Friday, October 19, 2012

Death and Taxes

Wall Street Journal, October 18
"The Best and Worst U.S. Cities for Travel Taxes"
Tax (Photo credit: 401(K) 2012)

You may not realize it because most of us never stay at a hotel in Kansas City, but KC ranks # 4 (worst) when it comes to add on taxes to hotel room rates, rental car, and meals.  The recent survey showed that on a room rate of $103.45 the total additional taxes added on are $34.58 (yikes, do the math, that is +30%!).  Business travelers become acutely aware of the impact, especially when travel budgets are tight.  The survey also indicated 19% of travelers change their travel plans because of high taxes.  Who is the baddest?  Chicago, followed by New York, and Boston.  Well, at least we are big league in something.  Death?  A sure way of opting out an all the above.

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