and two doggies.

So, even though she has no opponent, I highly recommend East Siders go to the polls and vote Tanya Finn, she is reason enough to go to the Community Center and vote.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Energizer Bunny

There is civic involvement, then there is roll up your sleeves and get dirty.  You decide regarding Tanya Finn:

  • Initiated City Recycling Program (way before current curbside)
  • de facto leader of the 4th of July Fireworks for the past 10 years
  • Past President, The Women's Club
  • Past President and Vice President, WL Park Board
  • Past Vice President, The Garden Club
  • Co-Chair, Dam Party
  • Co-Chair, 75th Dam Party
  • Co-Chair, 4th of July Parade and Games
  • Chairman, WLIC Credentials and Election
  • WLIC Space and Docks Committe
  • Provides Christmas Lights and Flowers for City Hall
But wait, there's more...

Monday, February 26, 2018

The Godmother

I'll kick off the WL election season with a look at the alderman race on the East Side...
Well, that's easy because there is only one person on the ballot, incumbent Tanya Finn.  Barring a successful underground write in campaign of an opponent, Tanya will one of the two East Side aldermen...again.

Ms Finn has been an alderman for 11 years and vanquished challengers in the past, Stevenson and Surma to name a couple.  Tanya has been a WL resident for 44 years (looking at the changing demographics of WL, I would say a number of residents weren't even born when she took up residence here).  She brings a valuable perspective of WL, not just the City, but the WLIC as well.  If it's happening, Tanya is probably involved or most certainly knows about it. 

Need examples?  Check back for more on my next post.

Friday, February 23, 2018


This just in from Alderman Clark:

Republic Trash/Recycling is running behind because of the adverse weather this week.  They will attempt to start today in Weatherby Lake, but more than likely will have to finish tomorrow, Saturday.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

First Things First

Before we jump into election stuff..

You certainly can voice your opinion on issues and candidates here and elsewhere, but frankly it isn't terribly meaningful unless you vote.  My guess a vast majority of you are registered voters but to those of you who haven't registered...why not?  Never been simpler.

Won't be here for the election?

Know a neighbor who is new to the City? February is the time to register, gently encourage them to get a move on...please.

WL consistently leads the area in voter turnout

Board of Elections, Platte County:
2600 NW Prairie View Road
PO Box 560
Platte City, Missouri 64079
Office Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone (816) 858-4400
Fax (816) 858-3387

Monday, January 29, 2018

Tweet Heart

I am not a huge fan of social media, I actually use my a phone.  Yes, I am on Facebook but I don't think I have posted on my page...used it to spy on our kids.  I have been on Twitter for a number of years, mostly to keep up with business influencers, etc...and again, not for me posting.  However of few folks asked me if I tweet (no I won't be as prolific as the Prez) so I will tweet on occasion.  You can follow me @mikemoratz

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Some Things Change...

And some things stay the same.  Hi everyone, after my sabbatical following last year’s City election I am back at it for the run up to the City election for April 2018.  There is something for everyone in this election, incumbents trying to maintain their positions, newbies trying to mix it up and of course everything else that involves small town politics.  You won’t find information about the dynamics anywhere else but here...not in the Star, not in the Landmark...okay you might get a snippet the week before the election in the Star, a paragraph (submitted by the candidates) edited by someone there who is rather clueless.

So you are stuck with me and others who are observers at City Hall.  You might even get to meet (at least virtually) the “Three Amigas” as I have nicknamed them, three women who have been consistent attendees of the Board of Aldermen meetings.  I may be forced to maintain their anonymity to protect the innocent.

Please be patient, I will ramp up posts in the coming weeks, if you will, tell friends and neighbors about the blog.  As has been my policy in the past, I do not censor Comments...but don’t use “anonymous” to take potshots...use your name and be on the record...just like me.