Friday, June 18, 2010


Earlier this week there was an alleged meeting of the minds between KCMO, WL and WLIC officials, attorneys in tow, at City Hall. Agenda for the meeting? I don't think it was a prayer breakfast, but at this point prayer wouldn't be a bad idea. One citizen conjectured KCMO is trying to negotiate a long term lease to convert the lake into a sewage treatment facility...but I pointed out that has already happened, why would they negotiate?

One might be able to gain insight into the proceedings at the next WLIC board meeting, scheduled for June 21st, City Hall, @ 7PM. If you can't make the meeting give Joe or one of the board members a call, I'm sure they could give you an update.


Anonymous said...

Wooo, I bet KC was shaking in their boots! Just the sight of Joe and Jerry made them want to scream uncle...and lawyers, wooo, dollar signs in their eyes as the meter is running. I'd love to be in the car of the KC crew on the way home, high fives and back slapping all around.

Anonymous said...

I noticed there seemed to be another sewer spill into the lake that day. An overflow of bs from the meeting.