The recent drowning of a 12 year old girl at Lake Waukomis is a sober reminder how quickly an innocent act can turn tragic. The highest volume weekend of the year in regards to lake use is upon us with members and guests trying to stay cool in the oppressive heat. Life jackets are just that, life saving. I always question new guests' ability to swim, and have vests available. Let's respect no wake zones and be extra careful this each other out. I'm always amazed by those who would never drink and drive but hop on their pontoon...staggering. I'd love not to have blogging material concerning an accident @ WL.,0,6076498.story
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Robo Declares Lake Is Open
Another piece of good news, the dredge is apparently coming to an end, with NLT Thursday as the target for removal of all dredge equipment on the lake...just in time.
Related articles
Sunday, June 26, 2011
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- Still Think Racing Cars Is Easy? (
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Urgent Lake Advisory: The Lake Is Now Closed To Swimming
So says RoboJoe at about 1PM today. Closing caused by "sewer overflow" at "Forest and Eastside" and at "U Cove" WLIC is investigating. The big 4th of July weekend starts a week from today, oh-oh.
Running Around
You may have seen Bubba and me running around the lake on Sunday mornings, nuts huh? Well there is someone who easily makes us look like slackers...Dean Karnazes. He is in KC today and you can join him today as part of the North Face Fun Run. Never heard of him? Nice article in the Star today, page B10. He just completed a run across the country, 40 to 50 miles a day...for 75 days...yikes!
Related articles
- Dean Karnazes Update (
- Photo Finish For WL Men (
Friday, June 24, 2011
Sunday Night
Sent: Thu, Jun 23, 2011 11:54 am
Subject: Jeremy Katzenberger Memorial Open House
On Sunday June 26th , SWAT is hosting a Memorial Open House pasta dinner including drinks for Jeremy Katzenberger and family at the WL Community Center starting at 6:30 pm.
Everyone is invited to come show our community support to our friends and neighbors the Katzenberger's.
Please bring your choice of cookies, bars or brownies to share.
If possible please RSVP 746-1491 Ron & De Surma
City of Weatherby Lake
Subject: Jeremy Katzenberger Memorial Open House
On Sunday June 26th , SWAT is hosting a Memorial Open House pasta dinner including drinks for Jeremy Katzenberger and family at the WL Community Center starting at 6:30 pm.
Everyone is invited to come show our community support to our friends and neighbors the Katzenberger's.
Please bring your choice of cookies, bars or brownies to share.
If possible please RSVP 746-1491 Ron & De Surma
City of Weatherby Lake
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Putting a Face With a Name
If you haven't clicked on the link to the right, just underneath the blog counter, you might try. The link for SSgt Katzenberger has pictures of him, his wife and child. It's hard to view, imagine the family, close friends and their sorrow and loss. If you are inclined, there is an opportunity to contribute to a memorial fund organized by the Ranger wives.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Motor Heads
Prominent article in today's KC Star regarding the WL Grasis family's love of collectible cars. See the Northland section for the scoop.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Dog Days of Summer
Starting tomorrow, June 21, the city of Kansas City has informed Amity Woods Animal Hospital that Amity Avenue from 152 to 87th Terrace will be closed for at least 3 weeks. A representative from the city has said there will be detour signs up, but you will have to come down Barry Road and make a right or left on Amity Avenue (depending on which direction you come from) to take the detour through the subdivision. Please make a left on 86th Street, right on Watson and right on 87th Terrace to access the clinic. While we have no control over the construction and look forward to improved city streets, we do apologize for any inconvenience! Please call with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, The Doctors and Staff of Amity Woods Animal Hospital 816-880-6650 |
Monday, June 20, 2011
Water,Water Everywhere
Ace passed along this link for flooding to the north.
The storm that hit early Sunday morning dumped 2.96 inches of rain at WL, according to Farmer John's rain gauge. If you were on the lake Sunday you could notice the water level being up as dredge operations in C Cove continued. One observer reported multiple dredge pipe entanglements by boaters in C Cove.
The storm that hit early Sunday morning dumped 2.96 inches of rain at WL, according to Farmer John's rain gauge. If you were on the lake Sunday you could notice the water level being up as dredge operations in C Cove continued. One observer reported multiple dredge pipe entanglements by boaters in C Cove.
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- Omaha Scrambles To Keep Its Airport Afloat (
- Summer of Sandbags on the Missouri (
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Weatherby Lake, Missouri
This past week saw a tremendous spike in hits on the blog because of the news of the death of SSgt Jeremy Katzenberger. A few comments about Weatherby Lake for those of you not familiar with the area. Weatherby Lake, Missouri, is a small (1,723 pop) suburban lake community in the metro Kansas City area, close to Kansas City International Airport. The lake itself is private, owned and managed by the Weatherby Lake Improvement Company whose members make up the community. The City of Weatherby Lake essentially surrounds the lake and provides basic services for the community. The attached links are for more information on the City and the Improvement Company.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Traffic will be detoured to Rocky Point and Forest. Construction will take approximately THREE WEEKS.
Please adjust you driving accordingly. This is to provide a safe working zone for citizens and workers.
News from City Hall
City Communications Office
City of Kansas City, Mo.
CONTACT: City Communications Office, 816-513-0059
Final phase of North Amity Avenue project begins Monday
The City of Kansas City, Mo., is advising motorists that the next series of road closures beginning
Monday, June 20 will mark the final phase of major construction activity on North Amity Avenue.
Starting Monday morning, North Amity Avenue will close fully between Northwest 86th Terrace and
Highway 152, including a full closure of the intersection of Northwest 87th Terrace and North Amity
Avenue. This closure will allow the City's contractor to open North Amity Avenue to traffic by midAugust. Flashing motorist alert signs will be used to provide advance warning of these closures.
"We recognize the inconvenience this poses to area drivers," said Capital Projects Department Director
Pat Klein. "These closures will allow our crews to move faster and more efficiently, providing residents
and motorists with the modern, safe roadway that they should expect from the City of Kansas City, Mo."
The North Amity Avenue improvements will replace the current roadway with a four lane improved road
with four foot bicycle lanes, curbs and sidewalks between Northwest Barry Road and Missouri Highway
152. In addition, culverts will be replaced at Northwest 86th Terrace and Northwest 87th Terrace.
The Capital Projects Department managed the design and construction of this project for the City's
Public Works Department. Construction on this phase of the project is scheduled for completion in midAugust.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Ranger Staff Sgt Jeremy Katzenberger
1/75 Ranger Killed in Combat
Published 3 hours 9 minutes ago | By USASOC
FORT BRAGG, NC – A U.S. Army Ranger was killed in action on June 14 during combat operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Staff Sgt. Jeremy Andrew Katzenberger was assigned to Company B, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, at Hunter Army Airfield, Ga.
He was killed by direct fire from enemy forces during a heavy firefight while conducting combat operations in Paktika Province.
A native of Weatherby Lake, Mo., Katzenberger enlisted in the U.S. Army in October 2004. For more than six years, Katzenberger served as a rifleman, automatic rifleman, team leader and Ranger squad leader in 1st Bn., 75th Ranger Regt.
The 75th Ranger Regt. has been continuously deployed to Afghanistan since October 2001.
“Staff Sgt. Katzenberger was a phenomenal Ranger who died while leading his men in an assault against our enemies. He died while protecting our Nation and we will not forget his sacrifice,” said Col. Michael Foster, commander, 1st Bn., 75th Ranger Regt. “He was universally respected by every member of this command and was a devoted, loving husband and proud father. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Katzenberger family.”
Katzenberger previously served on four deployments to Iraq and this was his fourth deployment to Afghanistan.
“I wish the American people could truly understand the dedication and sacrifice that Staff Sgt. Jeremy Katzenberger made for his country. Since early 2005, Jeremy has either been in combat or training for combat. This was his eighth combat deployment,” said Col. Michael E. Kurilla, commander, 75th Ranger Regt. “Jeremy was the epitome of a Ranger squad leader; he is a hero to our Nation, the Army and his family.”
Katzenberger is survived by his wife Colleen A. (Montgomery) Katzenberger, son Everett James both of Richmond Hill, Ga., and his parents Robert and Peggy Katzenberger of Weatherby Lake, Mo.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Update from website Freedom Remembered
Update from website Freedom Remembered
Sad Post Script to Previous Post
Late this morning I received a forwarded email...Jeremy Katzenberger, son of Weatherby Lake residents, Robert and Peggy Katzenberger died in Afghanistan. Peggy is the sister of another WL resident, Joyce McInerney. No more information.
Good Evening, Afghanistan
After eating and back on to the concourse I ran into a large contingent of Army troops, waiting for their plane. Their unit patches were familiar to me, 82nd, 1st Cav, and 10th Mountain among others. I had a chance to talk with a couple of soldiers from the 10th, two staff sergeants, one male the other female. Everybody in their group was headed back to Afghanistan. I wouldn't say the mood was somber, let's just say quiet. When I broached the topic of food, their eyes lit up...I thought I might give them a hot tip about my favorite when they pointed across the food court to...yep, you guessed it, The Golden Arches. They wanted one more shot at a Big Mac and fries...and who could blame them. So I thanked them for their service and wished them bon apetit, good luck and God's blessings...suddenly the inconvenience of my travel schedule didn't amount to much, I was going home to Weatherby Lake.
Related articles
- 10th Mountain Wives Gather School Supplies for Afghan Girls (
- McDonald's Wine Pairings (
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Tree City
June 8
During Alderman comments, Vic introduced a potential initiative for the city, "Tree City USA". The Arbor Day Foundation certifies cities that meet certain requirements to become a designated "Tree City". He handed out packets to the BOA and Mayor for consideration at the next BOA meeting. Apparently one of the criteria is spending a certain amount per capita for trees in the amount that might easily be met by the Park Board's master plan for trees in the city parks. I'll try to recap the requirements once I get a chance to review.
Related articles
- Google Earth adds 3D trees to cities worldwide (
- Redmond named Tree City USA 12th year in a row (
Monday, June 13, 2011
The 4th
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
June 8
In addition to the Big Bang on the 4th @ 9:30 (rain date the 5th) lot of other stuff gong on. The City website and a flyer with the Park Board info has all the details. The rain date action has been beefed up to include a robo call and decision by 8:30 PM, let's hope it is not necessary. The City is taking your donations to reach the goal of at least $15,000...I'm sure Ms Finn would accept more to store up for coming 4ths.
Jerry mentioned SWAT would be hosting 60 people from Fort Riley (troops and families) on the 4th. Additionally a fund raiser is planned on 9/11.
Image via Wikipedia
The City will have a truck and trailer in the 4th parade with a modified route because of the Barry Road/Potomac closing.
June 8
In addition to the Big Bang on the 4th @ 9:30 (rain date the 5th) lot of other stuff gong on. The City website and a flyer with the Park Board info has all the details. The rain date action has been beefed up to include a robo call and decision by 8:30 PM, let's hope it is not necessary. The City is taking your donations to reach the goal of at least $15,000...I'm sure Ms Finn would accept more to store up for coming 4ths.
Jerry mentioned SWAT would be hosting 60 people from Fort Riley (troops and families) on the 4th. Additionally a fund raiser is planned on 9/11.
The City will have a truck and trailer in the 4th parade with a modified route because of the Barry Road/Potomac closing.
Related articles
- Fallen But Not Forgotten - Tragedy for Fort Riley, Kansas Families (
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Boaters Beware
Saturday, June 11, 2011
The Sky Is Falling
June 8
Aldermen Comments-Mary Hoy
"really concerned we are down 150" (Census count from 2000)
"worrisome for a city our size"
"Platte County has grown"
"we need to keep an eye on it"
Mary believes there is a financial impact to the city based on the decline in population...but neither she nor Mayor Jerry can give an estimate of what exactly that is...big or small. Kind of fits the story of the need to change the codes to accommodate patio homes, get more folks to live here, doesn't it...nah. Mary compares the fact that Platte County has grown over the same kidding.
Ok, so what are the facts?
What is the #1 source of revenue to the city?
That's right, property taxes, and yes, there has been an increase in homes @WL since 2000.
What is the #2 source of revenue to the city?
Right again, franchise fees which are not affected by census.
Platte County is growing.
Apples and oranges comparison in my book. Especially in the first part of the last decade, there were major subdivisions built during the boom. When Sonoma/Westridge got untracked the boom was a pop.
How do other cities in Platte County compare over the last census period?
Parkville +36%
Platte City +21%
Lake Waukomis -5%
Northmoor -18%
Houston Lake -17%
Platte Woods -18%
Riverside -1%
Tracy -2%
NKC -10% (Not in Platte, but in case you are wondering)
Is the sky falling? If the shoe fits, wear it.
Related articles
- Why is a us census done (
- 2010 Census Data Has Arrived! (
Friday, June 10, 2011
The Return of Stinky Cove
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
June 8
Longtime U Cove residents and Eastside passersby remember fondly the reminding whiff of Poo as one passed by the lift station at U Cove, thus the designation "Stinky Cove". That went away through the fine tuning of chemicals (bioxide) injected into the system to remove the offending odors. If you have traveled Eastside recently your nose has transported to yesteryear. According to George, "a pump is not pumping right". A fix is hopefully on the way.
Speaking of George, he announced the water line on Miami Drive is completed. The water line construction on Barry is in progress and the 2" from that line to Miami will be disconnected soon.
Apparently there will be a "street repair meeting" between George, Vic and Jerry next week. A vendor has approached George with an idea, although George mentioned the cost may not excite Vic and Jerry. Not that roads would cause any excitement but it is a dirty little secret in the city. Many streets need repair and or upgrade with little money available to do the job. Despite having a road plan that projects road life of 20 years, nobody in the area, county/state uses a figure like that for road durability. Bottom line? Sooner or later we will face the prospect of raising funds to do necessary road work. Ouch.
June 8
Longtime U Cove residents and Eastside passersby remember fondly the reminding whiff of Poo as one passed by the lift station at U Cove, thus the designation "Stinky Cove". That went away through the fine tuning of chemicals (bioxide) injected into the system to remove the offending odors. If you have traveled Eastside recently your nose has transported to yesteryear. According to George, "a pump is not pumping right". A fix is hopefully on the way.
Speaking of George, he announced the water line on Miami Drive is completed. The water line construction on Barry is in progress and the 2" from that line to Miami will be disconnected soon.
Apparently there will be a "street repair meeting" between George, Vic and Jerry next week. A vendor has approached George with an idea, although George mentioned the cost may not excite Vic and Jerry. Not that roads would cause any excitement but it is a dirty little secret in the city. Many streets need repair and or upgrade with little money available to do the job. Despite having a road plan that projects road life of 20 years, nobody in the area, county/state uses a figure like that for road durability. Bottom line? Sooner or later we will face the prospect of raising funds to do necessary road work. Ouch.
Related articles
- Poor roads top public's pet hates (
- Main Beach closed for swimming (
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The President Speaks @ BOA
Lisa Moratz (no relation) presented the annual President's address on behalf of the WL Park Board. Her comments included:
- The PB has garnered over $90,000 in grants over the past 10 years
- Parks receives approximately $80,000 in annual tax revenue, $50,000 is earmarked for annual maintenance and upkeep. (As I made my way to the BOA, I passed Birmingham Park, it is indeed looking good). The rest is used for special projects and reserves.
- Finishing touches are being made to the next Parks 10 year plan, to be completed this year.
- The Board secured a TRIM grant from the MO Dept of Conservation, inspecting and identifying trees in the parks. The goal is to make a 30 year plan that includes a replacement program for maintenance and replacement of trees in the parks.
- Latest special project was the erosion control walls @ the soccer field. Prez Lisa invited all who haven't seen them to drop by.
- Application for a grant to address other erosion issues and renew the soccer field is in the works.
- Ms Lisa commended her Board members for their tireless effort to maintain the Parks in the City.
- An informational packet about the Park Board will be dropped at each residence soon as a way for the Board to communicate with each resident in the community.
- Parks requested (and received ok) to have space on the City web site.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Best Flood Coverage-The Luminary
Beyond the sound bites on TV and sparse KC Star news...check out the link to the Luminary to find out what really is going on in Parkville, updated often...just click on the widget on the right hand of this page.
Mud Slinging @ BOA
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
June 8
Mary was was the shortest meeting in memory for this crew, one hour and seventeen minutes, which included the Park Board's annual state of the Parks address. Kathy B. had a smile on her face, what would she do with the extra hours yesterday evening?
Some of the best news of the night wasn't City related, it was the WLIC update given by Prez Joe Ennett. Although yesterday had a minor setback because of a rock in the dredge, progress is being made. As you may have noticed, the dredge has departed North Cove and currently resides in U Cove (Stinky Cove, more on that in another post). G and O may get the rotor rooter this week and on to C Cove next week. There is the possibility of completion of the entire project by the end of the month.
The additional containment pond looks ready for prime time. This was necessitated by our friends at KCMO who decided to be heavy handed about the potential pond in the old "bean field". Joe mentioned the current dredge is using less water than the previous dredge, good news on the containment end.
June 8
Mary was was the shortest meeting in memory for this crew, one hour and seventeen minutes, which included the Park Board's annual state of the Parks address. Kathy B. had a smile on her face, what would she do with the extra hours yesterday evening?
Some of the best news of the night wasn't City related, it was the WLIC update given by Prez Joe Ennett. Although yesterday had a minor setback because of a rock in the dredge, progress is being made. As you may have noticed, the dredge has departed North Cove and currently resides in U Cove (Stinky Cove, more on that in another post). G and O may get the rotor rooter this week and on to C Cove next week. There is the possibility of completion of the entire project by the end of the month.
The additional containment pond looks ready for prime time. This was necessitated by our friends at KCMO who decided to be heavy handed about the potential pond in the old "bean field". Joe mentioned the current dredge is using less water than the previous dredge, good news on the containment end.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Potomac @ Barry is Closed, Really
"It Should Be A Very Short Meeting"
Monday, June 6, 2011
PV Update
Volunteers needed for sand bagging starting Tuesday, June 7 at 2:00 pm
For Immediate Release:
Release # 2011-06-03
June 6, 2011
Release # 2011-06-03
June 6, 2011
The City of Parkville is requesting assistance from able volunteers capable of assisting with sand bagging efforts in downtown Parkville. Sand bagging efforts will begin at 2:00 pm, Tuesday, June 7th and will continue until efforts are completed. This effort is expected to continue at least through the evening. Volunteers must check in at the Parkville Farmer’s Market, located east of East Street, south of the railroad tracks in downtown Parkville.
Parking and access will be limited. Until full, volunteers may park in the Farmer’s Market Parking lot and surrounding area. The City requests volunteers carpool if possible.
Volunteers must be 16 years old or older and must bring a photo ID. Volunteers are advised to bring gloves, work boots, hat, sunscreen and bug spray for their personal use. The City is preparing to have water on hand, but volunteers are advised to bring food and drinks for their personal use just in case.
The Platte County Health Department will be providing free tetanus shots for volunteers who need one.
The City will be using an automated notice service to send out more immediate updates. Register at Anyone interested in volunteering is advised to register.
Follow the City of Parkville website,, for updates.
City of Parkville, Missouri
Parkville Emergency Management
8880 Clark Avenue
Parkville, MO 64152
Parkville Emergency Management
8880 Clark Avenue
Parkville, MO 64152
Parkville Peril
Most media outlets (See Luminary) have been highlighting the flooding concerns for Parkville, not an issue of will it flood, just a matter of how much. The challenge will persist for some time based on the predictions of water being dumped in SD until mid-July and the potential for rain the next two weeks. Eddie K. sent an email alerting his mail list to the problems for Parkville along with some interesting Hopi attachments.
We can only hope the flood does not resemble the "Big One" in 93.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Photo Finish For WL Men
The Hospital Hill Half Marathon was settled by a photo finish in the men's and Bubba finished and our picture was taken...oh yeah, the front runners had a real photo finish with the top guy finishing the race by a step (imagine being beaten by a step after going 13.1 miles?).
Our trek wasn't about winning, just finishing in one piece...which we did. It was warmer in the end than we would like, but that is racing, you deal with the conditions on race day. My long distance running days are coming to a close so this one was special. Our training course for the race was our "around the lake" course, great prep for the real deal. Bubba did that and more on occasion...bless his heart (and legs).
Speed kills, at least that is our motto, so we finished in 2:45...a time that pleased us both considering conditions and training.
Related articles
- How to Enjoy a Half Marathon (
- Photo by Megan True, KC Star
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Just In Case You Are Curious
"The state water quality standard for swimming and related whole body contact recreation is a geometric mean of 126 E. coli colonies per 100 milliliters of water during the entire recreational season. A geometric mean is a statistical method used to analyze data collected over a period of time. Because the state standard requires data collected over the entire summer before a determination is made, the department reports monthly results as compared to EPA’s single-sample standard of 235 E. coli colonies per 100 milliliters of water.
E. coli is a bacteria found in the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, including humans. While most strains of E. coli are harmless, some can cause gastrointestinal illness. The testing process used in this study does not differentiate between strains.
These bacteria and other pathogens can reach lake water from many different sources, both human and animal. For some people, such as children, elderly or those with weakened immune systems, even low levels of these bacteria may cause illness."
Thursday, June 2, 2011
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Closed, Really
Reliable sources indicate Potomac @ Barry will close sometime after Thursday. Apparently the road was being kept open to accommodate the school buses. All you Eastsiders sneaking past the barricades to get to the CC or all you Westsiders taking the short cut through the barricades at Potomac & Barry will have to find another work around...enjoy the scenic ride down Hillside. When does Road Closed mean closed? Talking with a local limo service driver this whole Barry road thing has him cornfused...don't blame him. We have the same difficulty in explaining to guests (not local) on how to get to our house. Part of the mystique right? Imagine Mike at the going (shortly) on three years with the disruption. No wonder he brags about being high on grass.
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