In some circles the Maligned Trespasser has been portrayed as this business woman who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, picking the wrong place to write thank you notes, could be I guess...we will see tonight when Ms Payne and/or her attorney face the music. And of course the City, the Police and WLIC have been portrayed as meanies by some (not me, I hope she gets $500 fine like the rest of the trespassers).
There is one fact, undisputed, with photographic evidence from Jennifer Payne's Facebook photos, she is good at body shots and apparently proud to share that with you and the rest of the world. So here's to tequila, lime, salt and Jennifer ...she's the woman on the right.
Please take note: Anyone posting similar pictures on their Facebook will be considered guilty before proven innocent for any accused crime.
Seems like a poor choice for someone that touts themselves as a sales and training consultant. I can only imagine the "performance" she'll give tonight!
I don't think she is guilty of anything on Facebook-she just doesn't care if anyone sees her participating in body shots. Does make me wonder about her judgement, but then she seems fine with ignoring the obvious, like NO TRESPASSING signs as in "that couldn't possibly pertain to me".
Jeffrey Dahmer =
Son of Sam =
Jessica Payne
Throw the book at her!
I don't know about throwing the book at her. A $500 fine for sitting on someone else's property and not otherwise causing harm (e.g., vandalizing property or taking fish from the lake) seems excessive. The median wage in this country is about $20 an hour. A $500 fine equates to approximately 3 days of pay for the average person.
you could always pay the fine for them if you want. ARE YOU CRAZY? I want the full enforcement of the law on WLIC property. I want to keep the lake private and not allow people to drop in because it looks like a nice place to sit. If they want to be here,buy a home, pay the fees, special assessments and take advantage of all the goodies you get when you are a member, otherwise, stay the hell out.
Iran arrested hikers who accidently crossed their border and kept them in prison for a few years.
She's getting off easy with a fine. I say a few months in jail would be more appropriate. That way, other people would think twice about sitting at our picnic bench and enjoying our goodies.
The trespassing charges in Weatherby Lake are no different than our speed traps. It is a way to raise revenue. Of course, a $500 fine is disproportianate to the offense. In most jurisdictions, you could plea guilty and receive a slap on the wrist (like a few hours of community service). However, if we did not have our speeding fines and our trespassing fines, we'd all have to pay higher taxes, and nobody wants to do that.
You must be nuts!!!
Community service! The last municipal judge gave a few trespassers a pittance of a fine and community service. We voted his butt out of office. We'll do the same to this municipal judge if she starts playing bleeding heart liberal! Maximum fine for all law breakers!
This self-righteous “You sat on our picnic bench – how dare you!” attitude shows some of you are out of touch with reality. We’re not the Gestapo even though some of you are acting like it. Some of you are the very essence of a lynching mob. Nor are we some utopian community that must be defended at all costs. For God’s sake, all the woman did is sit on a picnic bench. Where’s the common sense? Really think about it. People living outside of Weatherby Lake think this is the most ludicrous set of circumstances they have ever heard of. Why do you think the news media is covering it? Because it’s so stupid. Is the world outside of Weatherby Lake so wrong? I hope the judge looks at it for what it is and applies an appropriate penalty.
"All i was doing was writing thank you notes!" or "All I was doing was fishing!" is the same thing. TRESPASSING! She got caught. Sucks for her! How many others didn't. Get real. As the northland grows, so will this problem.
Actually 4:11 it isn’t the same thing. Sitting at a picnic table with pieces of paper is not the same as getting out fishing gear, physically walking over to or into the lake and attempting to catch fish. (Technically it would be stealing the fish.) Two completely different degrees of trespassing. That is the problem. Sitting at a picnic table is a very nondestructive innocent appearing act. That’s why Weatherby Lake looks like vigilantes pouncing on unsuspecting souls.
"pouncing on unsuspecting souls"
she knew what she was doing (I think she could read), and got caught. too bad.
Yes Mike but to the outside world we look like thugs. That's the point.
If we look like 'Thugs' to the outside world, then I say 'good'. They can find a bench in one of our city/public parks and not have a problem. Otherwise stay the hell out of 'my' access area after you learn how to read. That my friend IS the point.
Guess it depends on what kind of community you want to portray and live in 3:35.
"Ms Payne, You are on private property which is considered trespassing here. You need to leave the grounds."
It would have been as simple as that.
OR Your way 3:35:
"Ms Payne, Stay the hell out of 'my' access area after you learn how to read".
OR 7:20
"Ms Payne, I say a few months in jail would be more appropriate."
OR 6:07
If they want to be here,buy a home, pay the fees, special assessments and take advantage of all the goodies you get when you are a member, otherwise, stay the hell out.
So much retribution going on, who would want to live here?
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