Went on a bagel run yesterday morning about 8:30, just after most of the rain had passed. Thought I would go down Hillside, take the Road Closed to Beech, etc. Had my camera with me, because it was still pretty dark because of the rain clouds my pics didn't turn out very well. This was the only one that I could publish...but I think you get the idea. The water washes down Barry to Hillside, around the silt fences and down the street...into, well I guess you know where. Not exactly the consistency of cream cheese, but certainly thicker than rain water.
Still in the utility prep phase, wait until major earth moving take place.
Wished I could have been there when it was storming, bet the gush out of the "McMichael Tube" was impressive.

I really don't understand this. Mike you post over and over again, your concern about the Barry Road project. Is no one taking responsibility for this? Is WLIC or our BOA afraid to confront KC? Is it easier for WLIC to turn a blind eye to KC and beat up the litte guys like the Costellos. Sounds like present elected officals have no backbone. Okay, okay, I know people are tired of lawsuits but what is really going on here? I know the WLIC and BOA read your blog. Could they just clear this up because it appears our lake is being bombarded and no one cares.
I would like to know if Mike has ever shared his concerns at a WLIC meeting or if he just continues to write about it here? Mike, why don't you go straight to the WLIC with your observations?
I know Mike goes to meetings
This is both a City and an Improvement Company issue.
I see a lot of residents who appear to want to look the other way when residents or developers harm our property.
I believe we have far to often let some of our residents demonize our elected officials for defending our property.
I believe in our Justice System and I believe we have had just decisions in almost every case I know of .We dont want to have to go to court but when we have we have a very successful track record .
We need to stop undermining tough decisions that require tough postions
We will get results without litigation if we are steadfast in our resolve
We should support our board and the city when they fight for us provided they act responsibly and before we get to litigation .
Without that endorsement we get what we have today and that is people asking instead of demanding our property be protected.
Yes, I know Mike attends some meetings also...still, I asked the question, have you Mike, shared your observations with the WLIC?
I have attended two meetings this year and have talked with two board members about the problem, more than once. Additionally, one of my early pics of siltation was used by the WLIC President in a letter to KCMO. I believe the Stream Team is doing good work, I just don't hear/see it. I'd invite all members to do what they think is necessary to deal with, what I believe, is the #1 short and long term threat to our lake. Should the WLIC rally the membership? You make the call...literally.
Why should Mike share his observations at a WLIC meeting? Isn't it as obvious as a smack in the face that WLIC and the City of WL needs to do something about it?
They must be worried that they might offend some of our legal expert members
I encourage all that are concerned about this issue to get involved with the Stream Team. You can't sue without proof. Can't get proof without volunteers out there gathering samples. There are very clear cut regulations that we must EMPIRICALLY prove are being broken and by who. Pictures and generalities don't cut it. They are only a small piece of the process.
According to the WLIC website, the following people have volunteered to serve the community on the Stream Team. 11:47 are you saying these people are diligently out there monitoring the Barry Road project and you need more people?
Kaila Schmidt
Steve Ogden
Greg Carlile
Bonnie Van Cleave
Joann Dobbie,
Paul Dobbie,
Marianne Ennett
Dave Folkedahl
Diane Laughlin
Tom Lowman
Kim Lowman
Karen Skinner
Gaye Ballinger
Guy Genske
Sue Genske
Rosemary Karp
Kim Loveless
Mike McDermott
Karen Fuhrman
Joyce McInerney
Beth Moraitis
Pete Moraitis
Tanya Finn
Richard Torkelson
Don Coleman Sr,
Ed Bossert
John Calcara
Janet Cookinham
Marge Rancudo
Gary Robinson
Tim Vlamis
Lauren Vlamis
If any of these people are doing little or nothing to contribute to the Stream Team, then they should have their names pulled from the list and stop taking credit for it. The Stream Team's top priority should be the Barry Road project.
Having served on the WLIC Board, I believe I have the right to say: The WLIC needs to START communicating to the membership. We used to have the Lakeline on a monthly basis. Now, little, if any, communication. One of the main jobs of the WLIC is communcation with the membership so they can rally us when needed. Joe, you are the President. Why do not want to inform the membership on a REGULAR basis?
To 4:55 & 11:47, yes and no.....and really not to sound nasty but.....
Are you aware of how many monitoring sites are needed to be tested that impact just Barry Road location? It can range as high as 15 now, probably more in the near future. Multiply that by the two persons necessary for each location. by the number of "qualified" rainstorms. Subtract those rainstorms where there is excessive lightening and safety is paramount. Reduce again by the storms which have often happened after midnight and again safety or physical limitations might preclude volunteers. Oh yeah, many volunteers and have full-time jobs or go out of town, get the flu, want to go out to dinner, ie., want to live life too.
The math demonstrates it's not a many as you might think. Yes, I'm sure additional volunteers are welcome.
If Stream Team members are simply too busy to fulfill their volunteer commitment then they have no business listed as part of the group. Get real . . . the Barry Road situation is important and the excuse is they want to go out to dinner? No where has anyone said a specific Stream Team or WLIC member is out there monitoring Barry Road. I agree with 7:00. If they are, no one knows about it. And if there is a Stream Team member breaking their b***s trying to gather data with limited help, people should know who it is. So far, what data has actually been collected? People should know about it. Otherwise WLIC is looking like a group of pansies. I don't care what you say 9:09, 32 is a lot of people. All you're doing is coming up with excuses 9:09 and all sorts of reasons why the Stream Team is ineffective. We've had a lot of rain lately. Monitoring/gathering data at any key site over the multiple days of rain we have had with a handful of people is better than a kick in the pants - which it looks like the Stream Team needs.
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