December 7
I was out of town (CVG) for the meeting, but never fear, I have second hand notes from the meeting for your reading pleasure and information.
Apparently there is a move afoot to replace trash service in the City. The Mayor is excited about the possibility of trashing the current provider, Allied Waste, with somebody else...KCMO (wow). In the preliminary stages, the Mayor is contemplating the next step, you guessed it...a Trash Committee. A combination of aldermen and citizens would vet the opportunities.
No word on who would head up the Committee, although common wisdom projects Mary Hoy as the natural pick...who else would have a better handle on garbage than Mary?
Isn't this getting a bit rediculous?? We personally don't even use Allied Waste. Just because the city uses them does not mean we as resident MUST use them. You can call around and see the prices. You are getting a better rate when the city does a contract, however it really shouldn't be so HARD as to need yet ANOTHER committee in this city of ours
The city is concerned that a few residents do not use trash pick up.
They are talking about adding a trash pick up fee on our water bill. Shouldn't this be our choice??
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Doesn't Kansas City have all sorts of restrictions on trash pickup . . . like a limit of two bags, additional bags are an extra cost, and no open trash? 8:32, do you have another pick up service?
The city wants to contract with a waste service and then charge each resident on their water bill.
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