Monday, October 31, 2011
Missed It
Darn, I missed the Occupy KC protest march yesterday as documented on page A4 of today's KCStar. Oh well. If you feel the need to protest something, anything, there are plenty of opportunities. Take the link that follows. Clearly some people believe there is a huge injustice looming, so Free JP NOW! (Not sure she is incarcerated anywhere, but it sounds snappy and it sure reminds me of the Black Panther days...ok kids, you will have to Google that one if you are not "seasoned" like me.
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- Labor Joins Occupy Missouri (
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Occupy WL
Occupy Wall Street protesters are apparently expanding their demonstrations to WL on Nov 1st, coinciding with the monthly BOA meeting. Fat cats and high rollers beware (you know who you are) it could be a gnarly crowd next Tuesday night. I am planning to wear my 60's vintage bandanna as a symbol of solidarity with the protesters. I am hoping Kathy B does the same. We are the 99%!
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- Portland police arrest about 30 Wall Street protesters (
- Herman Cain: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Should 'Go Home And Get A Job And A Life' (
Friday, October 28, 2011
Road Update, Part 9
No I didn't attend yesterday's meeting at the CC regarding Barry Road, strangely I had a work commitment at 2PM (funny how that works). Apparently you had the same situation or you just weren't any event here is the scoop.
Contractors and county officials made up most of the meeting attendees. From WL, there was Vic, George and one private citizen, that's it. Commish Dusenbery breezed in late for a cameo, stayed all of maybe 10 minutes and vamoosed. She did take enough time to comment on what an inconvenience this has been for WL citizens (really?) and how we need to get the road done (really? again). Appropriate amount of angst was demonstrated and then poof, she was gone.
The real worker bees were left to discuss the details of the road work. Bottom line is this, Mother Nature can be our friend. The dry weather has allowed progress on the road and it is pedal to the metal. Who knows, it might finish ahead of schedule, which right now, is March of 2012.
Image by The Rocketeer via Flickr
Contractors and county officials made up most of the meeting attendees. From WL, there was Vic, George and one private citizen, that's it. Commish Dusenbery breezed in late for a cameo, stayed all of maybe 10 minutes and vamoosed. She did take enough time to comment on what an inconvenience this has been for WL citizens (really?) and how we need to get the road done (really? again). Appropriate amount of angst was demonstrated and then poof, she was gone.
The real worker bees were left to discuss the details of the road work. Bottom line is this, Mother Nature can be our friend. The dry weather has allowed progress on the road and it is pedal to the metal. Who knows, it might finish ahead of schedule, which right now, is March of 2012.
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- Mother Nature's A Little Hormonal Today - Singapore, Singapore (
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Bad Math
Kemper is going down, at least that seems to be the case as reported on TV today. Falling bookings, looming upkeep expenses and a facility that is well beyond its prime. Solution: Tear it down and build a replacement building. Small problem. The previous upgrades are still not paid for, so in effect, the building is "under water". Oops. The cost of maintaining the Kemp is around $1 million...annually.
The fix? Build a smaller venue that is aimed more at the Royal crowd with partial public funding, how much remains to be seen And P&L continues to underperform, another tax supported endevour. And KC is in a deep, dark financial hole.
In the meantime they (KCMO) promise upgrades to the lift stations at WL. Jerry says three to five years. Ok.
The fix? Build a smaller venue that is aimed more at the Royal crowd with partial public funding, how much remains to be seen And P&L continues to underperform, another tax supported endevour. And KC is in a deep, dark financial hole.
In the meantime they (KCMO) promise upgrades to the lift stations at WL. Jerry says three to five years. Ok.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Late To The Party
From an email update by Mary:
"Hi Mary,
Kathy Dusenbery wanted me to you know there will be a Barry Rd Project Progress Meeting on Thursday, October 27th, 2:00p.m. @ the Weatherby Lake Community Center.
Feel free to call if you have any questions. (858-3332)
That would be our Platte County Commissioner Kathy Dusenbery if you didn't know. The last time Kathy was seen in the vicinity of Barry Road was a cameo at the press conference held some three plus years ago when the BRB was closed. At that time she was a candidate for the commission. So it is odd at a time when Barry Road construction is winding down and the County portion is on or a bit ahead of schedule that Kathy would tell Mary about the "progress" meeting. Contrived?
Connecting the dots. The good ol girls network is alive and well. Well, maybe not good or old. In any event, Mary and Kathy are pals from way back, including Mary's part in the Dusenbery campaign for Commissioner. Political payback? Might be a stretch, but the filing for WL Mayor isn't that far off.
Nothing like a high profile event on a work day at 2PM to roil up the voters, right? I do not know if the rumors are true that Medicare Advantage plans are having a simultaneous event @ the CC (you can call Dana Babcock, the county admin at the number above).
One last thought. Mary needs to give an fyi to Kathy to insure she makes it to the meeting on time because: 1) You can't get there from here, Potomac is closed, 2) Hillside can be hazardous to your health, 3) the speed limit is 25 and strictly enforced @ Wl
"Hi Mary,
Kathy Dusenbery wanted me to you know there will be a Barry Rd Project Progress Meeting on Thursday, October 27th, 2:00p.m. @ the Weatherby Lake Community Center.
Feel free to call if you have any questions. (858-3332)
That would be our Platte County Commissioner Kathy Dusenbery if you didn't know. The last time Kathy was seen in the vicinity of Barry Road was a cameo at the press conference held some three plus years ago when the BRB was closed. At that time she was a candidate for the commission. So it is odd at a time when Barry Road construction is winding down and the County portion is on or a bit ahead of schedule that Kathy would tell Mary about the "progress" meeting. Contrived?
Connecting the dots. The good ol girls network is alive and well. Well, maybe not good or old. In any event, Mary and Kathy are pals from way back, including Mary's part in the Dusenbery campaign for Commissioner. Political payback? Might be a stretch, but the filing for WL Mayor isn't that far off.
Nothing like a high profile event on a work day at 2PM to roil up the voters, right? I do not know if the rumors are true that Medicare Advantage plans are having a simultaneous event @ the CC (you can call Dana Babcock, the county admin at the number above).
One last thought. Mary needs to give an fyi to Kathy to insure she makes it to the meeting on time because: 1) You can't get there from here, Potomac is closed, 2) Hillside can be hazardous to your health, 3) the speed limit is 25 and strictly enforced @ Wl
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Fast N Furious
You go fast, you might be furious.
7AM this morning.
KCMO motorcycle cop running radar, standing @ Forest and Barry.
Saw him too late to do anything.
Smile on my face.
I am in the passenger seat.
My 15 year old daughter is driving, and she follows the speed limits religiously...
So life is good.
Not so much for somebody who was pulled over on Forest getting "green stamps", driving a souped up Honda van (had to spice up the post a bit).
7AM this morning.
KCMO motorcycle cop running radar, standing @ Forest and Barry.
Saw him too late to do anything.
Smile on my face.
I am in the passenger seat.
My 15 year old daughter is driving, and she follows the speed limits religiously...
So life is good.
Not so much for somebody who was pulled over on Forest getting "green stamps", driving a souped up Honda van (had to spice up the post a bit).
Obsolete Sewers
Another KC Star Quote, from last Saturday's Op Ed page, Anita Leverich
"my thoughts naturally turn to poop", Ms Leverich observes as she described the 2.5 billion gallons of excrement that spill into the Kaw River each year.
That and World Toilet Day to be celebrated(?) on November 19th...mark your calendar. We have lots in common with her observations...KCMO/poop/KCMO's toilet/Weatherby Lake.
"my thoughts naturally turn to poop", Ms Leverich observes as she described the 2.5 billion gallons of excrement that spill into the Kaw River each year.
That and World Toilet Day to be celebrated(?) on November 19th...mark your calendar. We have lots in common with her observations...KCMO/poop/KCMO's toilet/Weatherby Lake.
Related articles
- Bells and whistles descend upon the throne (
- We all poop. We all live downstream. (
Monday, October 24, 2011
Give Me A Break
Page A4, today's KC Star
We're not the only ones afflicted with water main breaks, KCMO is suffering breaks galore from the cold weather (this past winter) and hot and dry now. They have identified 120 miles of mains to be replaced. "Aging water pipes" are the problem according to City Manager Troy Schulte.
What about WL...are there aging water pipes? The break noted yesterday is a reminder about a looming replacement need on Eastside...which goes hand in hand with the need for paving...can you say $?
Image via Wikipedia
We're not the only ones afflicted with water main breaks, KCMO is suffering breaks galore from the cold weather (this past winter) and hot and dry now. They have identified 120 miles of mains to be replaced. "Aging water pipes" are the problem according to City Manager Troy Schulte.
What about WL...are there aging water pipes? The break noted yesterday is a reminder about a looming replacement need on Eastside...which goes hand in hand with the need for paving...can you say $?
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- November is coming, and so is the cold weather ... (
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Not champagne, not crude, nope, cool clear water. That's what coming out the pavement just before you hit U Cove on Eastside. Me and Bubba making our Sunday around the block run came upon George putting up a few cones to mark the spot where water is running (at least it is going towards the lake). Sign of the times, drought with pipes on rock that is shifting makes for a break in the line.
Image via Wikipedia
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- My dance with an alligator (
Friday, October 21, 2011
Balanced City Budget
Last Tuesday the Mayor and BOA had a "budget workshop". Well, at least they were scheduled to have one, I had a conflict and could not attend. Did you go? Of course not. I can predict the outcome though, having mystical powers and wisdom beyond my years...not (I mean the powers and wisdom thing). My prediction though is absolute be it for one small fact. State law requires a balanced budget, so shazam, we do. Funny, a candidate in recent years boasted about balancing the budget...with a straight face no less. For the uneducated in the room it was a meaningful fact, to others, not so much.
The revenue and expenses for the City are very straightforward albeit a bit worrisome. We live on a narrow margin provided by property taxes and franchise taxes for the most part. I imagine there will be more discussion at the next BOA and Water hearing in November. Important stuff.
The revenue and expenses for the City are very straightforward albeit a bit worrisome. We live on a narrow margin provided by property taxes and franchise taxes for the most part. I imagine there will be more discussion at the next BOA and Water hearing in November. Important stuff.
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- A bit of the old, a bit of the new in Mayor Emanuel's first budget (
- Why it takes good taste to be a mystic... (
Thursday, October 20, 2011
On The Road Again
You may have received the recent update from Platte County regarding Barry changes to the predicted completion time of March 2012.
Last BOA, I made a comment and suggestions regarding Hillside Drive. As you WestSiders know, the closure of both Westside Drive and Potomac Ave have made Hillside the primary exit/entrance. You also know the trip can be challenging based on fellow drivers performance. I requested the City consider at least striping some of Hillside, especially from the base of the hill to and beyond the crest to help drivers stay in their lane. Have you experienced the same thing I have, cars coming at you in the middle of the road? I also asked them to consider no parking zones, at least temporarily, as vehicles in that problem area just make it worse. Finally I pointed out the precipice (ok, dropoff) just as you turn off Barry on to Hillside on your right. Winter snow/ice is likely to see a vehicle or two go over the side. George said he will be putting a curb in...we shall see.
Last BOA, I made a comment and suggestions regarding Hillside Drive. As you WestSiders know, the closure of both Westside Drive and Potomac Ave have made Hillside the primary exit/entrance. You also know the trip can be challenging based on fellow drivers performance. I requested the City consider at least striping some of Hillside, especially from the base of the hill to and beyond the crest to help drivers stay in their lane. Have you experienced the same thing I have, cars coming at you in the middle of the road? I also asked them to consider no parking zones, at least temporarily, as vehicles in that problem area just make it worse. Finally I pointed out the precipice (ok, dropoff) just as you turn off Barry on to Hillside on your right. Winter snow/ice is likely to see a vehicle or two go over the side. George said he will be putting a curb in...we shall see.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Oct 4
What is usually a one way conversation, Jerry highlighting the latest update to the Board, turned a bit interesting as Vic had a question about one line item. He asked Jerry why we were overspent in the Debt Service Fund (that being the debt service on the bonds). Jerry began the explanation by saying we "called more bonds than we thought" and "we didn't know how that would work". He went on to explain a" previous administration" believed the City was required to keep two years payments in reserve. Hizzoner did not mention who that was exactly, was it York, Henderson or Kendrick (my guess, none of the above)? Jerry must have a bit of amnesia because it was he and the BOA in the first year of his administration that the bond levy was set substantially higher than necessary. I pointed that out to the Mayor and BOA, in public comments, before they set the levy to no avail.
What caused Vic to ask the question in the first place? The debt service fund showed an "overspend" of $118,000 on the financials passed out to the BOA.
Oct 4
What is usually a one way conversation, Jerry highlighting the latest update to the Board, turned a bit interesting as Vic had a question about one line item. He asked Jerry why we were overspent in the Debt Service Fund (that being the debt service on the bonds). Jerry began the explanation by saying we "called more bonds than we thought" and "we didn't know how that would work". He went on to explain a" previous administration" believed the City was required to keep two years payments in reserve. Hizzoner did not mention who that was exactly, was it York, Henderson or Kendrick (my guess, none of the above)? Jerry must have a bit of amnesia because it was he and the BOA in the first year of his administration that the bond levy was set substantially higher than necessary. I pointed that out to the Mayor and BOA, in public comments, before they set the levy to no avail.
What caused Vic to ask the question in the first place? The debt service fund showed an "overspend" of $118,000 on the financials passed out to the BOA.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Fishing Club Needs Your Help
Sighting of this oversized crappie this weekend has spurred a request from the club for help from WL citizens. They need more bait in the hopes of landing the monster for the next All You Can Eat fish fry. Volunteers can contact any one of the officers of the club.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
What was I Thinking?
It must have been a "Freudian slip" in yesterday's post. Although it might be interesting to move the lift station between the Medill & Hoy properties, it probably isn't physically possible. What I meant to post was the "Eastside" which I guess is possible. We good?
Friday, October 14, 2011
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
October 4
Continuing on the same line as last post, Jerry gave an update on the KCMO " 3 year master plan" in regards to the lift stations. He mentioned "lots of discussion going on". although he didn't mention any specific parties. "We are on their intermediate, well short term budget". Apparently there is discussion of a backup generator that is powered by natural gas on the Eastside station and potentially posting a backup generator on Westside (you might recall the last big storm we had a double power failure on Westside causing poo to flow into the lake) Jerry mentioned the discussion included the possibility of moving the Westside station across the street. Nobody from WLIC was present to make a comment.
October 4
Continuing on the same line as last post, Jerry gave an update on the KCMO " 3 year master plan" in regards to the lift stations. He mentioned "lots of discussion going on". although he didn't mention any specific parties. "We are on their intermediate, well short term budget". Apparently there is discussion of a backup generator that is powered by natural gas on the Eastside station and potentially posting a backup generator on Westside (you might recall the last big storm we had a double power failure on Westside causing poo to flow into the lake) Jerry mentioned the discussion included the possibility of moving the Westside station across the street. Nobody from WLIC was present to make a comment.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Water, Water Everywhere
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
October 4
Public Works
George has tested all the fire hydrants in the City, found a few that needed some TLC. Reported some difficulty when trying to test, apparently some of the painters last summer did too good a job of applying the paint. If you noticed a fluctuation in water pressure, the water tower has been drained for its 3 year check-up.
George purchased 51 grinders from a city in WI @$150 a piece, apparently the city was doing a citywide replacement program. The storms and power outages in September boosted grinder service calls tremendously, around 50, up from the teens on a regular month. Part of the suspected problem is folks using water during the outage and then when the power kicks in it is throttle up on the grinders and sewer system. This is a public service announcement:
October 4
Public Works
George has tested all the fire hydrants in the City, found a few that needed some TLC. Reported some difficulty when trying to test, apparently some of the painters last summer did too good a job of applying the paint. If you noticed a fluctuation in water pressure, the water tower has been drained for its 3 year check-up.
George purchased 51 grinders from a city in WI @$150 a piece, apparently the city was doing a citywide replacement program. The storms and power outages in September boosted grinder service calls tremendously, around 50, up from the teens on a regular month. Part of the suspected problem is folks using water during the outage and then when the power kicks in it is throttle up on the grinders and sewer system. This is a public service announcement:
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Oct 4
Alderman Finn reported the fee for participation in the Household Hazardous Waste facility has increased...Don't get too aroused, it has gone from $1 per resident to $1.07 per resident which is paid for by the City...still quite a bargain to get rid of chemicals, old gas, oil, etc.
During the Community Center Report the Mayor noted the brisk business done in September. Ms Payne, in the audience, advised the BOA of the non-functioning AV equipment which has gone on for almost a year. There have been complaints from some renters.
Oct 4
Alderman Finn reported the fee for participation in the Household Hazardous Waste facility has increased...Don't get too aroused, it has gone from $1 per resident to $1.07 per resident which is paid for by the City...still quite a bargain to get rid of chemicals, old gas, oil, etc.
During the Community Center Report the Mayor noted the brisk business done in September. Ms Payne, in the audience, advised the BOA of the non-functioning AV equipment which has gone on for almost a year. There have been complaints from some renters.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
No News Is...
The Official Unofficial Minutes if the WL BOA
October 4
Entrance Advisory Group Committee Report
Last BOA Alderman Finn requested an update from the EAGC, Mayor Bos said he would have Jim Miller come to the BOA this month and deliver an update. Seems Mr Miller was on his way back from WI and was unable to be present, so Hizzoner filled in for the update
"Very little continues to be done"
"Hard to say" (when there will be something to report)
"Discussions of monuments for Eastside, Hillside and Forest"
"It will be a little while" (I believe Jerry was alluding to more news)
So there you have it, any questions?
October 4
Entrance Advisory Group Committee Report
Last BOA Alderman Finn requested an update from the EAGC, Mayor Bos said he would have Jim Miller come to the BOA this month and deliver an update. Seems Mr Miller was on his way back from WI and was unable to be present, so Hizzoner filled in for the update
"Very little continues to be done"
"Hard to say" (when there will be something to report)
"Discussions of monuments for Eastside, Hillside and Forest"
"It will be a little while" (I believe Jerry was alluding to more news)
So there you have it, any questions?
Monday, October 10, 2011
You Bug Me
It’s that time of year again! Please join us to “Count the Bugs” in Rush creek!
We will collect and identify macro-invertebrates (aka ‘bugs’) living in the Weatherby Lake watershed, in Rush Creek. By identifying and counting these organisms, we can help determine the water quality in the Creek, which is the main tributary to Weatherby Lake. Some ‘bugs’ are sensitive to pollution, and some are not. Therefore, the results can be used as indicators of the water quality. This information is collected twice a year, and is submitted to the Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources.
If you would like to help, please meet us at the Amity Park parking lot at 3:00 pm, on Tuesday, October 11th. Wear rain boots, or shoes to walk in the water. In the case of rain, we will re-schedule. Feel free to call WLIC for more information.
Weatherby Lake Improvement Company
7200 N.W. Eastside Drive
Weatherby Lake, MO 64152
Fax (816) 741-2081
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- How clean is a cows mouth (
- Contaminated Waters: Safe or Sorry (
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Copper & Cops
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
4 October
Okay, so I missed one more item from the Police Report. An unnamed vacant home was stripped of its copper (presumably pipe and wire). This is the 2nd incident in recent memory, the other up in WestRidge in a home being built. Wow. Two homes are being demolished this week in the city making way for new construction and both are being salvaged for materials...there is gold, well copper, in them thar hills.
Image by ahisgett via Flickr
4 October
Okay, so I missed one more item from the Police Report. An unnamed vacant home was stripped of its copper (presumably pipe and wire). This is the 2nd incident in recent memory, the other up in WestRidge in a home being built. Wow. Two homes are being demolished this week in the city making way for new construction and both are being salvaged for materials...there is gold, well copper, in them thar hills.
Related articles
- Copper Theft (
- Cops: Couple's copper theft for wedding netted $18 (
Saturday, October 8, 2011
The Ayes Have It
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Oct 4
The Historical Committee is down two members due to resignations (Skinner & Negrelli) so the Mayor wanted to promote alternate Charlene DeJong to a full member spot. Moved and 2nd to do the deed...but wait...could should Vic vote on an appointment for his wife? Alderman Hoy was not present, so with one person missing (and Don Hoy nowhere in sight) would an abstention by Vic cause a snafu (situation normal all fouled up)? City Attorney John to the rescue, pointing out it only needed a simple majority of the quorum present to pass (2/3). Charlene is now on the Historical Committee.
Image via Wikipedia
Oct 4
The Historical Committee is down two members due to resignations (Skinner & Negrelli) so the Mayor wanted to promote alternate Charlene DeJong to a full member spot. Moved and 2nd to do the deed...but wait...could should Vic vote on an appointment for his wife? Alderman Hoy was not present, so with one person missing (and Don Hoy nowhere in sight) would an abstention by Vic cause a snafu (situation normal all fouled up)? City Attorney John to the rescue, pointing out it only needed a simple majority of the quorum present to pass (2/3). Charlene is now on the Historical Committee.
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- March in Oakland marks 100 years of women voting (
Friday, October 7, 2011
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Oct 4th
Cover of Gone in 60 SecondsPolice Beat-Usually a ho-hum part of the meeting, especially because of the blackout regarding the case of the Maligned Trespasser until she goes to trial. Two situations noted by 2nd in command Mike sitting in for Chief Gary were of interest if not funny.
Gone in Sixty Seconds: A car was stolen from an open garage, now that doesn't happen very often. The vehicle apparently was recovered on the east side of Kansas City (remarkable there was more than the frame left). In any event, as the car was being inventoried a check book and drivers license (not the owner) were found...can you say evidence? (Chief Gary has mentioned time and again to keep garage doors closed-if you don't it is at your own peril)
Chivalry Lost: A theft of landscape stones was reported at C Point. Apparently a woman was observed helping herself while a male accomplice was at the wheel of the getaway car. No discussion of leads but I have my ideas...I would focus on residences where the woman of the house mows the lawn, I would expect a high correlation between that activity and lugging purloined pavers. Sorry about the profiling for those not guilty, but that is the kind of society we live in.
Oct 4th
Gone in Sixty Seconds: A car was stolen from an open garage, now that doesn't happen very often. The vehicle apparently was recovered on the east side of Kansas City (remarkable there was more than the frame left). In any event, as the car was being inventoried a check book and drivers license (not the owner) were found...can you say evidence? (Chief Gary has mentioned time and again to keep garage doors closed-if you don't it is at your own peril)
Chivalry Lost: A theft of landscape stones was reported at C Point. Apparently a woman was observed helping herself while a male accomplice was at the wheel of the getaway car. No discussion of leads but I have my ideas...I would focus on residences where the woman of the house mows the lawn, I would expect a high correlation between that activity and lugging purloined pavers. Sorry about the profiling for those not guilty, but that is the kind of society we live in.
Related articles
- Did I close the garage door? (
- Garage Door Selection: Protecting Your Family and Possessions (
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Steve RIP
A short time out from WL news to reflect on news of the day, the death of Steve Jobs. Beginning yesterday there has been a steady flow of info regarding his life. The remarkable thing about him,to me, is how his life story is patently an American success story. Despite big odds against him at birth and continuing throughout his life he persisted. Our family has done our part to contribute to Apple's success...because we like their products and their customer service, in our experience, is legendary.
Here's to hoping visionaries like him continue to push the envelope on innovation, and creation. We need it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Here's to hoping visionaries like him continue to push the envelope on innovation, and creation. We need it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
A Senior Moment
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
October 4th
Experts in the field, the BOA passed a resolution declaring October Senior Citizens Month. Marte Zirschky, senior citizens advocate in Platte County, advised the BOA of a Platte County Senior Citizens Fair (tomorrow Thursday the 6th) at the Riverside Community Center from 8:30 to 11:30 AM. There will be exhibits and booths with no admission fee.
More info:
October 4th
Experts in the field, the BOA passed a resolution declaring October Senior Citizens Month. Marte Zirschky, senior citizens advocate in Platte County, advised the BOA of a Platte County Senior Citizens Fair (tomorrow Thursday the 6th) at the Riverside Community Center from 8:30 to 11:30 AM. There will be exhibits and booths with no admission fee.
More info:
Related articles
- The Perks of Growing Older (
- The Hyperactive Senior Citizen (
A Serious Mistake
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
October 4
"Last year we made a serious mistake" Mayor Jerry Bos
Using the imperial "we" Jerry fessed up to what had been documented here more than a few times, the Mayor and BOA failed to pass along rate increases levied by KCMO for water and sewer. Actually it's worse than Jerry described, they have opted to stand firm on water despite two years of increases. Oh, well. A hearing that was scheduled October 27th won't happen because the required 30 day posting didn't get done, so the BOA rescheduled the hearing for November 14th, 6PM at City Hall. Should be a short meeting. Take your last bill, multiply by 20% and you can set your household budget, the only thing that needs to be set is the effective date.
Vic attended a Midwest Association Program on Water recently, where some of the participants bemoaned the fact they failed to pass along water increases and were now in financial trouble. During the Financial report Jerry alluded to the weakened condition of Water and Sewer, although it is difficult to tell exactly because they do not pass out copies of the financials to the public attending the BOA (that would be all six of us).
October 4
"Last year we made a serious mistake" Mayor Jerry Bos
Using the imperial "we" Jerry fessed up to what had been documented here more than a few times, the Mayor and BOA failed to pass along rate increases levied by KCMO for water and sewer. Actually it's worse than Jerry described, they have opted to stand firm on water despite two years of increases. Oh, well. A hearing that was scheduled October 27th won't happen because the required 30 day posting didn't get done, so the BOA rescheduled the hearing for November 14th, 6PM at City Hall. Should be a short meeting. Take your last bill, multiply by 20% and you can set your household budget, the only thing that needs to be set is the effective date.
Vic attended a Midwest Association Program on Water recently, where some of the participants bemoaned the fact they failed to pass along water increases and were now in financial trouble. During the Financial report Jerry alluded to the weakened condition of Water and Sewer, although it is difficult to tell exactly because they do not pass out copies of the financials to the public attending the BOA (that would be all six of us).
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Eagle Eye
Leave it to one of the readers to catch a mistake. The post on hazardous waste (taken from the City website) had a glaring error. The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility on 4707 Deramus does not need an appointment to drop off the stuff. End of season old gas, paint, problem, no appointment. Weatherby Lake pays an annual fee to participate, so take your id.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Jack It Up
"We therefore plan to raise our rates about 20%. I know this is troublesome but necessary. Kansas City had unusually low water and sewer rates for many years, something their City Council insisted on. Now they are forced with an estimated $2.6 billion expenditure to get into compliance with their consent decree with the EPA. So increasing rates from Kansas City are here to stay for years to come"
Mayor Jerry Bos
What can I say? If you have followed postings here, I have mentioned the puzzling lack of action on the part of the Mayor and Aldermen. I have brought this to their attention during public comments at BOA meetings on a number of occasions. They have been well aware of the rate increases the past two years KC has passed along to WL but failed to increase rates to city subscribers. Result? Dwindling reserves. Now Bos says, "we don't have a lot of choices". Brilliant. Classic mismanagement and you don't have to be a CPA to figure this one out. There will be a pro forma rate increase hearing later this month, which should last about 5 minutes. All fingers from the Mayor and Aldermen will point to KC, giving perfect cover for their malaise.
Mayor Jerry Bos
What can I say? If you have followed postings here, I have mentioned the puzzling lack of action on the part of the Mayor and Aldermen. I have brought this to their attention during public comments at BOA meetings on a number of occasions. They have been well aware of the rate increases the past two years KC has passed along to WL but failed to increase rates to city subscribers. Result? Dwindling reserves. Now Bos says, "we don't have a lot of choices". Brilliant. Classic mismanagement and you don't have to be a CPA to figure this one out. There will be a pro forma rate increase hearing later this month, which should last about 5 minutes. All fingers from the Mayor and Aldermen will point to KC, giving perfect cover for their malaise.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
November 10th
The saga of the Maligned Trespasser stretches out a bit longer. Scheduled court date, with visiting judge in tow will be November 10th. This provided as a public service just in case you had cleared your calendar anticipating Court this month on the 13th.
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Saturday, October 1, 2011
Clean Up Your Act
No excuses today, two spots you can take that stuff in your garage or attic, hazardous or not:
HHW-Hazardous Household Waste Mobile in Riverside today
Platte County Clean Up
HHW-Hazardous Household Waste Mobile in Riverside today
Platte County Clean Up
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