Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monument Update

From an email sent last week:

"Dear Entrance Project Supporters,

We are excited to announce that the re-design for the City Entrance Project has been completed and new bids have been published, with a bid deadline ofNovember 28. This initial bid package includes the specs for 3 entrances; Eastside by City Hall, Forest, and Hillside.

Following the deadline, our Infrastructure Committee will meet to review the bids and decide on the next steps. If we receive bids that our Committee believes are feasible, an EAG meeting will be scheduled to discuss the results and decide on a recommendation to take to the Board of Aldermen for City Council approval.

It has been our plan to reserve pledge requests until after Council approval. However, we do not know if we can reach that goal before the end of 2011. Should any donors feel confident enough in our progress prior to year end, or have any tax considerations that might be of benefit in 2011, we would welcome pledge donations at any time. Otherwise, following Council approval, we will begin pledge fulfillment and commence with construction in 2012.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to sharing with you a new image for Weatherby Lake."

Kristy Lawrence, EAG Communications Leader
Jim Miller, EAG Leader

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Yep, that time of the year, along with the usual Season's Greetings you probably have received:

  • Platte County Property Tax Bill
  • City Notice for Car Sticker, Trailer Sticker, Dog Sticker, Cat Sticker (okay, tags)
  • WLIC Assessments
  • WLIC Dock, Boat, Motor Stickers
  • Pay Up (if you would like) EAGC pledge   

Monday, November 28, 2011

Toxic Waste

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
November 14

City renewed its agreement to participate in the MARC Hazardous Waste Program, at the cost of $1.04 per household per year, a real bargain (Mary should be ok with the fact our drop in population has at least one benefit).  Protect our lake, land and landfills, dispose of old gas, oil etc., properly.  I'll be making my run to Deramus in a week or so as I drop off the old gas from my fleet of boats.  It's quick, easy.  Hit this link for all the details if you haven't been there...note the change, no appointment necessary, effective July of this year.  

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Labels on the Outside of Arriving TRUPACT-II S...
Image via Wikipedia

Sunday, November 27, 2011


The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
November 14

During the Public Works discussion George mentioned a problem the department had to deal with...water in one of the trucks diesel fuel.  They have asked for an investigation of the source of the fuel (Conoco) with no results as of the BOA meeting.  Short of bad fuel, George has no idea how water could have gotten in the diesel fuel, "we just don't know".  The vehicle is in the City shed when not in use so it isn't readily available for mischief.  Cost to the City (you/me), $4,400.  Ouch.    
A red tank of diesel fuel on a truck in Bombay...
Image via Wikipedia

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Aldermen Duke It Out

Just back from my Turkey Trot to CO, good food & family.  Gathered my accumulated newspapers to see what I missed in KC during our absence. This news item caught my attention:
Guess our neighbors way south in Gardner, KS had a tiff after a council meeting discussion over the purchase of video equipment, the purpose being to record city council meetings.  Appears one alderman told another to "shut up" during the meeting...which eventually led to an assault in a driveway...apparently caught live by video on a phone.  wow.

I have wondered from time to time if our proceedings in WL would be different if taped or broadcast.  Some cities in the metro do one or both (Parkville, for example).  I have caught their council meetings while channel surfing, and other than my occasional urge to watch paint dry, have quickly hit the button to proceed.  Councilman Fotovich in Gardner questioned if his fellow councilman Pugh would "behave differently if the public was watching".  Guess it could go both ways...some might act out while others might clam up.  Might be interesting.  In the meantime, our monthly meetings are the model of civility, witnessed by me and Kathy and an occasional Eagle Scout.  Last word to Councilman Pugh:

"Being an elected official is a thankless job and you cannot make all the people happy all the time"        

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


From Platte County update:

The contractor plans to continue working into the winter months as long as the weather will permit. Please keep in mind that this active construction site is closed to thru traffic for the safety of both the workers and the public. Should we determine that the weather will cause work to cease for an extended period of time the roadway may be temporarily opened for public use and then closed again in the spring allowing the contractor to complete the project. We will keep you advised of this situation through these updates and separate mailings/press releases.

This refers to piece of Barry Road between Potomac and Arcola. It could be driven now, the road has the initial overlay completed and curbs in...

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Too Bits

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
November 14

Alderman Finn (WL Trash Queen) discussed the upcoming community shredding event, scheduled for December 3rd. More details to follow. A DEA approved drug/pharmaceuticals collection will take place at the same time, clean out those medicine cabinets.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, November 21, 2011

City Growth

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
November 14

Observations by Jerry/Mary
During the budget discussion in regards to revenue for building permits, Jerry mentioned builder John Gray has filed a building permit on behalf of Ms James on Hillside and signaled his intentions to build two more homes in WestRidge...a mini-boom in a manner of speaking.  Jerry surmised that the construction of the Cerner corporate office at the racetrack might add to interest in building homes in WL...that might be a big stretch.

Mary Hoy observed the revenue streams from various taxes are calculated on population (referring back to the last census and the minute loss of WL population.  A call to arms (well, maybe different body parts) to all fertile adults in WL to share the love, literally, so our population gets back on track.  A patriotic duty if you will.  Bubba has mentioned his availability...the blog take no responsibility for his actions.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lame Ducks

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Nov 14

Alderman Finn asked the City Clerk when filing begins for municipal elections next April.  Answer: December 13th 8AM and closing on the 17th of January.  Translation:  There are three spots to be filled, one alderman on each side of the lake and Mayor.  Regarding last post, when the recommendations from the EAGC reach the BOA, it is possible one/some/all may not be around after April.  They could saddle incoming aldermen/mayor with a decision that they might not have made.  Election issue?  Would be interesting to see where all the candidates, assuming we have anybody running, stand regarding the monuments.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gimme A Break

Time out from the BOA minutes for an editorial comment.

The Monuments
A couple of the Comments stimulated some reflection on my here they are.
The destruction/construction/reconstruction of Barry Road was the impetus for this monument situation.  The entrance monuments at Barry and Eastside/Forest/Hillside had to be removed for the new road, regrettable but it happened.  KCMO as part of the consideration for the project offered $50,000 in part to make amends for the loss of the monuments.  Jerry Bos and the BOA agreed and signed the cooperative agreement with KCMO.  Hindsight might say KCMO took us to the cleaners based on the fact that replacement of those three would certainly amount to more than $50,000...but we won't go there, over and done.

It is at that point things seemed to have gotten out of hand in my view.  Let's start with the monuments not touched by KCMO.  Me and Bubba run past the monuments every week.  You have to get a close look at them.  Structurally almost all are in good shape, a couple need a bit of tuck pointing, all need a good power washing.  A number of them could use painting of the wood plaques.  Up until this year they were poorly maintained, not even weeded or trimmed...possibly this blog pointing out the irony of wanting new monuments when the City couldn't even maintain the old helped get some attention.  No matter.  How did the removal of the Barry Road monuments stimulate replacement of all of them?  I don't know.  Why would a City committee (EAGC) be established by Bos, ostensibly to accommodate tax write-offs for donors?  Because the monuments are being built on donated funds (less the $50,000 form KCMO) does that mean a relatively small group of folks can do what they want?

If it were put to a vote of citizens of WL, would they vote a tax increase (it would take that based on the amount needed) to replace all the monuments?  If the answer is no (my bet the outcome would be no) what does that say about  the whole monument effort?  If the monuments benefit all, aesthetics, pride, whatever, why shouldn't we all pay?  One of the Comments mentioned Riss Lake/Tremont.  We never considered either of those communities when we moved North from Brookside, we had an aversion to Overland Park style living.  Thanks to Mrs Bubba and Bob McCormack we ended up here, quaint, picturesque, unique.

Let's keep it that way.
And that is as I see it.      

Friday, November 18, 2011

Night Light

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the Weatherby Lake BOA
November 14

During the annual budget discussion the subject of street lights came up as it has in previous budget discussions.  City Hall watchers (Kathy and me) know the Mayor's disdain for the cost of providing street lights in the City, Jerry has often wistfully mentioned Platte Woods as his role model for a city without lights.  Mary offered up an alternative based on her recent travels to Mozambique.  Apparently one of the areas that she visited, although poor, had street lights that were solar powered and opined it might be an alternative for WL.  Jerry quickly quashed the idea, citing the high cost of LED lights, and from his point of view, an economically unfeasible proposition.  Jerry says he is in discussions with KCPL...not sure what that means.  He also said the belief that the West side has been suffering more electricity outages was unfounded although apparently there is an ongoing investigation.  Jerry mentioned the George home (on Roberts Road) is one of the homes being reviewed for outages.  It sure seemed like the West side suffered through more outages this year than the East. We would always check with Bubba (a dyed in the wool East sider) when we were in the dark, more often than not he was in high clover...maybe it was just us.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shakers & Movers

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the Weatherby Lake BOA
14 November

After Jim's "update" on the EAGC activities, it begs the question, "Who is driving the monument process?"

Who is on the EAG Committee?  Although there is a tab on the City website, there is no listing of appointed members (unlike most Committees/Boards which have membership lists).  There isn't a description of length of terms either (unlike most other Committees/Boards listed).  The last and only posting of minutes is November 30th 2009.  There is no listing of who is on the critical "Infrastructure Sub-Committee other than to identify Jim Miller as apparent chair of Infrastructure.

Who is on the Infrastructure Sub-Committee?  Although not identifed on the city web site, there was an email after a meeting held on July 13th identifying attendees as part of the "Infrastructure Committee".  They were:
Jim Miller
Ray & Marge Stockwell
Ron Surma
George Lowman
Kristy Lawrence
Lyle Phillips
Vic DeJong
Jerry Bos

It was mentioned at the BOA, Vic and Lyle assisted in the preparation of the RFP.  Jerry of course has been very involved and supports the project.  Alderman DeJong seems to be very involved as well.  Why is this important?  The EAGC is advisory in nature, and needs the approval of the Mayor and BOA to execute any plans.  Looks like they (EAGC) have two votes because of the intimate involvement of Bos and DeJong.  Alderman Folkedahl hasn't asked any questions on this subject since taking office during BOA meetings (he has missed 2 out of the last 3 BOA meetings).  Alderman Finn has been persistent in getting information about the EAGC and the use of the KCMO money, as well as requesting Jim Miller to appear to answer questions from the BOA.  Mary Hoy has not made many comments at all.  Is the board set up to be a rubber stamp to the EAGC?  Again, you be the judge.

BOA voted to approve paying the City's bills during the meeting, including $2,391.87 from the "Entrance Fund".  No questions, no discussion.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Nov 14

The City Monument Movement, on life support for over a year, has suddenly risen from its coma like state.  Jim Miller, chair of the Entrance Advisory Group Committee (EAGC) appeared before the BOA to give an update.  Interesting because an RFP was printed in the Landmark a week prior soliciting bids on monuments to be built at Hillside, Forest and two at City Hall on Eastside.  At least one alderman was left in the dark about the RFP.  The closing date for the bids will be the 28th @ 2PM.

Jim outlined the timeline for the process.  Bid openings on or soon after the 28th.  Review of the bids by the "Infrastructure subcommittee", full meeting of the EAGC (according to Jim, 17 members strong), and then recommendation to the BOA for implementation at the next BOA, possibly the 7th of December...admittedly a tight timeline that may not happen because of the need to fit in a EAGC meeting.  (Not sure it is a big issue as the committee is packed with monument proponents).  After the BOA gives the green light to the plans the EAGC will circle back to donors who had pledged, almost two years ago, and ask them to ante up.
Inquiring minds want to know:

How much is in the EAGC kitty? About $29,000.
How much did they start out with?  About $56,000, $50,000 from KCMO to replace monuments removed as part of the Barry road project, about $6,000 raised through donations, etc. .
Where did the money go?  Spent for the most part on drawings, prep etc., on at least two iterations of proposals.
What about the projections of the cost of maintenance (to be paid for by the City) for the new monuments?  According to Jim, the projections mentioned in a Infrastructure meeting held last July were much higher than they now expect (fyi, it was projected $6,000 for Eastside @ City Hall and $50,000 for all 7 when constructed).
What about the entrance at Barry and Eastside?  Not in first phase

More tomorrow.  Shakers & Movers              

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Two "Stupid" Whoppers

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Nov 15

It has been coming, so no surprise, as the Mayor and BOA voted to sock it to ya on your water and sewer bill.      An apologetic Bos, saying it was "my fault" and he was "stupid" discussed the need to raise rates.  He said the City had passed on raising rates the last time they had increased from KCMO (actually he misspoke, we haven't raised the rates in two years).  A real head scratcher coming from a former CFO and CPA and elected (presumably) because of his business acumen.  Of course he had accomplices...the BOA sat mute as he excoriated himself.  None of the aldermen stepped forward to call themselves stupid...I guess you will have to come to your own conclusions.  As they sat and watched, the reserves in the water fund have evaporated to the point where Jerry projects we might end the year in the red for the water department.  Really.  And it won't stop, look for a continuing stream of double digit increases, every year, for the foreseeable future.

The ordinances as formulated would have made the increases retroactive, a detail apparently missed by the Mayor, BOA and the City Attorney.  One sharp eyed citizen pointed this out to the crew, mentioning his recent agrarian efforts on his lawn would get smacked with the increase.  The wrong (based on the one complaint) was righted as they voted to increase rates with the bills sent in the New Year.

The new rates on water will boost your bill by 20% and sewer will go up 16% (if you have a grinder, you know who you are).   And no, you cannot have it your way.

Click on today's Dilbert if you haven't already.

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Monday, November 14, 2011


Driver's PermitsImage by Rick Scully via FlickrSharp eyed reader mentioned something that caught his attention about the whole JP thing.  Quote from Judge Roper in this month's E Weatherby Lake Living:

"The alleged trespasser had driven to the location in a car with out of state license plates and could produce no further identification but a credit card, not even a driver’s license."

For all the apologists who feel WLIC was heavy handed apparently the WL Police cut her some slack.  As far as I can tell no citation was issued for not having a driver's license, apparently that was by the officer's discretion, so Ms Jenny not only got a low ball fine for trespass she wasn't cited when she could have been.  Ah yes, a kinder, gentler WL.

Related articles
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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Verdict: Guilty

Jennifer Payne, the Maligned Trespasser, had her day in court (actually evening) Thursday, as the case was finally heard in WL Municipal Court.  Ms Payne was not present, she was represented by her attorney.  The appointed judge from Platte County delivered the verdict, Bev Roper had been asked to step aside from the case.

A deal was worked out with the prosecutor, Ms Payne was found guilty of 2nd Degree Trespassing, fined $75 and court costs ($24.95).  So, a Benjamin and the Payne goes away.

No TV/Press coverage Thursday night, guess the sizzle of the case was extinguished.

Life is good @ WL.
A small size $100 United States Note of Series...Image via Wikipedia
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Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day

Here's to all of you who have served our country, a grateful thank you for your service.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Now that you have been educated on the fine art of body shots, I'll add the last dot to be connected.
In some circles the Maligned Trespasser has been portrayed as this business woman who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, picking the wrong place to write thank you notes, could be I guess...we will see tonight when Ms Payne and/or her attorney face the music.  And of course the City, the Police and WLIC have been portrayed as meanies by some (not me, I hope she gets $500 fine like the rest of the trespassers).

There is one fact, undisputed, with photographic evidence from Jennifer Payne's Facebook photos, she is good at body shots and apparently proud to share that with you and the rest of the world.  So here's to tequila, lime,  salt and Jennifer ...she's the woman on the right.    
Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase
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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Body Shots, Part1

I know some of the smartest people who live or follow WL read the blog (by their own testimony) so I hesitate to try to offer an educational experience to some of my readers.  I do know that some (again, by their own testimony) are social shut-ins, you know who you are.  So, to prepare all for tomorrow's self-explanatory pics in Part 2, I offer this as blog prep.  The following link, from Urban Dictionary, describes what a body shot is:

Bubba has shared with me that he has observed body shots at both the WL St Patty's Day event as well as the last Yacht Club Progressive.  Can't speak to that, I guess that is possible.  (The last time I witnessed a body shot was in the last century when Dr Earl Quackenbush (real name) chased my sister around the exam table to give her a polio shot .)     

Anyway, tomorrow I will supply the last dot to be connected, which just happens to be the day JP gets her day/night in court.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Point in the Case

So we have the Maligned Trespasser, the Facebook Friend and now the Banished Judge.  JP requested a judge other than Bev, presumably looking for a more lenient perspective (she was just writing thank you cards after all).  As Joe Friday would say, "just want the facts mam" (you can google Joe if you don't know who he is...and no was not the arresting officer).

This month's E Weatherby Lake Living has a very interesting post from Bev about a recent case...

"Which brings us to the real point of this “Case in Point”:  besides always showing up for court dates, please carry some form of identification when traveling.  We recently experienced a situation where a person was identified allegedly trespassing on clearly marked WLIC property.  The WLIC chose to pursue the case.  The alleged trespasser had driven to the location in a car with out of state license plates and could produce no further identification but a credit card, not even a driver’s license.  She indicated that she knew no one in the area but for her boss who could not be immediately located.  She did not have $500.  This presents a real problem for the one police officer on duty because he cannot abandon an arrestee in City Hall to continue his patrol.  When he called me for direction, I elicited the facts from him, plus the knowledge that her car appeared in the national computer database to be registered to the person who she said she was.  I indicated to the officer to try to locate the woman’s boss in the next 30 minutes who would be authorized to sign her out on a signature bond (the boss’s promise to have her in court), or he would be left with no other choice but to transport her to the jail where it could be worked out.  Had the woman carried proper identification (it’s a good idea to carry a driver’s license while driving – particularly in another state) her story may have ended differently.  Even so, the boss finally answered her cellphone and signed her out from City Hall – no transport was necessary."

Next dot...body shots

Monday, November 7, 2011


If you refreshed your memory yesterday about the bad choice of picnic tables by the Maligned Trespasser, you will see KMBC has been all over the coverage on JP and the meanies @ WL.

Doesn't take much "investigative" work to find out Dan Weinbaum from KMBC is listed as a "friend" on JP's Facebook page...hmmm?  (Not that he is special, she has well over 1,000 friends).

Haven't checked to see if Bev, Joe or Jerry have "friended" her as well on their Facebook page.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bev, Body Shots and Booty Call

Missed the Chili (spelled right?) Challenge Extravaganza last night, had a prior engagement with Mr/Mrs Bubba.  Didn't see the boys making any grinder calls in the vicinity, so assume everything came out all right at the CC.  (BTW, Pepcid AC is one fine product)(Do beans belong in chili/chilli, I vote yes).

Not much else happening this coming week until Thursday when Municipal Court is in session.  Ms Jennifer Payne (The Maligned Trespasser) will face the music in front of an imported judge for the occasion.  You can count on many media types being present, especially if it is a slow news day.  You can also bet one particular news reporter will be on the scene...but then that is another story.  So stay tuned, especially if you do not know what a body shot is, I will post the instructional manual with pics, but Bev will not be a will just have to wait and see.      
Dutch no-trespassing signImage via Wikipedia

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Friday, November 4, 2011


The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WLIC Annual Meeting

Joe's comments regarding KCMO included:

  • "KCMO has been responsive"
  • an auto-start pump is slated to be installed at the East Side lift station
  • a major repair or replace is scheduled in the KCMO master plan in "3 to 5 years"
Other tidbits:

  • Peret still for sale, commercial property sales in Platte Cty at a stand still
  • Dredge bill came to $530,000
  • Bethesda Gardens construction is being monitored, builder is being cooperative in discussions on erosion/silt control 
Meeting lasted about 1hr 20 minutes

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Phase Two

The Unofficial Official Minutes of the WLIC Annual Meeting

Architect and resident Steve Cantrell presented an overview of Phase Two, C Point renovation project:

  • Will commence this Spring with completion by "the beginning of the boating season".  
  • Includes the demolition and construction of the bathrooms:
    • Three men's, three women's stalls, two stainless sinks each, plus one "family" facility for baby changing.
    •  Two showers outside.
    • Design complimentary to the Pavillion.
    • Utilities to be underground.Ease of opening/closing if Pavilion used for an event during winter.
  • The elevation of the bathroom will be lowered 3 feet from current.
  • The road will no longer create an "island" around bathroom but rather route just on one side, making access from the beach w/o crossing road.
  • 66 total marked parking spots to compliment the two lane road in/out.
  • "No special assessment", financed through normal "cash flow". 
I believe a rendering of the new structure is @ City Hall.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

WLIC Annual Meeting

Official Unofficial Minutes of the WLIC Annual Meeting
Nov 1

A lightly attended meeting (my guess around 100) attended an efficient meeting that lasted an hour and 20 minutes.  Highlights included:

  • Jim Miller was recognized for his service to the Board as he concluded his term and chose not to seek reelection.
  • Tanya Finn was announced as the 2011 Joseph Sherman Community Service Award winner.
  • Tom Urbaniak was elected to the Board, Baum, Genske, Myers re-elected. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

BOA Cancelled, Fear of Occupy WL Overcomes Board

No BOA tonight, and what a shame, Kathy and I were ready to don the cuffs to protest all the fat cats @ WL.  Okay, so the cancellation was of a more practical nature (unfounded rumor concerning Jerry's pheasant hunting trip) and there will be a three for one meeting on the 14th of November to 1) have the monthly BOA, 2) hold a hearing on the water/grinder rate increase, 3) conduct a hearing on the 2012 budget.  The festivities are scheduled to kick off @ 6PM. 

The rate increase is a done deal, the vote a mere formality...ditto budget for 2012, walking the straight and narrow of a city that lives on the margin.

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