Friday, December 9, 2011

Confusion, Not Burglary

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
December 6

Police Report
Gary wanted to set the record straight on an apparent report of  a burglary in the City (the alderman get a monthly summary).  Not to worry, it wasn't really a burglary, "just a drunk who thought he still lived in the house".  What you say?  Not that uncommon.

Long discussion regarding the purchase of new police radios.  Fed requirement by 2013 which requires all rescue/fire/police to comply.  It is not cheap.  Proposal is for 8 radios, could cost anywhere from $45,000 and higher.  Money ($75,000) has been set aside from the telephone companies settlement received over the past two years.  Looks like a special meeting prior to years end will be called to authorize the final purchase.


Anonymous said...

I was confused one time myself and ended up in bed with my neighbor lady, I really did think it was my house...and I didn't steal anything if you are going to ask.

Anonymous said...

No wonder my wife has been so happy lately