SNOW, of course...for friends out of town, especially a couple in warmer climes, a preview of what awaits when you return to WL. Shot out of our bedroom deck, that blue thingy is a 12" ruler, a bit of a drift on the deck. Snowing this morning, have to fire up the tractor, again.
One of our vehicles is a Camry Hybrid, nice car, great gas mileage. Yesterday was my first experience with real snow in the car...forgettaboutit!. Trying to get through the Wildwood gulag was impossible...two reasons: 1) The roads were not plowed (oh, how we are spoiled), 2) the Camry stayed on battery because of low speed...therefore not getting enough momentum in the snow. Result, stuck a number of times. What to do?
G0 back home, jump into our Sienna van...now we're talking snow plow! Made it to AMC without any problems, even in the Wildwood Alps. Inconvenient truth, my hybrid wasn't made for snow.
I live on Scenic Dr. Christmas night after I went to bed, someone plowed my driveway! I don't know who the kind person is but would like to find out. It was such a nice thing to do and I appreciate it so much. Come forward so I can thank you. Janet
Camry? Not only wont it go in snow but by not buying American we get even more bogged down in debt.
Buying cars made abroad wont help pay for those trillion dollar unfunded Bush drug benefit entitlements that are a big part of the growing deficit
Why do you think Americans can buy cars from abroad but cant buy lower cost drugs?
We did have a few Toyota Republicans voting with the Democrat Party after the Republicans amended the "Cash for Clunkers "to include Toyotas even low cost cars built in Korea.
We pay for Koreas defense and Korean government pays for its auto workers health care thats why Fords cost more .They dont spend 20% of tax revenue on military when someone else will pay for it
De Mint ,Shelby and McConnell voted yes to subsidize Foreign car companies. Why? They build Toyotas and Hondas in Kentucky TN and Alabama
Buy from American Companies like Ford and GM and Harley that build in Missouri before its too late
The Toyota Republicans
By Patrick Buchanan
"GOP to Detroit: Drop Dead!"
So may have read the headline Friday, had not President Bush stepped in to save GM, Ford and Chrysler, which Senate Republicans had just voted to send to the knacker's yard.
What are Republicans thinking of, pulling the plug, at Christmas, on GM, risking swift death for the greatest manufacturing company in American history, a strategic asset and pillar of the U.S. economy.
Is the Republican Party so fanatic in its ideology that, rather than sin against a commandment of Milton Friedman, it is willing to see America written forever out of this fantastic market, let millions of jobs vanish and write off the industrial Midwest?
So it would seem. "Companies fail every day, and others take their place," said Sen. Richard Shelby on "Face the Nation."
Presumably, the companies that will "take their place," when GM, Ford and Chrysler die, are German, Japanese or Korean, like the ones lured into Shelby's state of Alabama, with the bait of subsidies free-market Republicans are supposed to abhor.
In 1993, Alabama put together a $258 million package to bring a Mercedes plant in. In 1999, Honda was offered $158 million to build a plant there. In 2002, Alabama won a Hyundai plant by offering a $252 million subsidy.
"We have a number of profitable automakers in America, and they should not be disadvantaged for making wise business decisions while failure is rewarded," says Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina.
DeMint is referring to "profitable automakers" like BMW, which sited a plant in Spartanburg, after South Carolina offered the Germans a $150 million subsidy and $80 million to expand.
Fine. But why this "Let-them-eat-cake!" coldness toward U.S. auto companies? General Motors employs more workers than all these foreign plants combined. And, unlike Mitsubishi, General Motors didn't bomb Pearl Harbor.
Do these Southern senators understand why the foreign automakers suddenly up and decided to build plants in the United States?
It was the economic nationalism of Ronald Reagan.
When an icon of American industry, Harley-Davidson, was being run out of business by cutthroat Japanese dumping of big bikes to kill the "Harley Hog," Reagan slapped 50 percent tariffs on their motorcycles and imposed quotas on imported Japanese cars. Message to Tokyo. If you folks want to keep selling cars here, start building them here.
Fear of Reaganism brought those foreign automakers, lickety-split, to America's shores, not any love of Southern cooking.
The Republican Party gave their jobs away!
How? By telling U.S. manufacturers they could shut plants here, get rid of their U.S. workers, build factories in Mexico, Asia or China, and ship their products back, free of charge.
Republican globalists gave U.S. manufacturers every incentive to go abroad and take their jobs with them, the jobs of Middle America.
And, for 30 years, that is what U.S. manufacturers have done, have been forced to do, as their competitors closed down and moved their plants abroad in search of low-wage Third World labor.
It's Herbert Hoover time in here, Vice President Cheney is said to have told the Senate Republicans -- as they prepared to march out onto the floor and turn thumbs down on any reprieve for General Motors.
In today's world, America faces nationalistic trade rivals who manipulate currencies, employ nontariff barriers, subsidize their manufacturers, rebate value-added taxes on exports to us and impose value-added taxes on imports from us, all to capture our markets and kill our great companies. And we have a Republican Party blissfully ignorant that we live in a world of us or them. It doesn't even know who "us" is.
We need a new team on the field and a new coach who believes with Vince Lombardi that "winning isn't everything. It's the only thing."
Why do some people have to make everything political??!!!
You know a picture is worth a thousand words
I lost my discipline after clicking on and viewing the IBD link and viewing that days demeaning cartoon of The President
Sorry please forgive me for being political
Mike, you know I think Pat B and Anonymous 12/30 5:23 AM are very eloquent. What do you and TD think?
Sherry, I try to stay out of national politics on the blog, too distracting...and not as much fun. I like some of what Pat B says/writes, some I don't.
In regards to the Camry, it reminds me of a conversation I had once with a former mayor who worked for GM. He accosted me for purchasing a Toyota. When I pointed to his truck (chevy) and asked what percent American parts he had on his truck vs my car he got that deer in the headlights look.
If we get carried away with buy American most americans would be naked...ever look at the Made In label on your clothes? I'm not a supporter of pick and choose businesses to prop up while others are allowed to fail. I would definitely consider buying a Ford product next time around. They get it and made changes where GM and Chrysler did not.
Next up, California. Too big to fail? Keep your hands on your wallet. Your federal gov will want your cash to pay for years of mismanagement in CA.
Why keep my hands on my wallet when the Bush administration already emptied it and put in IOCs in it?
IOCs ( I owe China)
Our debt doubled under Dub Ya
Why worry what will happen in California vs what happened during the last 8 years of the lost decade?
The Iraqracy initiative and presciption drug plan created the deficit we now have with no warning from the fiscal conservatives who were too busy getting physical
Why was that largest expansion of government reason current deficit /debt a problem for the IBD ,Fox and friends ,Rush and Bildo crowd?
How we are going to pay for the 2 trillion dollar largest government unfunded drug prescription plan in our history ?
Why did Reagan economist Bartlett call it an irresponsible move that was done to get seniors votes in Forbes last week ?
Or why cant we buy cars from abroad and not drugs?
Obama gets no praise but is the Mark Sanford fan who gave praise on this blog hoping WL wont get any stimulus money too?
Dont forget our hero went down to Argentina to try and open up trade on Viagra market for all us family value conservatives
Why will those taxpayer funded trips go for nothing?
Be careful with the in room coffee makers in Argentina
Speaking of bailing out California
Same story as our Nation
Right Watch your wallets after the republicans have been in charge
After the fires we heard from Bush and Ahnold standing side by side
One guy who cant speak english and the other a blochheaded bodybuilder
So how did California get in such a mess that we may have to bail them out? AHnold a Republican
Add him to the list of losers who spoke at the 2004 GOP convention
"Now there's another way you can tell you're [a] Republican. You have faith in free enterprise, faith in the resourcefulness of the American people, and faith in the U.S. economy. And to those critics who are so pessimistic about our economy, I say: "Don't be economic girlie men!"
The U.S. -- The U.S. economy remains the envy of the world. We have the highest economic growth of any of the world's major industrialized nations. Don't you remember the pessimism of 20 years ago when the critics said that Japan and Germany are overtaking the U.S.? Ridiculous!
Now they say that India and China are overtaking us. Now don't you believe it. We may hit a few bumps -- but America always moves ahead. That's what Americans do.
We move prosperity ahead -- We move prosperity ahead. We move freedom ahead. And we move people ahead. And under President Bush and Vice President Cheney, America's economy is moving ahead in spite of the recession they inherited and in spite of the attack on our homeland.
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