Monday, April 9, 2012

You Are Welcome

You might have received a "Dear Fellow Resident" letter from the City this Saturday (some folks didn't, might be in the mail today).  Authored by Mayor Bos, it is a chatty update on City Committees and Boards as well as updates on a couple of items.  You might reflect, Gee, we haven't heard from the City in a while, your reflection is correct.  With the exception of Mary and her monthly BOA notes, this group at City Hall is satisfied with little or no information being disseminated to residents (okay there is a City web site which according to the Mayor "needs improvement" and he mentions Weatherby Lake Living, a private concern, which Jerry cites as being "excellent" for finding "what is going on in the community").

I'll take credit/blame for the letter, let me explain.  At the last BOA meeting (March 6) Jerry mentioned the need for volunteers to fill openings on various boards and committees.  He asked the aldermen to be on the lookout for volunteers.  My public comments pointed out there are probably many residents who aren't asked and/or don't know exactly what the various boards and committees do in the City.  Rather than ask the same old network of friends and acquaintances...why not expand the potential by sending a letter to all residents.  There was a bit of a back and forth between the Mayor and me, with his final word being his concern of the appearance of "electioneering" by such a letter.  (Indeed, this was pre-election, but I am pretty confident a letter could be crafted to pass the "smell test"...BTW, as you recall, all elected officials were running unopposed).  In any event, now that all involved beat back Write-Ins, the letter was sent out.

Enjoy...and volunteer.

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