Contractors and county officials made up most of the meeting attendees. From WL, there was Vic, George and one private citizen, that's it. Commish Dusenbery breezed in late for a cameo, stayed all of maybe 10 minutes and vamoosed. She did take enough time to comment on what an inconvenience this has been for WL citizens (really?) and how we need to get the road done (really? again). Appropriate amount of angst was demonstrated and then poof, she was gone.
The real worker bees were left to discuss the details of the road work. Bottom line is this, Mother Nature can be our friend. The dry weather has allowed progress on the road and it is pedal to the metal. Who knows, it might finish ahead of schedule, which right now, is March of 2012.
Where was Mary? She made such a big deal about the meeting but was a no show. Maybe she knew it was a waste of time?
Jerry was not there ? You mean it might have not been nice?
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