Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Weatheby Lake Man Abducted by Aliens!
Just when you thought it was safe to go to your mailbox...another election looms, two aldermen positions up for grabs with filing opening up soon. Never a dull moment, right?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Today is America Recycles Day
I'm baaaack!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Gremlins and the Backwoods
Friday, November 7, 2008
That's putting it mildly, the rude behavior of the Board of Aldermen and the Mayor last Wednesday evening. As noted in previous post, there was a BOA Work Session on the 09 budget @ 5PM. It was to be followed by the regularly scheduled monthly BOA meeting @ 7PM. The BOA went into closed session around 6:45 PM to discuss salary related issues to the budget. As is customary, the citizens in attendance were ushered out into the hallway so the BOA and Mayor could discuss business, but not before three pizzas and soft drinks were delivered to the Town Hall for the pleasure of the BOA and Mayor. With the smell of Pizza Hut hanging in the air, 8 or so citizens waited for the start of the BOA meeting. 7:10...still in closed session, 7:20...ditto, 7:30 one citizen, let's call him Will, bailed on waiting any longer as the rest of us stood in the hallway, leaning on the WL topographic map. Just short of 7:50 PM the Town Hall doors swung open and we were allowed in. Jerry gave a rather sheepish "I'm sorry" and the BOA meeting began. Not a peep from the aldermen, guess they felt it was ok to stiff their constituents.
In the best of circumstances it is difficult to get attendance at BOA meetings. When the Mayor and Board insist on scheduling early meetings and not conducting meetings on time, it has a chilling effect on those who might want to attend. I saw a couple of faces that have not attended a BOA meeting, at least not recently. My guess is Wednesday's performance will cure them of attending another soon.
Oh yeah, if the closed session wasn't enough the for the first meeting, they went into closed session again after the BOA...no reports of dessert being served...to quote Marie Antoinette "let them eat cake"
And that my friends, is as I see it.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
If you've got the time, they got the Money
Special Board Meeting "Budget Workshop"
Wed, Nov 5th, 5PM
I left work a few minutes early to sit in on the workshop. One other citizen and City Treasurer Marianne Ennett in attendance.
Some of the highlights:
Mayor Bos provided a General Fund Summary Sheet on 2009 Proposed Budget
- Revenue=$867,400
- Disbursements=$813,425
- Net surplus of $53,975
The Community Center revenue projected to be $22,000 and expenses $27,500. The revenue includes a $2,000 "donation" which Jerry described as "fund raiser" in 09 to narrow the deficit for the operation of the CC. The expense line also includes a low projection of security expenses by $1,500. Removed were legal and personnel salary/taxes/benefits which would subtract another $1,000. Bottom line, the revenue to expense differential will come in at a negative $10,000...the CC discussion ended with an observation by Alderman White that the CC "was paying for itself". Huh? The rest of the Board and Mayor looked like bobble heads as they nodded in agreement.
09 Police budget includes an addition of one more full time officer
Public Works projected to add one full time split between Roads and Water/Sewer.
The Sewer Fund is projected to operate on a net loss of $38,450. Proposals are to either raise the sewer rate $4.25 per month per household, now or to wait until KCMO raises their rates (up to 20%) and then increase sewer rate to pass along the increase and cover shortfall. My sense is the former might be the will of the Board.
The Water Fund is projected to have a $10,000 surplus, however a rate increase by KCMO would require a similar increase to cover costs.
The Board went into closed session around 6:45, I surmise to discuss salaries of employees for 2009.
Monthly BOA meeting, 7PM, City Hall
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Caught in our own Web
What I would like to see is immediate postings on the site of meeting notices. Currently there is an agenda posted for tomorrow nights BOA meeting dated 30 October, but apparently there is an amended agenda that includes a Budget meeting at 5PM. I assume this is posted at City Hall. A "blast" feature that posts an email list regarding meetings would be helpful...if our City leaders really want to keep citizens informed and involved.
What do you think?
Monday, November 3, 2008
Have you ever visited the City website?
What do you like about it?
What don't you like?
What features would you like to have added?
(Ease of use is important, especially for City staff to do postings)
Many cities in MO have web sites, some very good, some horrid. The Missouri Municipal League (MML) has a convenient tab that lists members' web sites.
Take a look, if you see one you like, post a comment
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Turn Back the Clock
Historic week/month ahead of us for local and national decisions. As much as we might yearn for the good old days, as both McCain and Obama predict, change is coming.
Couple of questions from blog viewers this past week. Can I see who posts when they use Anonymous? Answer, No.
Have I ever deleted a Comment? Answer, No, not yet. Could I? yes. If someone used vulgar language (use your imagination) or made an over the top personal attack I would consider deleting the comment. I haven't added up the comments versus hits, but, as you know, most folks do not comment, just click in, click out.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Not so Strange Bedfellows
Who was the ringleader for the Ambulance District? Dusenbery.
Who committed and supported Weatherby Lake to join the District? Henderson.
Result: The initiative was overwhelmingly defeated at WL (passed in the other areas) and Henderson was soundly defeated in his re-election bid.
Who consorted with Mr Owens in his initial attempt to develop the property adjacent to Eastside Drive? Henderson.
Who was noticeably absent in the last round of sparring to fight the rezoning of the Owens property? Dusenberry.
Result: Rezoning failed.
Dusenberry campaign Treasurer? Alderman Mary Hoy.
Looks like they are going for the trifecta, "making our county an even better place to live".
Bedfellows? Yes. Strange? Not so much.