Monday, July 6, 2009

Split Decision

Idle conversation between explosions on the 3rd/4th led to discussion of the WLIC v Costello situation. Some folks had no idea what it is about and after a brief overview my impression was 50/50. Some felt the action by WLIC was warranted, others thought it was no big deal...why bother.

Not being privileged to having inside information as Board Members do, it's difficult to get the entire picture. I'm sure negotiations prior to the lawsuit broke down to the point where the Board felt a lawsuit was the only way to resolve the issue. It is unfortunate to spend the limited resources of the WLIC in court rather than on the lake. Might be a reason to go to the next Board meeting and get the real scoop.


Anonymous said...

My view is "let it go". The area looks better than it ever has looked previously. It is neat and tidy. The WLIC needs to use their funds on our lake and not worry about this. I would suggest reaccessing their property as "water front, 1st teir" as a compromise if that is possible with these folks. The real question is, "would that be reasonable to them"?

My understanding is they did ask permission and permission was granted "with no restrictions on what they could do and not do". I think the WLIC is in the weakest position here for that reason and any money spent on it would be thrown away. Additionally, it is apparently not the first time this has happened...according to previous posts, others have done the same thing and NOT been prosecuted. Has a precedent been set? Again, if so, it is a waste of money to go after these folks...who have, again, beautified our lake.

Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Instead of using the money to defend this case, let's instead use it to defend and protect us from the Barry Road Construction issue. The action taken by Mr. Costello has not actually "harmed" our lake. The actions taken by the Barry Road construction has. Let's get focused on what really matters!

Anonymous said...

Both matter

What you are saying is I can start cutting down trees on your property because I think it looks better

I want to continue to decide what gets cut down on MY PROPERTY

Dont start a subjective precedent You wont know where it will stop and that can lead to were we are with Barry Road

Out of control members acting to undermine unelected officials

Support the board !They earned the right to represent us by vote

Now you know what its like for the WLIC and City to turned in to a toothless tiger.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what you are referring to about a "toothless tiger" as your sentence (if you want to call it that) did not make any sense.

I do not condone people cutting down trees on other people's property. I am suggesting the way to handle this is to start charging them teir 1 fees...for boat dock and for property. If that is what they want, give it to them. that is my point. We all win if that happens because the WLIC will be able to garner higher fees from that individual.

It is not that what they did is right (though I do think they did ask for permission). It is how we handle it now that it is done. With a WLIC out of money, seems to me money could be better spent. That is all.

Anonymous said...

This is not the first time member has taken or damaged community property without permission.

We cant look the other way because it just is not right

We are we are a toothless tiger because Jake and his sidehack made us spend good money on frivolus litigation

Anonymous said...

I think your statement as fact that they asked and received permission without restriction to clean up that property is incorrect. Actually, I'm sure it is. And to now "reward" their behavior, including accusing us all of being racists, with Paul's help and advice, is dead wrong to do. He has failed to help rectify this and ignored the board. So we should always just look that other way? Don't think so.

Anonymous said...

As God as my witness, I live near a WLIC access area and have watched over the years trees and bushes disappearing. WLIC has got to be aware of this as the "culprit" adjoining neighbor has made no secret of it. Since the WLIC board members have changed over time possibly they have no idea how much damage the culprit has done. WLIC would have little ground to stand on if this goes to court.

Anonymous said...

8:33pm, I have no idea what you are talking about. Can you just speak plain English and go straight to the point?

Anonymous said...

Zounds, 8:33. Mayhaps Burnham Wood has gone to Dunsinane? Actually, if someone has been clearing WLIC property, then logically the WLIC would have more ground to stand on. Make sense?

Anonymous said...

If the Costello situation goes to court, WLIC would have little ground to stand on considering other WLIC areas have been cleared without WLIC permission or objections.

Anonymous said...

You hope .I say lets find out

Anonymous said...

5:32: Irresponsible and careless comment.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at the lake lately

The result of Irresponsible and Careless people

Anonymous said...

To "let it go"

Lets continue to be careless and irresponsible

Look where that has got us.

So much better to be fighting with each other instead of those who take advantage of us!