The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
October 5Okay, Boys and Girls, another 2 hour adventure in excellence regarding our fathers/mothers of the City, and your gain is my pain (you in the comfort of your LaZBoy at in my plastic chair at the Town Hall).
Sometimes it is what is not said that is news...example.
Barry Road
Jerry took the opportunity to discuss the progress of the Entrance Committee (twice) while nary a word regarding Barry Road. Mary, bless her heart, pointed out the omission during open discussion, and asked the Mayor for an update. With a contorted face Jerry said, "Whatever I say will not be the truth" (I don't make this up, I just write it down). Spoken like a true politician. Jerry went on to say KCMO is still sticking to an August (2010?) date according to documents and web. Meanwhile, Jerry said, " the contractor knows he will not be done this year".Continuing on the theme, Mr Mayor said he has been "remiss" in having a final meeting with the County regarding Barry Road west of Potomac. He groused about the County be unwilling to negotiate regarding the replacement of the water line, alleging poor water pressure to the West Side if his proposal to them is not accepted. (Jerry ought to read the blog, see 9/11 post on this subject) Jerry, it is a done deal, call the County.
So the last update, completion in October/November, will come and go. Santa, say it isn't so. He won't be saying HoHoHo...he'll be saying NoNoNo.
Long live our Neville
And did anyone object to the BOA's latest ruling on the alcohol ordinance? Appears not.
One person did raise objections at the Special Board meeting. The two aldermen who had balked at the ordinance at the previous BOA meeting changed their votes, making it unanimous in favor of eliminating the ordinance prohibiting alcohol in public places.
Barry Road Updates are available from the CIMO website Enter project #89008078 and then search. The planned significant construction completion date is March 12, 2011 with Final completion at June 18, 2011
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