The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
March 8
Be Advised...the April BOA will be held tonight, versus, Wednesday night, the Mayor will be out of town.
During Mayor's Comments, and after his apology, Mr Botbyl recited a litany of "accomplishments" during his reign, a bit unusual, but then many things about this Mayor are not usual. It wasn't a state of the city speech, more like I'm So Pretty. In any event, he did mention one item that needs to be addressed, but won't, at least this year, and maybe next, paving of roads in the City. If you have walked or biked on the streets I am sure you are aware of the poor condition of some streets and the deterioration of others. We do have some funds available from Road Taxes at the county. His reason for no action? Well, we are waiting on the construction of of the sewer lift stations by KCMO and don't want to tear up the streets. Hmmm. Let's see. The lift stations are at U and O Coves, construction access could be limited to Barry to both sites, leaving the rest of the City available for some road work.
In the current issue of Weatherby Lake Living, Botbyl remarks, "Several residents have asked about repaving our roads". "I think it would be prudent to hold off this effort until Kansas City concludes the construction of the two new Waste Water Lift Stations". What he doesn't say is when that project will begin...or end. Ask Alderman Richmond, who is point for the City part of the project, he will tell you, in a word, how the planning is going...Frustrating. But then this is KCMO, right?
A classic example of kicking the can down the road.
Monday, April 10, 2017
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Apology X 2
Back to the business of reporting the highlights of the last BOA...
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
March 8
The meeting did not start on time, the result of Closed Session which began at 6:30 and went on well past the appointed 7PM start time for the BOA meeting. (FYI, Closed Sessions are shielded from attendance by the public, and must have specific reasons cited to be Closed, as described in the Missouri Code.) Chief Gary was visible through the windows on the door, presumably the Aldermen, Mayor and City Attorney were in attendance as well. The few attendees from the public were able to sit in the City Office while awaiting the end of the session. It is quite unusual for a Closed Session to begin prior to the BOA, almost often if they are held it is after the Public business has been conducted. Kind of rude to let those waiting for the BOA to make them cool their heels.
Heels duly cooled, we were eventually allowed to enter the Hall for the BOA meeting. The Mayor began by issuing an apology for starting the meeting "a few minutes late" (actually my watch had 20 minutes). Apology#1
Apology #2 was really odd. It came during the section, "Comments from Aldermen". When it was Brian Stevenson's turn, he said he wanted to make a "public apology" to Aldermen Finn and Clark. The apology was about an email he had sent to them "about a year ago". You might recall there was quite a controversy regarding Stevenson's quest for a replat of three fishing lots, which eventually came to a vote for the BOA, Finn and Clark voted no. Stevenson lawyered up, threatened to sue the City, Finn and Clark relented, a revote and Stevenson got his wish. Following this? During the pushback regarding their vote (Finn/Clark) Stevenson sent an email (with a long cc list) exhibiting his unhappiness. In any event, time heals all wounds, Stevenson is building his house, and I guess his last gesture to his colleagues was to kiss and make up...well not kiss...and not sure about making up...whatever.
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
March 8
The meeting did not start on time, the result of Closed Session which began at 6:30 and went on well past the appointed 7PM start time for the BOA meeting. (FYI, Closed Sessions are shielded from attendance by the public, and must have specific reasons cited to be Closed, as described in the Missouri Code.) Chief Gary was visible through the windows on the door, presumably the Aldermen, Mayor and City Attorney were in attendance as well. The few attendees from the public were able to sit in the City Office while awaiting the end of the session. It is quite unusual for a Closed Session to begin prior to the BOA, almost often if they are held it is after the Public business has been conducted. Kind of rude to let those waiting for the BOA to make them cool their heels.
Heels duly cooled, we were eventually allowed to enter the Hall for the BOA meeting. The Mayor began by issuing an apology for starting the meeting "a few minutes late" (actually my watch had 20 minutes). Apology#1
Apology #2 was really odd. It came during the section, "Comments from Aldermen". When it was Brian Stevenson's turn, he said he wanted to make a "public apology" to Aldermen Finn and Clark. The apology was about an email he had sent to them "about a year ago". You might recall there was quite a controversy regarding Stevenson's quest for a replat of three fishing lots, which eventually came to a vote for the BOA, Finn and Clark voted no. Stevenson lawyered up, threatened to sue the City, Finn and Clark relented, a revote and Stevenson got his wish. Following this? During the pushback regarding their vote (Finn/Clark) Stevenson sent an email (with a long cc list) exhibiting his unhappiness. In any event, time heals all wounds, Stevenson is building his house, and I guess his last gesture to his colleagues was to kiss and make up...well not kiss...and not sure about making up...whatever.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Footer, Not By A Shoo-In
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Election Results:
Both sides of the Lake, non-campaign candidates barely missed winning the race.
East Side
Although she told the Star she "no longer wanted to be considered" there were enough FOB (Friends of Botyl) and Stevenson associates that wanted her considered. In any event, Botbyl lost his automatic tie breaker with the retirement of Stevenson and the election of Footer. Let's hope the Mayor is paying attention.
West Side
Richmond 126
Berglund 112
Another head scratcher as neither waged an active campaign, one would think the incumbent wins in a landslide...not so. Matter of fact a handful of Richmond voters vote the other way and he would be out. I count Richmond as still in the FOB camp...but it is apparent at recent BOA meetings, Mr Richmond might be growing tired of Botbyl's antics. We shall see.
Election Results:
Both sides of the Lake, non-campaign candidates barely missed winning the race.
East Side
Although she told the Star she "no longer wanted to be considered" there were enough FOB (Friends of Botyl) and Stevenson associates that wanted her considered. In any event, Botbyl lost his automatic tie breaker with the retirement of Stevenson and the election of Footer. Let's hope the Mayor is paying attention.
West Side
Richmond 126
Berglund 112
Another head scratcher as neither waged an active campaign, one would think the incumbent wins in a landslide...not so. Matter of fact a handful of Richmond voters vote the other way and he would be out. I count Richmond as still in the FOB camp...but it is apparent at recent BOA meetings, Mr Richmond might be growing tired of Botbyl's antics. We shall see.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Sign (or lack thereof) of the Times.
First time ever, for me, not to see election signs for City candidates...I like it. With the exception of some School Board signs the City is clean as a whistle, could it be signs are passe'? It used to be fast and furious with signs...then the police had to police how close they could be to the road, all in all a pain in the a#@. The same holds true for the past presidential election with some exceptions, relatively few signs (I had more than a few folks suggest to me the reason is nobody wanted to broadcast their support for either candidate...hmmm, maybe).
Hope you voted today.
Hope you voted today.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Other Election Issues
The only other prominent ballot issue is the proposed "no tax" bond issue being proposed by the Park Hill School District. We have supported the bond issues in the past although I thought the last prop was a bit of a stretch. The current proposal should pass, in large part because there really isn't any organized opposition to the measure. If you read the pro literature that has been mailed out...carefully...the evidence to support the needs going forward is sketchy to say the least. Not sure if the District needs to get into the housing of school buses...not sure of funding for a building in case we need a new high school.
I am struggling to muster a Yes vote for the bond noted by media outlets, the Park Hill bond issue is the largest in the area. Which leads me to voting for School Board candidates. Do I really want to vote for incumbents who put the bond issue together...again, hard for me to blacken the dot next to their names.
Another bond issue that could be in trouble, KCMO's three proposals for "infrastructure". Plenty of push back from the East side community. You might have received the magazine "KCMOre" in the mail, the "KCMO Resident Engagement Magazine". Not that we could vote, but nice that Sly would keep us up do date on Kansas City affairs. Could you really trust someone who goes by the name Sly? Just thinkin.
I am struggling to muster a Yes vote for the bond noted by media outlets, the Park Hill bond issue is the largest in the area. Which leads me to voting for School Board candidates. Do I really want to vote for incumbents who put the bond issue together...again, hard for me to blacken the dot next to their names.
Another bond issue that could be in trouble, KCMO's three proposals for "infrastructure". Plenty of push back from the East side community. You might have received the magazine "KCMOre" in the mail, the "KCMO Resident Engagement Magazine". Not that we could vote, but nice that Sly would keep us up do date on Kansas City affairs. Could you really trust someone who goes by the name Sly? Just thinkin.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
East Siders Only
Same drill, West Siders can be clandestine participants.
The ballot for East Siders next Tuesday will have two candidates for Alderman, De Surma and Rick Footer.
2nd time on the ballot, she had a failed attempt last year to unseat Tanya Finn. It was a contentious battle, with former Mayor Jerry Bos giving an endorsement to Finn in the last week of the campaign, much to the chagrin of Surma and Botbyl I am sure. Surma filed first for this election and I understand she had second thoughts as Footer filed for the seat as well. The Star, in their election mag says, "candidate De Surma no longer wants to be considered".
A member of what I describe as the new demographic to WL. Young (well compared to me) with school age kids, nice family. If you are on the East Side you should have received his campaign brochure (nicely done). If you didn't receive it or didn't read it, a quick recap:
The ballot for East Siders next Tuesday will have two candidates for Alderman, De Surma and Rick Footer.
2nd time on the ballot, she had a failed attempt last year to unseat Tanya Finn. It was a contentious battle, with former Mayor Jerry Bos giving an endorsement to Finn in the last week of the campaign, much to the chagrin of Surma and Botbyl I am sure. Surma filed first for this election and I understand she had second thoughts as Footer filed for the seat as well. The Star, in their election mag says, "candidate De Surma no longer wants to be considered".
A member of what I describe as the new demographic to WL. Young (well compared to me) with school age kids, nice family. If you are on the East Side you should have received his campaign brochure (nicely done). If you didn't receive it or didn't read it, a quick recap:
- He and his family (wife Ashley and four children) have lived here since 2012
- 20 years work experience n asset management, brokerage and consulting
- A member of a number of WL clubs
- You might recognize Ashley's name, she resurrected the Kids Club and more with Weatherby Lake Families
- Rick is a notary public (he can notarize documents for you at no charge.
Rick has been to a number of recent Board of Aldermen (BOA) meetings, and has observed how things work (or not).
I highly recommend a vote for Rick. I have talked with him a number of times, I love his enthusiasm and energy, something this Board is in sore need. I believe his election, along with Dan on the West Side give our Board perfect balance...two new faces along with the experience and wisdom of Board veterans Finn and Clark.
A year ago Mayor Botbyl wanted "new faces" on the Board...a little late, but I think he is going to get his wish.
Friday, March 31, 2017
West Siders Only
OK, if you live on the fashionable East Side you can take a peek as well.
Election time for WL next Tuesday, West Siders have two candidates to choose from, incumbent Doug Richmond and newcomer Daniel Berglund.
Originally appointed to take the place of then Alderman Botbyl upon Botbyl's election to Mayor. When Doug was introduced to the BOA, Botbyl mentioned they were friends as was their wives. Holding true to form, Richmond has been an unrelenting supporter of Botbyl, along with Alderman Stevenson. The result was a number of tie votes requiring the tie breaking vote of the Mayor. Aldermen Finn and Clark were stymied with this line up. My personal observation of Doug during the BOA meetings, in a word, Lackluster. Often silent, few questions, certainly no passion. In the Star interview of March 29th, projects he favors, replacing the sewage lift stations and secondary water source for the City. Technically the lift stations are a WLIC project and the water source project has languished, literally, for years. Not much there.
Represents what I call the New Generation of WL residents, 30 to 40 year olds, children, recently moved to WL. They bring a new perspective to our City, both in age and demographics, something I think is needed in our City. Historically city government has been in the purview of, shall we say, more "mature" individuals (well I hesitate to say seasoned/old/retired because I qualify for all three). The current BOA has Aldermen Clark and Finn who bring a long history of living here as well as being active in the community. Dan would bring a nice balance to the BOA, along with Rick Footer...I will get to him tomorrow.
Mayor Botbyl called for change during last year's election, hoping to unseat Finn and Clark. That didn't happen as they were reelected. So maybe this year, change will happen.
I am voting for Dan, I recommend (if you are a West Sider) you do too. East Siders, tell your West Side friends to vote for Dan Berglund. Time for change.
Election time for WL next Tuesday, West Siders have two candidates to choose from, incumbent Doug Richmond and newcomer Daniel Berglund.
Originally appointed to take the place of then Alderman Botbyl upon Botbyl's election to Mayor. When Doug was introduced to the BOA, Botbyl mentioned they were friends as was their wives. Holding true to form, Richmond has been an unrelenting supporter of Botbyl, along with Alderman Stevenson. The result was a number of tie votes requiring the tie breaking vote of the Mayor. Aldermen Finn and Clark were stymied with this line up. My personal observation of Doug during the BOA meetings, in a word, Lackluster. Often silent, few questions, certainly no passion. In the Star interview of March 29th, projects he favors, replacing the sewage lift stations and secondary water source for the City. Technically the lift stations are a WLIC project and the water source project has languished, literally, for years. Not much there.
Represents what I call the New Generation of WL residents, 30 to 40 year olds, children, recently moved to WL. They bring a new perspective to our City, both in age and demographics, something I think is needed in our City. Historically city government has been in the purview of, shall we say, more "mature" individuals (well I hesitate to say seasoned/old/retired because I qualify for all three). The current BOA has Aldermen Clark and Finn who bring a long history of living here as well as being active in the community. Dan would bring a nice balance to the BOA, along with Rick Footer...I will get to him tomorrow.
Mayor Botbyl called for change during last year's election, hoping to unseat Finn and Clark. That didn't happen as they were reelected. So maybe this year, change will happen.
I am voting for Dan, I recommend (if you are a West Sider) you do too. East Siders, tell your West Side friends to vote for Dan Berglund. Time for change.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
"I chose not to put it on the agenda"
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
March 8
A quote from Mayor Botbyl regarding the issue of the Community Center use for a candidates forum. The "I" was a result of Alderman Finn calling out Botbyl for the use of "we"...he first said "we decided".
Alderman Clark had researched the issue on his own after the last BOA discussion. He reached out to the Missouri Municipal League (MML) for an opinion on the free use of the CC. They in turn recommended touching base with the Missouri Ethics Commission. Clark in turn passed along the phone number of the attorney for the Commission to the WL City Attorney.
It is my understanding there are no legal precedents/cases to prevent the City from hosting a Forum. During the discussion of the issue, I asked the City Attorney of his findings...he said, "I would not comment because it is a work product of the City". He said he would answer my question with the permission of the Mayor...which was not forthcoming.
Another example of the Mayor usurping the Board. BTW, during the discussion Aldermen Richmond and Stevenson were interpretation is either they agreed with the Mayor or did not want to engage on the subject.
March 8
A quote from Mayor Botbyl regarding the issue of the Community Center use for a candidates forum. The "I" was a result of Alderman Finn calling out Botbyl for the use of "we"...he first said "we decided".
Alderman Clark had researched the issue on his own after the last BOA discussion. He reached out to the Missouri Municipal League (MML) for an opinion on the free use of the CC. They in turn recommended touching base with the Missouri Ethics Commission. Clark in turn passed along the phone number of the attorney for the Commission to the WL City Attorney.
It is my understanding there are no legal precedents/cases to prevent the City from hosting a Forum. During the discussion of the issue, I asked the City Attorney of his findings...he said, "I would not comment because it is a work product of the City". He said he would answer my question with the permission of the Mayor...which was not forthcoming.
Another example of the Mayor usurping the Board. BTW, during the discussion Aldermen Richmond and Stevenson were interpretation is either they agreed with the Mayor or did not want to engage on the subject.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
In Case You Missed It...
I know, I know...AWOL, but with good reasons. In any event last month's BOA minutes and April election previews coming...but first...
In case you missed the Candidates Forum for the upcoming WL election...well, you actually didn't miss it, because there wasn't one and there won't be one. You can thank Mayor Botbyl for that. I have lived here for 18 years and there were community forums held when there have been contested elections during those years, usually at the WL Community Center. Last year there was a Forum at the CC, but candidate Finn put up the CC rental fee...due the intransigence of Botbyl on the issue of the CC being available at not cost. Ironically, Botbyl participated in the freebie hosted by Finn and, as you know, went on to win the election for Mayor.
More about this tomorrow. One week from today the City election will be held. In my opinion, it offers residents the chance to elect new faces on both sides of the lake, good for the City. More on that as well...coming.
In case you missed the Candidates Forum for the upcoming WL election...well, you actually didn't miss it, because there wasn't one and there won't be one. You can thank Mayor Botbyl for that. I have lived here for 18 years and there were community forums held when there have been contested elections during those years, usually at the WL Community Center. Last year there was a Forum at the CC, but candidate Finn put up the CC rental fee...due the intransigence of Botbyl on the issue of the CC being available at not cost. Ironically, Botbyl participated in the freebie hosted by Finn and, as you know, went on to win the election for Mayor.
More about this tomorrow. One week from today the City election will be held. In my opinion, it offers residents the chance to elect new faces on both sides of the lake, good for the City. More on that as well...coming.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
BOA Tonight
The last meeting prior to the municipal election next month. We do know that at least one new alderman (Eastside) will be seated in April and who knows, maybe a second based on the contested seat with the incumbent, Richmond, vs Berglund. I sense change in the wind, positive for sure. There will be a candidates forum at the end of the month (to be announced) so stay tuned.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Thinking Out Loud
A couple of folks have commented about the Christmas trees piled up at the Venita Access area. I have pointed out in the past (you can dive the blog to see) my concerns of the cumulative amount of cinder blocks (used to anchor the trees), wire (to fasten the trees to the blocks) and the trees themselves. Just do the math, for the sake of round numbers, in the past ten years.
- 400+ trees
- 100 cinder blocks
- yards of wire
4,000 trees, 1,000 cinder blocks, unkown yards of metal wire...and of course this has been going on much longer than 10 years. The sponsor for the effort has been the WL Fishing Club to maintain and improve the fish population at WL with approval by the WLIC Board. Before the hysteria begins...I am not suggesting the effort be discontinued, I just wonder, as others, how much is enough? The WLIC has been vigilant in protecting the lake from outside contamination...but beyond benefiting fishing, is there any harm to the lake. What happens to the decaying trees? Virtually all trees are painted (Yes Virginia, not naturally green). What happens to the "melting" cinder blocks? What about the wire?
I am told many of the trees are not from WL and a good portion are leftovers from Home Depot/Lowes?
One source ( suggests the main trunk and larger branches were still functioning as a useful fish attractor..."after 10 years", verified by a series of photos of trees submerged for 3,5 and ten years.
I am told many of the trees are not from WL and a good portion are leftovers from Home Depot/Lowes?
Time for a review of fish habitat practices?
Monday, March 6, 2017
Desperado From Houston Lake
There has been an uptick in burglaries in the Northland as mentioned by our Police Department, although it is difficult to get details at the montly BOA. Here is one you might find interesting...Information gleaned from the Landmark Newspaper, March 1, written by Ivan Foley (BTW there is no hope of getting info like this from the Star, my advice subscribe to the Landmark).
Charles B. Bridgeford, of Houston Lake, allegedly committed burglaries/theft in Weatherby Lake on January 17th to include:
Charles B. Bridgeford, of Houston Lake, allegedly committed burglaries/theft in Weatherby Lake on January 17th to include:
- stole sunglasses, remote garage door opener, and coins from an unlocked vehicle on NW 81st Street
- stole a 1994 Jeep Wrangler from a residence at NW 77th Terrace.
The vehicle was spotted by KCMO PD later that day at 12th and Newton, KCMO. Officer identified vehicle as stolen and gave pursuit, two occupants fled on foot. Bridgeford was apprehended and had 12 plastic baggies with white powder that tested positive for cocaine.
Sweetheart...huh? In addition he had a revoked driver's license because of a failure to appear. He admitted he had taken the Jeep and driven it to his home in Houston Lake.
Word to the wise. Chief Gary has posted to his column in the WLL many times about securing parked vehicles...maybe it is time to heed this if you have been leaving your vehicle open...think about the desperado using the garage opener to make an unexpected house call...Surprise! Do you lock your home doors/windows...have security lighting, etc?
Like it or not the desperados will continue to probe WL.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Does the Star Read the Blog?
Maybe...You recall one of my recent posts regarding The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA, noted a question and comment from Alderman Clark regarding the paucity of citations during the previous month (to be exact, 11 citations issued, 10 by one officer, 1 by another). Officer O'Neal (sitting in for the Chief) really had no response as to the reasons for the low #.
The Star just ran a piece, "Dips in KC traffic citations draws concerns about safety, revenues". KCMO City Manager Troy Schulte asked, "Why are we writing so few tickets?" referring in the downward trend of citations over the past two years. The PD response? "We are doing other things and we are trying to be a kinder, gentler police department". Schulte's reply, "But I'm just concerned about long-term traffic safety".
Ticket revenue at WL is not huge...but, reasonable speed control, especially on Eastside, Westside and Potomac is important. Maybe Alderman Clark is on to something?
The Star just ran a piece, "Dips in KC traffic citations draws concerns about safety, revenues". KCMO City Manager Troy Schulte asked, "Why are we writing so few tickets?" referring in the downward trend of citations over the past two years. The PD response? "We are doing other things and we are trying to be a kinder, gentler police department". Schulte's reply, "But I'm just concerned about long-term traffic safety".
Ticket revenue at WL is not huge...but, reasonable speed control, especially on Eastside, Westside and Potomac is important. Maybe Alderman Clark is on to something?
Friday, February 24, 2017
Flock of Seagulls
Forgot to mention, this past weekend took a short cruise down the Lake, about 20 or so seagulls sat right in my way...don't they know better? Another early spring phenomenon.
Heloise Hints
Heloise was not available for comment, but Sherry is. Longtime reader Sherry made a useful Comment regarding sewer like smell in your drains...
"From a great builder at Weatherby Lake in years gone by and rest in peace Bob Mason who passed about 10 days ago, his advice to me about 20 years ago as follows: water in an open floor drain will eventually evaporate in the P Trap and what you are smelling are sewer gases. So pour water in the offending drain to almost full then add a teaspoon of cooking oil. Problem solved. The oil sits on top of the water and will never evaporate. If the oil is flushed down the pipe you will need a little more cooking oil."
So, pass along this helpful hint from Sherry to your distressed neighbors who are complaining about au de poop in their homes. My thanks to Sherry the happy homemaker.
"From a great builder at Weatherby Lake in years gone by and rest in peace Bob Mason who passed about 10 days ago, his advice to me about 20 years ago as follows: water in an open floor drain will eventually evaporate in the P Trap and what you are smelling are sewer gases. So pour water in the offending drain to almost full then add a teaspoon of cooking oil. Problem solved. The oil sits on top of the water and will never evaporate. If the oil is flushed down the pipe you will need a little more cooking oil."
So, pass along this helpful hint from Sherry to your distressed neighbors who are complaining about au de poop in their homes. My thanks to Sherry the happy homemaker.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
"Haunted by leaks"
No not referring to the Trump administration...I am reading an article in the Star (2/22) that refers to an investigative report detailing the estimated 2015 "9.15 billion gallons in ghost water"in the KC water system...put another way, they know how much water was treated and distributed (28 billion gallons) but a third of it (9 billion) "went missing". The article by Mike McGraw estimates that the ghost water costs ratepayers $133 per customer per year. Hmmm, could that be me? I think at this point, the answer is I don't know...but inquiring minds want to know, right?
Another term used to define missing water is "shrinkage". It has been a subject of interest here at Weatherby Lake, but not recently. We get billed for water from our friends at KCMO...we in turn are billed by WL based on what your radio feed meter barks out a meter reading time. What is the difference between what we owe to KCMO and what we bill? That would be shrinkage.
In any event, it might be a topic of interest at the next BOA. Are we underwriting any of the ghost water at KCMO?...and what is our shrinkage rate in WL?
Another term used to define missing water is "shrinkage". It has been a subject of interest here at Weatherby Lake, but not recently. We get billed for water from our friends at KCMO...we in turn are billed by WL based on what your radio feed meter barks out a meter reading time. What is the difference between what we owe to KCMO and what we bill? That would be shrinkage.
In any event, it might be a topic of interest at the next BOA. Are we underwriting any of the ghost water at KCMO?...and what is our shrinkage rate in WL?
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Foul Smells
I know that could refer to many things, but let's narrow the focus. Way back when, the distinct odor de poop could be detected as you headed down Eastside towards U cove (notoriously nicknamed "Stinky Cove") Just happens to be the site of one of the two lift stations that service our sewer system.
Fast Forward.
There is a relatively new social media site, already fairly popular at Weatherby Lake and other neighborhoods, Nextdoor Neighbor ( One of the popular posts of the moment is the issue of foul smelling sewer like odors emanating from various drains within homes around the lake Peeeuuuu? Cause?
Fast Forward.
There is a relatively new social media site, already fairly popular at Weatherby Lake and other neighborhoods, Nextdoor Neighbor ( One of the popular posts of the moment is the issue of foul smelling sewer like odors emanating from various drains within homes around the lake Peeeuuuu? Cause?
Friday, February 17, 2017
Can't Happen Here?
From the Landmark...
The State Auditors will be auditing the City of Ferrelview (population 450, just across I-29/KCI) after a petition drive by citizens was accepted by the State. Both the governmental finances and court will be reviewed. The Auditors office intends to do the audit late spring/early summer.
You might recall Mayor Bos resisted financial reviews/audits, mostly because of the expense involved. Not to suggest any wrong doing but there are too many examples in MO of intentional malfeasance in city governmental affairs. So the best policy is to do what is necessary to be compliant and keep the City's books in order...which was recently confirmed by the WL audit of 2015 finances.
The State Auditors will be auditing the City of Ferrelview (population 450, just across I-29/KCI) after a petition drive by citizens was accepted by the State. Both the governmental finances and court will be reviewed. The Auditors office intends to do the audit late spring/early summer.
You might recall Mayor Bos resisted financial reviews/audits, mostly because of the expense involved. Not to suggest any wrong doing but there are too many examples in MO of intentional malfeasance in city governmental affairs. So the best policy is to do what is necessary to be compliant and keep the City's books in order...which was recently confirmed by the WL audit of 2015 finances.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Bald Eagle
I have seen a Bald Eagle at the lake as I have been driving this past week. Was going to take a pic of some birds on a finch feeder yesterday when I saw this beauty just beyond our deck. The eagle was perched, watching the lake then swooped out, making a long arcing approach as it snatched a small fish from the lake...just like that.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Can You Hear Me Now?
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
February 8th
Public Works
George reported (kind of) an update on ongoing negotiations for an antenna on our water tower for Sprint. Terms are being negotiated currently, no date for completion of talks and installation on the tower. If and when it is put in place...and a noticeable boost in reception is proven...this longtime, long suffering ATT mobile user might be headed for big Yellow. ATT, can you hear me now?
February 8th
Public Works
George reported (kind of) an update on ongoing negotiations for an antenna on our water tower for Sprint. Terms are being negotiated currently, no date for completion of talks and installation on the tower. If and when it is put in place...and a noticeable boost in reception is proven...this longtime, long suffering ATT mobile user might be headed for big Yellow. ATT, can you hear me now?
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Be Careful What You Wish For
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
February 8
Two straight days of reporting by the Star suggest Guv Brownback and his JOCO pals have had serious discussions regarding a Johnson County construction of an alternative to MCI (lower West siders, MCI is the airline code for KCI)...really. For a few at WL who get frazzled by the occasional intrusion into WL air space by errant airliners this must be music to their airs, or rather the possibility of quiet to their ears (see post Sounds of Silence to relive the time that MCI was truly silent). Is this just a poke by some to get the construction/reconstruction of MCI on track, who knows?
Mayor's Comments on Alderman's Comments
Ms Finn briefly mentioned the resurrected Ad Hoc airport noise committee...followed by the Mayor's 2 cents on airline overflights of WL. According to his personal log, since mid-December, there have been two incursions of flights over WL. Hard to rally the troops behind those paltry numbers, but still worthy of air time (sorry, couldn't help myself) during BOA meetings.
The Mayor did not respond to a question from the audience regarding SAM training for the WL Police force (Surface to Air Missiles), leaving the public to wonder exactly what threats have been made to MCI officials.
On a serious note, imagine if JOCO/KS were to actually build an airport. Besides our lake, the proximity of the airport is a nice feature of homes here, think about a trip south of Olathe to hop on board your Southwest flight... oh the agony. You are now free to roam about the country.
February 8
Two straight days of reporting by the Star suggest Guv Brownback and his JOCO pals have had serious discussions regarding a Johnson County construction of an alternative to MCI (lower West siders, MCI is the airline code for KCI)...really. For a few at WL who get frazzled by the occasional intrusion into WL air space by errant airliners this must be music to their airs, or rather the possibility of quiet to their ears (see post Sounds of Silence to relive the time that MCI was truly silent). Is this just a poke by some to get the construction/reconstruction of MCI on track, who knows?
Mayor's Comments on Alderman's Comments
Ms Finn briefly mentioned the resurrected Ad Hoc airport noise committee...followed by the Mayor's 2 cents on airline overflights of WL. According to his personal log, since mid-December, there have been two incursions of flights over WL. Hard to rally the troops behind those paltry numbers, but still worthy of air time (sorry, couldn't help myself) during BOA meetings.
The Mayor did not respond to a question from the audience regarding SAM training for the WL Police force (Surface to Air Missiles), leaving the public to wonder exactly what threats have been made to MCI officials.
On a serious note, imagine if JOCO/KS were to actually build an airport. Besides our lake, the proximity of the airport is a nice feature of homes here, think about a trip south of Olathe to hop on board your Southwest flight... oh the agony. You are now free to roam about the country.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Let There Be Light (For West Siders Only)
Followup to the previous post on the Entrance lighting situation. My source informs me the Potomac monument actually is wired for lighting...but apparently there is a hold up pending some work the Park Board may be doing around the monument area (not sure exactly what the "work" is).
The West Side and Kerns monuments are a different story. Neither are wired for lighting, and based on the Mayor's recent column in WLL, apparently all work is complete except for landscaping. I did not check the most recent WL budget to see if the EAG still has funds for 2017...will have to check.
Yes, there is a tab on the City website for the EAG:
It might be a tad out of date.
The West Side and Kerns monuments are a different story. Neither are wired for lighting, and based on the Mayor's recent column in WLL, apparently all work is complete except for landscaping. I did not check the most recent WL budget to see if the EAG still has funds for 2017...will have to check.
Yes, there is a tab on the City website for the EAG:
It might be a tad out of date.
Friday, February 10, 2017
Because I Said So
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
February 8
Remember when you mother said "Eat you peas"...and you had the audacity to ask "Why". More than likely at some point (at least when you were a little one) the response was "Because I Said So!".
Discussion during the Comments from Alderman (sic) portion of the meeting led to a comment about the annual Candidates Forum being held at the WLIC Pavilion (at the end of March no less). The Community Center where previous Forums have been held in years past is out. Why? Booked, right? Nope. Just like last year, the Mayor, arbitrarily decided, it would not be made available, for free, to conduct the Forum. (Tanya Finn, a candidate last year paid for the Community Center out of her pocket last year). But wait you say, isn't it a Community Center? And wouldn't it benefit the Community to have a Forum where candidates can speak and/or address questions from the Community. Most folks would say Yes and Yes. So what is the problem?
When challenged because "I Said So" he could not provide any solid evidence other than then we (the City) would have to provide it for free for others. He could not specifically cite case law, precedent or any legal opinion that would discourage providing the CC for free for the Forum. Furthermore, the City Attorney, observing the discussion, declined to bail out the Mayor when questioned...hmmm.
After a spirited back and forth the Mayor conceded he "would look into it". My guess he will, probably before the year is over.
So what do you think? Should we provide the CC, once a year, for free, to conduct a Candidates Forum for the annual WL Municipal election in April? Providing of course the CC is available, and all candidates and citizens are advised of the Forum.
Maybe a call to the Mayor to give your 2 cents worth is in order...his home phone # is in the phone book...don't call City Hall, they have work to do. If you prefer, his email address is Either way, I am sure he would appreciate your feedback.
February 8
Remember when you mother said "Eat you peas"...and you had the audacity to ask "Why". More than likely at some point (at least when you were a little one) the response was "Because I Said So!".
Discussion during the Comments from Alderman (sic) portion of the meeting led to a comment about the annual Candidates Forum being held at the WLIC Pavilion (at the end of March no less). The Community Center where previous Forums have been held in years past is out. Why? Booked, right? Nope. Just like last year, the Mayor, arbitrarily decided, it would not be made available, for free, to conduct the Forum. (Tanya Finn, a candidate last year paid for the Community Center out of her pocket last year). But wait you say, isn't it a Community Center? And wouldn't it benefit the Community to have a Forum where candidates can speak and/or address questions from the Community. Most folks would say Yes and Yes. So what is the problem?
When challenged because "I Said So" he could not provide any solid evidence other than then we (the City) would have to provide it for free for others. He could not specifically cite case law, precedent or any legal opinion that would discourage providing the CC for free for the Forum. Furthermore, the City Attorney, observing the discussion, declined to bail out the Mayor when questioned...hmmm.
After a spirited back and forth the Mayor conceded he "would look into it". My guess he will, probably before the year is over.
So what do you think? Should we provide the CC, once a year, for free, to conduct a Candidates Forum for the annual WL Municipal election in April? Providing of course the CC is available, and all candidates and citizens are advised of the Forum.
Maybe a call to the Mayor to give your 2 cents worth is in order...his home phone # is in the phone book...don't call City Hall, they have work to do. If you prefer, his email address is Either way, I am sure he would appreciate your feedback.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
No Communication
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
February 8
For the uninitiated, the Board meetings begin with:
First real item of business on the agenda:
Next agenda item:
More about that tomorrow.
February 8
For the uninitiated, the Board meetings begin with:
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call
First real item of business on the agenda:
- Mayor's Communication to the Board
Next agenda item:
- Comments from Alderman (sic) (explanation of sic for those of you on the lower West side...used in brackets after a copied or quoted word that appears odd or erroneous to show that the word is quoted exactly as it stands in the original, as in a story must hold a child's interest and “enrich his [ sic ] life."
More about that tomorrow.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Weather Spotters
Stormy weather coming? Sooner or later...sign up for weather spotting at:
March 29th, 7PM @ Park Hill High.
March 29th, 7PM @ Park Hill High.
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Living Large
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 18
You might have seen the Mayor's summary of the 2015 audit of the City finances in the Weatherby Lake Living Newsletter. What you didn't see were some of the numbers in the report (available at City Hall or from your Alderman).
Rob Wilson of Accounting Solutions presented the audit information at the meeting. One fact that might have slipped past the audience (and the Board) was Wilson's statement regarding net revenue for year...$67,000. While a good thing in general, it does speak to the fact our sources of revenue are limited and not subject to growth over time...while City expenses are bound to increase as inflation rises. City employees were given a 3% across the board pay increase for 2017 causing some heartburn among a few of the aldermen.
January 18
You might have seen the Mayor's summary of the 2015 audit of the City finances in the Weatherby Lake Living Newsletter. What you didn't see were some of the numbers in the report (available at City Hall or from your Alderman).
Rob Wilson of Accounting Solutions presented the audit information at the meeting. One fact that might have slipped past the audience (and the Board) was Wilson's statement regarding net revenue for year...$67,000. While a good thing in general, it does speak to the fact our sources of revenue are limited and not subject to growth over time...while City expenses are bound to increase as inflation rises. City employees were given a 3% across the board pay increase for 2017 causing some heartburn among a few of the aldermen.
Friday, February 3, 2017
Free Advice
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 18
Aldermen's Comments
Continuing a tradition of seeking free legal assistance (a la Stevenson) Alderman Richmond brought up a potential issue in West Ridge, where he lives. His concern is getting information about the West Ridge developer and the requirement (or not) of the retention pond maintenance. Some discussion ensued with the request the City Attorney look into it.
Odd because the City really has no standing on the issue. As you may or may not know, West Ridge has its own Home Owners Association (HOA). Until the development is complete (which looks to be soon) the developer is the defacto responsible party for the HOA. After that the residents in the HOA become responsible. All this is spelled out in the HOA covenant which each homeowner has or should have.
(Background...the original developer, at that time it was called Sonoma Ridge, was sued by a group of residents on West Side Drive, during the efforts to replat and develop the property. The City of WL was also sued as part of the litigation. In the end there was an out of court settlement, the developer got to proceed, with some stipulations, the citizen group was paid their legal fees by the developer and the City (you and me) was left with legal bills of around $20,000...funny how that works)
January 18
Aldermen's Comments
Continuing a tradition of seeking free legal assistance (a la Stevenson) Alderman Richmond brought up a potential issue in West Ridge, where he lives. His concern is getting information about the West Ridge developer and the requirement (or not) of the retention pond maintenance. Some discussion ensued with the request the City Attorney look into it.
Odd because the City really has no standing on the issue. As you may or may not know, West Ridge has its own Home Owners Association (HOA). Until the development is complete (which looks to be soon) the developer is the defacto responsible party for the HOA. After that the residents in the HOA become responsible. All this is spelled out in the HOA covenant which each homeowner has or should have.
(Background...the original developer, at that time it was called Sonoma Ridge, was sued by a group of residents on West Side Drive, during the efforts to replat and develop the property. The City of WL was also sued as part of the litigation. In the end there was an out of court settlement, the developer got to proceed, with some stipulations, the citizen group was paid their legal fees by the developer and the City (you and me) was left with legal bills of around $20,000...funny how that works)
Thursday, February 2, 2017
New Faces
If you paid any attention to the City election last April, you probably remember Mayor Botbyl touting the need for "new faces" on the Board of Aldermen. Turns out, the two most vocal Board members who had issues with the Mayor, Steve Clark and Tanya Finn, were up for re-election. I presume Dee Surma on the East and Red McLaughlin on the West were recruited to remove the thorns from Botbyl's...side. That didn't work out too well as both Clark and Finn prevailed.
Wonder how the Mayor feels about "new faces" now? Rick Footer and Daniel Berglund are certainly new faces, both in appearance and generation, facing off with Surma (once again) and the incumbent Richmond. The April election could indeed change the landscape of the City going forward. The Mayor might be right, time for New Faces. Stay tuned.
Wonder how the Mayor feels about "new faces" now? Rick Footer and Daniel Berglund are certainly new faces, both in appearance and generation, facing off with Surma (once again) and the incumbent Richmond. The April election could indeed change the landscape of the City going forward. The Mayor might be right, time for New Faces. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Pardon The Interruption (This is for West Siders Only, East Siders, You Are Excused)
My fellow West Siders...have you ever noticed the Monuments at the East Side entrances have lighting at night? The East Side Barry had been experiencing some electrical issues but apparently has been fixed. The East Side City Hall, lights at night.
What about the West Side Monuments? No lighting @ Potomac, West Side or Kerns, at least not as of last night...and they seem to have been completed months ago. Strange.
I am sure the Mayor can help, 816 741-5545.
What about the West Side Monuments? No lighting @ Potomac, West Side or Kerns, at least not as of last night...and they seem to have been completed months ago. Strange.
I am sure the Mayor can help, 816 741-5545.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Mission Accomplished
Brian Stevenson chose not to file for his East side seat, not surprising to many. He recently succeeded in gaining approval for the building of his new home on NW 74th Street (BTW he has a lot for sale if you desire). It was a treacherous journey indeed. Stitching together 3 fishing lots, then applying for a variance, despite not having re-platted the lot, his request for a variance was denied by the Board of Zoning Adjustment. Next stop was a request to replat the lots via the Planning Commission, which gained a positive recommendation to the Board of Aldermen...which failed to pass for approval. Enter the lawyers, another vote by the BOA, and replat approved. (There was also a lot line dispute with a neighbor that went to court but apparently settled without further action).
But wait, there is more.
Every May, Board appointments/approvals are usually made by the Mayor and Aldermen, Mayor nominates, Board approves. There were two no votes at the time of the first Stevenson variance request, Bob Shinogle and me. Since that vote, Shinogle moved off the lake, and I was not reappointed to the BZA after ten years despite my request to the Mayor and the President of the BZA for reappointment. The two no votes were gone...and Bill McGovern was nominated and appointed to the BZA. You wouldn't know this but McGovern gave a glowing recommendation for approval at the first BZA hearing for Stevenson when supporters could voice support. There was no doubt how the new Board member would vote. So, two no votes gone, one yes added, variance approved. Odious? You decide.
It was very likely Stevenson would have faced an opponent for re-election (as you know now that is a fact). Surely he felt the sting of losing his first race for alderman, maybe he just wasn't into another contested race which would have been competitive. Besides, he achieved what he wanted in regards to his lots and house.
So as he heads into the sunset we bid him adieu. A lackluster alderman, who certainly has not provided any kind of leadership as Mayor Pro Tem, especially in light of the lack of communication ongoing between the Mayor and the Board. I am sure Mayor Botbyl is not happy to see him go. One less FOB (Friend of Botbyl).
But wait, there is more.
Every May, Board appointments/approvals are usually made by the Mayor and Aldermen, Mayor nominates, Board approves. There were two no votes at the time of the first Stevenson variance request, Bob Shinogle and me. Since that vote, Shinogle moved off the lake, and I was not reappointed to the BZA after ten years despite my request to the Mayor and the President of the BZA for reappointment. The two no votes were gone...and Bill McGovern was nominated and appointed to the BZA. You wouldn't know this but McGovern gave a glowing recommendation for approval at the first BZA hearing for Stevenson when supporters could voice support. There was no doubt how the new Board member would vote. So, two no votes gone, one yes added, variance approved. Odious? You decide.
It was very likely Stevenson would have faced an opponent for re-election (as you know now that is a fact). Surely he felt the sting of losing his first race for alderman, maybe he just wasn't into another contested race which would have been competitive. Besides, he achieved what he wanted in regards to his lots and house.
So as he heads into the sunset we bid him adieu. A lackluster alderman, who certainly has not provided any kind of leadership as Mayor Pro Tem, especially in light of the lack of communication ongoing between the Mayor and the Board. I am sure Mayor Botbyl is not happy to see him go. One less FOB (Friend of Botbyl).
Monday, January 30, 2017
April 4th City Election
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 18th
City Clerk Gwen Cenac shared the lineup for the ballot on the 4th of April:
East Ward: Rick Footer
Dee Surma
West Ward: Daniel Berglund
Doug Richmond
Judge: Debbie Folkedahl
Note: Larry Maher, the current judge decided not to run again, so Ms Folkedahl is unopposed. Brian Stevenson, on the East Side, decided not to run for his current seat on the Council. My take on that tomorrow.
January 18th
City Clerk Gwen Cenac shared the lineup for the ballot on the 4th of April:
East Ward: Rick Footer
Dee Surma
West Ward: Daniel Berglund
Doug Richmond
Judge: Debbie Folkedahl
Note: Larry Maher, the current judge decided not to run again, so Ms Folkedahl is unopposed. Brian Stevenson, on the East Side, decided not to run for his current seat on the Council. My take on that tomorrow.
Friday, January 27, 2017
For Sale/Sold
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 18
During Aldermen's Comments, Ms Finn mentioned the following data of interest, shared by a WL realtor:
January 18
During Aldermen's Comments, Ms Finn mentioned the following data of interest, shared by a WL realtor:
2016 Homes sales:
- 52 sold
Currently 16 homes for sale, 6 of those in West Ridge, 2 lake front. George chimed in with the observation that West Ridge is closing in on being fully built out (Something almost unimaginable about 10 years times/things change). There are lots here and there around the lake still available but fewer as times go on I assume.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Hide Your Women And Children
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 18
During the Police report, Mike O'Neal reported an increase in thefts from cars and one car theft. Although he did not disclose the numbers, it is clear thefts are on the increase in the Northland and in particular the thieves are "from the south". Not good news. Mike mentioned the thefts from open cars are happening when "nobody is around", presumably meaning during the late night, early morning hours.
Word to the wise, if you leave you vehicle outside at night make sure it is locked. Make sure your garage is locked, as well as your home...all doors, all windows. WL is a sitting duck for the bad guys...few street lights, multiple exits, and one patrol car covering the City. So, in my opinion, time to increase your security measures, it just makes sense.
This just in from the Star...
January 18
During the Police report, Mike O'Neal reported an increase in thefts from cars and one car theft. Although he did not disclose the numbers, it is clear thefts are on the increase in the Northland and in particular the thieves are "from the south". Not good news. Mike mentioned the thefts from open cars are happening when "nobody is around", presumably meaning during the late night, early morning hours.
Word to the wise, if you leave you vehicle outside at night make sure it is locked. Make sure your garage is locked, as well as your home...all doors, all windows. WL is a sitting duck for the bad guys...few street lights, multiple exits, and one patrol car covering the City. So, in my opinion, time to increase your security measures, it just makes sense.
This just in from the Star...
Article describes an attempted car theft @ I-29 & Praire View this past Wednesday...and the capture aided by Clay County police pooch. Time of incident? 5AM.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
The Devil Is In The Details
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 18
The Public Works report was given by George, followed by the Police report (Gary is on medical leave, so the report was given by Mike O'Neal). Sitting in the audience, all 5 of us, it was difficult to understand details of a $5,000 deductible (or more) the City may have to pay for an accident. Nothing more. As noted previously, Alderman Clark had mentioned the accident on Forest, so intuition said the deductible discussion referred to that accident. It was only during Public Comments that more details came to light because of a question from the public ( ok, it was me). Between George and Mike more information was given, although not completely. Apparently the part-time officer who was supposed to cover the midnight shift could not appear. The condition of the City streets worsened due to the wet and freezing conditions. It is not clear why road treatments were not being applied to the streets, possibly because there was no patrol at the time to report conditions. A car slid off the road on Forest and ended up on private property. Although the timeline was not made clear during the discussion the street crew was called in and Chief Gary responded to the accident call. The City salt/sander, slid on Forest similar to the car and ended up on the property, striking a van and garage door, which in turned damaged the vehicle in the garage. (the exact timeline was difficult to determine based on the dialog between Gary and Mike, and the absence of Gary, who was at the scene at the time).
Was it an unfortunate succession of bad luck events? Can't tell you, but I suspect there are more details to come.
January 18
The Public Works report was given by George, followed by the Police report (Gary is on medical leave, so the report was given by Mike O'Neal). Sitting in the audience, all 5 of us, it was difficult to understand details of a $5,000 deductible (or more) the City may have to pay for an accident. Nothing more. As noted previously, Alderman Clark had mentioned the accident on Forest, so intuition said the deductible discussion referred to that accident. It was only during Public Comments that more details came to light because of a question from the public ( ok, it was me). Between George and Mike more information was given, although not completely. Apparently the part-time officer who was supposed to cover the midnight shift could not appear. The condition of the City streets worsened due to the wet and freezing conditions. It is not clear why road treatments were not being applied to the streets, possibly because there was no patrol at the time to report conditions. A car slid off the road on Forest and ended up on private property. Although the timeline was not made clear during the discussion the street crew was called in and Chief Gary responded to the accident call. The City salt/sander, slid on Forest similar to the car and ended up on the property, striking a van and garage door, which in turned damaged the vehicle in the garage. (the exact timeline was difficult to determine based on the dialog between Gary and Mike, and the absence of Gary, who was at the scene at the time).
Was it an unfortunate succession of bad luck events? Can't tell you, but I suspect there are more details to come.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Part II, What We've Got Here is Failure to Communicate...

January 18
After the Mayor's Comments at the beginning of the Board meeting, each Alderman has the opportunity for his/her comments. Nothing mentioned of significance until it was Alderman Clark's turn. He began by mentioning he had three points to make.
- The "redo" announcement of the evening's BOA meeting was not on the city website. It was not on the Calendar or Events was on the Agendas and Minutes section. Keeping the website up to date has been one of Alderman's pet peeves.
- The Mayor continues to not notify the Board when he is out of town (I believe a recent trip to Branson is what Clark was referring). The Mayor did not notify the absence of Mayor Pro Tem Stevenson prior to the meeting (turns out the City Clerk did not know either).
- Two significant situations involving the Police Department went unreported to the Aldermen. The first "Handcuffed suspect jumps out of squad car..." was reported in the Kansas City Star on December 23rd. It involved a stop, realizing the subject gave a false name, and then transport to Platte County when it was determined the subject had violated probation. Reading about it in the Star was the first time Clark knew of the event which took place four days previously. The second incident involved a series of accidents that included one of the City salt trucks. This happened early the morning of the 17th in icy conditions on NW Forest Drive. Luckily there were no injuries, but there was property and vehicle damage. Again, no information regarding the accident was shared with the Aldermen.
Alderman Clark's complaint of the lack of communication coming from the Mayor to the Board is not new. Clark mentioned, "this is the fifth time in the last six months I have brought this up" in regard to the poor communication from the Mayor. Oversight by Botbyl? Hard to believe because of the continual barrage from Clark. The Mayor had what I would describe as a pained look on his face, surely he could not wait for Clark to finish. In that light, Botbyl chose not to respond and continued without comment. Awkward...and astonishing.
Friday, January 20, 2017
What We've Got Here is Failure to Communicate...Part I
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the Weatherby Lake BOA
January 18th
The regularly scheduled BOA meeting on January 11th was not held because of a lack of quorum. A number of citizens were in the audience as well as a representative of Republic Services (trash provider) and an auditor from Accounting Solutions. What was the problem? Alderman/Mayor ProTem Stevenson was on vacation and Alderman Richmond was suffering a flu attack. Only Aldermen Clark and Finn were present along with the Mayor...a quorum needed 3 aldermen. Apparently the Mayor knew about the Stevenson absence, Clark, Finn and City Clerk did not. Another example of lack of communication from the Mayor's office.
After a ten minute wait or so, those in attendance were discharged with the promise of a reschedule...which happened on the 18th, still minus Stevenson.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Fear, Loathing and Dread
No, this is not a post about President Trump (I personally like the sound) but rather a reinvigoration of the blog to address current and future news here @ WL. Tomorrow I will post some of the tidbits from last night's Board of Alderman (BOA) meeting. The meeting itself was a replay of a regularly scheduled meeting last week that did not happen...I will get to that tomorrow. In any event, once again, I have returned to give you behind the scenes commentary/insights as to what makes our City tick.
BTW, the winds of change have already begun regarding the leadership of our City. Come on back to see who...and why.
As always your comments are welcome and uncensored.
BTW, the winds of change have already begun regarding the leadership of our City. Come on back to see who...and why.
As always your comments are welcome and uncensored.
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