Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 Will Be A Blast!

Self fulfulling prophsey as we go into the deep freeze, my oh my. Hi fellow Weatherbeans, 13 is in the books and 14 promises to be an interesting year for the City as we have a wide open mayoral race with two candidates filing already...could there be more? Around two more weeks to file, maybe you would like the title of Mayor...or at least Alderman? Spots up for grabs on both sides of the lake.

The only place for news and analysis will be right here, your humble host, and of course your insightful comments, unedited. I welcome comments On The Record, but recognize some of the readers may prefer Anonymous, being squeamish and all. Oh well.

So after a bit of a hiatus, back in the groove, stop by and join the fun.



Anonymous said...

I rely on your blog for WL news. Do we have an online WL newsletter anymore?
Can I ask who has signed up for the mayor race?

Anonymous said...


We need to set up an online petition to vote for a new police chief.

I feel unsafe here at the lake - but feel really good at the donut shop in Parkville or Phillips 66.

Not sure our police chief could walk across the damn at this point.

Harold McMorgan
(uncle of Paul Gross)

Anonymous said...

I get a digital newsletter. I saw poster up at city hall. Sent my email address to to get on the distribution list.

mayor candidates Alan York and Pat Botbyl.

Anonymous said...

Damm its spelled dam

Your a little negative

The Cheif is a good man but I feel unsafe too

I never know when another divisive and destructive citizen like your uncle is going to surface and tear the community apart