Sunday, January 8, 2012

Police Bus-ted

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Jan 3rd

Police Report
Chief Gary responded to a question from the public regarding the outcome of the request for purchase of new police radios (a special BOA meeting was held to authorize the purchase).  He had requested 8 portable radios and three mobile radios, the BOA approved 8 portable radios and 1 mobile radio.  Gary said he would "try to get by" with the one mobile as opposed to the three he had requested.

Puzzling.  The BOA/Mayor had set aside $75,000 last year for the purchase of the radios.  The Chief had projected the cost of his request at $49,500 and the actual cost came in at $47,000.  He  found a mobile model with less features costing $3,700 rather than the original $6,500 per radio.  So what is the deal?  It can't be money, the purchase cost is substantially below money set aside.  The BOA popped what will be an extra $13,000, not budgeted, for the purchase of a Public Works truck...with virtually no discussion.  The Mayor, Gary's boss, remained mum during the explanation of the radios by Gary.

As you know, we don't have bus service in WL...but if we did, it appears Chief Gary would be seriously lodged beneath one.
English: A picture of a bus take it in the cit...
Image via Wikipedia
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yet it's ok to spend $26K for a pieces of paper with nice little pictures of entrance monuments that can't be built. It's a puzzlement.