Friday, July 31, 2009
Mark Your Calendar
Saturday, August 15th marks one year the Barry Road Bridge was closed. Come join the festivities as we mark this event with the First Annual Barry Road Bridge Whine and Cheese Happy Hour, at the corner of Forest and Barry Road. KCMO politicos, (including the Funk) along with County and City officials will be invited. Local print and media organizations will be present as well to mark the progress we have made since the closing of the bridge. Bring Your Own Beverage, a variety of cheeses will be provided. More details to follow.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Platte Parks-4 August
A proposal to renew the 1/2 cent sales tax for Platte County Parks will be on the ballot August 4th. Weatherby Lake has benefited from a number of grants from the County. Will that hold true in the future? The July 29th edition of the Nortland Neighborhood News (Star) quoted Director Brian Nowotny as projecting $250,000 of grant money being available each year...not much considering how competitive the grants are. The article on page 4 is a softball for the County Commission which is supporting the tax. The only opposition the Star quotes is John Elliott, who Glenn Rice identifies as a member of the "Platte County Central Committee", I think he missed the Republican part. If you want a more balanced article here is one from the Landmark that quotes Bill Quitmeier and former Commissioner Pryor.
Platte County Democrats and Republicans agree on something? Both Committees have passed resolutions opposing the park tax. Betty Knight's own party voted 11-3 to give a thumbs down. Another good article from the Landmark.
Not sure about the Platte County Park system? Here you go:
How are you going to vote?
Platte County Democrats and Republicans agree on something? Both Committees have passed resolutions opposing the park tax. Betty Knight's own party voted 11-3 to give a thumbs down. Another good article from the Landmark.
Not sure about the Platte County Park system? Here you go:
How are you going to vote?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Freezer Burn
"We will have our regular Fishing Club Meeting Monday August 3,2009 at C-Point at 7:00pm. We also need all to start fishing and keeping fish for the fish fry in September, you can put your fillets at City Hall in the freezer in the Police Garage" Recent Fishing Club email
Don't know how much extra room they have in the freezer, but turkeys are on sale at Wally World, you might want to stock up for Thanksgiving and park it in the Police Garage. Check with the Chief.
Don't know how much extra room they have in the freezer, but turkeys are on sale at Wally World, you might want to stock up for Thanksgiving and park it in the Police Garage. Check with the Chief.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sorry Tom
Parkville Luminary, Friday July 24, found at many Parkville outlets
"Weatherby Lake Considering Audit"
Tom Watson's stirring performance at the BO was shoved to the side of page 1 in favor of the report of the Weatherby Lake "Alderman, Audit Committee Split" in regards to the need for a 2008 city audit. The article contrasts Mayor Bos views of the unnecessary audit while Alderman Mary Hoy is cited in her email as calling for an audit. What will our hamlet decide? Find out on August 4th at the monthly BOA meeting.
BKD LLP? Merely a coincidence that they are based in Springfield, MO, where Mayor Bos migrated.
"Weatherby Lake Considering Audit"
Tom Watson's stirring performance at the BO was shoved to the side of page 1 in favor of the report of the Weatherby Lake "Alderman, Audit Committee Split" in regards to the need for a 2008 city audit. The article contrasts Mayor Bos views of the unnecessary audit while Alderman Mary Hoy is cited in her email as calling for an audit. What will our hamlet decide? Find out on August 4th at the monthly BOA meeting.
BKD LLP? Merely a coincidence that they are based in Springfield, MO, where Mayor Bos migrated.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Life Imitates Art or Is It the Opposite?
I never watched "The Sopranos" to any extent, just enough to know what it was about. I was based out of NJ for awhile, and yes there are spots (and people) just like the series. So it is not really surprising to read about the roundup this past week by the Feds of three mayors and others on an assortment of charges including bribery and money laundering (selling kidneys?). Makes "MammyGate" look a bit innocuous, right? Except for the fact that the Funk and Gloria's escapades have cost KC citizens big$. That's the price of leadership gone bad, the taxpayers end up footing the bill.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The Winner Is...
Loves zit...this individual must drive past this fire hydrant every day to know it is at McDonald and 72nd Terrace, on the Birmingham Park side. Kudos to the other guessers...all plausible answers.!
If you chat with one of the aldermen on the East ward you might ask them about the dead hydrant, "What's the scoop?" I can understand a couple of weeks but three months?
If you chat with one of the aldermen on the East ward you might ask them about the dead hydrant, "What's the scoop?" I can understand a couple of weeks but three months?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Where in the World?
New feature for the blog. Where is it, what is it? Here are some hints.

- Unplugged
- Been this way...three months
- Dog's best friend
- Close to the Arches
- Hope the BuggMeister has a garden hose.

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Shoo In
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Special Board Meeting, July 22
A huge crowd of three citizens attended the joint meeting of the BOA and Audit Committee. One of the three was kind enough to provide details. Bottom line, no official vote to hire the CPA firm BKD was conducted. Apparently that will happen at the next regularly scheduled BOA meeting. There was an representative of BKD present, but she did not make a formal presentation. She did answer questions from the officials. I understand she commented she had reviewed the last audit from the Miller firm and had no negative comments. No other firms were discussed. Materials handed out at the meeting indicate communication in late June between Jerry and BKD, although at the BOA meeting on July 7th he said he could not find a firm interested in doing our audit. It is unknown if he ever asked the Miller firm. Projected cost of an audit performed by BKD, $10,000. Cost of last audit by Miller, $4,500. Odd that a conflicted board(other than Mary who is for an audit) and Mayor who seem to vacillate between needing an audit, not needing audit and the expense of an audit seem to be headed for the high end.
One member of the Audit Committee felt there wasn't any need for an audit, things seem to be in order, we have a Mayor who is a CPA and has had experience with financials. Really. I guess that is why the Audit Committee never least officially.
Special Board Meeting, July 22
A huge crowd of three citizens attended the joint meeting of the BOA and Audit Committee. One of the three was kind enough to provide details. Bottom line, no official vote to hire the CPA firm BKD was conducted. Apparently that will happen at the next regularly scheduled BOA meeting. There was an representative of BKD present, but she did not make a formal presentation. She did answer questions from the officials. I understand she commented she had reviewed the last audit from the Miller firm and had no negative comments. No other firms were discussed. Materials handed out at the meeting indicate communication in late June between Jerry and BKD, although at the BOA meeting on July 7th he said he could not find a firm interested in doing our audit. It is unknown if he ever asked the Miller firm. Projected cost of an audit performed by BKD, $10,000. Cost of last audit by Miller, $4,500. Odd that a conflicted board(other than Mary who is for an audit) and Mayor who seem to vacillate between needing an audit, not needing audit and the expense of an audit seem to be headed for the high end.
One member of the Audit Committee felt there wasn't any need for an audit, things seem to be in order, we have a Mayor who is a CPA and has had experience with financials. Really. I guess that is why the Audit Committee never least officially.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Makes You Wonder
"Dear Residents: I am unable to attend this special meeting. Until today, I was unaware that any action would take place. My position is that we need an official audit. Unfortunately, I will not be able to vote accordingly. I hope that some of you will attend.
Mary Hoy's email earlier today referring to the joint BOA-Audit meeting, 6:30, July 22, City Hall
Communication problem at City Hall? Last BOA meeting Mayor Jerry was leaning to a no audit of last year's books...didn't see the reason for the expense and he couldn't find any firm to do the audit. Now, apparently a firm "BKD", a Springfield based firm, ( is in the picture, and will be voted on at the meeting...and as Mary says, she was unaware of "any action" for the Special Meeting. The agenda for the evening does not include time for public comments. If you could ask a question or make a comment, what would it be?
Mary Hoy's email earlier today referring to the joint BOA-Audit meeting, 6:30, July 22, City Hall
Communication problem at City Hall? Last BOA meeting Mayor Jerry was leaning to a no audit of last year's books...didn't see the reason for the expense and he couldn't find any firm to do the audit. Now, apparently a firm "BKD", a Springfield based firm, ( is in the picture, and will be voted on at the meeting...and as Mary says, she was unaware of "any action" for the Special Meeting. The agenda for the evening does not include time for public comments. If you could ask a question or make a comment, what would it be?
- What were the circumstances that BKD became known to the City?
- What information has already been provided to BKD?
- Does anyone on the BOA, Audit Committee or Mayor have a previous or current relationship with BKD?
- Does the contract and process for award to BKD comply with the City Purchasing Policy?
- What is the audit period?
- When will the audit results be available?
- What role does the City's Audit Committee perform in this process?
Note the time of the meeting, it is 6:30PM
Revenge of the Geezers
Yep, Tom said it, referred to himself as a "geezer" as he tore up Turnberry at the BO. Within 10 years there will be more people in the world over 65 than there will be 5 and under according to the National Institute on Aging (USA Today 7/21). Talk about gray panthers.
So what is the secret to aging and longevity? Same edition, different article quotes 113 yr old Henry Allingham, a British WWI vet who was the oldest male in the world (until he died last week). He had repeatedly said, "cigarettes, whiskey and wild, wild women".
Have a quality day!
So what is the secret to aging and longevity? Same edition, different article quotes 113 yr old Henry Allingham, a British WWI vet who was the oldest male in the world (until he died last week). He had repeatedly said, "cigarettes, whiskey and wild, wild women".
Have a quality day!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Meeting of the Minds
Two meetings this week for those interested and able. Tonight is the monthly Board of Directors meeting for WLIC. A chance for you to get an update on all things regarding the lake. Wednesday night is the combined meeting of the BOA and the Audit Committee. You can watch them mull over the need for an annual audit. Both meetings start @ 7PM at City Hall. I'll be out of town on a business trip, so will have to rely on others for feedback.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Waylon in the Park
Jenninngs that is. Friday night was the 2nd in the series of Concerts in the Park, the weather perfect. Smaller crowd than last month, but those in attendance seemed pleased. More than just the music, a whole lot of visiting going on. Next month a little spicier music on tap, Zydeco coming our way. One LA native is looking forward to that...some dancing in the offing? Park Board is on roll weather wise, can they cook up perfect weather...three in a row?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Official Notes of an Official
Thursday, July 16
Mary's Meeting "Notes"
Just in case you are not on Mary's email list.
"We recontracted for insurance which has reduced our overall payments by $33,804."
My notes show a reduction year over year of about $3,000 not the above, the total insurance bill for the City is around $33,000.
"A joint meeting with the audit committee and BOA will be held next Wednesday (July 22) at City Hall. I believe at 7:00. Unfortunately, I will be on vacation at that that time. I did speak to the need for an official audit (all we need to do is look at K State and Tracy, MO for reasons to do it)."
Wow, we must have big time problems? Not sure what she means by an "official" audit, maybe she is referring to Jerry's suggestion to have a "review". In any event, she heard Jerry's comments that he had polled a majority of the Audit Committee and they believe an audit is not necessary. She didn't have a problem with the issue of an apparent Sunshine violation. Maybe Mary should chat with Platte City aldermen and ask how much it cost the city for getting dunned for Sunshine violations.
"Short Meeting"
I guess it is a matter of perspective. For us in the cheap seats it seemed like it was one hours worth of business crammed into two. Ask the Boy Scouts in attendance, those civic badges don't come easy.
Thursday, July 16
Mary's Meeting "Notes"
Just in case you are not on Mary's email list.
"We recontracted for insurance which has reduced our overall payments by $33,804."
My notes show a reduction year over year of about $3,000 not the above, the total insurance bill for the City is around $33,000.
"A joint meeting with the audit committee and BOA will be held next Wednesday (July 22) at City Hall. I believe at 7:00. Unfortunately, I will be on vacation at that that time. I did speak to the need for an official audit (all we need to do is look at K State and Tracy, MO for reasons to do it)."
Wow, we must have big time problems? Not sure what she means by an "official" audit, maybe she is referring to Jerry's suggestion to have a "review". In any event, she heard Jerry's comments that he had polled a majority of the Audit Committee and they believe an audit is not necessary. She didn't have a problem with the issue of an apparent Sunshine violation. Maybe Mary should chat with Platte City aldermen and ask how much it cost the city for getting dunned for Sunshine violations.
"Short Meeting"
I guess it is a matter of perspective. For us in the cheap seats it seemed like it was one hours worth of business crammed into two. Ask the Boy Scouts in attendance, those civic badges don't come easy.
Friday, July 17, 2009
E Coli Report Withheld
Catching up on reading after my out of town business trip, the Star's headline caught my attention. Hard to believe it takes four weeks for DNR to disclose sky high readings at the Lake of the Ozarks. The 4th of July weekend here had a similar situation, high readings in C Cove caused a ban on swimming in the Cove and beach, just before the busiest weekend of the year on the lake. Difference being WLIC acted promptly (I am told) and made the right call. As luck would have it, subsequent readings showed the problem had was safe to go back into the water. Kudos to WLIC for monitoring the lake and taking the necessary action. Although one would think it is a no brainer, the situation at the Lake of the Ozarks shows it takes brains, and guts.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Zebra mussels making waves in Mass.
from USA Today, 7/16
"Since the first zebra mussel was confirmed a week ago in the 175 acre Berkshire County lake, the freshwater mussels have spread rapidly, state aquatic ecologist Tom Flannery told the Globe."
"They can totally change the ecosystem," Jim Straub, with the state Department of Conservation and Recreation, told the Globe."
"Since the first zebra mussel was confirmed a week ago in the 175 acre Berkshire County lake, the freshwater mussels have spread rapidly, state aquatic ecologist Tom Flannery told the Globe."
"They can totally change the ecosystem," Jim Straub, with the state Department of Conservation and Recreation, told the Globe."
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Old Farts
Is 70 the next 65? According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2/3 of all Amerians 55 to 64 are in the workforce, the highest since records began in 1948 (KC Star 10/7). Being a bona fide OF and still working, I'm there! Can't think about 70 though, my goal is to wake up tomorrow. I'll deal with 70 when I get there.
from the road, somewhere in Middle America.
from the road, somewhere in Middle America.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Bottoms Up
Had a nice 4th here at the lake, kind of missed the Noodle gathering. Been there done that, right? Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water...the gauntlet is thrown down. New River, AZ, Shangri-La Resort. Apparently this last week the resort goers participated in a world record for nude bathers in a body of water. Hmm, how could we respond to the challenge? Decorum prevents us from making a full frontal assault, so that would be out of the question. How about a world record for greatest number of bottomless bathers? Noodles could be optional (I would bring my noodle). All participants enter the water with bathing suits on and at the designated moment remove said suit, yank it high in the sky, then re-suit. Discreet. KC Star once referred to WL as being "upscale". We could remove all doubts in a flash, in a manner of speaking. Take that Riss Lake!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Bagels with Stream Cheese
Went on a bagel run yesterday morning about 8:30, just after most of the rain had passed. Thought I would go down Hillside, take the Road Closed to Beech, etc. Had my camera with me, because it was still pretty dark because of the rain clouds my pics didn't turn out very well. This was the only one that I could publish...but I think you get the idea. The water washes down Barry to Hillside, around the silt fences and down the street...into, well I guess you know where. Not exactly the consistency of cream cheese, but certainly thicker than rain water.
Still in the utility prep phase, wait until major earth moving take place.
Wished I could have been there when it was storming, bet the gush out of the "McMichael Tube" was impressive.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Home Stretch
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
July 7 Meeting
In addition to his written report Chief Gary mentioned there have been 3 police calls (2 in May, 1 in June) responding to attempted suicides. When asked by an alderman if they were young people, he responded no, they were middle age.
The Park Board hosted a volunteer hosta planting party in Birmingham Park this past Thursday in honor of Don Birmingham
Planning Commission
Burt Woods is finishing up proposed changes to City building code, look for a Planning Commission Meeting soon.
Entrance Committee
Chair Don Miller was unable to make an appearance due to conflict. Jerry mentioned the Committee is challenged by limited space for some of the monument spots. The Committee hopes to have design proposals soon.
Water Quality
Vic attended a MARC water quality meeting. 8 grants (out of 15 applicants) were awarded. Vic is going to monitor the next grant cycle to see if we would qualify.
August 16th @ Community Center
Alderman Finn is part of a group hosting a 50th Birthday Party for the City of Weatherby Lake. Details to follow.
October (To Be Announced)
Part of our recycling grant will be used to have a mobile shredder at City Hall. Good time to get rid of old documents with knowledge that your privacy is protected.
Public Comments
That would be me. Just fyi, in addition to blogging my comments I often make remarks at the BOA meetings as well. I gave the BOA a little historical background concerning audits in the City, the progress that has been made over the years and why I believe not having an audit is a bad idea.
The End
Meeting adjourned, the Boy Scouts, Kathy and me hanging in there to the end. One hour of City business crammed into two hours, not bad.
July 7 Meeting
In addition to his written report Chief Gary mentioned there have been 3 police calls (2 in May, 1 in June) responding to attempted suicides. When asked by an alderman if they were young people, he responded no, they were middle age.
The Park Board hosted a volunteer hosta planting party in Birmingham Park this past Thursday in honor of Don Birmingham
Planning Commission
Burt Woods is finishing up proposed changes to City building code, look for a Planning Commission Meeting soon.
Entrance Committee
Chair Don Miller was unable to make an appearance due to conflict. Jerry mentioned the Committee is challenged by limited space for some of the monument spots. The Committee hopes to have design proposals soon.
Water Quality
Vic attended a MARC water quality meeting. 8 grants (out of 15 applicants) were awarded. Vic is going to monitor the next grant cycle to see if we would qualify.
August 16th @ Community Center
Alderman Finn is part of a group hosting a 50th Birthday Party for the City of Weatherby Lake. Details to follow.
October (To Be Announced)
Part of our recycling grant will be used to have a mobile shredder at City Hall. Good time to get rid of old documents with knowledge that your privacy is protected.
Public Comments
That would be me. Just fyi, in addition to blogging my comments I often make remarks at the BOA meetings as well. I gave the BOA a little historical background concerning audits in the City, the progress that has been made over the years and why I believe not having an audit is a bad idea.
The End
Meeting adjourned, the Boy Scouts, Kathy and me hanging in there to the end. One hour of City business crammed into two hours, not bad.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Got You Covered
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
July 7 Meeting
How much does the City pay in insurance? $33, 804 distributed between Liability ($13,700), WorkComp (12,400) and Property ($7,658), close to what it was last year. Coverage on property was increased, premium for WorkComp went down. Interesting twist this year is MARCIT's insistence on elected officials and some appointed officials attending a general liability coverage class by August 30th. There is a hefty premium penalty if a city does not comply. After some discussion it was determined the BZA, Park Board and Police Chief should attend the class in addition to elected officials. One class is being held today downtown another to be held in August in mid August. When was the City notified of this requirement? Best I can tell mid-June. When were BZA/Park Board members notified? This week Wednesday or Thursday (I was out of town). Why the delay? Not sure, nobody asked the mayor. In any event I'm off to the MO State Baseball 16AAA tournament where #1 son is playing (Go Yard Dawgs).
July 7 Meeting
How much does the City pay in insurance? $33, 804 distributed between Liability ($13,700), WorkComp (12,400) and Property ($7,658), close to what it was last year. Coverage on property was increased, premium for WorkComp went down. Interesting twist this year is MARCIT's insistence on elected officials and some appointed officials attending a general liability coverage class by August 30th. There is a hefty premium penalty if a city does not comply. After some discussion it was determined the BZA, Park Board and Police Chief should attend the class in addition to elected officials. One class is being held today downtown another to be held in August in mid August. When was the City notified of this requirement? Best I can tell mid-June. When were BZA/Park Board members notified? This week Wednesday or Thursday (I was out of town). Why the delay? Not sure, nobody asked the mayor. In any event I'm off to the MO State Baseball 16AAA tournament where #1 son is playing (Go Yard Dawgs).
Friday, July 10, 2009
Lap Dog(s)
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
July 7 Meeting
Bear with me. You might recall last mayoral campaign season when there where "concerns" about financial irregularities within the City. These concerns were voiced, in public, by Alderman Hoy and picked up by Jerry Bos. One of the first initiatives Jerry launched after his election was his creation and appointment of an Audit Committee. There was a suggestion that a more intensive audit might be required. All the aldermen were on board. Much to some folks chagrin, an audit of the 2007 books (commissioned by then Mayor York) was completed with superlative comments from the independent auditor. These findings were turned over to the Audit Committee (before the Aldermen had seen them). Results? Audit Committee concurred with the auditor, the City's books and financial procedures were excellent.
When will the audit of the 2008 financials be completed? Maybe never. Jerry opened the discussion of financials by musing an audit just might be a waste of time and money. He has been having a difficult time finding a firm to do the audit (never has been a problem in the past). Maybe a financial " review" might be in order rather than an audit. Although he didn't share who might do this review, I assume it would be his Audit Committee. The majority of the Audit Committee believes an audit is not necessary. How would I know this? According to Jerry at Tuesday's meeting, "a lot of emails have gone back and forth" and a "feeling of the majority" is an audit is "not worth it". So when was the last time the Audit Committee met? Who knows. No need as the Mayor is polling them. Apparently the Committee's work is being conducted outside the view of the Aldermen and the public. Can you say Sunshine violation? During the discussion the City Attorney could be seen shaking is head, I'll bet he wished he could cover his ears.
Amend the current budget? Jerry thinks it is a waste of time, citing some of his experience at DFA (amazing, huh?). Problem is, it could very well be, some of the off budget expenditures made by this administration require an amended State law. Does Jerry know this? Don't know. Does our audit committee know this. Don't know. Do the aldermen care?
Alderman Hoy felt it would be "prudent" for the City to have an audit. Other than that, the somnolent council is in great need of No Doze to stay least their eyes are open.
After all this, it was agreed a joint meeting of the BOA and Audit Committee will be held. No date discussed. Based on Tuesday's comments, the meeting will be short, a "baked cake" as they say.
Sit, Heel, Good boy!
July 7 Meeting
Bear with me. You might recall last mayoral campaign season when there where "concerns" about financial irregularities within the City. These concerns were voiced, in public, by Alderman Hoy and picked up by Jerry Bos. One of the first initiatives Jerry launched after his election was his creation and appointment of an Audit Committee. There was a suggestion that a more intensive audit might be required. All the aldermen were on board. Much to some folks chagrin, an audit of the 2007 books (commissioned by then Mayor York) was completed with superlative comments from the independent auditor. These findings were turned over to the Audit Committee (before the Aldermen had seen them). Results? Audit Committee concurred with the auditor, the City's books and financial procedures were excellent.
When will the audit of the 2008 financials be completed? Maybe never. Jerry opened the discussion of financials by musing an audit just might be a waste of time and money. He has been having a difficult time finding a firm to do the audit (never has been a problem in the past). Maybe a financial " review" might be in order rather than an audit. Although he didn't share who might do this review, I assume it would be his Audit Committee. The majority of the Audit Committee believes an audit is not necessary. How would I know this? According to Jerry at Tuesday's meeting, "a lot of emails have gone back and forth" and a "feeling of the majority" is an audit is "not worth it". So when was the last time the Audit Committee met? Who knows. No need as the Mayor is polling them. Apparently the Committee's work is being conducted outside the view of the Aldermen and the public. Can you say Sunshine violation? During the discussion the City Attorney could be seen shaking is head, I'll bet he wished he could cover his ears.
Amend the current budget? Jerry thinks it is a waste of time, citing some of his experience at DFA (amazing, huh?). Problem is, it could very well be, some of the off budget expenditures made by this administration require an amended State law. Does Jerry know this? Don't know. Does our audit committee know this. Don't know. Do the aldermen care?
Alderman Hoy felt it would be "prudent" for the City to have an audit. Other than that, the somnolent council is in great need of No Doze to stay least their eyes are open.
After all this, it was agreed a joint meeting of the BOA and Audit Committee will be held. No date discussed. Based on Tuesday's comments, the meeting will be short, a "baked cake" as they say.
Sit, Heel, Good boy!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
"Hard To Say Anything Positive"
Mayor Jerry Bos in regards to the Barry Road Project
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
July 7th Meeting
10 Citizens in attendance, 2 Boy Scouts each with a parent, The Karps, Marvin Postma, Kathy Birmingham, one summer intern and your humble scribe.
Barry Road
Jerry didn't have much to report. He mentioned utility and drawing "issues" (Hillside) that drag on and on. KCMO has not signed the cooperative agreement, which means they have not paid the $50,000 they owe WL.
Jerry met with the developers yesterday. They intend on applying for 3 permits for homes, in the range of $350,000. They are going to request combining 2 lots with existing lots. They are finishing up the walls on one of the retaining ponds and beginning the 2nd.
4th of July
$13,000 has been collected for this years display, we spent $15,000. Donations are still being accepted, goal is to collect $2,000 more.
Public Works
Estimated cost of "Yard Waste Weekend" is $4,500. Major storm water issue on Moser. Major water line issue on South Miami. The City is considering entering a maintenance contract with Siemens over three years for our bioxide treatment stations. Cost of the agreement would be $13,800. Asphalt striping on Eastside to cost $3,500. Original estimate on Insituform lining of gravity sewers was 1000 feet, new estimate is for 2268 feet. Contract to be considered.
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
July 7th Meeting
10 Citizens in attendance, 2 Boy Scouts each with a parent, The Karps, Marvin Postma, Kathy Birmingham, one summer intern and your humble scribe.
Barry Road
Jerry didn't have much to report. He mentioned utility and drawing "issues" (Hillside) that drag on and on. KCMO has not signed the cooperative agreement, which means they have not paid the $50,000 they owe WL.
Jerry met with the developers yesterday. They intend on applying for 3 permits for homes, in the range of $350,000. They are going to request combining 2 lots with existing lots. They are finishing up the walls on one of the retaining ponds and beginning the 2nd.
4th of July
$13,000 has been collected for this years display, we spent $15,000. Donations are still being accepted, goal is to collect $2,000 more.
Public Works
Estimated cost of "Yard Waste Weekend" is $4,500. Major storm water issue on Moser. Major water line issue on South Miami. The City is considering entering a maintenance contract with Siemens over three years for our bioxide treatment stations. Cost of the agreement would be $13,800. Asphalt striping on Eastside to cost $3,500. Original estimate on Insituform lining of gravity sewers was 1000 feet, new estimate is for 2268 feet. Contract to be considered.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
On The Way To City Hall Tonight
Speaking of Michael Jackson, as I was making my way to City Hall I passed the Gross residence this evening, saw a For Sale sign in the yard. Not sure if it was a prank or the real deal. Could be a relocation to a real first tier manse or WestRidge, just have to wait and see.
Before you ask, here is the listing from Sandi Schmude:
Before you ask, here is the listing from Sandi Schmude:
7503 NW Kerns Weatherby Lake, MO 64152 | |
$399,900 3 bed, 3 bath - MLS Number: #1621270 | |
Updated: 07/06/2009 |
Michael Jackson
They Told Him Don't You Ever Come Around Here
Don't Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear
The Fire's In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear
So Beat It, Just Beat It
BOA Tonight
7PM City Hall, click link for agenda
If you have a photo of fireworks you'd like to share, send to me, and I will try to post.
If you have a photo of fireworks you'd like to share, send to me, and I will try to post.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Split Decision
Idle conversation between explosions on the 3rd/4th led to discussion of the WLIC v Costello situation. Some folks had no idea what it is about and after a brief overview my impression was 50/50. Some felt the action by WLIC was warranted, others thought it was no big deal...why bother.
Not being privileged to having inside information as Board Members do, it's difficult to get the entire picture. I'm sure negotiations prior to the lawsuit broke down to the point where the Board felt a lawsuit was the only way to resolve the issue. It is unfortunate to spend the limited resources of the WLIC in court rather than on the lake. Might be a reason to go to the next Board meeting and get the real scoop.
Not being privileged to having inside information as Board Members do, it's difficult to get the entire picture. I'm sure negotiations prior to the lawsuit broke down to the point where the Board felt a lawsuit was the only way to resolve the issue. It is unfortunate to spend the limited resources of the WLIC in court rather than on the lake. Might be a reason to go to the next Board meeting and get the real scoop.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Survived another 4th of gluttony and pyrotechnics. Our out of state guests marveled at our WL approach to celebrating Independence Day. I thought the finale of the fireworks last night to be the best ever...guests were in awe...yep, little ol WL.
The weather all day was something, we didn't miss the withering heat we could have had, the cool was nice. The wind last night tested our anchoring skills, took three anchors to hold us in place. We only almost got run over once, not bad.
Look for page B5 in the Star today. The featured "Tribute" on the obit page is Don Birmingham. Nice piece, nice tribute.
Got to go, have to replace the divots in the lawn from the dynamite and C4.
Congrats to viewer #25,000, you can claim your prize right after the BRB is completed.
The weather all day was something, we didn't miss the withering heat we could have had, the cool was nice. The wind last night tested our anchoring skills, took three anchors to hold us in place. We only almost got run over once, not bad.
Look for page B5 in the Star today. The featured "Tribute" on the obit page is Don Birmingham. Nice piece, nice tribute.
Got to go, have to replace the divots in the lawn from the dynamite and C4.
Congrats to viewer #25,000, you can claim your prize right after the BRB is completed.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Yipeee, No Pee!
or whatever, WLIC blasted the news on email about an hour ago. You are now free to swim the lake.

(As passed along by AJ.)
You may have received the notice from WLIC as well regarding yesterday's closing of the beach and C Cove to swimming. Nothing on the web site this morning, so unless events change this morning you can beach it at C Point...just don't go in the water.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Big Bang Theory
- 9:30 Parade Lineup, 82nd Terr
- 10:00 Parade start
- 11:00 Flag raising @ C Point
- 12:30 Boat races @ C Point
- 3:30 Swim races @ C Point, sign up 1/2 hr prior
- 5:00 Boat Parade Line Up @ C Point
- 5:30 Boat Parade
- 6:30 Dessert Potluck @ C Point
- 9:30 Fireworks, turn your radio to FM 96.9
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Have a Ball
Overlooked this item from newsletter, tonight there is a softball game, City vs WLIC @ the CC, 7PM.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
A Taxing Problem
While we chat about Barry Road, did you see the article about roads in yesterday's KC Star? The economy, fuel efficient cars and just plain lower use have begun to take a toll on tax revenue, beginning at the federal level. Cars like the Chevy Volt, which use little or no gasoline, pose a serious threat to road tax revenue. My company car is a Camry Hybrid, nice vehicle, which runs on battery quite a bit on short trips. Battery operation means fewer trips to Quick Trip, less taxes paid to the various taxing entities. (Don't forget Gene's idea of going all-electric for boats on the lake as well). Solution?
The University of Iowa has received an extension of a grant to continue the investigation of pay by the mile. High tech approach= GPS devices account for miles driven which then could used to calculate a road tax (should have bought Garmin stock a long time ago). Alternate methods include the low tech method which would be a speedometer check from one point in time to another and calculate mileage...and taxes.
So the times they are a changing. Pay by the bag garbage service, Pay by the flush sewer service and Pay by the mile car/truck taxes. What's the adage about death and taxes? Me, I'm taking a bike ride around the lake.
The University of Iowa has received an extension of a grant to continue the investigation of pay by the mile. High tech approach= GPS devices account for miles driven which then could used to calculate a road tax (should have bought Garmin stock a long time ago). Alternate methods include the low tech method which would be a speedometer check from one point in time to another and calculate mileage...and taxes.
So the times they are a changing. Pay by the bag garbage service, Pay by the flush sewer service and Pay by the mile car/truck taxes. What's the adage about death and taxes? Me, I'm taking a bike ride around the lake.
It Rolls Downhill
One more shot from the Hillside/Barry "improvement". Odd manner to contain siltation where there is a sizable dirt bank outside the siltation fences. There are some rock barriers down the road a bit, but that wouldn't stop much of the dirt from ending up in North Cove. Guess the City and WLIC are fine with it.
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