Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Dredge Report, 4

Black Gold


Nick Name said...

There are probably a few farmers that wouldn't mind having some of that to amend their soil with.

"Silt, deposited by annual floods along the Nile River, created the rich and fertile soil that sustained the ancient Egyptian civilization. Silt deposited by the Mississippi River throughout the 20th century has decreased due to a system of levees, contributing to the disappearance of protective wetlands and barrier islands in the delta region surrounding New Orleans"

Anonymous said...

A bio hazard

Won'ttakeouttrash NoSpendingCash said...

There are very few things that bacteria, oxidation and UV from the Sun can't break down and make into harmless gasses, solids and oxides given enough time.

Many years ago, I explored the bottom layers of a ~50+ year old (at that time) neighborhood garbage dump. That left a huge impression on me. The only thing left was glass and that was the treasure we were digging for - Old glass bottles. Everything else was composted to dirt or a little bit of iron oxide/rust. No smell or anything, just composted dirt with a few antique glass bottles mixed in. The action of the rain, bactiera, oxidation, etc over the years just composted everything away but the glass.

Here is a vid of a guy digging in an old dump - there are lots of vids like this on YouTube, they find lots of neat old bottles.

Look at what he is diggin in and the stuff he finds. Bottle finds at the end of video are worth seeing. He seems really happy! :)