From today's KC STAR
What do all good appointed civic commissions do when confronted with tough decisions? Get a consultant. Exactly what the commission tasked with the KCI project has done. At a projected cost of $100,000 the lone company that applied for the task has been hired. The hot potato has now been tossed to the consultant.
In the meantime the Star has an rambling editorial, a mishmash of observations, many which do not make much sense (is the paucity of electric outlets that big of a deal?). They do note the airlines have not been formally included in the discussions...that should inject a dose of reality.
What frequent flyers want (typically business travelers who pay alot of the freight) is easy in and out. They don't go early to shop or eat (ok, maybe a cup of coffee). They get to the airport just in time and when they return they want to make their getaway as quickly as possible.
Could the airport be improved? Of course. At a cost of 1+ $billion? Nah.
1 comment:
Agreed, we all would like to get in and out but if stuck in an airport for an extended period of time- sure would like it to be a bearable place to stay.
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