- County Park Tax passes.
- Bos, "I don't know what to report" regarding Barry Road.
- EAGC (Entrance Advisory Group Committee) holds public viewings of proposals, budget $420,000.
- Bos, "Some people want the street lights out" referring to the annual cost to the City of $40,000.
- 1 year anniversary of the closing of Barry Road.
- Foundations poured in WestRidge.
- City is 50 years old.
- Potomac is closed, Hoy emails " write or call the Kansas City Councilmen".
- Jewel of the Northland campaign, EAGC.
- Call KCMO, 16 comments, see Hoy quote above.
- PTI, 19 comments, Audit.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
August 09
July 2009
- Lake closed because of EColi count.
- More dirt relocates from Barry Road to Lake.
- Lake re-opens just in time for the 4th.
- Fab fireworks.
- Gross home goes on the market.
- Bos "Hard to say anything positive" regarding Barry Road.
- Mayor/BOA decide not to audit 2008 financials.
- Freezer Burn post gets 16 comments (strikes a nerve with Fishing Club).
- Lap Dog(s) post gets 19 posts (financial audit or lack thereof).
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
May/June 09
- Swine flu panic grows.
- Costello/WLIC dispute festers.
- WLIC new user fee prevails.
- Park Board Concerts in the Park kicks off.
- Mayor Bos believes City should have term limits
- Bos decides liaison roles for aldermen was a "dumb idea on my part".
- City moves up paving projects because of cheap asphalt prices.
- Vic/Jerry say new roads will last 20 years.
- WLIC Prez Joe Ennett proposes dedicated docks for WestRidge subdivision.
- Don Birmingham passes away.
- "Paparazzi" post receives 56 comments regarding WLIC/Costello/Gross.
April 09
- BOA decides not to pass along KCMO water rate increase (which was effective 1 May).
- Hoy receives 122 votes of possible 767.
- Bossert receives 90 write-in votes to Surma's 24 for East Ward Alderman.
- Hoy would like to see sewer rates tied to actual usage, concept known as Pay By The Flush.
- Costello/WLIC destruction of property issue heats up.
- Finn elected Mayor Pro Tem.
- Hoy indicates street crack sealer to be used in the fall.
- Comments - Add Hoy to the list of names/topics that engender comments.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
March 09
- WL 6 yr road plan revealed.
- KCMO announces Barry Road winning bid and completion date no later than 11 February, 2011.
- Blog hits one year mark with 19,000 hits.
- BOA opposes MAST/KCMO merger.
- Bossert and Surma are write-in candidates for East Ward.
- Comments - Elections and WLIC always generate Comments.
Best of February
- WL submits $21.1 million in requests for Stimulus money, including $9 million for burying electric power lines.
- WL City Hall office hours return to normal after Jerry Bos' experiment on early/late hours. "There is only so much soduku you can do" said Jerry referring to the lonely office hours.
- The Entrance Advisory Group Committee charter is approved.
- KCMO Councilman Russ Johnson comments on the Barry road project, "This will help avoid needless deaths in the future."
- Paul and Donna Gross allege human rights violations in suit against WLIC. Part of the new user fee proposal controversy.
- Most comments? Just blog the name Gross. 30 comments on one post regarding above.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Best Of 2009
January 2009
- Mayor Jerry Bos says the phantom water meter charge ($5) will be revoked...no refund to citizens, because the money has been spent.
- Alderman DeJong predicts Entrance Monument construction could start as early as October.
- City finishes 08 with $200,000 surplus.
- New nuisance ordinances for pet poop and residential lights.
- 2nd recycling dumpsters added at CC and City Hall.
- WLIC goes "all in" on protecting lake from zebras
- No challengers for Hoy, no one files for East Ward alderman, White retires.
- Best pic-"Sharp Edges", Jan 31st.
- Most comments, "Filing Update".
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Perverse Pleasure
If you haven't had enough fun pushing snow, try what we did yesterday afternoon. On a whim, mid-afternoon, we headed to Snow Creek (Weston) for some down hill fun. Son Matthew, the sane one in the crew, picked up his rental skis and headed to the slopes. Miss Sarah and me picked up our snowboards and headed for the instructor corral. Yep, I said snowboard. Sarah has wanted to try for sometime and I agreed to accompany her. Instructor Zach soon appeared and we dove, literally, into the niceties of boarding. One of the first things you learn is how to fall. Hmm, seems like I caught on to falling quick...no it isn't the falling part, it is how to fall without doing great bodily harm. We both found out quickly we did not have enough padding on our backside...which is where we spent a considerable amount of time. It is just the nature of boarding. Darkness provided cover for our screw-ups as a gentle snow fell. Boarding at night under the lights is cool.
Anyway, Sarah did very well for first board adventure. She retired to the "ski shack" to await Matthew...I thought what the heck, I'll take a couple of more runs. Now there is sage advice given to me during my wind surfing days...and I have heard it skiing as well. "When you think of doing one more"..."don't". Wisdom disregarded, my first run was fun, one more for the road. Mid-hill I flopped, graceful, but down nonetheless. Determined to finish in grand style I pointed straight down the hill, zoooom! I approached the end of the run, right next to the line for the chairlift. In a flash, I was airborne, horizontal, as Mother Earth pulled me back...butt, then back. No applause from those in line, couple of commiserating groans. Son Matthew witnessed the whole escapade, smile on his face. "Wow, you really wiped out!" Fun.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Deep S***

SNOW, of course...for friends out of town, especially a couple in warmer climes, a preview of what awaits when you return to WL. Shot out of our bedroom deck, that blue thingy is a 12" ruler, a bit of a drift on the deck. Snowing this morning, have to fire up the tractor, again.
One of our vehicles is a Camry Hybrid, nice car, great gas mileage. Yesterday was my first experience with real snow in the car...forgettaboutit!. Trying to get through the Wildwood gulag was impossible...two reasons: 1) The roads were not plowed (oh, how we are spoiled), 2) the Camry stayed on battery because of low speed...therefore not getting enough momentum in the snow. Result, stuck a number of times. What to do?
G0 back home, jump into our Sienna van...now we're talking snow plow! Made it to AMC without any problems, even in the Wildwood Alps. Inconvenient truth, my hybrid wasn't made for snow.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas

Luke 2:1-14
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register.
So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Santa's Scouting Party
White Christmas
In that regard, my snow crew is at the ready...well, son Matthew is ready to fire up the lawn tractor and push the snow to the side, for the moment I play the role of supervisor.
While we go ga-ga at the snow, a bit of the Grinch appears, stealing Christmas from the WL Public Works crew...on duty making sure our streets are clear. Sincere thanks to George and the "boys" for doing what they do and making our streets the best in the Metro. Thanks too to Public Safety, always there if needed, our Police are part of the core services vital to making our community the wonderful place it is.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Run Silent, Run Deep
21 December Meeting
- About 50 seawall projects were initiated with the draw down of the lake, most have been completed. The pipe that facilitated the water release was closed on November 20th with the lake 15" below pool. You should notice a rise in the water level...as we speak.
- The U Cove seawall problem is "getting worse" (leaning outward). Apparently no rip-rap was placed against the seawall when it was set and the action of the water has destabilized the wall. Remedies could include removal of the sidewalk and resetting the wall or adding rip-rap and hoping the wall stabilizes. In any event, no remedy until spring time.
- Long Range Planning will meet in January.
- A number of new volunteers have come forward to take assignments on the Access Committee (no names mentioned, no action taken)
- 30 of 50 samples sent to Blue Valley Labs by the Stream Team had "exceeded acceptable levels" for sedimentation.
- That is all for formal board reports and comments...what's missing?
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
45 Minutes
December 21
That's all it took for the Board to conduct business for December with 7 members in the audience. President Ennett attended via telephone as VP Miller chaired the meeting. Highlights included:
- The Board considered the opportunity to provide community service hours for high school students who need A+ hours or those who need community service hours as part of their high school program. The City and Park Board are considering similar opportunities next year. WLIC might consider projects related to Access areas or others as they pop up. More details to follow.
- The "O" and "K" cove projects are going to get smoothed and reseeded by March 1.
- Next week the Department of Conservation with assist with planting of natural grasses on Peret.
- Beavers...in "O" cove, north end. Some ornamentals lost (actually gnawed) on at least two properties. Anybody for a nice pair of mittens? Director Schmidt cringes.
- Reports of an 8lb trout being landed recently...eye witnesses verify the catch...no scales, what the heck, close enough. It must have been a beauty.
- The "Costello case" continues to move through the system. There may be a court date set by next Board meeting.
- More to follow.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Pay The Piper
Page A 22, Dec 17th
Water Repair Price Tag Daunting But Necessary
Yael T. Abouhlakah
Very good piece by Yael summarizing the tough task ahead for KCMO Water Services as noted in a previous post. As he puts it, required sewer and water increases for the next five years will be a "stunning 80 percent over that period" Even more stunning was the failure of our WL City Council to pass along the increase that was assessed by KCMO this year. Result? The nest egg built has quickly eroded. Remember, we (WL) have to maintain our own water and sewer lines, the money we pay to KCMO is , in part for their maintenance issues. The rate increase could be even worse if a EPA crackdown pushes the annual increase to 25% for sewer.
You won't read this in Weatherby Lake Living, but at least you should know...and be prepared. Questions? Call your alderman.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
OK Corral
Raymore's war of words over guns intensifies
Raymore's City Council votes to allow council members to carry concealed weapons. Shades of WL Council past. The WL City Council considered an ordinance to ban concealed carry in public buildings (City Hall/Community Center) which was very much opposed by then Mayor Henderson. Despite his machinations, the Council vote 4-0 to pass the ordinance, which stands today. It speaks to what the Council can do if disposed. Class IV cities are often referred to as weak mayor forms of government. If the BOA has some gumption.
Raymore Council member Hubach posted on a community web site "the city should pass an ordinance that would ban anyone over 70 running for council". Ouch. Let me see, concealed weapons carried by council members...none of which can be over 70. Sounds like Utopia, right?
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Jason Brown
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Vocab Builder
Enteric fermentation: Belching and flatulence from cattle which releases methane.
Class dismissed.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Addendum: West Ward Alderman Vic DeJong filed late yesterday afternoon as well, so all the incumbents have filed with the exception of Judge Roper.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Get In Line
One person who will not be in line @ Platte County will be current presiding commissioner Betty Knight. The Landmark has been reporting she will not run and an article in today's KC Star confirms. Good thing forPlatte County in my estimation, time for a change and new blood in a somewhat moribund commission, in my opinion...we'll see.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Lordy, Lordy
I don't disagree with the decision, I'm surprised it didn't hit the radar screen before this. Now I am a believer in the power of prayer, so while the elected officials can't pray during their meetings...we can pray for them...all of them, from the top to local. Seems like it is a good idea to ask the deity you pray to bless our elected officials with wisdom and foresight.
Let us pray.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Good News...Bad News
While I was gone and in case you missed it, Bernardo Garcia of KCMO Water Services again repeated their intentions to increase sewer by 15% annually and water 10% annually starting next year for the next five years (my guess it will go beyond). If the EPA gets tough they may have to increase rates on sewer by 25%.
Speaking of EPA...now that our latest sewer spill is in the rear view mirror, life is once again great at Weatherby Lake. Wonder what Santa will put in the stocking of the leadership of WLIC and City on that issue?
Received this pic from a reader. Any local landmark similar?

Sunday, December 6, 2009
In Case You Missed This
To the WLIC Membership:
Re: Correction to the 2010 Annual Assessment & Lake Permit Fee Invoices which were mailed to the WLIC Membership last week-
The Invoices are generated from a template which we re-use each year. In the last paragraph the payment due date of January 1, 2009 did not update. Of course, the correct due date is January 1, 2010, and payment received after March 31, 2010 is delinquent.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Getting the Poop in MN
A Minneapolis newspaper reported on a suburban incident where a number of homeowners were upset by a sewer backup that caused quite a bit of damage to homes. Apparently there was a water main break, which undermined a manhole, which caused a blockage in a sewer line, which caused sewage to backup in a number of homes. The water department referred to the incident as "unfortunate" but did not take responsibility for the damage. The homeowners are currently exploring legal action.
While it might be difficult to calculate the physical "damage" done to the lake in the last spill here, the adverse publicity, TV/print/internet, certainly portrays our lake as vulnerable...not good right?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Hot Pants
The Semi-Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Dec 1
Because I was out of town, you'll have to settle for the Semi version.
Short meeting, Mayor needed to get out of Dodge...some highlights.
- 2010 Budget passed.
- A couple of aldermen have issues with work agreement/contract with "Backhoe" Benny Martin. {fyi, Benny has provided his services to the community going on 30 years, if you have ever watched him, he digs a mean trench}
- When asked about the sewage spill, Jerry says "we're talking (with KCMO)" but without any progress...what does that mean?
- EAGC update (Entrance Advisory Group Committee). 20 donors to date with pledged amount of $100,000.
That's all for now, got to finish my laundry...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Speaking of Santa, the Entrance Advisory Group Committee held a meeting last night. Hope to find out some of the details. There will probably be a report at tonight's BOA.