Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Trick or Treat?
Our annual purchase of candy for goblins and ghosts turns into an exercise of personal can I resist eating the leftovers? Trick or Treaters are far and few between, a smattering of kids of parents we know come by. Our kids are not of the age anymore, so we get a handful of visitors at best. When our kids were young we carted them off toWildwood, they had friends who lived there and the neighborhoods are crammed with kids. Better lighting and sidewalks made for a safer Halloween experience. It is party atmosphere over there.
Reminds me of our days in Brookside. We lived on Morningside Drive, one of the widest residential streets in KCMO, accommodating lots of traffic. It wasn't unusual to have 200+ kids grace our doorstop. Vans could be seen dropping children off at our corner. We were panic stricken our first year as we realized we had woefully under- purchased treats. No leftovers.
Anticipating another quiet Halloween here at WL, the only noise will be my premature raid on the candy bowl.
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Reminds me of our days in Brookside. We lived on Morningside Drive, one of the widest residential streets in KCMO, accommodating lots of traffic. It wasn't unusual to have 200+ kids grace our doorstop. Vans could be seen dropping children off at our corner. We were panic stricken our first year as we realized we had woefully under- purchased treats. No leftovers.
Anticipating another quiet Halloween here at WL, the only noise will be my premature raid on the candy bowl.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Black Gold
Thursday, October 28, 2010
WLIC Annual Meeting Packet
2010 President's MessagePresident Joe gives a few details regarding the C-Point Renovation. Phase I includes the replacement of the seawall, construction of the new shelter and replacement of the end section of the road. Phase II, scheduled for next year will be the construction of bathrooms and completion of the road replacement. Total cost of the entire project...$750,000. Neither Joe nor Treasurer Tom Henke give the specifics of how the project is being paid for other than it is a combination of loan and money from the Capital Improvements fund. I assume the amount and terms of the loan will be discussed at the annual meeting on November 9th.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Like A Good Neighbor
Nice piece in the WLL about neighbors down the street, Rich and Judy Cummings. In addition to their charitable work they find the time to keep their yard in tip top shape, their grass the envy of many. Likewise their "backyard" includes a revamped spillway system that contains runoff as it makes its way to the lake. They paid for a mini-dredge of their portion of K cove some years ago rather than wait until their docks became sludged in. They certainly walk the talk in many ways.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
WLIC Annual Meeting Packet
Another piece of news in the President's comments, availability of minutes. The WLIC will provide a copy of the minutes of the monthly Board meeting by request, simply send an email to them to be placed on the mailing list. They will send the currently approved minutes (there's always a lag time between approved minutes and monthly meeting.).
Monday, October 25, 2010
Poisonous Snakes In The Lake
From the WLIC Annual Meeting Packet
Fisheries & Wildlife-Jim Miller"Two members saw snakes in the water that they thought could be a venomous species. The situation was researched both with a review of literature and discussions with experts. This issue was posed to 2 Mo Dept. of Conservation (MDC) experts who work out of the Discovery Center in downtown KC. They regularly do varmint control and trap beavers in a 5 county area around KC and in all the time they spent around lakes, rivers, wetlands and streams, they have never seen a venomous snake in the water in these areas. The conclusion is that the probability of a venomous snake being in the water here at WL is very low and the probability of being bit is considerably lower. If one sees a snake, do not pester it and take a picture."
Related articles
- Snake bites - All Information (
- A Bad Day on a Boat (
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Going Up
To the WLIC Membership:
The Improvement Company is planning to allow the lake level to return to normal levels in November, so if it rains the lake level will come back up. While most of you have already submitted seawall application plans, if you wish to build or repair a wall, please turn in your permit request by November1, 2010 for approval.
Thank you,
I received my WLIC annual meeting packet yesterday, a lot of information, I need to sit down this week and digest...hope you do too.
I received my WLIC annual meeting packet yesterday, a lot of information, I need to sit down this week and digest...hope you do too.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
From a Fishing Club email:
I don't know what a spawning tub is, but this TV ad came to mind.
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- Cialis gaining on Viagra [Sean Cummings] (
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Slow Mo
Our friends @ WLIC can be a bit slow two recent examples personal examples:
- I went to the office on a Tuesday to file for a permit to do some tuck pointing on my seawall. Did the application and provided the required deposit. Told them (Bob/Erica) I'd like to get started on the weekend. I was told I would get the green light after one of the directors did a "pre-inspection". I didn't hear from them by Friday, so I tripped on down to the office. No, the inspection apparently had not occurred and Bob said if I proceeded without said inspection it would be at "my own risk". Yipes, keeping in mind some of those who recently have run afoul of the WLIC I opted to bypass a weekend of gorgeous weather rather than incur WLIC wrath. The following Tuesday I received a voicemail, exactly one week after my application, that I was good to go. Oh well.
- More than six weeks ago I asked a Director if he could give me the financials for the new Pavillion/C Point construction project. I just wanted general how much it was projected to cost and how was it being paid for, something I thought would be generally available. I followed up with him via telephone...and by now, multiple emails. Nothing, other than promises it was forth coming. No, I haven't been to any recent Board meetings, I have either had other commitments or been out of town on business. Maybe they have discussed the would think? Don't get me wrong, I think this Board has done some fine work...with one exception, keeping the membership informed...and yes I have told them that at a Board meeting...and yes a few Board members mentioned they could do a better no avail.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
George Speaks
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
5 October
Public Works
5 October
Public Works
- The engineering for the water main on N. Miami is almost complete
- Crack sealing has begun, the crack sealing machine works "excellent". George has ordered another skid of sealing material. The process is labor intensive. The machine needs 4 hour lead time to "warm up" the sealant, so the Police fire it up @ 4AM. (I think the crack sealing process has pointed out how bad some of the streets are...point in case Potomac. The now filled cracks are a spider web the entire length of the street, emphasizing the fact that hoping our streets last 20 years, as Vic asserts, is a pipe dream. Even some of the newer overlays need sealing, take a close look at West Side-I'll bet it doesn't happen this year).
- Sodding of the Wayland project to be complete soon (Done).
- WLIC to submit plans for new Pavilion on C Point
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Questions From Mary
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
5 October
During the BOA Comments Mary had a few questions/comments:
5 October
During the BOA Comments Mary had a few questions/comments:
- Where are we on the Planning Commission consideration of 15,000 sq ft concerns of the BOA? City Clerk Gwen indicated they were waiting on Bert Woods to finalize some recommendations to the building code so that the 15,000 sq ft issue is not the only reason for the meeting. (There is an expense for each meeting to include court reporter and attorney charges.)
- What about renovations @ City Hall? Gwen mentioned estimates have been received for $4,000 for Town Hall, and $6,000 for the rest of City Hall. Gwen wanted feedback on the necessity of getting bids (funny her bos wouldn't know that ?).
- Mary wanted to know if "we were doing something for Mike Henderson?". Tanya mentioned a bench, Jerry mentioned the possibility of a tree and a plaque. Mary stated "we would be remiss" if some kind of memorial wasn't put in place.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Entrance Construction Beginninng This Fall
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
5 OctoberThat's what Jerry surmised in giving a short update. He mentioned the final plans were being "tweaked", including the size of the concrete pad which should bring the East Side & City Hall monument "under $100,000". There was no update on bank balance, but last time one was given there was about $42,000 in the kitty, the remainder of the $50,000 given to WL by KCMO for replacement of monuments on Barry Rd. There has been no meeting of the Entrance Advisory Group Committee which would be needed to make the recommendation to the BOA, who in turn would give the green light. The next BOA is scheduled for November 2nd, 7:30 PM (Note delayed start time due to polls closing at 7PM).
Sunday, October 17, 2010
You Might Have Missed It
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
6 October
Continuing with Jerry's campaign for WL citizens to participate in City government, his You Have To Speak To Be Heard effort had another session Friday afternoon at City Hall. Missed it? It wasn't mentioned in his WLL column, it wasn't listed on the Calendar on the City web site. Mary mentioned it in her "notes" on her email list, a minute proportion of the WL citizenry. It was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall. So what did you miss?
Friday, October 15, 4:30 PM, 2011 Budget Work Shop
You have to wonder. Friday afternoon @ 4:30 kind of excludes working people. If you want to get a good seat for the PH football game you have to get there early, I leave the house around 6...but then again I don't see Jerry or the aldermen there anyway. So 4:30 might be convenient for Jerry and the Board, but for working stiffs and post school activities parents...well you get the idea.
6 October
Continuing with Jerry's campaign for WL citizens to participate in City government, his You Have To Speak To Be Heard effort had another session Friday afternoon at City Hall. Missed it? It wasn't mentioned in his WLL column, it wasn't listed on the Calendar on the City web site. Mary mentioned it in her "notes" on her email list, a minute proportion of the WL citizenry. It was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall. So what did you miss?
Friday, October 15, 4:30 PM, 2011 Budget Work Shop
You have to wonder. Friday afternoon @ 4:30 kind of excludes working people. If you want to get a good seat for the PH football game you have to get there early, I leave the house around 6...but then again I don't see Jerry or the aldermen there anyway. So 4:30 might be convenient for Jerry and the Board, but for working stiffs and post school activities parents...well you get the idea.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
How to Sell Beer in WL Parks W/O Getting Busted
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Jerry's Rules, Part II
6 OctoberMy second question to the Mayor and BOA during Open Comments was simple and straightforward, "Is itlegal to sell alcohol in the Parks?" Without answering the question directly, Jerry launched into an explanation of the recent SWAT party at Birmingham Park. Alcohol wasn't for sale, but rather individuals gave a "donation" for a certain amount of tickets. These tickets in turn could be used to redeem various items, including alcohol. Here is the kicker, to insure this practice was legit, at any time an individual could request alcohol without exchanging any tickets and get the booze for free. This wasn't posted anywhere, I guess you just had to know and maybe wink. Jerry said he checked with George Regan, boozemaster twice at the SWAT party to insure this practice was being implemented.
(Prior to the BOA meeting one of the aldermen requested a legal opinion from the City Attorney regarding the sale of alcohol. I tried to obtain a copy but was informed it was not available because it was "privileged information" No reference to this opinion was made during the meeting.)
So there you have it, if you or your group, or anyone from anywhere, has the mind to make some money in our parks, This Bud Is For You (Wink).
Related articles
- SWAT team bursts into Cedar Rapids home, looking for drugs (
- Free Budweiser today only! (
Friday, October 15, 2010
Jerry's Rules
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
6 OctoberIf you are on Mary's monthly BOA notes list you might have missed this. During Open Comments I asked a question about the SWAT picnic at Birmingham Park. At the previous BOA meeting and just prior to the picnic Jerry mentioned he had obtained a "Certificate of Coverage" for the event from the City's insurer. I thought it was odd at the time, the City already has insurance for the Parks. We knew some of the event was held on private property (WLIC). I sent an email to WLIC President Joe Ennett on Friday the 17th of September asking for clarification, here is his response.
"The WLIC procedure put in place about two years ago is for organizers who dispense alcohol on WLIC property to sign a liability waiver. I am not familiar with the City's insurance etc. WLIC insurance covers our property."
I understand someone from SWAT signed such a waiver. But if WLIC is covered by their insurance, who was covered by the Certificate of Coverage? I requested a copy of the Certificate and here is what it said, dated September 18th: "The City of Weatherby Lake agrees to hold the Weatherby Lake Improvement Company harmless in regards to the fund raising event September19, 2010 on the SW corner of McDonald and 73rd Terrace in Weatherby Lake, MO."
So the City extended insurance coverage to a private entity (WLIC) who already has insurance, for a private group not affiliated with WLIC to host a "Public Invited" fund raising event, partially on private property which included the sale of alcohol? (Hard to follow, huh)(More on the alcohol issue next post)
I read both of the quotes above for Jerry's comments. He said there was "no cost to the City" to obtain the certificate (true). I asked what would happen if a claim had been made...he said the insurance company would take care of it...I asked him about the City's deductible, he clearly did not know. It is $10,000. Jerry said he didn't view it any differently than say, the event we had at our (Moratz) house a few years ago. {We had the ABC promo event for a new TV series at our home, the street was used for the stage. ABC obtained their own insurance for the event and reimbursed the City for expenses, off duty police, barricades, etc).
You can always tell when Jerry is getting upset/angry. His face gets beat red in contrast to his shock of white hair. Clearly he is there. His last response is that he might have to consult with the City Attorney, next time. Oh to be inside of Attorney John's brain at that moment. By watching his body language I would recommend John not get on the Poker Tour.
So there you have it. Jerry, does what he wants to do, because he feels he can. He doesn't ask or consult anyone, because rules/laws are flexible. He has shown this behavior multiple times during his tenure documented here. Apparently the same pattern extended in his prior business life as well (DFA).
The BOA in the meantime just sits, mute. So much for checks and balances.
How does Jerry get away with it?
Jerry's Rules.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Water Boarding
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
6 OctoberAs confirmed by a recent notice in the Landmark, the Mayor proposes an increase in water rate and sewer fees to tame the loss of revenue curve in both accounts. Jerry attributes the lower water usage in the last two years running. No doubt the above average rainfall the last two years has reduced the amount of watering necessary on neighborhood lawns. The biggest problem, in my opinion, has been the unexplainable lack of passing along increases by KCMO the past two years running. Not any more. The proposal to increase rates will go into effect the first billing cycle after the Board passes the new rates in November.
How much you say?
- Grinder fee to double from the current $6 per billing cycle to $12, sewer rate to stay @ $122 bi-monthly.
- City water currently $8.42 per 1,000 gallons for the first 4,000 gallons going to $9.00 per 1,000, no change in rate $2.82 per 1,000 thereafter.
- Non-resident rates $16.84 to $17.25 per 1,000/4,000. (for some reason, not stated, Jerry is proposing cutting a break for non-residents. Traditionally the out of city rate has been double the city) rate.
Your opportunity for comments/questions will be on November 10th @ 6:30PM, City Hall during the required Public Hearing on the proposed rate increases.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Smooth Operator
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
6 OctoberFire Protection, Part II
Chief Richard Carrizzo of South Platte followed Bob Renton with his overview of the South Platte operation. Consider this a dress rehearsal for the contract with WL that is up at the end of 2012.
South Platte was founded in 1976 and covers 77 square miles. They have an "auto-aid" agreement with KCMO FD, which means if South Platte is tied up, KCMO responds...and vice-verse. Carrizzo explained it probably is to South Platte's advantage on calls, but it also allows KCMO to have access to their hook and ladder, an asset KCMO does not have north of the river. South Platte participates as part of the regional assets plan for MARC and Homeland Security. They have one of two HazMat tankers in the area. In addition to fire the provide first response for medical calls. They have been on training program to increase their firemen's EMT skills, they will soon be the first FD to be certified as EMT-Intermediate. Chief Carrizzo was complimentary of the WL PD and their first on scene interventions.
Questions from BOA
Vic inquired about response times. The standard is 70% in 7 minutes. "What about the other 30%?", Vic asked. Carrizzo, "80 to 90%, rarely less than 100%". Tanya, "How large an area?", Carrizzo (again) 77sq miles. Bos, "Is there a fire department in Northern Platte?" Carrizzo, "Yes, in fact there are 7 fire protection entities in Platte County". Based on Jerry's confusion on dispatching, Carrizzo explained the dispatching process. Carrizzo mentions the City's water pressure is ISO rated #2 (this is good). Jerry then said, " I as an idiot journeyman, assumed all fire hydrants worked." (I don't make this stuff up, really) and Carrizzo mentioned there are occasions when hydrants have no or low pressure. Jerry, " Do you look at yourbudget compared to other departments?". Carrizzo, all the time, his board is very interested comparisons, they look to comparable to others in the region.
The Chief then detailed their budget, which I will not print here. They allocate 1.7% of their budget for admin. They do receive some income from their regional training facility with departments as far away as Topeka coming in to train. August year to date they have had 17 fire calls and 40 medical calls @ WL.
After all that, Chief Carrizzo asks if Vic is comfortable with the levy by the FD. Vic, "I'm still troubled by it". Wow and huh? Maybe Jerry isn't the only "idiot journeyman" in the room.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
6 OctoberIn a rare if ever joint appearance at the BOA meeting, Chief Richard Carrizzo of South Platte Fire and members of the WL Fire Protection District made presentations to the BOA. This was precipitated by questions and concerns raised by Vic Dejong regarding the levy for fire.
WL Fire Protection President Bob Renton gave a nice historical summary of the District citing "the best service package" as the goal of the District. The current contract is with South Platte Fire which will expire in December, 2012. South Platte provides response to fires as well as first response for medical emergencies which might include CPR/Defib. They also provide water and ice rescue. SP has 4 stations, 3 manned full time. Bob believes the current contract has provided customer oriented quality, with a provider that knows our geography and trains their own members at their regional training facility. They also have one of two HazMat (foam tanker) vehicles in the area.
Alternatives to South Platte?
- Buy fire trucks ($750,000) and staff
- Other FD's in area, but not contiguous to WL
- Private Service
Who is on your board? Bob Renton, term expires in 2015, Ed Barbosa, 2013 and Ron Knopf, term expires next year. Ron is the senior member, having served on the board for many years.
They meet every 3rd Friday of the month at City Hall. One of their activities is to review response times to the City, more on that in the next post regarding Chief Carrizzo.
Kudos to Bob on a straightforward presentation and a shout out to the three for their non-paid service to the City.
Tomorrow-Chief Carrizzo's overview of South Platte Fire.
OK, some times I have fun and games here on the blog...but if you hang with me you will be the best educated citizen when it comes to WL...and you will find the info nowhere else but here...and that is As I See It.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Vacation At Home
As I go out the door, today's KC Star section F, front page...Northland lakeside community...West Ridge at Weatherby Lake.
See previous post...I scooped the headline.
See previous post...I scooped the headline.
Vacation Day
Took a vacation day yesterday, too nice to work, well, at work. Cleaned up the boats. Off to Cameron in the wee hours this AM for a PH volleyball tournament.
Lots more coming on the blog including your water and sewer rate increases, booze for sale in the parks, City insures private function(s) and much more...posts by tomorrow AM.
Lots more coming on the blog including your water and sewer rate increases, booze for sale in the parks, City insures private function(s) and much more...posts by tomorrow AM.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Copper Involved In Theft
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
October 5No, the cops aren't part of a burglary ring...but copper (the metal) was the target of thieves who raided the East Side lift station at U Cove. During the Police Report it was revealed the bad guys stripped the emergency generator at the station of its copper cable; rendering it useless. This happened about three weeks ago. The generator was out of service for one week. The Police are going to increase their surveillance of the site, as well as construction in the City. A number of new homes are being built, the newest two in West Ridge and Venita. Copper plumbing and wiring could be the prize burglars seek. It was noted during the discussion how construction sites throughout the area are having to maintain high security to protect construction. Can you say Neighborhood Watch?
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- Copper's not the new gold - it's better (
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Barely Road
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
October 5Okay, Boys and Girls, another 2 hour adventure in excellence regarding our fathers/mothers of the City, and your gain is my pain (you in the comfort of your LaZBoy at in my plastic chair at the Town Hall).
Sometimes it is what is not said that is news...example.
Barry Road
Jerry took the opportunity to discuss the progress of the Entrance Committee (twice) while nary a word regarding Barry Road. Mary, bless her heart, pointed out the omission during open discussion, and asked the Mayor for an update. With a contorted face Jerry said, "Whatever I say will not be the truth" (I don't make this up, I just write it down). Spoken like a true politician. Jerry went on to say KCMO is still sticking to an August (2010?) date according to documents and web. Meanwhile, Jerry said, " the contractor knows he will not be done this year".Continuing on the theme, Mr Mayor said he has been "remiss" in having a final meeting with the County regarding Barry Road west of Potomac. He groused about the County be unwilling to negotiate regarding the replacement of the water line, alleging poor water pressure to the West Side if his proposal to them is not accepted. (Jerry ought to read the blog, see 9/11 post on this subject) Jerry, it is a done deal, call the County.
So the last update, completion in October/November, will come and go. Santa, say it isn't so. He won't be saying HoHoHo...he'll be saying NoNoNo.
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- Merry Christmas - in November (
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
BOA Tonight, 7PM, City Hall
To Be Heard You Must Speak
Agenda items include:
- Water and sewer rate hearing
- Entrance update
- WL Fire Protection District presentation
- South Platte FD presentation
Monday, October 4, 2010
Shooting Blanks
Mayor Jerry Bos gave his version of the last BOA debacle in the recent issue of WLL. His tie breaking vote to ignore the Committee he appointed to review the "no alcohol ordinance" was described by Jerry as "voting for the status quo". Huh? He goes on to say when he ran for office he committed to vote for the status quo when the Council was deadlocked. (A bit of puffery don't you think? I doubt he realized he had a tie-breaking vote, seeing he had never graced the Town Hall prior to a couple of meetings before election day). No, this was classic Jerry, appoint a Committee, get their recommendation but don't take a stand. Lack of leadership. So nothing changed, no more deliberation by the Committee...just Jerry staring down the barrel of a gun he loaded, the Park Board Concert series and the Swat Picnic. The BOA, reconvened at a hurriedly called Special Meeting, blinked, saving the Mayor the embarrassment from having to go with the status quo again...whatever that is.
Image via Wikipedia
As Jerry says, "to be heard you must speak".
One other interesting observation by Jerry. He notes the sagging Water Fund and gives a preview of his remedy..."simply need to raise water rates". Sheer genius in that WL has absorbed rate increases from KCMO the last two years running without passing the increases to residents. Look for the whopper because we already know KCMO will raise the rates again in May 2011. So much for the status quo, so much for financial leadership.
Party on.
As Jerry says, "to be heard you must speak".
One other interesting observation by Jerry. He notes the sagging Water Fund and gives a preview of his remedy..."simply need to raise water rates". Sheer genius in that WL has absorbed rate increases from KCMO the last two years running without passing the increases to residents. Look for the whopper because we already know KCMO will raise the rates again in May 2011. So much for the status quo, so much for financial leadership.
Party on.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Real Estate Transfer Tax
I was able to gain more information regarding a request by Linda Cone to be on the agenda last BOA meeting. Apparently there will be a proposition on the November ballot to amend the state constitution that would prevent new transfer taxes on real estate in Missouri, which is backed by the Missouri Association of Realtors. The measure will say:
"Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to prevent the state, counties and other political subdivisions from imposing any new tax, including a sales tax, on the sale or transfer of homes or any other real estate?"
Linda had requested a spot on the agenda, Mary Hoy suggested she appear and make her case during public comments. Linda did not appear at the meeting.
"Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to prevent the state, counties and other political subdivisions from imposing any new tax, including a sales tax, on the sale or transfer of homes or any other real estate?"
Linda had requested a spot on the agenda, Mary Hoy suggested she appear and make her case during public comments. Linda did not appear at the meeting.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Wood Shed
In case you didn't attend the Homecoming festivities, the Park Hill Trojans capped off a nice afternoon/evening with a 49-6 thrashing of the NKC Hornets. WL son Luke Bossert had a ball thrown to him in the end zone early in the game, the ball off the mark. Later in the game a slant pattern in the end zone found Luke in the Zone...6 points.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Cool Air Moving In
Two Alaskans got cold while paddling on the Yukon River. They decided to build a fire in their boat which naturally burned and sank, proving that you can't have your kayak and heat it too.
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