In what has become an all too familiar pattern by KCMO city functionaries, two meetings scheduled with WeatherbyLakeans have been cancelled with little or no explanation. Mayor Bos was supposed to meet with KCMO regarding Barry Rd issues today (I think he was going to meet the commander of the soldiers on the Barry Road Bridge BRB) but the meeting was cancelled due to an employee vacation...huh? My guess is KCMO has received a fair amount of feedback regarding the bridge, maybe they felt they didn't need anymore...I did send a digital pic last weekend to the KCMO Director of Public Works of the fallen soldiers on the BRB, imploring him for reinforcements. KCMO has a history of indifference to WL, ask WLIC folks about the permit process for Peret, ask former Mayor York about his frustrations in dealing with different departments. Fact is we don't have much leverage. We're not voters or constituents of KCMO, we don't have deep pockets to peddle influence or lobby, we're basically gnats. (We might want to adopt it as the City insect?). Not very comforting when you think about the serious issues that need to be discussed regarding The Road and impact on our Community and Lake.

Carol Hornung gave an update from the Noise Reduction Committee, apparently they have renamed themselves the Airport Information Committee. They had a meeting scheduled on 25 July with airport officials to discuss concerns regarding, as she put it "violations of airspace". This meeting was cancelled without explanation. Carol mentioned the Committee was going to seek alternate opportunities for meetings with KCMO/Airport officials. Some mention of what is acceptable noise "65 decibels" as recognized by airport planners. The Committee slogs on. See this NYT story on noise...
Next post: Money, Money, Money, Disturbing findings from the External Audit of the City and the 2008 Forecast for the City.
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