Flashback to the spring elections, Judge Roper, then candidate Roper, mentioned the "assault" on our community. She was referring to the increase in trespassers and the need to get tough.
This past month a couple of high profile situations, plus others, have brought the reality of our City and Lake being mugged by the influx of people who don't belong here. A number of implications.
Case #1 - The Mongo Bass Boat Fishermen attempt to launch boat at C Point. Story goes they were advised by some members this was a private lake...why were they suspect? Might have been the the 200+ horsepower motor hanging off the back of the boar (slightly over the 9.9HP max on the lake). Said fishermen left, only to launch at Venita. Apprehended and cited.Zebra mussels are beginning to be a problem in nearby lakes (Perry in KS). One mode of transmission is boaters who go from one lake to another without inspecting and cleaning prior to launching. Zebra mussels are an aggressive nusaince once seeded. Trespassers like the above pose a threat to the lake.Tresspassers in effect steal from you and me. We pay fees, etc., for the use and maintenance of the lake. Tresspassers do not.
Case #2 - Three Boys, One Car, No City Sticker, No WLIC TagsNoticed three boys (one old enough to drive) across K cove in the access area a week ago. They were fishing, off multiple docks. I did not recognize them. I was leaving the house so decided to get a closer look, drove down Wayland Circle. The car they drove did not have a City Sticker, I could not see any WLIC tags. I called City Hall and asked for the Police to check them out, on a non-emergency basis. Chief McMullen arrived soon afterward. By the looks of things (cell calls) they did not belong there and left as Chief McMullen left.Were they guests that didn't have a member with them? Were they trespassers? Regardless, should they have been on docks that didn't belong to them?
Are you aware of the instances of vandalism and theft from boats this year?Brings to mind another question. Do some members encourage/allow non-members to use our lake? I suspect it happens...who pays?
I think you know the answer.
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