Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Live, Late Breaking, Investigative, "A Battle Between Two Cities"
Teeny, tiny bridge, big battle, so reports local TV5 on their 6 and 10PM newscasts tonight. About midway through the telecast they gave a teaser, announcing, "Coming up, small bridge, big fight between two cities...with a shot of the construction at what was formerly known as the BRB. The follow-up piece included a short interview with Weatherby Lakean, Dana Atwell, talking about the delays caused by the bridge outage. The commentator also quoted our own Mayor Jerry saying the bridge was supposed to be finished by January of this year (really?) while KCMO supposedly said a year from now. Must have been a slow news day, huh? They surely misquoted Jerry, can't imagine he said that...but then.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Note To Kathy B.
Just a reminder the monthly BOA meeting for October has been moved to the 13th. See you there.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Taking The High Road
In case you haven't sauntered on down to the BRB project, pic below displays what is coming. No that isn't a missile silo on the left, it's a manhole which indicates where the eventual road bed will be, about 13 feet above current (see truck on right). The road will elevate dramatically from Forest as it goes west.
Another interesting feature is how the stream bed has been altered for this phase of construction. Two dams have been formed, one at the seawall to the right and another up stream to the left. There is a very small pipe that has been laid to skirt around the dams and drain into the lake. What happens when we get our next downpour? Guess we'll just have to wait and see...could happen as soon as late this evening.
Another interesting feature is how the stream bed has been altered for this phase of construction. Two dams have been formed, one at the seawall to the right and another up stream to the left. There is a very small pipe that has been laid to skirt around the dams and drain into the lake. What happens when we get our next downpour? Guess we'll just have to wait and see...could happen as soon as late this evening.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Gone in 60 Minutes
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
"People will die"
No, not talking about Obamacare, not talking about H1N1 flu...although I guess both could cause people to die.
Nope, the above quote was from one of my favorite KCMO council members, Ed Ford. He loves the image of the ultimate mayhem (recall his comments regarding the Barry Road Bridge?) He was speaking in reference to the MAST takeover by the KCMO Fire Department (Sept 18, 2009). "This is not in the interest of public safety" Mr Ford said.
Bystanders? I'd say we are active participants because MAST is the provider for South Platte Ambulance District. Should be very interesting going forward. What if Ford is right?
Speaking of death...no I did not die, just been a road warrior this past two weeks. MCI/ATL/CLT/ORF/RIC/ORF/ATL/MCI/ATL/DAB/ATL/MCI.
It has been quiet on the City scene. Did anybody attend last night's Entrance meeting? If so please comment.
Nope, the above quote was from one of my favorite KCMO council members, Ed Ford. He loves the image of the ultimate mayhem (recall his comments regarding the Barry Road Bridge?) He was speaking in reference to the MAST takeover by the KCMO Fire Department (Sept 18, 2009). "This is not in the interest of public safety" Mr Ford said.
Bystanders? I'd say we are active participants because MAST is the provider for South Platte Ambulance District. Should be very interesting going forward. What if Ford is right?
Speaking of death...no I did not die, just been a road warrior this past two weeks. MCI/ATL/CLT/ORF/RIC/ORF/ATL/MCI/ATL/DAB/ATL/MCI.
It has been quiet on the City scene. Did anybody attend last night's Entrance meeting? If so please comment.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Case of the Missing Appointment
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
1 Sept Meeting
Travels this week interfered with my blogging so here is the last of the BOA. BTW, where are Mary's notes from the meeting?
As documented here previously, the water line on 77th Street needs to be replaced. Part of the process is to have the engineering done for the project. Seems in the process it was discovered very little documentation is available on the appointment and ordinance of our City Engineer. Where did it go and why is a mystery although it happened a number of administrations and City Clerks ago...chalk it up to sloppy record keeping at best. In any event the BOA was forced to adopt a legislative fix. (It was also discovered our ordinance requires MO residency, our current Engineer lives in KS but is licensed in MO). Fixes in place, the engineering will cost around $9,500. The BOA intends to conduct interviews for City Engineer in the future, although the current Engineer may be retained.
From the "It's Your Money" arena, it was reported the cost of the City Wide Cleanup was $5,000 which includes the cost of dumpsters and Benny. Just to stoke the pay raise issue again, we seem to be able to find money for most projects around the City. This is another example. I have never been a fan of the city sponsored cleanups, especially when they are "free". At one time we were doing two a year, fall and spring, and we did collect a modest fee (at times) to subsidize the cost. I pay for yard waste and have paid to have trees removed and hauled away...should I pay for your yard waste as well? Don't think so. The City keeping the right of way in good shape is one thing. Your yard is different. It's your property, take care of it. Put the $5,000 in the City Kitty for something that benefits all the tax payers...like City Employees.
1 Sept Meeting
Travels this week interfered with my blogging so here is the last of the BOA. BTW, where are Mary's notes from the meeting?
As documented here previously, the water line on 77th Street needs to be replaced. Part of the process is to have the engineering done for the project. Seems in the process it was discovered very little documentation is available on the appointment and ordinance of our City Engineer. Where did it go and why is a mystery although it happened a number of administrations and City Clerks ago...chalk it up to sloppy record keeping at best. In any event the BOA was forced to adopt a legislative fix. (It was also discovered our ordinance requires MO residency, our current Engineer lives in KS but is licensed in MO). Fixes in place, the engineering will cost around $9,500. The BOA intends to conduct interviews for City Engineer in the future, although the current Engineer may be retained.
From the "It's Your Money" arena, it was reported the cost of the City Wide Cleanup was $5,000 which includes the cost of dumpsters and Benny. Just to stoke the pay raise issue again, we seem to be able to find money for most projects around the City. This is another example. I have never been a fan of the city sponsored cleanups, especially when they are "free". At one time we were doing two a year, fall and spring, and we did collect a modest fee (at times) to subsidize the cost. I pay for yard waste and have paid to have trees removed and hauled away...should I pay for your yard waste as well? Don't think so. The City keeping the right of way in good shape is one thing. Your yard is different. It's your property, take care of it. Put the $5,000 in the City Kitty for something that benefits all the tax payers...like City Employees.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sewage Spills Into Lake
So reads the headline, KC Star, 6 Sept, page B1. Details of a raw sewage spill @ Prairie Lee Lake (connected to Lake Jacomo) from a Lee's Summit pump station. "Once sewage gets into the water, there is not much you can do", Doug Thompson MO DNR.
Could it happen here? We have lift stations on the East and West sides. Is the leadership from the City and WLIC prepared for a disaster? Hope so.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
1 September Meeting
Planning Commission
Burt Woods was on hand to explain the recommendations of the recent Planning Commission meeting. The request for replat of the Berman property was recommended for approval. A revision of the current building permit timeline was also recommended as well as adoption of the 2009 International Building Code (IBC).
There was a short discussion followed by adoption of all the recommendations of the Commission. The new term for a building permit will be 18 months, and many but not all of the 2009 IBC were adopted. The biggest change is the ability to use pvc rather than copper for water installantions.
1 September Meeting
Planning Commission
Burt Woods was on hand to explain the recommendations of the recent Planning Commission meeting. The request for replat of the Berman property was recommended for approval. A revision of the current building permit timeline was also recommended as well as adoption of the 2009 International Building Code (IBC).
There was a short discussion followed by adoption of all the recommendations of the Commission. The new term for a building permit will be 18 months, and many but not all of the 2009 IBC were adopted. The biggest change is the ability to use pvc rather than copper for water installantions.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
New 15 MPH Speed Limit In City
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
1 September Meeting
Sometimes ya just gotta laugh. During the Police Report Alderman Vic questioned Chief Gary on the number of speeding citations in July. Turns out there were only 9 speeding tickets for the entire month. Vic asked why, and the somewhat perplexed Chief replied, "I can't tell you, if they're not there, they're not there". Half of the audience (the three ladies in the front row) began to giggle. When called out by the Chief, one of the women explained why the guffaws. Seems one of them suggested to her friends the City should simply lower the speed limit to 15 MPH. That would increase the number of miscreants...right?
Sometimes ya just gotta laugh.
1 September Meeting
Sometimes ya just gotta laugh. During the Police Report Alderman Vic questioned Chief Gary on the number of speeding citations in July. Turns out there were only 9 speeding tickets for the entire month. Vic asked why, and the somewhat perplexed Chief replied, "I can't tell you, if they're not there, they're not there". Half of the audience (the three ladies in the front row) began to giggle. When called out by the Chief, one of the women explained why the guffaws. Seems one of them suggested to her friends the City should simply lower the speed limit to 15 MPH. That would increase the number of miscreants...right?
Sometimes ya just gotta laugh.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
1 September Meeting
Speaking of money, the long playing drama of the 2008 audit continues. Will there be one and if so in what form? You might recall the discussion was deferred from last meeting based on the absence of one alderman. There was a full house on Tuesday, but the results were the same...not much. The same themes replay, cost and scope. The range of perspectives go from Vic "don't spend the money" to Mary "I know it is expensive" but it is "a form of insurance". Mary cited examples of Tracy and KState as reasons to do an audit(?). So for all the hullabaloo that accompanied the last mayoral election and concerns about potential financial issues, this BOA and Mayor are sinking in the quicksand they poured. Interesting. Jerry goes back and forth regarding audits/reviews/discussions, sprinkling in his CPA background. Leadership, nope.
What about this. During the discussion, Mary alluded to an "issue" that was "personnel" related that would require discussion in closed session. Alderman Finn challenged Mary on the nature of the issue with no response from Mary. I fully expected the BOA to go into closed session at the end of the meeting. Surprisingly, Mary did not request closed session, leaving the allegation hanging...odd. What does she know and who does it involve?
It ended with an agreement that City Treasurer Marianne is going to conduct a review of the last audit (2007) and progress made on deficiencies since then. Probably in a special meeting. After that, maybe, a decision or no decision will be made.
1 September Meeting
Speaking of money, the long playing drama of the 2008 audit continues. Will there be one and if so in what form? You might recall the discussion was deferred from last meeting based on the absence of one alderman. There was a full house on Tuesday, but the results were the same...not much. The same themes replay, cost and scope. The range of perspectives go from Vic "don't spend the money" to Mary "I know it is expensive" but it is "a form of insurance". Mary cited examples of Tracy and KState as reasons to do an audit(?). So for all the hullabaloo that accompanied the last mayoral election and concerns about potential financial issues, this BOA and Mayor are sinking in the quicksand they poured. Interesting. Jerry goes back and forth regarding audits/reviews/discussions, sprinkling in his CPA background. Leadership, nope.
What about this. During the discussion, Mary alluded to an "issue" that was "personnel" related that would require discussion in closed session. Alderman Finn challenged Mary on the nature of the issue with no response from Mary. I fully expected the BOA to go into closed session at the end of the meeting. Surprisingly, Mary did not request closed session, leaving the allegation hanging...odd. What does she know and who does it involve?
It ended with an agreement that City Treasurer Marianne is going to conduct a review of the last audit (2007) and progress made on deficiencies since then. Probably in a special meeting. After that, maybe, a decision or no decision will be made.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
1 September Meeting
2010 Compensation Budget Guidelines
Zero, Zip, Nothing
Jerry introduced the beginning of the 2010 budget process. He began by polling the BOA on their perspectives on employee raises for next year.
Vic="No raise next year"
Mary="Hold fast"
Ed="I agree with Mary"
Tanya="We can revisit in 6 months"
Jerry basically had no comments.
Wow. During the limited discussion a mention was made of the current economic environment (in the US)(?).
Sitting in the audience I was stunned. There was no discussion of underlying budget issues, just no raise next year...can't imagine what Gary/George/Gwen thought. Think about this. We have a very tenured city staff that delivers our basic city services. Got a problem with snow removal? Grinder working ok? Feel secure and safe. Then the BOA says, for all intents and purposes, we don't have the money. Never mind the fact the community (and now I'm including us as WLIC members) have been willing to spend big bucks on Peret/Beanfield/O cove/K cove as well as more improvements to come. We're about to embark on fund raising for the entrance monuments. We shot off $15,000 for 4th of July. We spent funds to "upgrade" the CC and support its losing financial condition. And more. Do you think there is a consensus of taxpayers that would not be willing to consider merit increases for our city employees? How much do you think that would be? You might be embarrassed to know what a modest increase would be. Take a guess.
To take a play from Mary's playbook, if you have a problem with a Zero pay increase for our City employees, call your alderman...and mayor. The number is in the phone book.
Glenda Negrelli, in the audience, agreed with the BOA position, making comments about her experience at Hallmark. My guess that is not a apples to apples comparison, certainly the benefits package at Hallmark is generous compared to our City package.
1 September Meeting
2010 Compensation Budget Guidelines
Zero, Zip, Nothing
Jerry introduced the beginning of the 2010 budget process. He began by polling the BOA on their perspectives on employee raises for next year.
Vic="No raise next year"
Mary="Hold fast"
Ed="I agree with Mary"
Tanya="We can revisit in 6 months"
Jerry basically had no comments.
Wow. During the limited discussion a mention was made of the current economic environment (in the US)(?).
Sitting in the audience I was stunned. There was no discussion of underlying budget issues, just no raise next year...can't imagine what Gary/George/Gwen thought. Think about this. We have a very tenured city staff that delivers our basic city services. Got a problem with snow removal? Grinder working ok? Feel secure and safe. Then the BOA says, for all intents and purposes, we don't have the money. Never mind the fact the community (and now I'm including us as WLIC members) have been willing to spend big bucks on Peret/Beanfield/O cove/K cove as well as more improvements to come. We're about to embark on fund raising for the entrance monuments. We shot off $15,000 for 4th of July. We spent funds to "upgrade" the CC and support its losing financial condition. And more. Do you think there is a consensus of taxpayers that would not be willing to consider merit increases for our city employees? How much do you think that would be? You might be embarrassed to know what a modest increase would be. Take a guess.
To take a play from Mary's playbook, if you have a problem with a Zero pay increase for our City employees, call your alderman...and mayor. The number is in the phone book.
Glenda Negrelli, in the audience, agreed with the BOA position, making comments about her experience at Hallmark. My guess that is not a apples to apples comparison, certainly the benefits package at Hallmark is generous compared to our City package.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Jerry & George
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
1 September Meeting
Hunt Midwest
North Amity from 152 to Tiffany Springs will be improved to match the Tiffany Springs improvements as part of the Hunt Midwest Project. No dates given.
Amity at Barry
No stoplight when the project is complete, although conduit will be laid to accommodate a light for the future (per George).
Recently approved a variance for the Berman property.
50th Anniversary
Alderman Finn reported the turnout of 75 to 100 people.
MPR Annual Training Meeting
Jerry attended the meeting of the organization which represents our "self funding" for insurance. Jerry said the meeting "made him nervous", especially regarding the non-coverage of unlicensed vehicles...specifically the Kubotas used for grinder repairs, etc. Led him to wonder what else isn't covered, so he would like the BOA to consider review at coming meeting(s).
Money from KCMO
$24,000 for sewer and $50,000 for entrance monuments received this week.
DNR Audit
Conducted last month, 250 questions of Water Department. Our last audit was about 9 years ago. Two major deficiencies were found:
Water shut off
Wednesday night the water from Conant to Grass Pad was shut off (Midnight to 4AM), part of the Barry Road project. George went to the tower to insure it was full prior to shutoff to insure we had water for emergencies...north of Barry was without water during this time.
1 September Meeting
Hunt Midwest
North Amity from 152 to Tiffany Springs will be improved to match the Tiffany Springs improvements as part of the Hunt Midwest Project. No dates given.
Amity at Barry
No stoplight when the project is complete, although conduit will be laid to accommodate a light for the future (per George).
Recently approved a variance for the Berman property.
50th Anniversary
Alderman Finn reported the turnout of 75 to 100 people.
MPR Annual Training Meeting
Jerry attended the meeting of the organization which represents our "self funding" for insurance. Jerry said the meeting "made him nervous", especially regarding the non-coverage of unlicensed vehicles...specifically the Kubotas used for grinder repairs, etc. Led him to wonder what else isn't covered, so he would like the BOA to consider review at coming meeting(s).
Money from KCMO
$24,000 for sewer and $50,000 for entrance monuments received this week.
DNR Audit

- The City failed to collect a 2$ primacy fee from users
- The City does not have a 2nd licensed water operator (George is our only operator)
Water shut off
Wednesday night the water from Conant to Grass Pad was shut off (Midnight to 4AM), part of the Barry Road project. George went to the tower to insure it was full prior to shutoff to insure we had water for emergencies...north of Barry was without water during this time.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Geezers Unite!
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
1 September Meeting
The first order of business, a proclamation declaring October Senior Citizens Month at WL. It was a unanimous vote by a Board and Mayor decidedly "seniors", kind of like singing happy birthday to themselves. A sampling of the proclamation:
On a more serious note the meeting proceeded for another 2 hours and 40 minutes, some of the 6 members of the public aged noticeably with the exception of Gaye...who miraculously appeared to actually get younger...you had to be there.
Speaking of posterior pain, the meeting finished with a flourish in New Business. Jerry introduced the concept of having two BOA meetings a month which met with giddy excitement by Mary. Idea being the BOA could split a two hour meeting (which they have had one this year) into two one hour meetings. Simple math, right? Finn appropriately id' the problem as El Jerry himself (correctly so). My experience? In a past administration the new mayor went to a bi-weekly schedule which lasted two months. Why? The discussions were like that expanding foam...oozed out to fill the void.
Stay tuned blogites, I have just touched the surface of 8 handwritten pages of Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA.
1 September Meeting
The first order of business, a proclamation declaring October Senior Citizens Month at WL. It was a unanimous vote by a Board and Mayor decidedly "seniors", kind of like singing happy birthday to themselves. A sampling of the proclamation:
- "Whereas, never before in the history of our country have youth been in greater need of wisdom and counseling of older people"
- Whereas, aging is a life-long process, and preparation for old age begins in childhood and continues throughout the life-cycle"
On a more serious note the meeting proceeded for another 2 hours and 40 minutes, some of the 6 members of the public aged noticeably with the exception of Gaye...who miraculously appeared to actually get younger...you had to be there.
Speaking of posterior pain, the meeting finished with a flourish in New Business. Jerry introduced the concept of having two BOA meetings a month which met with giddy excitement by Mary. Idea being the BOA could split a two hour meeting (which they have had one this year) into two one hour meetings. Simple math, right? Finn appropriately id' the problem as El Jerry himself (correctly so). My experience? In a past administration the new mayor went to a bi-weekly schedule which lasted two months. Why? The discussions were like that expanding foam...oozed out to fill the void.
Stay tuned blogites, I have just touched the surface of 8 handwritten pages of Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Barry and Potomac
Yes, that's the pic from the last post. A number of folks just going around to Westside to avoid the bone jarring BUMP. One thing for sure either you slow to a snails pace or BAM. Update,Update, tonight's BOA, George disclosed we may be bumping until mid-September...I know, you feel our pain.
Want To Do The Bump?
If not, call Ed Ford (or Mary). This feature has been known to Upper West Side residents for two weeks, so no fair guessing Where Is It, What Is It.
Speaking of Mary, tonight is BOA night, 7PM, City Hall. I understand there are those who would like to see twice a month BOA meetings...oh the agony! On behalf of Kathy and me...spare us!
Speaking of Mary, tonight is BOA night, 7PM, City Hall. I understand there are those who would like to see twice a month BOA meetings...oh the agony! On behalf of Kathy and me...spare us!
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