Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sink or Swim

WLIC Board member Alan Jennerich has resigned from the WLIC Board, the following post has the text of his resignation letter to the Board and others. (S&D refers to Space and Docks)

"Dear S&Ders:
I went on to the Board to specifically accomplish 2 things.

First, I wanted to clean up the lake. To remove the rotting, sinking rusting docks/boat lifts as well as the debris that accumulated over the shoreline over the years. I also wanted to insure that the R&R was enforced against ALL MEMBERS in a fair and consistent basis. This has not always been the case in the past.

Second, I wanted to get the R&R rewritten in a more concise and logical format particularly as it applied to S&D issues.

Thanks to you on S&D as well as the folks on the Rules & Regulations Committee we were able to accomplish both.

At the end , I also wanted to shake this place up a little especially in the area of lake safety supervision, of which there was none. I have never believed that people should be paid good money for doing nothing.

I have been informed that I have been "too disruptive" to the WLIC community so I voluntarily resigned so as not to cause Joe any more problems than he already has.

Please give Joe and Guy Genske, your new S&D Chair, your full support. They will need it going forward.
See you on the lake,
Alan J"

As a WLIC member what do you think about safety and supervision? My observation this summer is more than a few members are ignoring "No wake" zones. Kind of like speeding in the City, if you knew speed limits weren't enforced, would you go 25? Trespass is another post.

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