January 18
After the Mayor's Comments at the beginning of the Board meeting, each Alderman has the opportunity for his/her comments. Nothing mentioned of significance until it was Alderman Clark's turn. He began by mentioning he had three points to make.
- The "redo" announcement of the evening's BOA meeting was not on the city website. It was not on the Calendar or Events sections...it was on the Agendas and Minutes section. Keeping the website up to date has been one of Alderman's pet peeves.
- The Mayor continues to not notify the Board when he is out of town (I believe a recent trip to Branson is what Clark was referring). The Mayor did not notify the absence of Mayor Pro Tem Stevenson prior to the meeting (turns out the City Clerk did not know either).
- Two significant situations involving the Police Department went unreported to the Aldermen. The first "Handcuffed suspect jumps out of squad car..." was reported in the Kansas City Star on December 23rd. It involved a stop, realizing the subject gave a false name, and then transport to Platte County when it was determined the subject had violated probation. Reading about it in the Star was the first time Clark knew of the event which took place four days previously. The second incident involved a series of accidents that included one of the City salt trucks. This happened early the morning of the 17th in icy conditions on NW Forest Drive. Luckily there were no injuries, but there was property and vehicle damage. Again, no information regarding the accident was shared with the Aldermen.
Alderman Clark's complaint of the lack of communication coming from the Mayor to the Board is not new. Clark mentioned, "this is the fifth time in the last six months I have brought this up" in regard to the poor communication from the Mayor. Oversight by Botbyl? Hard to believe because of the continual barrage from Clark. The Mayor had what I would describe as a pained look on his face, surely he could not wait for Clark to finish. In that light, Botbyl chose not to respond and continued without comment. Awkward...and astonishing.
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