The time for filing for municipal elections (April 5th) has passed and the WL results are:
East Ward
Dave Folkedahl
West Ward
Mary Hoy
Alderman Bossert did not file for reelection, so both Folkedahl and Hoy are running unopposed. There is always the possibility of a write-in candidate, my guess that is highly unlikely. I'm going to offer to Mr Folkedahl and Ms Hoy the opportunity to host a post for a day on the blog if they choose. I do not know if there will be a candidates forum, my belief is there will not be one because of the lack of races in either Ward.
One benefit is there might be fewer "Vote For" yard signs for the Police to monitor. Now if we can just convince the KCMO Earnings Tax folks we don't vote on that issue her at WL...that would be nice.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Game Prep
Took the day off yesterday, getting ready for the big football games, starting with pre-game meal @ WildWings in Liberty..I'll be happy when they open in Zona.
Image via Wikipedia
Speaking of happy, my boys the Pack pulled through and I was rooting for Steelers as well...all in all enjoyable football...but back to the grindstone.
Franchise Fees (no it is not manna from heaven, check your utility bill)
KCPL $109,639
Gas $100,583
Telephone $174,086
Cable $22,594
Trash $3,171
KCPL $114,273
Gas $101,218
Telephone $124,019
Cable $19,959
Trash $0
KCPL $126,151
Gas $87,952
Telephone $96,392
Cable $16,532
Trash $0
Image via Wikipedia
Telephone jumps out doesn't it? The ongoing litigation and settlements with the various carriers has provided a windfall of $, those days are over.
Speaking of happy, my boys the Pack pulled through and I was rooting for Steelers as well...all in all enjoyable football...but back to the grindstone.
Franchise Fees (no it is not manna from heaven, check your utility bill)
KCPL $109,639
Gas $100,583
Telephone $174,086
Cable $22,594
Trash $3,171
KCPL $114,273
Gas $101,218
Telephone $124,019
Cable $19,959
Trash $0
KCPL $126,151
Gas $87,952
Telephone $96,392
Cable $16,532
Trash $0
Telephone jumps out doesn't it? The ongoing litigation and settlements with the various carriers has provided a windfall of $, those days are over.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Taking It To The Streets
Road Improvement Project Fund
Liabilities, Bonds Payable=$985,000
Other Public Works-Transfer to Road/Street
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Road Improvement Project Fund
Liabilities, Bonds Payable=$985,000
Other Public Works-Transfer to Road/Street
2010-$200,00, budget was $126,000Friday, January 21, 2011
The Long Blue Arm
Continuing Financials of WL
Police Department
Revenues are not an issue with the Department, basically there are none. There was grant revenue this year, budget was $1,500, actual was $8,469.
Within this category there is a line item for Part-Time:
2010-$43,228, the budget for 2010 was $32,000.
As noted previously, there was no purchase of a police cruiser, budget for vehicle repair and maintence was $3,000, actual $11,665. Radio repair budget $600, actual $2,186.
Interesting, Vehicle Fuel expense:
Wonder what the miles driven are...just curious.
Image via Wikipedia
Police Department
Revenues are not an issue with the Department, basically there are none. There was grant revenue this year, budget was $1,500, actual was $8,469.
Within this category there is a line item for Part-Time:
2010-$43,228, the budget for 2010 was $32,000.
As noted previously, there was no purchase of a police cruiser, budget for vehicle repair and maintence was $3,000, actual $11,665. Radio repair budget $600, actual $2,186.
Interesting, Vehicle Fuel expense:
Wonder what the miles driven are...just curious.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Kansas City Here I Come
Made it to KC yesterday by 3PM, lucky at that. My friends at Delta had cancelled the later flight I was booked on but I was able to leave early and catch the early afternoon flight from CVG. The cancellation was posted early yesterday morning, a relatively new phenomenon because of the changes (and fines) involved in delayed flights. As you know the mess was just beginning @ 3PM yesterday.
But I digress.
Image via WikipediaA couple more observations about the Sewer Fund in 2010. The budget for sewer repair was $15,000, the actual was $43, 719, and over budget expense of $28,719. Tough to anticipate but clearly a miss in 2010. The budget was very optimistic, look for more challenges in this line item in 2011. Overtime was $1,200 over budget, but matched overtime numbers for 2009. Vehicle repair and maintenance was also a miss, $2,700 budget vs $4,170.94 actual.
But I digress.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Trying to rengineer my schedule and flights early this AM to avoid the major part of the snow storm...Hope to be back to KC by midafternoon...My blogging time non-existent today, Manana!
Image by eljustino via Flickr
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Flush with Cash
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4th
The Sewer Fund Fund is a little bit better when it comes to surplus, finishing the year with $63, 633 to the positive. The is $50,000 in an Emergency Fund and $150,000 in a Reserve Fund for grinders. Income:
There was no line item for New Grinders in 10, but there was revenue of $32,608
On the expense line, Sewer Treatment expense:
The future-look to KCMO and double digit increases to come, and that just addresses keeping up with the pass doesn't include and system upgrades we may need.
January 4th
The Sewer Fund Fund is a little bit better when it comes to surplus, finishing the year with $63, 633 to the positive. The is $50,000 in an Emergency Fund and $150,000 in a Reserve Fund for grinders. Income:
There was no line item for New Grinders in 10, but there was revenue of $32,608
On the expense line, Sewer Treatment expense:
The future-look to KCMO and double digit increases to come, and that just addresses keeping up with the pass doesn't include and system upgrades we may need.
Monday, January 17, 2011
More to Follow
Had to travel to CVG yesterday for business meetings this week...missed my morning window for the Blog, never fear, looks like I will have ample time today to post for tomorrow morning...lots of talking heads and Power Point slides to pretend I am watching...nothing like sitting in the back of the room and being productive...ah yes, had a boss who always asked the question, "If you were in business for yourself would you do this?"...a small business owner would shudder.
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Sunday, January 16, 2011
2010 Financials Part I
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4
Jerry reviews the Finances every meeting, the January meeting was not different. It is hard to get a full picture of what he and the BOA are saying when they refer to budget documents... not available at the meeting to the public. I have the 2010 Budgets Summary as well as information from 08 and 09, want to take a peek? I know some of you are thinking...boring, not sexy! Fair enough but it is your money and while we aren't falling off a cliff like the federal and state budgets, it might be a good idea to insure our elected City Officials are keeping their eye on the ball, so here it goes.Water Department
2010 Revenue $297,286
2010 Expenses$285,232
To quote Jerry, it is "hard to get excited about the small surplus" Indeed, maybe "nervous" would be a better word. Our surplus has been melting away because the Mayor and the BOA have inexplicably refused to pass along increases by KCMO to the City the past two years running. Add to that, the use of water has dropped the last two years, meaning less decreasing water use plus increasing can do the math. So can the Mayor/BOA/Audit Committee.There is $150,000 in the Department Emergency Fund. There is no plan for replacement of aging water lines, primarily along East Side Drive. There is no plan for Water Tower maintenance, primarily painting. There is a bond liability of $1.4 million still outstanding from the construction of the tower.
Aroused? A cold shower is in order...while you are at it, let the water run a bit, the City can use the revenue.
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Saturday, January 15, 2011
Red Ink
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4
As noted previously, Jerry gleefully gave Alderman Finn a playful poke regarding the cost of recycling in the City for 2010...revenue $1,500-expenses $3,000...He was a bit more matter of fact about the books for the Community Center, revenue $20,357-expenses $27,139, saying the CC was "not as red as you might think". I agree with Jerry (please note). The numbers aren't as red as one might think...because the cost basis for calculating the expenses has changed during Jerry's administration making the expense line a bit more rosy. An example, City employee time spent in maintenance is not captured (any more). In effect, a freebie to the cost of operation.
Bloggers comment: My count shows this is post #900-whoda thunk? Like It or Not So Much...thanks for playing with me.
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4
Sometimes what isn't said is as interesting as what in point, the Entrance Advisory Group Committee. The EAGC was not listed on the agenda so presumably there was no report. During the Financials discussion Alderman Finn pointed out the expenditure of funds in December from the EAGC "kitty". You recall their pot o money is basically the funds KCMO paid the City for the removal of the Barry Road monuments. How much was spent in December? Lorax Design Group, $7,120 and The Greensman, $4,105.66, grand total, $11,225.66. Discussion (other than Finn pointing out the expenditure) none. Remaining balance of the $50 Gs from KCMO=$31,369.
Also during the Financials, Jerry mentioned the disbursement of $50 to an unnamed individual who wanted their donation refunded...apparently they had a change of mind regarding their contribution to the Henderson Memorial.
There was no report (or mention) from the Audit Committee or the Airport Committee, hibernation?
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Public Works
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4
Pretty quiet on the PW front. George reported the low bid and award of the N Miami water main project to Weaver Construction. $44,138 was the bid. The bid was a little under the estimated cost of the project, there were quite a few companies that submitted bids.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Police Beat
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4
From the Chief
A protracted discussion about the purchase of a new Police Cruiser began after the Chief mentioned the process had been started on the purchase of the car. Jerry hijacked the discussion (there are hijacking laws, aren't there?) giving his philosophy on the purchase of new just before warranty runs out vs running it into the ground. He cited this information from his knowledge of the trucking industry via an owner/operator. Interesting discussion in that Jerry mentioned during the financials the City spent $11,000 last year on repairs, passing up the opportunity to purchase a new cruiser. What makes that curious is the Chief anticipates the purchase of the new car to be in the neighborhood of $21,000/$22,000-doesn't seem like riding that pony until it falls over a very effective strategy...does it? In any event it appears a Crown Vic will be the next police vehicle...this lead to another long discussion about gas vs natural gas vs propane to power said vehicle...lordy, lordy. At the end of the day the next car will be a gas powered Crown Vic...which will be the last because they will no longer be produced.Gary reported "had some things happen at the Community Center". There was a reported theft of items from a wedding gift table during a reception. A suspect has been identified, apparently one of the attendees. Word to the wise, don't place your gift table in the foyer. A second theft occured at the CC, Gary mentioned the "list of stolen items has changed several times". I couldn't tell by his discussion if the items were taken at an event or from the CC itself. The investigation is ongoing. Not mentioned in his report were two incidents of vandalism listed in today's KC Star, page 10 of the Northland News section. Apparently Platte County Sheriffs responded to calls at NW Pleasant Ford on January 3rd and NW Venita Drive on January 4th.
Vic observed the number of tickets and warnings issued in 2010 were down and wanted to know why. Gary attributed the reduction to good patrol procedures by the Police and limited access to the Lake. Jerry added the "National has a high amount of burglaries"
That my friends was the end of the Police report.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Raising A Stink
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4
During the discussion of the City financials led by the Mayor, Jerry mused about the cost of the chemical bioxide used to suppress the odor from our sewer system. In regards to the $60,000 annual spend for bioxide Jerry said, "I don't know if we can afford it year in and out". We've heard similar comments from Jerry in reference to the annual $70,000 expenditure for street lights. Jerry and George have hatched a plan to reduce the amount of bioxide used in the system, Jerry declaring having a "few complaints" about smell "wouldn't be a bad thing".Jerry encourages the citizens to "let us know if something is smelly" Consider yourself advised. Alderman Vic closed the discussion by observing, "I think we should make sure we are not smelly".
Monday, January 10, 2011
Folkendahl Throws Hat Into Ring
East Sider Dave Folkendahl has formally placed his name on the ballot for the East Ward alderman spot up for election in April. The seat, currently held by Ed Bossert, is considered up for grabs because insider speculation is Ed will not seek reelection. Folkendahl has been an occasional attendee at BOA meetings, and most recently acted as Treasurer for the failed alderman campaign of Brian Stevenson. Political watchers are also intrigued by the possibility of Dee Surma entering the might recall she has been a right-in candidate for the East Side.
Filing for public office ends at 5PM, Tuesday, January 18th (not sure about the time). If you are interested in filing requirements, call City Clerk, Gwen Cenac.
Filing for public office ends at 5PM, Tuesday, January 18th (not sure about the time). If you are interested in filing requirements, call City Clerk, Gwen Cenac.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Moratz Comments
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4
I don't always make Comments during the Public Comment section of the meeting, but I have spoken more than anyone in the past 5 years. (OK, that isn't saying a whole lot in that very few people attend the meetings. I point this out only to those whiners who complain about the tone, sometimes of the blog. I do make comments in public, on the record, call or email the Mayor, Aldermen and City Attorney-not just snipe from the bushes. What do you do?}The made comments regarding two issues, the recent change by the County Commission on the taxing of new homes and the apparent horrendous response times of KCFD on ambulance calls.
County Commission
As documented here and the Landmark, the County Commission changed the way new construction is added to the tax rolls, potentially having an adverse effect on the cities and school districts. Jerry had no knowledge of the change, my point to the BOA and Mayor was they should have been contacted, I believe, by our County Commissioner (Dusenbery) or Presiding Commissioner (at the time, Knight) to get feedback. I encouraged them to seek more information from them and if they were so disposed, voice their displeasure with being left in the dark. No comments from the BOA or Mayor.
Response Rates
I noted the recent article in the KC Star regarding the poor response rates by KCFD (less than 60% @ 9 minutes) in the South Platte Ambulance District, as highlighted by Board President Bobby Kincaid. (Alderman Finn has been in communication with Mr Wheeler our District rep to determine response rates in WL.). Discussion followed with the assumption that the response rates from WL Police and South Platte Fire continue to be satisfactory. Jerry felt the lagging response rates from KCFD might not be a very big issue, especially if it was a matter of minutes considering WL and South Platte had already responded. I felt it is a big deal, because the only way to be transported to the hospital was via KCFD and in some cases minutes could be the difference between life or death. I also noted a comment on the blog about the cost of transport being >$900...another audience member mentioned her family had been billed $1,300 for transport. Getting our moneys worth? Alderman Finn pointed out the District would be meeting later in the month.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Prime TIme
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Jan 4
More Comments from Mayor/Finn
Jerry is intent on considering Committee appointments starting in March. Parks in particular is in need of appointments now to insure a quorum but Jerry is adamant about doing it all at one time. Go figure.
Platte County portion of Barry Road Construction
Discussions with Platte County? "Virtually none" according to Jerry. "I'm not so sure they have legal problems along the way" in explaining the lack of activity by PC despite road signs advising of construction.
Outreach to citizens
"We've got to think about it" Jerry's thoughts about the WLL publishing their newsletter only 8 times a year. No discussion on alternate methods of keeping citizens informed.
BOA Agenda format
"Many of the cities are changing their format" Jerry cited Platte Woods, Houston Lake, Lake Waukomis. They are using a "consent agenda". (Jerry attended two or three BOA meetings before his election, the consent agenda format was used by the previous it only took Jerry three years to figure it out.)
Aldeman Finn's comments
Questioned whether the BOA/Mayor realized the South Platte Y is preparing to begin a $8 million expansion. I believe Ms Finn was questioning the use of tax money in regards to the Y. Jerry pointed out the South Platte Y "has always made a profit, not the case in Platte City". When asked about the county's financial role Jerry said, "I'm not sure how all that works" "I don't think it's costing the County a lot of money."
Questioned Chief Gary on the rising cost of gasoline...the Chief's response was preempted by Jerry, who went into a dissertation on the economics of the price of oil and OPEC. Jerry cited "Malarkey from Iraq" (I believe he meant Prime Minister Maliki) who is bucking the production quotas set out by OPEC, thus insuring more oil. "3.25 a gallon gas wouldn't be a bad thing", Jerry said. "I'm bullish on oil" and as my old boss said, "Pigs get penned, hogs get slaughtered".
(interesting twist on a common phrase...see link)
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Friday, January 7, 2011
Recycle Redux
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4
What to do? I would think the Mayor/Alderman/City staff might notice if the bins are full and/or overflowing and take action to relieve the Martens of the burden. The City Hall bins seem to be more of a problem than the CC bins. If the City were to remain committed to the current form of recycling some sort of fence shielding view of the bins might not be a bad idea. Increased surveillance, including the use of video cameras might be considered to assist in identifying non-residents and those who "litter", which carries a fine up to $500. A number of readers also recycle...crushing all items before placing in the bins is a huge assist...I'm always amazed at the large boxes put in the bins untouched...taking up much need space.
Curb side recycling might be the answer, but one not palatable to those who have no interest in recycling. Every scenario I know requires mandatory participation, and the cost, for the City. Which takes us back to the discussion of the trash contract. Oops, got to go, it's Friday...trash day.
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Thursday, January 6, 2011
Fact Check
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4
Life is Riverside Jerry's comments about how much Riverside was paying for trash service ("half as much") just didn't ring true for some I did a quick check on the web. You will find...
- Riverside just switched to a new provider, Town and Country, on Jan 1.
- They are provided two of the push-type garbage receptacles
- The trash service in Riverside is provided to residents, free of charge.
- The income from casino revenue is the source for the funding.
- They have service has a novel recycling approach which allows the residents to put recyclables in the regular trash...which is sorted later at the garbage sorting center.
- It is easy to mandate trash service when the city is paying the bills
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Garbage In, Garbage Out
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4
4 citizens in attendance, Alderman Hoy absent as the meeting started promptly at 7PMMayor's Comments
Jerry opened with a long winded dissertation on his review of the "trash contract". He has received no names from the aldermen for a committee he envisioned to do the heavy lifting in evaluating options for the City. (I don't know if the aldermen couldn't find volunteers or they just weren't interested in supporting the idea in the first place-no discussion, guess we'll never know). In Jerry's words "we need to move on". He mentioned people won't like the "standardized containers" that some contractors require and a major issue from Jerry's point of view would be mandatory participation for trash pick-up. Jerry stated 10 to 15% of homes do not currently participate for trash service. He opined some have "farms" and haul their own trash there to burn or "bury". He pointed out Parkville and Gladstone leave selection of trash firms to the individual citizens with 6 companies serving Parkville (really?). He asserted our current service is "much higher" than other cities, citing Riverside which is "about half" of what we pay. As Jerry concluded, it is "time to get started".
I'm all for investigating options...I'm also a believer in two old saws...If it's not broke, don't fix it...and...You get what you pay for. I'm very satisfied with Allied Waste. Some of you more seasoned Weatherbeans will recall the not too distant past where a garbage provider was fairly reckless including operating equipment that allowed a steady stream of liquid soup to leak on the roadway as it made the rounds. Especially savory during the summer months. My recommendation? Contact your alderman...before the decision is made.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011
BOA Tonight
Tonight's agenda, if you please.
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Monday, January 3, 2011
BOA Tomorrow
Start your New Year off right by observing the BOA action live from the peanut gallery at 7PM tomorrow night at City Hall. I'll try to post the agenda tomorrow morning so you can be inspired to attend.
P.S. Still time to file for alderman, one on the East, one on the West. Big pay ($100 per month), big power (be on the inside as the BOA constructs the Garbage Committee and beyond), be a big fish in a little pond!
P.S. Still time to file for alderman, one on the East, one on the West. Big pay ($100 per month), big power (be on the inside as the BOA constructs the Garbage Committee and beyond), be a big fish in a little pond!
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Sunday, January 2, 2011
Geezers Unite!
KC Star, Jan 1st, A2
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Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Years-2011
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