Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Where is Waldo?
Was on a teleconference yesterday with managers from across the country. I was introducing myself to the group when I was asked, "Is Weatherby Lake near Kansas City or St Louis?" My stock reply is "near KCI" because most of the business folks I deal with have at least been to the airport. I kind of like the anonymity we have. Best kept secret? Could be. Do we have an identity problem? Don't think so. Do we identify ourselves like Riss Lake, The National or Tiffany Greens? Nope. Just a quiet suburban bedroom community with a lake, smack dab in the middle. To me, the Lake is our monument, it defines, in part, who we are.
Where in the world in Weatherby Lake?
A Monumental Fest
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Trash Talkin
There are a number of metros in the country that have gone to PBTB, Pay By The Bag, policy. KC's MARC (Mid-America Regional Council) recently discussed this in regards to recycling. Projections on waste vs waste sites aren't pretty going forward. Recycling of course helps ease the pressure. PBTB is one way to incent citizens to focus on trash. PBTB coming here? Someday, probably. Why wait? Now we're talkin trash!
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Bet You Missed This One
Part of the Boston University Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy. No mention of a study of local politicians, although many locals have been heard to say..."What were they thinking?"
Previous comment regarding online info regarding the City, there is a fair amount online now at the City website (http://www.cityofweatherbylake-mo.gov/index.aspx) , hopefully the current administration will continue to upgrade the web site. Obviously those who check in on this blog are "wired" (well, actually I am wireless, but you know what I mean).
Speaking of info, the agendas and minutes of the BOA are published on the web site. The back and forth comments regarding the event at Birmingham Park stimulated me to check the minutes of April 17th 2007. That was the meeting then Mayor York gave an update on a Northland Mayor's Council project "Adopt a Soldier". Present at that meeting were Finn, Hoy and White among others (I was there too). I agree with Brian, the focus should properly be on the soldiers who shipped out to Iraq and thankfully returned home safely. And thanks to all those involved, good things happen.
Being a Nuisance
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ed Ford coming to town
BTW, see the comment on the BRB blog regarding specs for construction of our piece of the Barry Road project...we will build no bridge before its time!
Last Sunday
Monday, September 22, 2008
Household Hazardous Waste-October 4th
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Prying Eyes
A subdivision in Wentzville, MO is marketing homes with surveillance cameras. Interesting idea. I have been a proponent of the City posting surveillance cameras at the CC/Tennis Courts, City Hall, and the Public Works garage. They could be monitored by police/city employees/city officials via internet. As you already know, the WLIC uses cameras on C point. The Barry Road Bridge closing makes it more difficult for coverage/surveillance of the City. Why not let technology help? Should this be a 2009 budget item? What do you think?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Between a Rock and a Hard place
Speaking of possibilities, Bubba and I were discussing/brainstorming the future of WL...I'll get to that in another post.
Another Good Reason for a Lake Patrol
Friday, September 19, 2008
Odds N Ends
A sewage spill occurred on Brush Creek in Johnson County a little over a week ago, caused by a pump failure at a sewage pumping station and subsequent dumping of poop into Brush Creek. Attributed to volume of storm water. Is it coincidence that recent problems at U Cove pumping station have occurred during rain events? If storm water is getting into the system, where is it coming from...WL or KCMO...both?
WLIC is considering the acquisition of lake front property to add dock spaces? Good idea?
The Recycling Bin at the CC is getting immediate use, impressive. Today as you haul your trash to the street, take a look. How many cans/plastic/cardboard items are at the curb when they could be recycled? It's a habit, start today.
Next week a review of your upcoming property tax bill... a preview of levies :
Park Hill School District-about the same
WL Fire Protection-Down
SPlatte Ambulance-Up
City of WL-Up, 8%
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Support The Troops fundraiser-Sept 21
Want to help? De Surma, 746-1491. Donations, "Support the Troops Fund" at City Hall.
Don Birmingham is traveling to Ft Riley to present the gift cards. Contact him, 741-1753 if you would like to join him.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
WL Recycle!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Rocky Road
Water, Water, Everywhere
Thursday, September 11, 2008
BOA Continued
Carol Regan appeared at the meeting on behalf of the Women's Club. She distributed a "Community Center Appliance Discussion Document" that reviews their rationale for the donation of new appliances. Document outlines their thinking in donating household/kitchen appliances versus commercial grade. They have ordered household/kitchen because:
- The granite counter tops & current configuration do not lend itself to commercial sized appliances. (Note, the Women's club donated the counter tops)
- The gas main has been disconnected due to age and condition.
- Cost of Commercial or Pro appliances would require upgrades costing $15-20K.
- Lack of ROI
- Caterers bring their food already prepared.
During discussion it was noted by former mayor Henderson the recurring comments and interest on warmers for prepared food. This was also one of the top priorities noted by former alderman Rittenhouse in a previous review of upgrades for the CC. On deaf ears.
The BOA voted to accept the appliances as proposed.
At least they are consistent. Despite Aldermen White and Hoy as the appointed "overlords" of the CC, there is still no plan for the use and or promotion of the CC. Rather, a continued pattern of sinking money into a facility that bleeds red. ROI? Hard to determine if there is no business plan. You can redecorate and replace appliances but to borrow a phrase in the news today...you can put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
More BOA
Mayor meets with KCMO...continuing discussions regarding the Cooperative Agreement which have been ongoing for the past year and a half. (This should be some indication of what it in store for the BRB...between bureaucrats and lawyers little progress has been made).
Discussion regarding a Nuisance Ordinance. The Mayor and BOA are looking for your feedback on nuisances in the city...hmm, having a hard time keeping a straight face. A few Boards ago grass height was the topic for this discussion. City Hall is looking for volunteers to weigh in on nuisances...this is your chance to get involved...just don't be a nuisance.
Apparently there is a "groundswell of interest" in constructing new entrance monuments to the City. The Mayor said the prospective project is "bigger than a breadbasket" and will be "expensive" How expensive? No figures mentioned, but numbers bouncing around rumor control certainly seem pricey. Will be interesting to see how the groundswell handles this one. A City bank account is being opened to support the project. More to follow.
Mayor Bos is "turning up the heat" on Sonoma Ridge a "stern letter" will be/has been sent. Added to the collection of previous stern letters sent, I am sure the cc file at City Hall is impressive. A number of ordinances are in place to hammer the paper holder...wonder why we just don't smack them rather than fry them?
Alderman Finn(fondly called the Trash Lady by insiders) reported on delays to the delivery of the recycling rolloffs. Patience, soon we'll be off in running. In the meantime, crush those cans and containers so when the day arrives we have more room in the bin.
One more item for this post. The Eleemenosynary Society submitted their annual request for free use of the Community Center. (Background...for a number of years they have been granted free access to the CC by the BOA) It was pointed out during last year's request the group was granted one last free pass and henceforth would have to pay a fee, according to the soon to be posted updated CC fee schedule. Guess they (the Society) forgot. As readers of the blog know, the days of free use are over at the CC. A motion to support their request was not made.
More to follow.
Friday, September 5, 2008
BOA Sept 2nd Recap
I had a baseball conflict (Mboy) and could not attend, these notes are a compilation of info gathered from those in attendance.
Glen Miller, Miller Management
Mr Miller, principal of Miller Management, presented the official findings of the 2007 audit (last year of York administration). His firm has conducted audits of cities, non-profits, churches and fraternal organizations for the last 19 years. Here are some of his comments.
"(WL audit is the) best audit from his staff he has ever seen"
"Great financial records, easily accessible"
"Staff very cooperative"
"Management committed...ran a tight ship....followed all laws, policies and procedures"
Mr Miller pointed out a few minor recommendations for improvement and with little discussion the BOA voted (4-0) to accept the audit findings.
Audit Committee Charter
The BOA considered the Audit Committee(AC) recommendations for its charter. (Kind of bass ackwards in the sense the Committee has already reviewed the 2007 audit and presented to the BOA last month.) (You might recall the AC voted to accept the 2007 audit) One of the modifications of the charter is the AC will make recommendations to the BOA regarding audit, it will not approve/disapprove of audits, that is the purview of the BOA.
There was a spirited discussion regarding the need for a sunset provision for the AC. Final vote (4-0) decided to place a 5 year sunset provision on the AC.
More notes to follow.
Opportunity Knocked
Wrap up on the party. It was fun, of course, and thanks for introducing yourselves yesterday. Enjoyed talking with all of you. I can't imagine turning over our house for almost a week like the network show does...Have to tell you we are curious and will tune in on ABC the 23rd to watch the premiere show. Speaking of ABC, they covered everything yesterday including any costs incurred (like WL Police overtime). Our turnout was estimated at over 200, better than the last two sites, Dallas and Phoenix. The ABC corporate exec in attendance was impressed by our community (she is from LA).
Goodies aside, we'd probably do it again. The kids had fun and we managed to escape without any major embarrassment. Back to normal, now that sounds good.