Saturday, September 13, 2008

Water, Water, Everywhere

About 5.6" in a little over 24 hours (at 9:30AM) and more on the way. The water is the highest I can recall since we moved here in 1999. Getting more than our fair share of silt/sludge/garbage. Yuck.


Anonymous said...

Thank our activists for the brown water

They conspired with developers and divided our commumity with half truths

Regretably these junior Perry Masons took legal action against the WLIC

You know who they are ... talk to them.. they know all and are expert in all things. Ask them what really happened on Sept 11

Anonymous said...

Am I totally out of the loop? I do not get anon #1's comments. What does 9-11 have to do with our lake? I'm not trying to be a smartelic I really don't know.

Anonymous said...

Paul and Ed have led the charge these past few years that has cost this community (you and me and the rest of the residents) thousands of dollars in legal fees by continually suing the WLIC to stop measures that protect the lake as well helping those outside the lake that have no interest in protecting it. Mostly for personal agendas. Ask key people who used to follow them and they will fill in the blanks to the lies they've told and damage they've done. Ed also likes to fly banners and post yard signs for people to find the "truth" about 9.11. He's into the conspiracy that others would say is not only unAmerican, but qualifies him as the village idiot.