Friday, January 18, 2013

Back At It

pardon (Photo credit: catadioptre)
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Jan 17th

Pardon the interruption, was on mountain duty in CO until last evening, but did return in time to attend the BOA.  A full accounting of the meeting will be had right here, so come back (again and again) for the scoop.

April Election and Candidates

Filing for City offices closed on the 15th and assuming all candidates have/will be certified the ballot will have:

City Judge:
Larry Maher

West Ward:
Patrick Botbyl

East Ward:
Ron Surma
Brian Stevenson

Aldermen Hoy and Folkedahl have elected not to run, meaning the BOA will have some new faces.  It has been a while since there has been a contested race.  The West and Judge look set unless a dark horse appears as a write-in.

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Anonymous said...

I am hoping the city or someone would host a candidate forum. regardless of of being opposed or not, I would like to be able to ask questions and hear responses to questions of others.

Mack Daddy said...

When do we get to nominate a new police chief that weighs less than 250 pounds?

I'm focused on the zebra mussels, but now that Barry Road is fixed, let's start focusing on the big issues now.

When can we start building more entrance monuments?

While we are having a discussion, please turn in your guns.

Your concerned Weatherby Lake Citizen,
Mack Daddy