2 October
The hoo-haa surrounding the budget discussion centers on the proposed water/sewer rate increase. The notice, and the rates, can be found here:
Our rates are calculated on tiers based on use, as Jerry described the basic rate as "the same if you use one drop or a million drops". Rather than get into all that and to determine if you might be a candidate to "go berserk" (Vic) you can do a ballpark on the effect of the proposed water/sewer rates. Just haul out your latest bill or two (be mindful the last couple probably represent max use because of the drought, if you water the lawn or plants) and do the math. No biggie? Cool, water in that grass seed. Need Pepto? You might want to consider coming to the public hearing for the rate increases on Tuesday, November 6th, at 6:30PM, City Hall (I know, the notice says Monday, that is a typo).
My assumption is our out-of-city customers may need the Pepto, their rates are getting a substantial jack. Unless they read the blog their first post-increase bill might in fact cause them to go postal...I mean berserk.
(Old) Jackson County Insane Asylum (Photo credit: jimmywayne) |
BTW-WL Yard waste collection starts today @ 7:30 to 3:30, City Hall, continuing Saturday & Sunday.
Something seems wrong here, I thought Bos was some financial wiz, guess not.
He is a wiz at staying out of jail, keeping ill gotten gains, and getting elected mayor while hiding his criminality to the clueless voters.
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