Sunday, May 3, 2009

All the News that's Fit to Print

Just finished my ritual of reading the Sunday paper. Thought I would separate the "readable" stuff from the ads. As you know the pile of ads outweighed the news, by far. Made me think advertisers must be getting a bit nervous as the news content shrinks. Oh sure, there was a followup story on the tannery sludge from St Joe, but really most stories are just rehashed from somewhere else. I subscribe to Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and NY Times on line, lots of original reporting there. But still I love the feel of a newspaper, guess that is just old school.

Local news is very hard to come by, you already know that as well. While I try to make meetings (I went to the WLIC Board meeting but missed the BOA last month) it is a challenge with business travel, kids activities, and home obligations. Oh sure, there is the WLL, once a month. If you depend on that you really aren't interested, and most of it isn't news or old news anyway. The WLIC and City both have websites, ok places for historical info, not so much for up to date stuff(By the way, does the music on WLIC drive you crazy...I know I can mute it, but what is the purpose?) Could they be better? Yes. Why aren't they? Don't know.

Both organizations have no problem spending money...but not much money is spent keeping the membership informed (the recent" Zebra communication" being the exception). What's the latest on Peret? What's going on with Barry Road. The insiders know...aren't you curious too?


Anonymous said...

Mike, there are updates at every meeting. And if not, you can always ask about updates. Why are you always so negative? When you were an alderman, did you go door to door and meet with every neighbor and discuss everything going on so that everyone would stay informed? I don't think so. Stop trying to give those who give of their time a bad rap. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Yes the music on the WLIC is very annoying.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Anon (5/3 7:18AM) would be singing this song if York was still in office?

Anonymous said...

To anon 11:25:
Not sure I understand your point. Was only trying to address the fact that we all have opportunities to go to the monthly meetings, or call the Mayor/Aldermen, or call WLIC office. It seemed Mike was trying to insinuate that people are not being informed. I disagree. Maybe you don't. Your entitled to your opinion. And it doesn't matter who is in office. At some point we all have to get off our duff and ask questions rather than sit home & complain that no one is keeping us informed.

Anonymous said...

Why would we want York back in office? What does it have to do with York being in office or not?

Anonymous said...

ya, I don't get Anon 11:25 comments either. huh????