On a breezy Sunday afternoon, Don Coleman and friends pull their boats for the season from K Cove...with a little help. The crane lifted the boats out, 1-2-3, and on to their trailers, a smooth operation. TV 5 is calling for snow next Monday...are iceboats far behind?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Radar Love
Not. KCMO fuzz running radar on the New Barry Speedway this weekend (as mentioned in Comments). Drivers beware...get back into the WL 25mph mode while on the Speedway...or pay. Funny how the KCMO politicos mentioned the "country road" Barry used to be (@45 mph) now improved. Granted if construction equipment/crews are present caution is necessary, maybe temporary signs while crews are present would be appropriate. No matter, the hodgepodge of signs beginning from QuickTrip going west is entertaining.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Plan B ?
Received this forwarded email recently:
"Dear Entrance Project Supporters
This is an update of news regarding our City Entrance Project since our last communication in August. Following the second bidding process which ended September 2, the Entrance Project Infrastructure Group reviewed the plans with Russell Downing, who has been selected to do the hardscape construction, and discussed ideas on how to lower the cost of the project by implementing “value engineering”, yet preserving the integrity of the original design. We are currently redesigning our original plans with an earnest intent to incorporate ideas that will bring the project to fruition within our projected budget. This plan will then need final approval from the City Council before construction can begin. This process has taken longer than expected, and we do not anticipate that construction will begin until 2011.
Until the project has City approval to build, we will not, in good faith, ask for pledge payments, so we will not be asking for your payment in 2010. While this may affect year-end financial planning, we hope you understand. The Entrance Project will ultimately enhance our community for years to come and convey the distinctive character of our city to residents and visitors. Our challenge is to create the very best product we can within our guidelines. On behalf of the Entrance Advisory Group (EAG), and the City, we thank you for your support, and will keep you updated on our progress.
Kristy Lawrence, EAG Communications Leader
Jim Miller, EAG Leader"
Trouble in Paradise? Jerry in his update at the September BOA meeting predicted construction would begin on the monument(s) "this Fall". Cocktail party conjecture pegs the reason for not receiving pledge money is the real possibility the project might not get off the ground...thus causing havoc with those who took a tax deduction in 2010 returns only to have to file an amended if the project fails to take place. The EAGC hasn't met in months and fund raising, if it is happening, has been very low profile. The so-called Infrastructure Subcommittee is the driving force right now, difficult to tell the issues in that they do not conduct public meetings or keep minutes, how they escape the requirements of the MO Sunshine Law is known only to the City Attorney.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
You Cain't Get There From Here
Boarded the Polar Xpress to get back to KC late last night, had to acclimatize after being barefoot for the past week. Went to Qtrip early this morning and noticed KCMO still has the sign by the KCFD station that warns travelers about Barry being closed @ Amity...and the barricade @ Amity advising motorists of Local Traffic only. Finished or not, it still is a shock to take the BRC and Barry going west from Potomac, it's the little things in life, right?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Signs of the Times
Oh the irony, the day the BRC opens, Platte County posts the signs for the beginning of the County portion of Barry Road. First up, west of Westside to Hawthorn. Fire/Police/Ambulance/School and regulars like you and me need to make an excursion through a different section of Wildwood if going to the west...enjoy.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Protester @ Barry Road Opening
A small crowd gathered last Friday for the official "barricade removal" ceremony hosted by KCMO Mayor Funkhouser. In attendance was Jerry and Jean Bos, Alderman Finn, Pat Medill (who had a supply of pom-poms), Denise McPherson, Lynn Hinkle, Steve Clark and a few other Weatherbeans...I don't think there was a KCMO resident in the group...odd, huh? Noticeably absent were the Funk's sidekick Gloria who attended the closing ceremony/press conference and the West ward aldermen DeJong and Hoy, KCMO aldermen Ford and Johnson were AWOL as well. I didn't get to watch the news on Friday, too busy wrapping up work. Two TV stations had crews there plus a helicopter circling overhead. Here are the comments I captured:
Spokesperson Sean Demory:
"The new bridge is worlds safer, an improvement over the country road"
The Funk:
Acknowledged the "Barry Road Mothers". Said the road had "taken too long", it is now a "much safer bridge from the two lane country road it was" "the residents have pushed this along" "we are not done" the road is now "worlds better".
And with that the Funk and Demory shoved the barricade aside and the ceremonial school bus burned rubber and headed up the virgin black top. Our neighbor Mr Cummings was the first official passenger vehicle.
The road is far from finished, needs one more layer of asphalt, sidewalks, etc, but the West side is cheering for the return of the BRB/BRC.
Spokesperson Sean Demory:
"The new bridge is worlds safer, an improvement over the country road"
The Funk:
Acknowledged the "Barry Road Mothers". Said the road had "taken too long", it is now a "much safer bridge from the two lane country road it was" "the residents have pushed this along" "we are not done" the road is now "worlds better".
And with that the Funk and Demory shoved the barricade aside and the ceremonial school bus burned rubber and headed up the virgin black top. Our neighbor Mr Cummings was the first official passenger vehicle.
The road is far from finished, needs one more layer of asphalt, sidewalks, etc, but the West side is cheering for the return of the BRB/BRC.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
On Holiday Assignment
My editor in chief forced me to check out events in a spot that barely qualifies as Third World...Did you know there is such a thing as the Atlantic time Zone? Will finish up on the Barry Road event with more pics and comments.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Barry Road Special Addition
August 15th, 2008 marked the beginning of a disruption in our daily lives that would continue for 824 days...and counting. The Bridge on Barry Road that serves our community as well as our neighbors in KCMO on the north was closed to traffic. The beginning of a new school year was imminent, bus routes had to be altered. Commutes for many Westsiders had to reroute through a KCMO neighborhood, Wildwood. A trip for shopping, getting gas, going to a school function now became a winding oddesey...there and back. Upset and angry at first, then capitulation to a process managed by the politicians, we waited. First for the construction to begin, well over a year, then for the construction to be completed...a work in progress. So today, at 9AM, the bridge will reopen, attended by Funkhouser, Johnson, Ford and others. I'll try to attend the festivities and post here. In the meantime, here is a little retrospective from the past.
August 22nd, 2008 Parkville Luminary
"In a perfect world, Weatherby Lake would be paying for (the repair) since they're the ones who use it" KCMO Councilman Ford said of the bridge which lies in Kansas City's jurisdiction."
Funkhouser, August 29, 2008
“Two and a half years to replace the bridge is too long” “We want to be a good neighbor” “Routing (traffic) through a residential area is not good” We need to pay attention…city staff should talk and listen”
“What is a realistic timeframe for the bridge replacement?” Funkhouser mentioned the I-35 bridge in MN…if they could do it in a year we could do this too."
September 7th, 2008
Mayor Funkhouser cited the building of the Sprint Center and the rebuilding of the I-35 Bridge in MN as examples of projects that took less time than the closure of the BRB is guesstimated. FYI, the bridge in Minneapolis collapsed on Aug 1st, 2007. It will be completed soon, see latest from today's Minneapolis StarTribune
October 4th, 2008
Just finished a discussion with Mayor Jerry Bos of Weatherby Lake. KCMO Councilmen Ed Ford and Russ Johnson will not attend the WL Board of Aldermen meeting, tomorrow night, Tuesday the 7th. The exact reasons are unclear, other than it was mutual. Mr Ford was interested in proposing a $1.6 million fix for the BRB, $550,000 to come from WL. Another proposal was/is to use Army type bridging for a temporary fix. Unclear if either proposal or others are on the table. At least not for tomorrow night.
Oh, the irony...
August 15th, 2008 marked the beginning of a disruption in our daily lives that would continue for 824 days...and counting. The Bridge on Barry Road that serves our community as well as our neighbors in KCMO on the north was closed to traffic. The beginning of a new school year was imminent, bus routes had to be altered. Commutes for many Westsiders had to reroute through a KCMO neighborhood, Wildwood. A trip for shopping, getting gas, going to a school function now became a winding oddesey...there and back. Upset and angry at first, then capitulation to a process managed by the politicians, we waited. First for the construction to begin, well over a year, then for the construction to be completed...a work in progress. So today, at 9AM, the bridge will reopen, attended by Funkhouser, Johnson, Ford and others. I'll try to attend the festivities and post here. In the meantime, here is a little retrospective from the past.
August 22nd, 2008 Parkville Luminary
"In a perfect world, Weatherby Lake would be paying for (the repair) since they're the ones who use it" KCMO Councilman Ford said of the bridge which lies in Kansas City's jurisdiction."
Funkhouser, August 29, 2008
“Two and a half years to replace the bridge is too long” “We want to be a good neighbor” “Routing (traffic) through a residential area is not good” We need to pay attention…city staff should talk and listen”
“What is a realistic timeframe for the bridge replacement?” Funkhouser mentioned the I-35 bridge in MN…if they could do it in a year we could do this too."
September 7th, 2008
Mayor Funkhouser cited the building of the Sprint Center and the rebuilding of the I-35 Bridge in MN as examples of projects that took less time than the closure of the BRB is guesstimated. FYI, the bridge in Minneapolis collapsed on Aug 1st, 2007. It will be completed soon, see latest from today's Minneapolis StarTribune
October 4th, 2008
Just finished a discussion with Mayor Jerry Bos of Weatherby Lake. KCMO Councilmen Ed Ford and Russ Johnson will not attend the WL Board of Aldermen meeting, tomorrow night, Tuesday the 7th. The exact reasons are unclear, other than it was mutual. Mr Ford was interested in proposing a $1.6 million fix for the BRB, $550,000 to come from WL. Another proposal was/is to use Army type bridging for a temporary fix. Unclear if either proposal or others are on the table. At least not for tomorrow night.
Oh, the irony...
Today's KC Star, page A5
The Paseo Bridge will close today as all lanes, north and south, will be open on the new Bond Bridge. The $245 million dollar project began in the spring of 08 and substantially beat project estimates for completion. If you haven't been over the Bond bridge take a ride this weekend, it is a beauty. Consider and compare the two bridge projects, Barry and Bond...hmmm.Thursday, November 18, 2010
Pomp Over Circumstance
Forwarded email from Farmer John:
Barry Road Update.
Email from Sean Demory.
We will be reopening the roadway at 9 a.m. on Friday, November 19. The District 2 City Council members and Mayor Funkhouser will be on hand, and we'll hold a brief project tour and briefing before moving the barricades. Best,
Sean Demory
Capital Projects Office
Your friends from KCMO would rather make the kids and commuters have one more trip (for now) through Wildwood on Friday so they can have their pompous soire on the Culvert. Shame on them. Interesting that Aldermen Ford and Johnson were absent during the photo op event after the closing of the road...kitchen a little too hot I presume. Should be interesting. Tomorrow a Special Edition of the reopening of the BRB/BRC.
Barry Road Update.
Email from Sean Demory.
We will be reopening the roadway at 9 a.m. on Friday, November 19. The District 2 City Council members and Mayor Funkhouser will be on hand, and we'll hold a brief project tour and briefing before moving the barricades. Best,
Sean Demory
Capital Projects Office
Your friends from KCMO would rather make the kids and commuters have one more trip (for now) through Wildwood on Friday so they can have their pompous soire on the Culvert. Shame on them. Interesting that Aldermen Ford and Johnson were absent during the photo op event after the closing of the road...kitchen a little too hot I presume. Should be interesting. Tomorrow a Special Edition of the reopening of the BRB/BRC.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Costello Settlement Stalls
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WLIC Annual Meeting
November 9thJoe gave a summary of the lawsuit of WLIC v Costello regarding the "clear cut by Costello" of WLIC property. A resolution and settlement seemed iminent in September but the Costellos have failed to sign a mutual release. No discussion of next steps (I assume this is executive session stuff). Joe mentioned the litigation has cost $8,000, so far.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Mary says "turn out with a crowd!!!!"
Mary Hoy maryhoy@kc.rr.com
Ray and Linda: This is your chance to speak out publicly. I've got it into the system this far...please turn out with a crowd!!!!
Dear Residents:
Last Wednesday eve. November 10, 2010, the Board of Aldermen held twohearings (water rate increase and budget) followed by a special meeting. We approved the 2011 budget and approved a water rate increase and increase in grinder pump charge from $6.00 bi-monthly to $12.00 bi-monthly.
Tomorrow night, November 16, 2010 at 6:00 PM at City Hall the PlanningCommission is holding a public hearing on whether two of our ordinances should be changed. The first, 405.110 deals with the 15,000 square feet buildable lot. The consideration would be should existing homes on less than 15,000 square feet be allowed to rebuild. The second section under consideration is section 405.340 dealing with building permits. I know that many of you are very concerned about lot size and I urge you to attend this meeting. It has not been discussed at a public hearing for some time and this is your opportunity to be heard.
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend as I have a family emergency todeal with in Iowa. I will however, be anxious to hear from you after the meeting.
Mary Hoy
Westside Alderman
The Ray and Linda mentioned in the above email are presumably Ray Staton and Linda Cone. An email from Ray is bouncing about the net regarding his point of view of the current building codes.
Here is Ray's email:
Subject: Fwd: FW: BOA Notes and Planning Commission Meeting
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 09:59:20 -0600
From: Ray Staton
Reply-To: raystaton@gmail.com
To: Don & Mary Hoy, Mary Hay
Neighbors with lot size and setback issues, this is our chance to be heard. For too many years, WL residents who have lots under 15,000 square feet and setbacks that do not meet the ordinances have been taxed as though they had build-able lots. When their house burned down or was severely damaged, they learned that they had an unbuild-able Fishing Lot. In the case of lakefront property, a build-able lot is worth around $300,000, but a fishing lot is worth less than $50,000. Second Tier lots are typically worth $70,000, but drop to less than $10,000 as Fishing Lots. Quite a difference! The current ordinance was enacted after many homes were already in existence and is unfair. The proposed ordinance change that is going to be debated Tuesday night, Nov. 16th, 6:00 PM at City Hall can restore fairness to this situation. Please come and support the ordinance change that would grandfather in all property that had existing homes when the current ordinance was passed. Come and support this change even if you do not presently have an issue. Someday, you may decide to purchase another place at WL only to find that it has issues with the current ordinance. Also, WL is notorious for having no two land surveys agree so that the lot you think meets the 15,000 square foot rule today may be declared a Fishing Lot with the next survey.
Please pass this notice to your friends and neighbors at Weatherby Lake and attend the meeting.
Ray Staton
Where to begin?...Mary purports to be representing the wishes of many on the 15,000 sq ft rule "I know that many of you are very concerned ", when it really is two people, Ray and Linda. This isn't the first time she has raised a concern alluding to a consensus that is nonexistent. Ray's email is such a hodge-podge of information that is wrong I hesitated to publish...Ray, when was the last time a house burned down on a "unbuild-able Fishing Lot" ? (Curiously, the Mayor, used the same reasoning with me..."what if a house burned down" regarding the 15,000 sq ft issue this past May)
My point of view is this...the current codes serve the City and citizens just fine, there is no need for a change. If you live in a home on a lot that is less than 15,000 sq ft (it is your responsibility to know this) and it burns to the ground there is a process to rebuild if you so choose. If you are buying a lot with home that is less than 15,000 sq ft, might be a good idea to check with City Hall if you don't know the codes. If you are a real estate agent and don't know...what can I say?
My recommendation to the Planning Commission...thank the citizens present for their input...and do nothing, because there is nothing to do. The current codes are working as intended. Period.
Mary Hoy maryhoy@kc.rr.com
Ray and Linda: This is your chance to speak out publicly. I've got it into the system this far...please turn out with a crowd!!!!
Dear Residents:
Last Wednesday eve. November 10, 2010, the Board of Aldermen held twohearings (water rate increase and budget) followed by a special meeting. We approved the 2011 budget and approved a water rate increase and increase in grinder pump charge from $6.00 bi-monthly to $12.00 bi-monthly.
Tomorrow night, November 16, 2010 at 6:00 PM at City Hall the PlanningCommission is holding a public hearing on whether two of our ordinances should be changed. The first, 405.110 deals with the 15,000 square feet buildable lot. The consideration would be should existing homes on less than 15,000 square feet be allowed to rebuild. The second section under consideration is section 405.340 dealing with building permits. I know that many of you are very concerned about lot size and I urge you to attend this meeting. It has not been discussed at a public hearing for some time and this is your opportunity to be heard.
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend as I have a family emergency todeal with in Iowa. I will however, be anxious to hear from you after the meeting.
Mary Hoy
Westside Alderman
The Ray and Linda mentioned in the above email are presumably Ray Staton and Linda Cone. An email from Ray is bouncing about the net regarding his point of view of the current building codes.
Here is Ray's email:
Subject: Fwd: FW: BOA Notes and Planning Commission Meeting
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 09:59:20 -0600
From: Ray Staton
Reply-To: raystaton@gmail.com
To: Don & Mary Hoy
Neighbors with lot size and setback issues, this is our chance to be heard. For too many years, WL residents who have lots under 15,000 square feet and setbacks that do not meet the ordinances have been taxed as though they had build-able lots. When their house burned down or was severely damaged, they learned that they had an unbuild-able Fishing Lot. In the case of lakefront property, a build-able lot is worth around $300,000, but a fishing lot is worth less than $50,000. Second Tier lots are typically worth $70,000, but drop to less than $10,000 as Fishing Lots. Quite a difference! The current ordinance was enacted after many homes were already in existence and is unfair. The proposed ordinance change that is going to be debated Tuesday night, Nov. 16th, 6:00 PM at City Hall can restore fairness to this situation. Please come and support the ordinance change that would grandfather in all property that had existing homes when the current ordinance was passed. Come and support this change even if you do not presently have an issue. Someday, you may decide to purchase another place at WL only to find that it has issues with the current ordinance. Also, WL is notorious for having no two land surveys agree so that the lot you think meets the 15,000 square foot rule today may be declared a Fishing Lot with the next survey.
Please pass this notice to your friends and neighbors at Weatherby Lake and attend the meeting.
Ray Staton
Where to begin?...Mary purports to be representing the wishes of many on the 15,000 sq ft rule "I know that many of you are very concerned ", when it really is two people, Ray and Linda. This isn't the first time she has raised a concern alluding to a consensus that is nonexistent. Ray's email is such a hodge-podge of information that is wrong I hesitated to publish...Ray, when was the last time a house burned down on a "unbuild-able Fishing Lot" ? (Curiously, the Mayor, used the same reasoning with me..."what if a house burned down" regarding the 15,000 sq ft issue this past May)
My point of view is this...the current codes serve the City and citizens just fine, there is no need for a change. If you live in a home on a lot that is less than 15,000 sq ft (it is your responsibility to know this) and it burns to the ground there is a process to rebuild if you so choose. If you are buying a lot with home that is less than 15,000 sq ft, might be a good idea to check with City Hall if you don't know the codes. If you are a real estate agent and don't know...what can I say?
My recommendation to the Planning Commission...thank the citizens present for their input...and do nothing, because there is nothing to do. The current codes are working as intended. Period.
How Low Can You Go?
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WLIC Annual Meeting
November 9th
Tom Henke reported the release valve has been closed, preventing the lake from being lowered any further. The gate was closed @ -37.5", currently the lake is at -40" full pool due to evaporation, predicted rains should begin the refilling of the lake.
Space and Docks continues to work on adjusting to the new dock space standard of 12 + 1, with good progress being made.
November 9th
Tom Henke reported the release valve has been closed, preventing the lake from being lowered any further. The gate was closed @ -37.5", currently the lake is at -40" full pool due to evaporation, predicted rains should begin the refilling of the lake.
Space and Docks continues to work on adjusting to the new dock space standard of 12 + 1, with good progress being made.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
From the Peanut Gallery
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WLIC Annual Meeting
November 9th
The President asked for questions from the membership:
Mary Florence: Regarding dredging, would KCMO be a contributor to the cost?
Joe: "There will be a time when there will be a conversation with KC" "It is on the radar"
Mary Florence: Concerned about road noise emanating from the new bridge and lack of a sound barrier.
Joe: It is possible there could be less noise...the result is unknown.
Marsha Peters: Who owns the property between Old Amity and the New Amity, and what is going to happen to it?
Joe: KCMO owns the piece between the WLIC owned "bean field and the roadway. It is possible KCMO may not want the property after construction is completed...opportunity?
Barb Brooks: What is the status of the seawall @ U Cove?
Joe: Yes the seawall has "settled". They have consulted engineers on potential "fixes". As to why the seawall is settling Joe responded the the "technology has progressed" in construction methods since the seawall was constructed.
Frank Conforte: Concerned about the volume and flow of water after the last 50 year rain (he supplied video of the last rampage to the WLIC).
Joe: This led to a discussion by Joe of the potential use of the bean field including the construction of a gabian wall in the creek next to the field. In reference to the bean field Joe responded, "we don't know what we have" pointing out there needs to be plan and time line after all the construction is completed.
November 9th
The President asked for questions from the membership:
Mary Florence: Regarding dredging, would KCMO be a contributor to the cost?
Joe: "There will be a time when there will be a conversation with KC" "It is on the radar"
Mary Florence: Concerned about road noise emanating from the new bridge and lack of a sound barrier.
Joe: It is possible there could be less noise...the result is unknown.
Marsha Peters: Who owns the property between Old Amity and the New Amity, and what is going to happen to it?
Joe: KCMO owns the piece between the WLIC owned "bean field and the roadway. It is possible KCMO may not want the property after construction is completed...opportunity?
Barb Brooks: What is the status of the seawall @ U Cove?
Joe: Yes the seawall has "settled". They have consulted engineers on potential "fixes". As to why the seawall is settling Joe responded the the "technology has progressed" in construction methods since the seawall was constructed.
Frank Conforte: Concerned about the volume and flow of water after the last 50 year rain (he supplied video of the last rampage to the WLIC).
Joe: This led to a discussion by Joe of the potential use of the bean field including the construction of a gabian wall in the creek next to the field. In reference to the bean field Joe responded, "we don't know what we have" pointing out there needs to be plan and time line after all the construction is completed.
Friday, November 12, 2010
"Kansas City Is Listening Now"
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WLIC Annual Meeting
November 9th
A bit tardy on the blog...Took a quick jaunt to Tulsa yesterday and back today.
Presidents Comments
Joe spent a fair amount of time giving the highlights, from his perspecitive, about the past year. Regarding KCMO he mentioned KC is listening now...this was brought up in his comments about the Stream Team. Joe mentioned the summit held in May between the City, WLIC and KCMO, likening it to "little city, little corporation and the Big City". He mentioned it was his belief the meeting was "very productive" and "we've come a great distance.
Joe briefly described some of the activities KCMO has undertaken to improve early warning and response should a "bypass" occur. That's the new euphenism for pee and poop and other stuff flushed into toilets that end up in our lake because of a spill/overflow.
I'm surprised nobody asked what KCMO is doing to stop the infiltration into the sewer system which causes the spills in the first place. Although they have promised to get right on it, nothing has been done. Why? $$$$$$$, big $$$$$$. They have serious problems all over the Metro.
KCMO might be listening, and they might be better at warning us when there is a problem...but the cause of the problem lays untouched.
November 9th
A bit tardy on the blog...Took a quick jaunt to Tulsa yesterday and back today.
Presidents Comments
Joe spent a fair amount of time giving the highlights, from his perspecitive, about the past year. Regarding KCMO he mentioned KC is listening now...this was brought up in his comments about the Stream Team. Joe mentioned the summit held in May between the City, WLIC and KCMO, likening it to "little city, little corporation and the Big City". He mentioned it was his belief the meeting was "very productive" and "we've come a great distance.
Joe briefly described some of the activities KCMO has undertaken to improve early warning and response should a "bypass" occur. That's the new euphenism for pee and poop and other stuff flushed into toilets that end up in our lake because of a spill/overflow.
I'm surprised nobody asked what KCMO is doing to stop the infiltration into the sewer system which causes the spills in the first place. Although they have promised to get right on it, nothing has been done. Why? $$$$$$$, big $$$$$$. They have serious problems all over the Metro.
KCMO might be listening, and they might be better at warning us when there is a problem...but the cause of the problem lays untouched.
Is It a Gazebo or Pavillion?
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WLIC Annual Meeting
9 NovemberPresident Joe Ennett gave status report on the C Point restoration project. Completion of Phase I targeted for mid-December with the roof construction on the Pavilion (yes, that's the proper designation) to begin as early as this week. The seawall construction should be completed by the weekend as well.
FYI, the demolition of the gazebo took about 4 and a half minutes according to Mike Myers.
Joe signed the final papers for the loan to be used as part of the project financing last week. Although he did not disclose the loan amount, he did say the interest rate is @ 5% for 3 years, renewable. He projects payoff of the loan in 5 to 8 years. Joe also mentioned part of the funding for the project is coming from New User Fee revenue...I believe he said $46,000 this year is coming from this fee.
It was also announced that bids are being solicited for dredging...for North Cove and selected others. Apparently the combination of the draw down of the water and the slow moving construction and completion of Barry Road gave impetus to move up the dredging. Joe said dredging could begin "soon".
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Directors Elected
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WLIC Annual Meeting
9 NovemberResults of the voting for Directors:
- Ogden 105
- Neece 98
- Schmidt 91
- Shafe' 69
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sherman Award to Nussbeck
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WLIC Annual Meeting
November 9The meeting lasted about 90 minutes with around 100 members in attendance at the meeting. A number of folks commented on the friendly/chatty atmosphere...and lack of animosity demonstrated in the recent past...who in the world were they referring?
One of the highlights of the evening is always the announcement of the Sherman Award winner. Supported by the Lance Welch Foundation, the award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the community. Brad Meyer made the announcement of Hank Nussbeck as this years winner. Brad's narrative included Hank's many volunteer activities with/for the WLIC as well as his leadership role on the Fishing Club.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
It's the small things in life, right? On the way back from Park Hill drove the new Amity Curve, the piece that meets Eastside at Barry. Barrycades moved up to the new intersection, the tease-of-a-view beyond to the New Barry Speedway. Could it be soon? We shall see. Pointed out the elevated manholes on Amity to my passenger...just a reminder that Amity will not be a piece of cake.
Speaking of PH, last night was the end of the line for PH Footbal & Marching Band. Staley had a little too much in the 4th quarter. The boys played hard to the end. WL Favorite Son Luke caught a nice pass with 1:18 to go, one last catch for his high school career. Marching Band tried to keep the fans fired up with music and chants...they had fun too.
PH South won their playoff game...didn't look at the schedule, my guess they play Staley. Good luck to PHS, they will need it.
Speaking of PH, last night was the end of the line for PH Footbal & Marching Band. Staley had a little too much in the 4th quarter. The boys played hard to the end. WL Favorite Son Luke caught a nice pass with 1:18 to go, one last catch for his high school career. Marching Band tried to keep the fans fired up with music and chants...they had fun too.
PH South won their playoff game...didn't look at the schedule, my guess they play Staley. Good luck to PHS, they will need it.
See Point To Date
WLIC Annual Meeting tonight, 7PM, Hilton
Took a little boat ride Sunday afternoon to see the C up close. In case you haven't been over there, the Pavilion walls are up and the seawall on the west side of the project is mostly complete, some ramp work needs to be completed. The seawall facing east has not been started, presumably soon.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Watchdog, KC Star, November 8, page A6
"The poky little bridge project is nearing the final chapter""Sean Demory of Kansas City's Capital Projects Office, "but we anticipate reopening the structure in mid-November". So that is KC's guess on Barry Speedway, let's peg it at 15 November, mid being middle and November has 30 days.
The Star highlights KC resident Bob Ashcroft's persistent questioning of when the BRB will reopen...and why the delay. What's taking so long? Demory..."Utility relocation issues caused the latest hiccup". I guess comedy could always be an alternate career pathway...right? (BTW, I have another idea for a body function analogy for Mr Demory, which has a more acrid smell.)
Reference Comments yesterday regarding criminals on the Speedway...I know residents are making their way to their homes during the mess (God help them)...but my observations include some (cars) with WL stickers who I know do not live on the Speedway, and others who I guess just can't resist the siren call of newly laid asphalt...mmmm, that petroleum smell.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
You Take The High Road
I mention legal because the traffic on the Speedway has picked up as the requirement for four wheel drive has been reduced. The final layer of asphalt began to be laid yesterday, so it probably is one smooth ride. I saw a trespasser/law breaker/low life go around the barricade last night...on the darkened road. Tempting. Me, I'm saving myself for the legit day, I don't want to feel dirty...cheating.
So what do you think? What will be the magic day for the ribbon cutting...and who will be the first person over the culvert?
Yes, that is a pic of Scotland.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
What is known about the Planning Commission meeting on the 16th is the desire of Mary and Jerry to rewrite the City Code for minimum lot size. There has not been any interest shown by the Planning Commission on this subject, the 15,000 sq ft rule seems to be doing just fine. For those owners of property below the minimum there is the opportunity to appeal to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. So what's the deal? I guess we will find out on the 16th.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Meetings of the MInds
If you are looking for something to do next week, here are some things to fill in your date book.
- Monday, November 8th, 8PM PH Trojans football playoff game with Staley @ PH
- Tuesday, November 9th, 7PM, WLIC Annual Meeting, Hilton
- Wednesday November 10th, 6:30 PM Public Hearing Water Increase Hearing, City Hall
- November 10th, 7PM, 2011 Budget Hearing, City Hall
- November 10th, 7:30 PM, Special BOA, Rate Approval and Budget Passage, City Hall
- November 16th Planning Commission Meeting, 6PM.(More on this to follow)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
All Sinners
If Monday was All Saints, maybe yesterday was All Sinners...no I'm not going to start a food fight on national politics here, plenty of that going on elsewhere.
Was AWOL from BOA last night, on the road between Little Rock and Memphis when the meeting kicked off. Either another citizen will have to weigh in with the details or you City Hall junkies will just have to go without.
Speaking of food, the Faded Rose in LR has great Cajun food...whodathunk to find that in LR. Busy day in Memphis today and late to home this evening. Hope to see Elvis today, I have an inside source, and maybe some BBQ...no it is not close to KC.
Image by sparklemotion0 via Flickr
Was AWOL from BOA last night, on the road between Little Rock and Memphis when the meeting kicked off. Either another citizen will have to weigh in with the details or you City Hall junkies will just have to go without.
Speaking of food, the Faded Rose in LR has great Cajun food...whodathunk to find that in LR. Busy day in Memphis today and late to home this evening. Hope to see Elvis today, I have an inside source, and maybe some BBQ...no it is not close to KC.
Monday, November 1, 2010
All Saints
Turn the page, heading towards the holiday season and the end of the year...really. Between a heavy business travel schedule/holidays/and unused vacation it will be a race to the finish.
That being said, after voting tomorrow NLT 7PM, you can trot over to City Hall and catch the monthly BOA meeting @ 7:30 PM...can't use the excuse you had to vote to miss the meeting, they adjusted the start time to accommodate late voters. Important stuff coming up.
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