Thursday, January 19, 2017

Fear, Loathing and Dread

No, this is not a post about President Trump (I personally like the sound) but rather a reinvigoration of the blog to address current and future news here @ WL.  Tomorrow I will post some of the tidbits from last night's Board of Alderman (BOA) meeting.  The meeting itself was a replay of a regularly scheduled meeting last week that did not happen...I will get to that tomorrow.  In any event, once again, I have returned to give you behind the scenes commentary/insights as to what makes our City tick.

BTW, the winds of change have already begun regarding the leadership of our City.  Come on back to see who...and why.

As always your comments are welcome and uncensored.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike, it is about time you get back in the grove....welcome back!!