Winning bidder: Allied Waste of Kansas City (current provider)
Trash: $30 per quarter (all fees escalate in year 2 and 3 of contract)
Recycle: $6 per quarter
A new 95 gallon Trash cart and a new 65 gallon Recycle cart will be provided to all residents. All recycled materials can be placed in the Recycle cart (co-mingled) with the exception of glass which is not allowed.
Yard Waste: $10 a month by subscription basis, 10 bags per week, in paper bags only. Tree limbs bundled in 4 ft sections not to exceed 50 lbs. Yard waste must be set on the opposite side of Trash/Recycle.
Bulky Items: Must be called in by the resident to schedule a time for pick up. Pricing will be based on a per item cost
Other Stuff tomorrow
How does it compare to current you ask? Here is our last bill
$32.17 per qtr Garbage
$29.48 per qtr Yard Waste
$13.15 Fuel surchage
$76.10 Total
New Service
$30.00 per qtr Garbage
$6.00 per qtr Recycle
$30.00 per qtr Yard Waste
$66.00 Total
Max allowable garbage 95 gallon bin
Max allowable Yard 10 paper bags
Curb side recycling
Let's see how long it takes the Hoy brigade to decide that the BRIGHT blue and yellow cans that people store outside are an eyesore -- they clash with the green of the grass, you know! So prepare to have an ordinance passed that doesn't allow us to store them outside.
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