Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Gimme A Lyft

KCMO & the Mayor James are embroiled in a battle with the ride share company Lyft.  It isn't settling well with the Millennials in town.  James has recently positioned KCMO as a burgeoning tech savy city...oops, Lyft has run afoul of the powers that be.

(okay, a quick tutorial about Lyft.  There are a number of companies that provide taxi-like services in many cities across the country {I have used Uber many times}.  You use the app on your phone to summon them, and voila, they appear.  Last week while in LA we tested Uber vs a cab summoned by the hotel...never saw the cab, Uber was on us quickly.  These companies are very sensitive to feedback, a bad experience puts the driver/car in peril of losing privileges.  It is great.)

James is positioning Lyft as not being licensed, opining there could be safety issues, etc.  No doubt the real reason is revenue.  Ever try summoning a cab to WL?  Good luck with that.  The few times I have taken a cab here it is quite evident the cab would not pass inspection (crack in windshield, bottomed out shocks...and not clean to boot).  Maybe these companies will force the cab companies in KC to buck up and compete?   


Anonymous said...

Everything is definitely not up to date in Kansas City or Weatherby Lake.

Particularly in the realm of thinking.

Anonymous said...

Why would the mayor take a position on this? Not sure I understand given the plethora of topics that deserve time. If people choose to call a ride service that isn't safe, it's on them, no?