Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Buddy Can You Spare Me A...

Dear EAG Members and Entrance Project Supporters,

We would like to provide an update on the progress of the WL Entrance Project. The first phase construction is now complete, which includes the monuments at City Hall, Eastside and Barry, Forest, and Hillside. We realize there are issues with daytime readability of the signs on Eastside Drive, and are working to correct this in partnership with our sign manufacturer, the City Public Works Department, and Trina Henke’s Milbank company engineering department. The monument areas have been sodded and planted with juniper trees and Miscanthus Sinensis Graziella grasses. Serviceberry “Autumn Brilliance” trees will be planted in November.

 The cost of Phase I is projected at $190,000. Phase II, the final phase, starts with financing the project. We must have enough cash on hand for this phase in order to begin the bidding process for the Potomac, Westside, 76th Street/Childress, and Kerns entrances. We hope to begin bidding in the spring and early summer of 2013, and complete the entrances in 2013. The cost for Phase II is projected to be $150,000 to $170,000. The monument at 76th Street/Childress will be similar to those now at Hillside and Forest. Potomac, Westside, and Kerns will have monuments similar to those at City Hall and Eastside/Barry Road.

This is the fourth year of the project and this last phase will complete all new entrances for the residents, visitors, and through traffic within our city. A report will be presented to the BOA at their December meeting that will include a review of Phase I with the costs, and the plans and cost estimates for Phase II. We hope you understand this project is being financed by generous donors like you and your neighbors, not taxes or grants. Each and every dollar given is tax deductible and every penny is used directly for this project. There are no administrative fees or salaries. Everyone on the Entrance Committee is a volunteer.

We need your tax deductible donation to make Phase II happen. Donor and pledge forms are available at City Hall. Please designate "Entrance Project" on your check to the City of Weatherby Lake. Donations exceeding the cost to build the project will be dedicated to endowment of the entrances for ongoing maintenance. Please join your friends and neighbors by generously supporting the Entrance Project to enhance our community for years to come and convey the distinctive character of Weatherby Lake to residents and visitors at all of its entrances.

 Thank you,
 Jim Miller,
Chairman Entrance Advisory Group City of Weatherby Lake
 (Kristy Lawrence, Communications Leader)


Anonymous said...

I don't know how anyone would donate money looking at the two poorly executed monuments at either end of Eastside Drive. Awful. Now they want to inflict the same hideous signs on the west side. I say no thanks, we're just fine over here.

Anonymous said...

I truly commend the effort but agree with 10:23. They may be saying the signs are suppose to take on a “patina” look but frankly they look old and rusty. One can’t see the verbiage during the day on both eastside and city hall signs. Considering the extensive amount of money spent, signs should have been flawless.

Anonymous said...

I think the monuments are absolutely gorgeous. They said they are working on the issue of readability of the signs during the daylight hours and this is an easy and inexpensive fix. I think that it is such an improvement entering our City now. Those that see the signs as looking old and rusty truly do not understand the art and beauty of ironwork. These will require very little, if any, maintenance. GREAT job to all those who have worked tirelessly on this project!

Anonymous said...

Sorry 8:57am. The Barry and Eastside looks awful. Now that they are done rusting it, oops I mean giving it an artistic ironwork patina, the words now look like a young lady doing the morning walk of shame....mascara smeared. I had to do a double take.

Anonymous said...

Be honest, the monuments are a big fail. For something that took 4 years to plan and raise money, the half completed project is what happens when a few very rich people throw their money around. I don't know about mascara, but I do know a pig with lipstick is still a pig.