Sunday, February 12, 2012

Prevailing Wage

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
7 Feb

Jerry reported news from the Missouri Municipal League (MML) regarding pending legislation regarding prevailing wage (a bane to the Mayor as he leads the effort for the entrance monuments).  He reported a couple of bills have been introduced to eliminate or make exceptions to the current statute.  Jerry mentioned he had contacted his legislator and his response was it "wasn't important".

City Attorney John added there was "strong support" for abating the requirement in the Joplin area as they try to rebuild.

Besides Joplin, don't look for any overturning of prevailing wage.  Even if legislation passes my guess there are not enough votes to override a veto...which Nixon would certainly do.    

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Anonymous said...

Congrats Mike on 80,000 hits! Don't stop.

Anonymous said...

Very difficult to know what is going on in the city, at least someone is letting us know.

Tea Doff said...

80,000 hits doesn't mean a thing. Most of the "hits" are caused by MM and his small band of cronies looking to see if any unsuspecting person has read the diatribe.

As for "letting us know what is going on", get up off of your posterior and take part in the city affairs. Reading Mike's bigoted and often blighted accounts of city affairs is only "as he sees it".

Tea Doff said...

Now let me see, 2:52. I could have used dogmatist, maybe even partisan, but I think "bigoted" best fits you both. "Someone who is intolerant of any opinion that differs from one's own." Sound like you?

It doesn't surprise me to be called an idiot from someone who is not open to different views. Ever hear of freedom of expression? Luddite!!

Anonymous said...

Mr TD, please don't use such big words, I spend a lot of time having to go to the dictionary.
I really suspect you are mike trying to stir things up.

Anonymous said...

Can't we just all get along :-)