Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Questions From Mary

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
5 October

During the BOA Comments Mary had a few questions/comments:

  • Where are we on the Planning Commission consideration of 15,000 sq ft concerns of the BOA?  City Clerk Gwen indicated they were waiting on Bert Woods to finalize some recommendations to the building code so that the 15,000 sq ft issue is not the only reason for the meeting. (There is an expense for each meeting to include court reporter and attorney charges.)
  • What about renovations @ City Hall?  Gwen mentioned estimates have been received for $4,000 for Town Hall, and $6,000 for the rest of City Hall.  Gwen wanted feedback on the necessity of getting bids (funny her bos wouldn't know that ?).
  • Mary wanted to know if "we were doing something for Mike Henderson?".  Tanya mentioned a bench, Jerry mentioned the possibility of a tree and a plaque.  Mary stated "we would be remiss" if some kind of memorial wasn't put in place.   


Anonymous said...

Where Mary, are the other 'memorials' for all of the other deceased mayors? Maybe we could buy an ambulance in his honor.

Anonymous said...

AMEN !!!

Anonymous said...

GROW UP people... A man died, someone's son, someone's brother, someones dad, many's friend. Must you ALWAYS be so chldish with the snide comments. Have you really nothing better to do. Are your brains so small that you can't think of something nice to say. Did you mothers never tell you "if you have nothing nice to say about someone say NOTHING at all"
Regardless of WHAT some feel or don't feel he was a good human being who did do many GREAT things for this community (look at events to fund equipment for our police department) and deserves more respect than that