Thursday, April 22, 2010
Scoop on the Poop, KCMO
Clean water regulations require the city to submit a report detailing the release to the department within five days. The department will base future enforcement action on the city’s report.
The department considers discharges of wastewater from sanitary sewer collection systems to be potential threats to public health and the environment. Such discharges can contaminate lakes and streams, causing serious water quality problems.
Sanitary sewer overflows can be caused by obstructions in sewer lines, such as in this case, mechanical failure, infiltration of rainwater and snow melt into aging systems or undersized systems that cannot compensation for sudden increases in wastewater.
Communities across Missouri produce millions of gallons of wastewater that must be properly transported and treated before being released to waterways. However, some communities are facing challenges in accomplishing this.
In order to protect public health and the environment, the department requires communities to take appropriate action to eliminate their sanitary sewer overflow issues. To do this, communities should develop a system to track information about such incidents, including the date, time, location and size of the overflow, weather data, who notified them, when they notified the department and the measures taken to respond. The community can then use this data to aid in developing a plan to inspect the collection system, and plan and finance system upgrades.
For more information on sanitary sewer overflows or other water quality issues, contact the Department of Natural Resources’ Water Protection Program at 573-751-1300 or 800-361-4827 or visit the department Web site at
To report an environmental emergency, including sewage overflows, please contact the DNR spill line at 573-634-2436. For more information contact the department at 800-361-4827 or 573-751-3443, or visit the department's Web page at
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The department was notified Wednesday by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regional office in Kansas City, Kan., of a call it had received concerning the land application of wastewater at A&A Farms, a hog production facility in Platte County, and possible runoff of wastewater into an unnamed tributary of Dick’s Creek.
An investigation by a staff member from the department’s Kansas City Regional Office discovered one of the supply lines to the farm’s application system was leaky, allowing the waste to enter the creek.
The wastewater application process began Monday and continued through the time the leak was discovered on Wednesday. The exact amount wastewater entering the creek is unknown. Based on the volume of wastewater in observed in the creek, the total is estimated to have been in the hundreds of thousands of gallons.
The department considers discharges of wastewater into waterways to be possible threats to public health and the environment. Such discharges have the potential to contaminate lakes and streams, causing serious water quality problems.
For more information on wastewater overflows or other water quality issues, contact the Department of Natural Resources’ Water Protection Program at 573-751-1300 or 800-361-4827 or visit the department’s Web site at
To report an environmental emergency, including wastewater overflows, please contact the DNR spill line at 573-634-2436. For more information contact the department at 800-361-4827 or 573-751-3443, or visit the department's Web page at
Sunday, April 18, 2010
BSA Community Service Event-WL
Water, Water Everywhere
The City received from Platte County a storm water grant ($12,000) which requires matching dollars for a project at Potomac and Wayland Drive. Quite few folks mentioned to me drainage issues around the City after the last big storm. Another problem area is from the soccer field by the CC and the residents south on Potomac. Big time problems in back yards. Apparently at least one resident elevated the problem. To quote Mary in her notes, "Weatherby Lake does not have a storm water system for removal of water..." Hmm, not sure what she is talking about, matter of fact there was a pretty aggressive program to address storm water issues in the not so distant past.
The other West Ward alderman, Vic DeJong, proudly stated in his campaign letter a month ago, "Redirected, with support of the Mayor and Board of Alderman, nearly half a million dollars in bond money from water run off projects to resurfacing streets." (I added the red for artistic reasons). As Vic stated, it was one of the "major accomplishments" in which he "played a major role". By the way, this "redirection" has left no money available for a project to remedy the problem she cites for the homeowners along Potomac.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
NIckle and Dime
13 April
- Alderlady Hoy nominates Vic DeJong as Mayor Pro Tem, seconded by Finn, Vic DeJong is the Mayor Pro Tem for the next legislative year.
- Mayor negotiates with KCMO on Barry Road Improvements
And so it begins. The BOA authorized the Mayor to negotiate with KCMO to pay an additional $6,600 for texturing of the wall on the new Barry Road. You might recall we (read Mayor Jerry) negotiated a much ballyhooed cooperative agreement with KCMO, part of which was supposed to cover texturing of the wall (#3 section2), the idea being we would split the cost with KCMO. We (WL) agreed to pay $7,500 in the original agreement. So what happened? Well, things were said, promises were made, people moved on, but, in the end, there were no written notes or memos of understanding. Did the agreement mean wall or walls...? The pros at KCMO took us to school on this one, and the real road construction has just begun. Look for more "incidentals" to pop up. Just remember the Funk (Funkhouser) wants to be a good neighbor.
A loyal reader supplied the citation mentioned in my last post regarding RSMo 105.467, for your reading pleasure:
Discharge and discrimination prohibited, reasons--reinstatement.
105.467. 1. A governmental body, state agency or appointing authority shall not discharge, threaten, or otherwise discriminate against a person or state employee acting on behalf of a person regarding compensation, terms, conditions, location, or privileges of employment because:
(1) The person or state employee acting on behalf of the person reports or is about to report, verbally or in writing, a violation or a suspected violation of sections 105.450 to 105.498; or
(2) A person or state employee acting on behalf of the person is requested by the commission to participate in an investigation, hearing, or inquiry held by the commission or any related court action.
This subsection shall not apply to a person or state employee acting on behalf of a person who knowingly or recklessly makes a false report.
2. A person or state employee acting on behalf of a person who alleges a violation of subsection 1 of this section may bring a civil action for appropriate injunctive relief, or actual damages, or both.
3. A court, in rendering a judgment in an action brought pursuant to this section, shall order, as the court considers appropriate, reinstatement of the person or state employee acting on behalf of the person, the payment of back wages, full reinstatement of fringe benefits and seniority rights, actual damages, or any combination of these remedies. A court may also award such person all or a portion of the costs of litigation, including reasonable attorney's fees and witness fees, if the court determines that the award is appropriate.
Friday, April 16, 2010
You Need to Be Careful Who You Vote For
Hon.Gerald Bos
6604 NW Eastside Drive
Weatherby Lake, MO. 64152
Dear Mayor Bos,
On March 2, 2010 you presided over a City of Weatherby lake council meeting wherein Alderperson Tanya Finn was given the floor by you to make a highly political statement concerning the Platte County election for a Presiding Commissioner. Her inappropriate political comments were targeted to point out to the Board of Aldermen and those community members present about a political issue concerning one of the candidates in the upcoming election who is allegedly promoting the consolidation of the two Platte County Ambulance Districts into a single entity. Ms. Finn then went on to influence how the Board and audience would vote in that election by stating "You need to be careful who you vote for".
RSMo Section 105.467 prohibits a public official of a political subdivision from making public appearances or issuing press releases about a ballot measure. Further, the statute prohibits the use of public funds to advocate, support or oppose any ballot measure or candidate for public office.
Since you, Westside Aldermen DeJong, Hoy, and City Attorney John Reddoch were complicit in this action by allowing this political dialogue to continue without any procedural challenge, I draw conclusions you, the other Alderpersons and the City Attorney either were not aware of the law prohibiting such activities in a City Council forum or you and they were a co-conspirators in this inappropriate political activity.
Mis Finn is not registered as a lobbyist with the State of Missouri and it seems appropriate that if she intends to influence the voting of the Weatherby Lake Board of Alderpersons in areas outside of her elected duties, then she should appropriately register as a lobbyist with the State of Missouri.
Before I turn this issue over to the Missouri Ethics Commission and the press, I wanted to give you, the Westside Aldermen who represent me and the City Attorney an opportunity to respond to me concerning this issue and to outline how the City intends to rectify this transgression. I would expect to hear from you in writing within 10 days from the date of this letter as to your intentions to correct this matter.
E. Paul Gross
cc: Westside Alderman VicDejong
Westside Alderlady Mary Hoy Ph.D
Attorney John Reddoch, esq.
Obtained by a Freedom of Information Act request
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Back to ObamaCare, I really don't focus on stuff outside our little world here in WL, but I might share insights from the World Health Conference. Presenters were from all political persuasions, including Secretary Sebelius and the Director of the CBO, Elemendorf. I might slip in some posts if we get a slow news week.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
New terms start for Bos, Dejong, Finn and Roper. The only drama will be the election of Mayor Pro Tem. Will Finn win again? You'll have to attend tonights BOA @ 7 PM...or click here tomorrow.
Agenda tonight includes:
- Letter from Paul Gross
- Sewer rate increase
- BOA goes for vacation (at taxpayers expense)
- and much, much more
Saturday, April 10, 2010
By The Numbers
Platte County Turnout: 7.75% of registered voters
Weatherby Lake
Bos: 204 votes, 7 write-ins, 14.8% of registered voters
Roper: 204 votes, 14.8%
Finn: 77 votes, 2 write-ins, 10.6%
DeJong: 147 votes, 4 write-ins, 18.9%
Fane & Newburger PH District School Board (WL resident Kallenberger finished fourth)
FYI, there are 1,548 registered voters in WL. Although we doubled the vote count on a percent basis versus the county, the turnout seems pretty dismal, based on the school board race. 75% of your property tax assessment goes to schools, guess folks just assumed the cream would rise to the top. Can you say apathy?
Friday, April 9, 2010
The Weatherby Lake cove clean-up, and Barry Road clean-up for the Adopt-a-Highway Program have been rescheduled to Saturday, April 10th, from 9:45 am to 12:00 noon. Please join us!
We will meet at Town Hall at 9:45 am, and divide up into smaller teams to clean up debris from the coves and access areas, and along Barry Road (Amity Rd. to Hampton Rd). Remember to wear ‘work’ shoes, maybe a hat, bug spray, sunscreen, and bring some water. We will have trash bags, reflective vests, and work gloves (in adult and big-kid sizes).
We appreciate your help in cleaning up the lake and watershed and keeping it beautiful! Please tell your friends and neighbors, and please join us to help out! We would really appreciate your help!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Vote Today
For Mayor
Jerry Bos, 7604 NW Eastside DR, Weatherby Lake MO 64152
For Municipal Judge
Beverlee Roper, 9902 NW 73rd TER, Weatherby Lake MO 64152
For Alderman – East Ward
Tanya K. Finn, 10106 NW 74th ST, Weatherby Lake MO 64152
For Alderman – West Ward
Vic DeJong, 7807 NW Westside DR, Weatherby Lake MO 64152
For School Board Director (Vote for 2)
Valerie S. McCaw, 8008 NW Chatham AVE, Kansas City MO 64151
Chris Sams, 8207 N Stoddard, Kansas City MO 64152
Donald E. Cole, 8648 N Oregon AVE, Kansas City MO 64154
Boon Lee, 8204 NW 80th TER, Kansas City MO 64152
Susan Newburger, 6410 NW Monticello, Parkville MO 64152
Todd Fane, 4106 NW Linden, Kansas City MO 64151
Victor McCance, 4920 N Fisk AVE, Parkville MO 64151
Joyce Kallenberger, 8200 NW Weatherby Lake DR, Weatherby Lake MO 64152
Plus Road District if applicable
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Cops Focus on Speed Limits, Ticket Revenue

Thursday, April 1, 2010
So Long
On a positive note, Mary Hoy has offered to take over the WLAISI blog, to supplement her notes to the followers on her email list. I'm sure the blog will be in good hands.
So thanks to all and remember, life is great at Weatherby Lake.
April Fools