The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOAOctober 13 MeetingVisions of a short meeting (well,
Mary's vision) quickly evaporated as we (8 citizens) approached the 10PM mark, another excursion into governmental excellence in the can in a manner of speaking. Topics ranged from
cat poop to 2010 budget to entrance monuments, you'll get your cliff notes, right here.
Jim Miller of the
Entrance Advisory Committee and
Kris Dabner, planner for the project, gave their update. Drawings were displayed and primary focus was given to the first monument proposed to be built,
Eastside @ City Hall. The proposal includes a long sweeping monument made of "native stone" situated in the area of the corner of the boat lot as one approaches from the south. Traffic calming pavement will be included as one enters the City. Price tag? Estimates are
$150,000 to $175,000, could be more, could be less once bids are sought. Intentions are to launch fund raising soon (
McInerney & White) with the hope of beginning work on the first monument by end of the year. The second monument to be targeted will be at Potomac with the
EAC intending to approach the
WL Park Board for funding. Ironically, the monuments along Barry Road destroyed by construction, will be completed last. Will the $50,000 received from
KCMO for those monuments be earmarked for them? Nope. The
EAC's intentions are to
build as you go relying on the belief funding can be obtained for all the monuments in the project according to
Jim. Total estimate for the project is in the neighborhood of
Jim also gave an update from
WLIC. The Board is proceeding with plans to overhaul C Point with potential improvements to the seawall, road, rest rooms and gazebo. Jim didn't mention the price tag, but I understand the estimates could be
$500,000 to $750,000 total. Add the two projects together, that's
$1.2 million, right?
The design is dated in my view
A letdown for me
A little hard to tell from the size of the picture, but what does it have to do with lake living? At least Risk Lake tried to go with nautical looking lighting and lighthouses.
Definitely ass-backwards to me. With all of the Hunt Midwest development going on around 152, the Barry Entrances are sure to be more prominent with traffic patterns. Final construction may take a while, but rather then spend the $50K where we don't absolutely need it, here's a novel idea, SAVE IT and use it for what it was intended, to replace the ones that were demolished.
The drawing is just like this pipe dream project...wishful thinking. Since when did we look like Vail?
Vail would appear upscale
This drawing does not appear upscale
I'm thinking this isn't the actual drawing and something Mike used as a demonstrative visual. It looks nothing like any of the prelim sketches i saw. Mike, am i wrong?
Heres one with our namesake that looks a lot better to me
Only $1.2 million. 700, or so homes. Just give everyone a bill for $1,715 and let them pay it off over two or three years.
Seriously people I am all for heated toilets, but do we really need to keep wasting money on things around this lake. EVERY one of us live within 2 minutes of the lake if we are not lake front. If there is a bathroom emergency you can go to your house. The WLIC needs to stop writting checks like it has an unlimited balance in its account. WE own the WLIC so shouldn't residents be deciding what we want to WASTE our money on and not be told after the fact how much we owe.
The pic on the blog was one supplied by the landscape planner for the BOA. It is a part of the evolution of drawings from the initial public displays and EAG meetings. There was a "birdseye" as well which showed the traffic calming feature (paver type road way) at the entrance.
The pic on the blog was one supplied by the landscape planner for the BOA. It is a part of the evolution of drawings from the initial public displays and EAG meetings. There was a "birdseye" as well which showed the traffic calming feature (paver type road way) at the entrance.
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