County Commission Order #28-10
Outgoing Presiding Commissioner Betty Knight, along with fellow commissioners Dusenberry and Plunkett altered the manner in which new residential construction is assessed and taxed in the county on December 13th. It goes into effect on January 1st. A similar measure was brought before the Commission in 2006 and voted down. New construction will now be taxed upon occupancy removing the obligation on builders to pay taxes on unsold homes.Who cares right? Depends. The Kansas City Homebuilders Association pushed hard for the change according to an article in Landmark on December 16th. Attorney for the Association, Chris Byrd, claims builders have passed up building in Platte county in favor of Clay county because of the current taxing system. Byrd also said paying taxes on unoccupied homes was unfair because "no one was actually utilizing the services for which the taxes are paid".
Really? Last time I noticed our Police Department patrolled WestRidge, Public Works cleared snow up there and the City was obliged to treat the homes just like someone lived there.
More tomorrow.
1 comment:
I wonder if its who it is rather than what it is you object too.
But as I see it ..IDB and the GOP are going to disown you for getting sideways with the IDB and GOP Mantra
No.. not "deficits dont matter" its Mitch and Johnnys gift to millionares
All taxes are bad
Even if a builder makes millions we cant tax him too much .
Repeat after Frank Luntz . Small biz would hire more if saved from 3 % tax increase .
It would not be increased demand for goods and services that would drive new hiring but the 3 % tax reprieve will get the hiring going!
How is that theory working since the Bush tax cut?
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