Friday, December 10, 2010

Monumental Change?

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the Weatherby Lake BOA
Dec 7

There was discussion, led by Jerry, regarding the current status of the entrance monument project.  (You might recall the email that went to select individuals in the past month).  Apparently the three designers/architects, Dabner, Cantrell, Slaggie, will be meeting on the 13th to discuss the methods to "downsize the design".  (No, this will not be a public meeting in keeping with the current MO of doing the business of the project on the low-down).  A final plan may come to the BOA in February.

Alderman Finn asked about plans for the replacement of the monuments on Barry Road. The Mayor did the two step, surmising there might be two major entrances on each side of the lake.  Finn is a staunch advocate for using the $50 G's received from KCMO to replace the monuments removed during the Barry Road project.  Jerry mentioned he is sitting on two bills submitted for reason given why.

If you are on Mary's BOA notes list you will notice she has omitted the discussion regarding the monuments...odd? 


Anonymous said...

The whole thing is pretty much a joke, I don't care if all the money is donated, the extravagance is a bit embarrasing.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see someone questioning Bos. Kudos to Finn. Put a sign back on Barry and get on to more important things.

Anonymous said...

Well I believe it is 'signs' plural. It is shameful that Bos & Co are spending precious city time on this bulls..t! And then to find out they have squandered away the replacement money........ Their feet should be held very close to the fire that is going to ensue.