Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Back On The Block
Top price paid for gas in CA? Try $4.59 a gallon on Highway 1 in Big Sur. Not much competition on the curvy road, if you need pay.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Purple Haze
Locals are giddy with the prospect of the CA November referendum that would legalize the possession of 1 oz of weed and/or the ability to grow your own. Personal observation is that many citizens have already jumped the gun. Polls show more than half of Californians support the ballot issue. The proliferation of Medicinal Use clinics is already huge, many fretting the vote will put them out of business and/or lower the profit margin. Can Wal-Mart be far behind? Some say the legalization will assist in lowering the 19.5 billion (yes, billion) deficit by becoming a new source of taxation.
In the meantime, LA County is considering school closures and layoffs ala KCMO.
At the same time Rodeo Drive keeps on ticking, no shortage of high end vehicles and bulging bags with designer logos in the hands of well-heeled shoppers. We spotted Larry King, wow, how old is he anyway? By himself, I suspect on the prowl he's keeping a sharp eye out for wife #8.
So much for LALA Land.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
On Special Assignment
The budget shortfalls in CA are not news anymore, but well documented. Latest meltdown is the City of Oakland planning huge police layoffs in a city where crime has climbed to one of the worst in the country (and you thought the Raiders fans were just acting bad).
From the editorial pages of the San Francisco Chronicle "A graduating problem". Noted in the editorial a few facts, the national high school graduation rate=68.8, up 3.1 percent from 1997. California? Declined 4.7 percent the same period, 2nd worst in the country. Speculation as to why? "California's high school student population is increasingly Latino, a group that has lower graduation rates than the overall population." "It's true that California has a high proportion of English language learners, another group that tends to have lower graduation rates."
The editorial conclusion on how to fix the problem? "...make an urgent task to keep these students engaged" Maybe they should check with their neighbor state to the east...Arizona.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Guns or Doctors?
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000. (C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171. Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.
Now think about this: Guns (A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000.
(That's 80 million)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188. Statistics courtesy of FBI Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do.
Source: one of those internet chain letters
I am reading a fascinating book, Complications, by Dr Atul Gawande. It does delve into the issue of mistakes and malpractice in medicine. A good read.
FACT: NOT EVERYONE HAS A GUN, BUT Almost everyone has at least one doctor. This means you are over 900 times more likely to be killed by a doctor as a gun owner!
Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
One might be able to gain insight into the proceedings at the next WLIC board meeting, scheduled for June 21st, City Hall, @ 7PM. If you can't make the meeting give Joe or one of the board members a call, I'm sure they could give you an update.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Please Pass the Joe
We drink 400 million cups of coffee a day, according to the National Coffee Association. "In a recent Kaiser Permanente study, people who drank four or more cups of coffee a day showed an 18 percent lower risk of hospitalization for arrhythmia. In a related study, people who drank three or four cups a day also showed a 25 percent lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, according to researchers at Mount Sinai Medical Center"
SW Airlines Spirit magazine
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
PB Annual Report
1 June
Lisa Moratz (no relation) gave the annual presidents report for the WL Park Board to the BOA. Highlights included"
- The Board is at the end of their 10 year plan and embarking on a new 10 year plan for parks, will be a more formal planning process than the original 10 yr plan.
- The board hopes to lay out a 30 year tree plan with the help of a state of MO grant.
- Erosion control is a top priority, Thompson Park recently completed, focus on the south side of CC (the hill by soccer field) is next.
- Recycling bins to be added at parks to encourage recycling.
- Financials remain in good stead, largely due to the success of obtaining matching grants during the past ten years.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Rain Gauge
Sunday, June 13, 2010
As You Were
Saturday, June 12, 2010
You can get the names of your WLIC directors and phone numbers on the WLIC web site.
Here is some info on EColi posted recently by DNR:
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources, through its Division of State Park, manages 85 state parks and historic sites throughout the state, including 15 with swimming beaches. Water samples are taken weekly during the recreational swimming season to help ensure a safe public swimming area.
E. coli is a bacteria found in the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, including humans. While most strains of E. coli are harmless, some strains can cause gastrointestinal illness.
These bacteria and other pathogens can reach lake water from many different sources, both human and animal. For some people, such as children, elderly or those with weakened immune systems, even low levels of these bacteria may cause illness
Friday, June 11, 2010
Sewage Spills Spark Probe
That's the headline from the front page of the KC Star today. You should read it...heed it.
During the Public Comments portion of the meeting I once again voiced my concerns regarding the incursion of water and debris during the last rain event as well as the Eastside pump station alarm going off during the same event. In addition, I reminded the City officials of the last sewage spill in October (seven plus months) and the lack of response on the City's part. I expressed my concern about the next event...not if it will happen, but when...and the potential cataclysmic effect it could have on our Lake, our property.
Read the article.
"Kansas City officials said the timing coincided with the heavier rains area had been experiencing since 2008, which caused most of the overflows."
"Spragg finally called the EPA but was told he needed to call the city. He did, and eventually called the EPA again. Nothing, he said. I got hem-hawed around"
This is reassuring:
"Kansas City officials acknowledged that the station(Birmingham) had massive problems, but said many of the city's other pumps did , too."
Sound familiar?
"As far as not responding to Birmingham residents' complaints about the problem, Williamson said he did not remember receiving any."
The BOA/Mayor response to my comments was tepid at best. No call to action here. So while the City devotes time and energy to new city monuments and WLIC is readying a C point renovation, the elephant in the room remains. What can we expect in our Lake?
"Human feces, toilet paper and used condoms..."
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Home Invasion
June 1
During Public Works report George discussed looming home inspections to stem the tide (pardon the pun) of intrusion of water into the sewer system. Although not suspected to be as big a problem as KCMO faces, there is reason to believe some problems exist in the City. One way to remedy the situation, home inspections. What would they be looking for? Anything leading to the sewer system: downspouts, cisterns, septic tanks, sump pumps. Some might be pretty obvious, others not. If somehow your home has this issue, word to the wise, fix it. Grinder working overtime, especially during a rain storm?...hmm. Give George a ringy-ding. No word on when inspections might occur, safe to say they are not imminent.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Out of Bounds
June 1
During the EAG Advisory Committee report by Jim Miller, Alderman Finn asked the City Attorney whether the EAG Infrastructure sub-committee meetings have to be posted according to the "Sunshine Law". It was his opinion that proper notice and posting of the agenda is required by law. Ooops. The meeting was not posted 24 hrs prior and the agenda handed out that morning (8AM) was handwritten the night before and distributed at the meeting. [No small thing, the participants at the meeting could be subject to personal fines, not covered by the City. The defense "we didn't know" won't work, the statute deals with that as well]
The Infrastructure sub-committee is now in talks with the lone bidder to determine if their bid can be substantially reduced. If this is accomplished and the design materially changes does a new RFP bid process have to be initiated? Stay tuned.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
New WL Logo Adopted by BOA

Friday, June 4, 2010
Pray For No Tornadoes
1 June
The BOA was presented with a Resolution to adopt the regional multi-hazard mitigation plan. This was done 5 years ago and is an update to the plan. I couldn't tell if the aldermen had just received the hard copy of the plan and didn't have time to read it...or didn't understand it or both. In any event, Alderman DeJong expressed his angst over voting for something he hadn't read. Decision by BOA to shelve the item until next month. Odd. One would think they would call a special meeting after giving themselves time to digest the plan, but not wait a month.
Net result, if we are unfortunate to have a disaster between now and then, we do not benefit from the County multi-hazard plan. Say an extra prayer on Sunday.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Barry Road Culvert To Open End of August!
June 1
Mayor Bos during his comments mentioned the projected completion of the road connecting to Amity. When questioned on details, there weren't with KCMO is scant. Public Works Director pointed out they used to get a monthly report from KCMO, that ceased a couple of months ago. I imagine most of the information discussed was readily available in the KC Star recently (as pointed out here). The lack of meaningful dialog makes the Star the best source.
Mr and Mrs Vlamis (8315 Hillside) made an appearance to ask the projected completion date for the Hillside intersection...there was no information available from either the Mayor or George. That intersection will be one of the more interesting "fixes" as the project moves forward.
Platte County has been more communicative about the progress of the piece of Barry west of Potomac..."they don't know". Right of ways have not been secured completely, utilities, ATT specifically, have not finished relocating. The original idea was to start the project as soon as school finished (Hawthorne) so as to minimize disruption of school traffic. There is the possibility of delaying the start of the project until May 2011 to accommodate the school issue. Oops.
40,000 and counting: Yesterday marked 40,000 hits on the blog. Subtracting the 37,000 hits by my family, well ok me, that leaves a meaningful 3,000 hits from interested parties...which means you, of course. Friend or not so much you click...and I am amazed.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Let Go
June 1
It doesn't pay to be critical of the Bos, there will be consequences, as witnessed last night at the monthly BOA meeting. How so? The annual appointment/reappointment to the City's various Boards and Commissions occurred last night. Target #1? Yours truly. My term on the Planning Commission expired and I expressed my desire to be reappointed (I've been on Planning since 2003). Jerry indicated his desire to give me the boot in a face to face meeting about three weeks ago, and reaffirmed that intention (in a City Hall discussion) last week. His rationale? He has a rule that limits family appointments to no more than least that is how this started last year. Wife Lisa (Park Board) was up for reappointment last year (She has been on Parks for ten years) when Jerry started this nonsense. My two appointments (BZA/Planning) put our family over Jerry's two per family rule. When faced with sticky, an uncomplimentary battle, Bos relented, agreeing my resignation from one of my two appointments was not necessary to accommodate Lisa's reappointment.
Fast forward to last night. As documented here, I have been critical of Bos on some of his actions or lack thereof from time to time. One of the more recent situations was the ridiculous construction of a home clearly built outside of city code in the West Ridge subdivision. I documented and discussed during the last Planning Commission meeting (See "The Answer Is" post on March 3rd.) The Mayor didn't seem to enjoy the discussion at the time, nor did he own up to the situation...he let George take the hit instead. Nice.
Jerry did allow me to comment during the proceedings last night. Here is a condensed version.
- I have served Planning since 2003
- City Code 400.010 allows up to 15 members on Planning, with my appointment there are still openings to be filled with "new blood"
- My holding two appointments BZA/Planning is not unusual nor is our family "three".
- Examples of others with two or more appointments (# of appts noted first) include:
4-Lyle Phillips, EAG, Parks, MS4, Curfew/Alcohol
2-Jeff Goodwin, Planning, Plans Review
2-Kristy Lawrence, Historical, EAG
4-Marianne & Joe Ennett, Historical, Treasurer, EAG, MS$
2-Bert Woods, Plans Review, Codes Enforcement
3-Carol & Bill Hornung, Airport, Audit, EAG
2-Jim Miller & Ursula Terrasi, EAG
2-Lyne Hinkle, EAG, Airport
2-Tony & Pat White, EAG
2-De & Ron Surma Parks, EAG
2-Augie & Pam Grasis EAG
Who appointed all these people in violating Jerry's own appointment rule anyway? In each case, with the exception of the Moratz, it was...Jerry.
Jerry's newest version of the rule was that I am on "important" committees which makes it different. Oops, sorry folks to those on lesser committees. Who is taking my vacated seat? POJ (Pal of Jerry) Dave Folkdahl. (The vote was 3-1, Finn dissenting on the Planning appointments)
As MasterCard says, "Priceless".