Monday, January 21, 2013

Road Kill

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 17th

During Mayor's Comments, Jerry gave a summary of recent activities by the Platte County Mayors, Commissioners, Road District officials.  The 3/8 cent County Road tax is due to sunset in the fall and there was some doubt in the past that the issue would make it back to the ballot based on comments by some of the Commissioners.  Two new Commissioners (Roper and Soper) as well as a possible shift in thinking for Presiding Commissioner Brown assure the vote by the Commission tomorrow of placing the issue before County voters in November.
Tax (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)

A failure to place the issue on the ballot would put WL in a real pickle regarding the construction and maintenance of roads in WL.  Today's KC Star Editorial recognized the situation as critical.  So with the ballot issue resolved the focus will be placed directly on the voters in the county.

Mayor Jerry observed the last tax issue on the ballot, the Parks and Rec tax, barely passed in WL (the right call by voters here challenging the wisdom of the tax which many saw as being excessive).  Apples and oranges in my estimation, hopefully WL citizens will recognize the importance of the Road Tax vote.  In any event, there will be plenty of publicity as the November election rolls around.

To be continued.
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Anonymous said...

Naym Uarell said...

Off topic - but this video is really interesting exchange by City Council - some folks here might find it interesting.

Anonymous said...

Go Beverlee!